1、附录A 近几年来我市城市建设飞速发展,极大地推动了集中供热事业的进步。在建设大型集中供热站的同时,对于有条件进行改造的旧有供热站,扩大供热规模。增加供热面积,满足日益增长的供热需求是加快我市集中供热事业快速发展的一个重要方面。首先本文对原供热站锅炉房周围环境及改造工程的难度做了分析,提出了初步设计方案,并采取公众参与的方式,即对周围居民及居委会以问卷调查的形式,收集公众代表及相关部门代表对工程改造的意见,尽量减小对周围环境的影响,结果充分证明了此项工程的可行性。然后对锅炉房热力系统、设备等进行选型、设计,分析锅炉房运行管理问题,并针对运行中各种污染源的控制与管理提出了有效的措施。最后从能源合理
4、量分别计量供热的基础,即室内采暖系统必须具有可调节性。现就目前计量供热有以下几种主要方式及其特点分析如下。生产过程中可能对人体危害的主要设备是锅炉。为此,所选用的锅炉安全附件齐全、可靠,并严格遵守锅炉房设计规范及热水锅炉安全技术监察规程的规定进行设计。如:保证系统最高点不产生汽化,水泵定压值为0.4MPa-0.45MPaa循环水泵进出口总管间联有带止回阀的旁路,防止停电时对水泵造成冲击。停电时有自来水补水,P水管装有安全阀可泄压。锅炉房按丁类厂房,耐火等级为二级,抗震设防烈度为7度来设计,屋顶采用轻型屋顶。锅炉采用负压运行,防止烟气及火焰外喷,炉膛负压为一20一一40Pa.锅炉 除 渣 为湿式
5、重型链条除渣机,储于沉渣池,用单轨抓斗起重机装车,减轻工人劳动强度,煤场为封闭式,设有洒水栓,输煤采用埋刮板密封式输煤,不会影响工人身体健康。鼓 、引 风 机设减震架,进出口管上装挠性接头,避免噪声对人体的伤害。锅炉给水全部经过软化和除氧处理,处理后水质总硬度7毫克当量/升,溶解氧毛0.1毫克/升。锅炉房设有化验室,保证水质达标,避免损害设备,发生事故。锅炉安全保护装置和报警装置齐全:1)设有锅炉出口水温超温报警和联锁,循环水泵和炉排、鼓、引风机联锁。2)锅炉出口压力降低至热水汽化压力时与炉排、鼓、引风机联锁。照明:1)锅炉房、主控室、配电室等房间照度标准按工业企业照明设计标准GB50034-
6、92规定设计。2)主控室、配电室等除设正常照明外,还设有应急照明。3)对运煤廊、封闭煤场等照明灯具采用防爆和防尘灯具。电缆敷设:1)所有室内暗敷设动力与照明电缆均有钢管保护。2)电缆敷设时与压力水管、热力等保持足够的安全距离。(3)动力电缆和控制缆分开在不同桥架内敷设,防止干扰。附录In recent years, the construction of our city has developed quickly, which promotes greatly the central heating cause. To meet the heating demands continuousl
7、y, we will construct some large-size central heating stations, and at the same time we shall enlarge heating scale and areas of old heating station that have abilities to reform, which is very important for the rapid development of central heating cause in our city. Firstly, the paper analyzed the d
8、ifficulties of this reform project and surrounding environment of boiler room at this old heating station, puts forward initial design scheme. The author gets some opinion about project reform from delegates of local residents and related department by supplying questionnaires, and then lowers the i
9、nfluence of this project on surrounding environment. It is proved that this reform project is feasible. The author makes a thermodynamics system design of this boiler room and selects some equipment, analyzing a few questions about the running and management of boiler, brings forward some effective
10、means about control and management of all kinds of pollution sources. By analyzing the reasonable utility of energy sources, the author makes a conclusion that this reform project is profitable one which can improve living standard of local residents and has s long-term benefit for them.Domestic mea
11、surement heating heating system summary:At present develops the quick region boiler central heating, its superiority had been known generally, the relatively multitudinous small boiler room dispersible heating pattern, it has the energy conservation obviously, the occupying a land area of province,
12、reduces merits and so on dust noise haze pollution, main is may enhance boiler each tonnage the heating area, formerly heated other energy type restriction, basically all was does take the coal as the fuel, along with petroleum, natural gas unceasing development and electric power supply sufficient
13、as well as other energy, like the geothermy, nucleus heating and so on the appearance, caused each kind of energy to enter the heating profession possibly to become.Heats in the centralism in the foundation carries on heating using the local thermal power plant, is called the thermoelectricity payme
14、nt proportional to production to heat, this heating way namely has saves the energy, the improvement environment, also enhanced the heating quality merit.The geothermy took one kind of inferior goods mass energy source uses in heating heating to have the area slightly, the operating cost low, the re
15、sources comprehensive utilization income is big, the fund recycles the quick merit, was in particular minimum to the air pollution, improved the city atmospheric environment, the promotion production development, raised the lives of the people level, also had the high energy use factor, but as a res
16、ult of the geothermy condition limit, is added the part geothermy to exist the water temperature somewhat low and the corrosion serious and so on the questions, has hindered its development. Enters the market along with heating as the commodity, measurement heating becomes the inevitable trend.It is the socialist market economy development inevitable result.For many years, the tradition inevitably has had to measu