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1、七年级英语上册单词表序号单词音标词意单元例句1junior high/du.ni.r ha/n.初级中学7ASI am in junior high school now.2ready/red.i/adj.准备好的7ASAre you ready for the test?3textbook/tekst.bk/n.教科书,课本7ASDont forget tobringyour English textbook4forget/fet/v.忘记,遭忘7ASI always forget my homework at home5pack/pk/v.(把.)打包7ASI need to pack m

2、y bag for school6eraser/re.zr/n.橡皮7AsShe needs an eraser to correct the mistake.7history/hs.tr.i/n.历史7ASHistory is my favorite subject8geography/di.r.fi/n.地理7ASWe study different countries in geography class.9biology/bal.di/n.生物7ASIn biology,we learn about plants and animals.10physics/fz.ks/n.物理7ASP

3、hysics helps us understand how things move11information technologyn.信息技术7ASWe use computers in our information technology class12chemistry/kem.stri/n.化学7ASI have two chemistry lessons in a week.13jacket/dk.t/n.来克7ASYou can wear a jacket when its cold.14red scarf/red skf/n.红围巾7ASShe wears a red scarf

4、 in winter.15jeans/dinz/n.生仔树7ASI like to wear jeans on the weekend.16hat/ht/n.帽子7ASHe always wears a hat outside.17T-shirt/ti.t/n.T恤(衫)7ASMy favorite T-shirt is blue.18grey/re/adj灰色的7ASHer new backpack is grey.19uniform/ju.n.fm/n.制7ASWe wear a school uniform every day.20future/fju.tr/adi未来的7ASI wan

5、t to be a doctor in the future.21passage/ps.d/n.文章7ASPlease read the passage and answer the questions22teaching building教学楼7ASThere are three floors in our teaching building23dining hall/da.n hl/食堂7ASThe dining hall is in front of the library24volunteer/vl.ntr/n.志愿者7ASThey give up their free time to

6、 do volunteer work25around/rand/adv.到处,四处7ASThere are many trees around the school.26follow/fl./v.跟随7ASPlease follow the rules in class.27lab/lb/n.实验室7ASThe lab is for science28hold/hld/v.召开,举行7ASShe can hold her breath for along time29event/vent/n.活动7ASThe school held a sports event last weck30deli

7、cious/dl.s/adj.美味的7ASThe cake my mom made isdelicious.31join/dn/v.参与.加入7ASI want to join the baskctbal team32club/klb/n.俱乐部7ASShe is a member of the chess club.33life/laf/n.生活7ASSchool life is fun and exciting34introduce/n.trdjus/v.介绍7ASLet me introduce my friend to you35yourself/jself/pron.你自己7ASPl

8、ease introduce yourself to the class36everyone/ev.ri.wn/pron.每个人7ASEveryone in the class likes the new teacher37holiday/hl.de/n.假期,休日7ASWe go to the beach during the summer holiday38enjoy/nd/v.喜欢,享受7ASI enjoy playing soccer with my friends39nervous/n.vs/adj神经紧张的7ASHe feels nervous before the exam40c

9、lassmate/kls.met/n.同班同学7ASMy classmate helped me with my homework41hobby/hb.i/n.爱好7ASMy hobby is readingbooks42organise/.naz/v.组织,策划7ASWe need to organise a birthday party43need/ni:d/v.需要7ASYou need a pen to write the exam44snack/snk/n.小吃,点心7ASI like to eat a snack after school.45activity/ktvti/n.活动

10、7ASOur favorite activity is playing basketball46decoration/dekre()n/n.装饰物7ASThe classroom decoration looks nice47balloon/blun/n.气球7ASWe have many balloons for the party48leaf/lif/n.叶,叶子7ASA green leaf fell from the tree49grow/r/v.成长,长大7ASPlants need water and sunlight to grow50paint/pent/v.(给.)涂颜料7A

11、SWe can paint pictures in art class51star/sta:rt/v.创办:建立7ASThe class will start at 8 oclock.52better/bet(r)/adj.更好的7ASShe is better at math than I am53plan/pln/n.计划7ASWe plan to visit the zoo next weekend54complete/kmplit/v.使完整7AU1Please complete the cxercise before class ends55without/wat/prep.缺乏:没

12、有7AU1You cant go to school without your uniform56sentence/sentns/n.句子7AU1Write a sentence using this word57mistake/mstek/n.错误7AU1Its okay to make a mistake,just try again58polite/plat/adj.有礼貌的7AU1Its important to be polite to others59mind/mand/n.头脑:思想7AU1Do you mind if I sit here?60hers/h3:z/pron.她的7AU1This book is hers, not mine.61dry/drai/adj.干的,干燥的7AU1The clothes are dry now.62meaning/min/n.意义;意思7AU1Can you explain the meaning of this word63fact/fkt/n.事实:真相7AU1Its a fact that the Earth orbits the Sun64in fact/in fkt/事实上7AU1In f



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