1、 Unit 6 When was it invented? Unit 6 When was it invented? Section A 3a-3cWhat will you do if you are really thirsty?Id like to drink these drinks. v v v v 喝喝喝喝 n. n. n. n. 饮料饮料饮料饮料Lead-inWhats the most traditional drink in China? What kinds of tea do you know? Green tea Black teaWu long teaScented
2、tea (花茶)(花茶) What are the effects (功功效效)of tea?1.Make you more beautiful 2.Help you lose weight 3.Make your mind clear Reading lRead the passage quickly and answer some questions according to the requests.Read the passage quickly and match each paragraph with its main idea.Paragraph 1 Lu Yu and his
3、book Cha JingParagraph 2 How tea spread to other countriesParagraph 3 How tea was invented by accidentTask 1Read the title and the first paragraph and answer:1. How was tea invented ?It was invented by accident. Task 2 2. When was tea first drunk?About 5,000 years ago.Read the 1st paragraph again an
4、d match them into sentences. The teawas first drunkabout five thousand years ago. Shen Nongwas boiling drinking water over an open fireSome leavesfell intothe waterThe rulerwas brave enoughto taste the brown waterTask 3 神神农农尝尝百百草草的的故故事事,在在中中国国古古代代汉汉族族神神话话传传说说及及中中国国神神话话传传说说中中非非常常精精彩彩。神神农农氏氏传传说说身身体体透透
6、陕交交界界传传说说是是神神农尝百草的地方,称为农尝百草的地方,称为神农架神农架山区山区。Read the 2nd paragraph and answer:1.Who is called “the saint of tea”?The book describes how tea plants were grown and used to make tea. It also discusses where the finest tea leaves were produced and what kinds of water were used. 2.What is Cha Jing about?
7、Lu Yu.Task 4Lu Yu and Cha Jing茶茶经经,是是中中国国乃乃至至世世界界现现存存最最早早、最最完完整整、最最全全面面介介绍绍茶茶的的第第一一部部专专著著,被被誉誉为为“茶茶叶叶百百科科全全书书”,由由中中国国茶茶道道的的奠奠基基人人陆陆羽羽所所著著。此此书书是是一一部部关关于于茶茶叶叶生生产产的的历历史史、源源流流、现现状状、生生产产技技术术以以及及饮饮茶茶技技艺艺、茶茶道道原原理理的的综综合合性性论论著著,是是一一部部划划时时代代的的茶茶学学专专著著。它它是是中中国国古古代代专专门门论论述述茶茶叶叶的的一一部部重重要要著著作作,推推动动了了中中国国汉汉族族茶茶文化的
8、发展。文化的发展。Read the 3rd paragraph and fill in the country and time.(When was tea brought to other countries?)teaKorea Japan England Western countries the 6th and 7th centuries 1660 the 19th century andToToToDuringTask 5 AroundInthe most popular drink最受欢迎的饮料最受欢迎的饮料 by accident 偶然偶然It is said that. 据说据说
9、boil drinking water 烧饮用水烧饮用水over an open fire 在户外的炉在户外的炉火上火上fall into the water 落入落入remain there for some time 在在那停留了一段时间那停留了一段时间the saint of tea 茶圣茶圣vImportant points Important pointsmake tea 沏茶沏茶It is believed that 人人们认们认为为 not . .until . 直直到到才才less than 少少于于take place 发发生生tea culture 茶茶文化文化without doubt 毫毫无疑问无疑问When is the best time to drink tea in a day ?Its best to drink tea an hour after eating.