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1、词词 汇汇 点点 睛睛句句 型型 透透 视视Unit4语法法课件件语语 法法 点点 击击used to的用法的用法 used to表示表示“过去常常;以前常常过去常常;以前常常”,用于描述过去,用于描述过去经常发生的动作或存在的状态。经常发生的动作或存在的状态。used to后跟动词原形。关于后跟动词原形。关于used to的用法,有以下三个考点:的用法,有以下三个考点:考点考点1 1:含有:含有used to的句型的句型肯定句:肯定句:I/You/We/They/He/She/It used to do 否定句:否定句:I/You/We/They/He/She/It didnt use to

2、do 一般疑问句及其回答:一般疑问句及其回答:Did you/we/they/he/she/it use todo? Yes, did./No, didnt. . 特殊疑问句:疑问词特殊疑问句:疑问词did主语主语use to do? 如:如:I used to be short when I was young. 我小时候个子矮。我小时候个子矮。I didnt use to walk to school. . 我过去不常走路上学。我过去不常走路上学。Did you use to have straight hair? 你过去是直发吗?你过去是直发吗?Yes, I did. 是的,我是。是的,

3、我是。Where did you use to live before you came here?你来这儿之前住在哪儿?你来这儿之前住在哪儿? 考点考点2: 2: 含有含有used to的反意疑问句,附加疑问部分用的反意疑问句,附加疑问部分用“didnt主语主语”。如:。如:He used to wear glasses, didnt he? 他过去戴眼镜,不是吗?他过去戴眼镜,不是吗? 考点考点3 3:used to do与与be used to doing used to do表示表示“过去常常过去常常”,used to后面必须跟动词原后面必须跟动词原形,而形,而be used to 是

4、是“习惯于习惯于”,表示某一客观事实或状态,表示某一客观事实或状态,不强调动作,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名词。是介词,后面接名词或动名词。get/become used to指从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变。另外,它往往包含指从不习惯到习惯这一过程的转变。另外,它往往包含着克服困难去适应的意思。如:着克服困难去适应的意思。如:I am used to the weather here. 我已经习惯这里的天气了。我已经习惯这里的天气了。You will soon get used to the weather here. 你不久就会适应这里的天气。你不久就会适应这里的天气。 实 战

5、演 练()1.Her son _ Coke, but now he _ milk.Aused to drink; is used to drinking Bused to drinking; drinks Cis used to drinking; used to drinkDis used to drink; is drinking()2.They used to go shopping together, _? Adidnt they Bwerent theyCdid they Dused they A A ()3.My uncle_ a businessman, but now he i

6、s a factory worker. Aused to being Bwas used to beCuse to be Dused to be()4.Did you use to be afraid of being alone?_. AYes, I used BYes, I useCNo, I did DNo, I didnt D D ()5.He used to wear white sports shoes, _? Awas he Bwasnt heCdidnt he Duse he ()6.Betty _ many friends to play with. Aused to have Buse to haveCused to having Duse to having C A ()7.Mary used to _ to work, but she is used to _ to work now.Ariding a bike; taking a busBriding a bike; take a busCride a bike; taking a busDride a bike; take a bus C



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