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1、Unit 1 May I Speak to Kitty?重点知识(一)单词:speak to与.交流mobile phone手机phone call Internet互联网;网络 go on the Internet上网 send送;发送 send a message发短信 read an e-book读电子书 电子 send an 发电子 Out不在家 take a message留言 think about考虑(二)词组与句子:1、What do you think is the most useful?你认为什么是最重要的?2、May I speak to.?我可以和谁通话吗?3、Sor

2、ry,Kitty is out.抱歉,kitty出去了。Can I take a message?我可以捎个口信吗?4、This is.我是. This is.speaking5、Could you please ask Kitty to call me?你能让kitty给我打个吗?6、ask sb to do sth让某人做某事。7、Ill tell her when she comes back.她回来的时候我将告诉她。8、Is that Liu Zhaoyang?你是吗?9、Who is that?你是谁?10、Where did you go this morning?今天早上你干什么

3、了?I1、I went shopping with my mom.我和我的妈妈购物了。12、She bought me a mobile phone.她给我买了一部手机。buy sb sth/buy sth for sbI will use it to make phone calls and send messages.我将用它打和发信息。13、use sth to do sth 用某物做某事。14、I hope to have a mobile phone,too.我也希望有一部手机。hope to do sth希望做某事15、Im afraid you cant.恐怕你不能。16.Mob

4、ile phone are very useful.手机非常有用。17、It takes too much time and its bad for their eyes.它花了太多的时间,而且对眼睛不好。18、One.the other一个.另一个19、.What a fine day!多好的一天!Unit2 What Would You Like?(一)单词:a bowl of一碗 a plate of 一盘 a glass of一玻璃杯 a bottle of一瓶 a cup of一茶杯 a piece of一片;一块; anything任何东西 else别的;其他的 take up拿起

5、 address地址;住址 knife刀(复数knives)Bye the way顺便说一下Chopticks(筷子) fruit salad(水果沙拉)(二)词组与句子:1、welcome to欢迎来到.2、What would you like to eat?你想吃点什么?Wed/Id like.我想要.3、What kind of noodles would you like?你想要什么种类的面条?Would you like something to drink?你想要喝点什么?4、Anything else?还要其他的东西吗?No,thanks./Yes,please.5、Pleas

6、e wait a minute.请稍等。Please wait a moment6、用语:This is.我是.7、How much are they?他们多少钱?How much is it?它多少钱?(三)语音知识:ow /au/ how now brown flower cow down town power/ / know snow grow bowl row show blow throwUnit 3 Whos That Man?重点知识(一)单词:pupil小学生 actor演员 singer歌手reporter记者 scientist科学家 police警方;警察police o

7、fficer警官 player运动员 set up建立;建造a hope school一所希望学校 past过去的 grassland草原age年龄 at the age of.在.岁时 lose失去 difficult困难的(二)词组和句子:1.What is.? She/He is.他/她是一名.Unit 4 At the Sports Meeting.重点知识(一)单词。meeting会议;聚会 have a sports meeting举办一场运动会throwing投掷运动 meter米 race比赛100-meter race100米赛跑 long jump跳远 high高;高的hi

8、gh jump跳高 running race赛跑 take part in参加;参与anyway无论如何 guess猜测wish 祝福;祝愿(二)词组与句子1、What are you good at?你擅长什么?be good at 擅长.2、How often do you play it?你多久玩一次?How often对频率进行提问3、You look tired.你看起来累。4、We had the school sports meeting yesterday.昨天我们举办了校运动会。5、What sports did you take part in?你参加了什么?6、.Did

9、you win?你赢了吗?7、I was the first in the 100-meter race.一百米比赛我是第一名。 8、I lost it.我输了。Lose-lost9、The weather was fine and the pupils were excited.天气很好,学生们很兴奋。10、Our class did very well in the sports meeting.我们班在运动会上做的很好。11、do well in在某方面做得好。12、Who won the race finally?最后谁赢了? Win-won 13、best wishes最美好的祝福。

10、14、Wed better play sports every day.我们最好每天做运动。had better do sth 最好做某事Unit 5 What Is He Like重点知识(一)单词。clever聪明的;机灵的 outgoing开朗的;外向的shy害羞的;向的 kind和蔼的;温和的friendly有好的 hard-working努力的 serious严肃的;认真的 lazy懒惰的;认真的easy容易的;简单的 understand理解;明 白Ms.女士 Mrs.夫人 Mr先生 teach教teacher老师 without无;没有smile微笑 get变;变得(二)词组与句

11、子:1、touch your nose摸你的鼻子 2、He is kind to us.他对我们很好。3、Whats your /her/his favorite subject?你/她/他最喜欢的科目是什么?My/Her/His favorite subject is.4、Why do you like it?你为什么喜欢它?Because I.因为.5、Who谁?Whose谁的?6、What is he/she like?他/她怎么样?7、He always tries to make Math easy to understand.他总是试图使数学容易让我们理解。try to do st

12、h试图做某事 8、What do you think of her/him?你认为他/她怎么样?think of 认为.思考.9、She is a little serious.她有一点严肃 10、She teaches very well.她教得非常好。11、get up late起得迟 12、He ran to the school bus without breakfast.他没有吃早饭就跑到学校。13、He got to the classroom at 8:00 oclock. 8:00他到达教室。14、.What a hard-working boy!多努力的一个孩子啊!(三)语音

13、知识wh when wh who ph photo P42Unit 6 A School Sale重点知识(一)单词。sale卖;拍卖 (buy买)notebook笔记本magazine杂志 glue胶水 storybook故事书model plane飞机模型 toy car 玩具小汽车 scissors剪刀sell卖;出售 money钱 before在.之钱(after在.之前)bring带来 and so on等等(二)词组。1、a pair of scissors一把剪刀two pairs of scissors两把剪刀(a bowl/plate/glass/bottle/cup/pie

14、ce of.)2、do with处理3、a school sale学校义卖 4、give sth to sb (give sb sth) 把某物给某人5、many kinds of.许多种类的.6、bring sth to sw把某物带到某地7、want sb to do sth想让某人做某事 want to do sth想做某事8、the first time第一次9、do well 做得好10、on Childrens Day 在儿童节11、on the playground 在操场上(三)句子。1、There will be a sale at our school.我们学校将有一场义卖There will be+名短+介词短语 某处将有.2、Where shall we have it?我们在哪里举办 3、when什么时候 4、What will you sell?你将要卖什么?5、Will there be many pupils?将有学生吗? 6、What shall we do with the money?我们将怎样处理钱?7、We will give the money to the poor pupils in the m


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