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1、2022年内蒙古自治区呼和浩特市师范大学附属实验学校高二英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The bell _ the end of the period rang, _ our heated discussion.A. indicated; interruptingB. indicating; interrupting C. indicating; interruptedD. indicated; interrupted考点:考查非谓语动词中现在分词的用法。参考答案:2. How did it that the secretary knew where we were?Maybe he h

2、ad been following us. Acome about Bcome acrossCcome offDcome round 参考答案:A3. -Im sorry. I _ at you the other day.-Forget itI was a bit out of control myself.Ashouldnt shout Bshouldnt have shouted Cmustnt shout Dmustnt have shouted参考答案:B4. _clearly in class, Mr. Smith raised his top voice to ask his s

3、tudents to stop chatting.A. Found not heard B. Found not hearing C. Finding not heard D. Finding not hearing参考答案:C5. -Matthew said that he was very _. How about Jack?-He was satisfied with Matthews _, and wanted the unpleasant business over.A. frightened; suggestion B. sorry; offerC. sorry; apology

4、D. pleased; request参考答案:C6. _ the figures in the form, and you will know people in this region are living a happy life.A. Comparing B.Compared C. To compare D. Compare参考答案:D略7. _ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home with a friend _ her.A. Being warned; accompanied B. Having warned; a

5、ccompanyingC. Warning; accompanyingC. Having been warned; accompanying参考答案:D8. _ the paintings of da Vinci, the Louvre Museum has more than 6,000 other European paintings, _ from the 13th century to the 19th century.A. Except; ranging B. Besides, ranged C. Except; ranged D. Besides; ranging参考答案:D略9.

6、 Sometimes our opinions differ _ what we choose to observe. A. which B. because C. because of D. since参考答案:C10. While watching television, . A. the doorbell rang B. the doorbell rings C. we heard the doorbell rings D. we heard the doorbell ring参考答案:D略11. How did you find your visit to the Summer Pal

7、ace yesterday? _. I got separated from my 80-year-old grandparents A. It couldnt be better B. I have no idea C. Good luck to me D. It couldnt be worse参考答案:D略12. Hes got himself into a dangerous situation _ he is likely to lose control over the car.A. why B. which C. while D. where参考答案:D13. He starte

8、d early _he could get there before nineA. in order that B. because C. so as to D. in order to参考答案:A试题分析:句意:他出发的很早为了他能够9点之前到那里。 in order that =so that+从句,为了,以便,引导目的或结果状语从句。题目缺少表示目的“为了”的短语,而B,because引导原因状语。且句中又有could,有些矛盾,可以说:He got there before nine because he started early .;so as to=in order to(+动词

9、原形)都是表示“为了”,表“目的”或“结果”,但是,它们不能接从句。故选A。14. Mr.White _ an expensive car, but now he goes to work by bike, because he helped an old man cross the road.A used to having B was used to have C used to have D would have 参考答案:C15. -Have you heard of a person in Qingdao who won a million in the lottery(彩票)?-A

10、 million! _we had won it.A. What if B. Only if C. What about D. If only参考答案:D24. Mrs. Smith is quite a(n) _ person; she often points out the shortcomings of her friends without considering how they feel. A. serious B. modest C. considerate D. outspoken 参考答案:A略17. With a videophone, we can hold the s

11、eminar at home in _ rather than in the smoky meeting room.A. return B. peace C. comfort D. charge参考答案:C略18. More highways have been built in China, _ it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A. making B. made C. to make D. having made 参考答案:A二、 短文改错19. Ladies and Gentlemen,May I

12、 pay your attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr White,he is from America. And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr White forgot his passport as well his wallet in Friendship Hotel where he had stayed. The manager of the hotel has just telephon

13、ed to tell him about it. The manager has been sent his secretary to bring the passport and the wallet here,and she will come sooner. Will Mr White go to gate of our airport and wait for your passport and wallet?She will arrive at about ten minutes.参考答案:Ladies and Gentlemen,May I pay your attention,please?Now we are looking for a passenger,Mr White,he is from have whoAmerica. And he is now leaving Beijing to America by Flight 2748.But we were told that Mr White for


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