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1、新概念第一册第99课知识When you hurt yourself suddenly,What interjection(叹词) will you shout?Ow! 哎吆 !Lesson 99Ow! 哎吆 !New words and expressionNew words and expression ow int. 哎呦slip(slipped, slipped) v. 滑到,滑了一脚fall(fell, fallen) v. 落下,跌倒; n. 秋天downstairs adv. 下楼 hurt(hurt, hurt) v. 伤, 伤害, 疼痛back n. 背stand up 起立

2、,站起来help v. 帮助at once 立即sure adj. 一定的,确信的X-ray n. X光透视 1.Whats the matter with Andy?2. Who will phone the doctor?3. Must Andy go to see the doctor?He slipped and fell downstairs.Lucy.No.The doctor must come and see him.1、fall downstairs 2、hurt oneself 3、try to do try doing 4、let sb. do sth. 5、be afr

3、aid 6、had better+动词原形原形 从楼上摔下来从楼上摔下来 伤着自己着自己 尽力,尽力,设法做法做 试着着尝试去干去干 让某人做某事某人做某事 害怕害怕 最好做最好做 7、at once 8、be sure立即立即 确信确信课文文讲解解Whats the matter, Andy? Whats the matter?=Whats wrong?=What happened? I slipped and fell downstairs.downstairs是副是副词,修,修饰fellfall off 从从跌落跌落昨天夜里,她的奶奶从床上摔下来。昨天夜里,她的奶奶从床上摔下来。Her

4、grandmother fell off the bed last night. fall out of 从从 里面里面 摔出去摔出去 那个可怜的女孩从窗那个可怜的女孩从窗户里摔出来了。里摔出来了。The poor girl fell out of the window. fall down 摔倒摔倒他他试图站起来,但是又摔倒了。站起来,但是又摔倒了。He tried to stand up, but he fell down again. Yes, I have. I think that Ive hurt my back.I think 后面接宾语从句(省略了that)Ive hurt m

5、y back. 做think的宾语。我想她己经上床睡觉了。I think that she has already gone to bed. 他认为他是正确的。He thinks that he is right.hurt做及物动词时,意为“伤到”;做不及物动词时,意为“疼”。他抬那个很重的箱子的时候伤到了腰,现在他腰疼。He hurt his waist when he lifted that heavy box. Now his waist hurts.Try and stand up. Can you stand up? Here Let me help you.and 连接两个动词上楼

6、来看一看吧 Come upstairs and see it.去买条新裙子吧!Go and buy a new dress. try to do 尽力,设法做 我设法把他找出来I try to find him out. 你应该尽力帮助她。You should try to help her. try doing 试着 他试着把真相告诉他的妈妈。He tries telling his mother the truth. Let sb do sth 让某人做某事 放 开他,让他走。Let him go. Im sorry, Lucy. Im afraid that I cant get up.

7、我恐怕会迟到。Im afraid that I will be late.恐怕明天会下雨。Im afraid (that) it will rain tomorrow.get up =stand up 站起来I think that the doctor had better see you. Ill phone Dr. Carter.had better do sth 最好她最好给她的妈妈打个 。Shed better call her mother now.phone the doctor = call the doctor 给医生打 The doctor says (that) he w

8、ill come at once. 她说她非常喜欢音乐。She says that she likes music very much.at once 马上,立刻 = immediately = right away,常用于一般将来时。Im sure (that) you need an X-ray. =Im sure (that) the doctor needs to X-ray your back. 明天我要去做一个颈部的X光透视。I will X-ray my neck tomorrow.Grammar :宾语从句从句她她说她冷。她冷。 他他认为他需要拍个他需要拍个X片片 我知道我能修

9、理我知道我能修理这部部车。 eg. 宾语从句在句中做从句在句中做宾语,一般用,一般用that引引导,但在口,但在口语中中经常常省略掉省略掉that。1、可用在、可用在say,think,believe,hope,know,understand等等动词后。后。 他他们认为他他们会会有更多的有更多的钱。 She says that she is cold. He thinks that he needs an X-ray. I know that I can repair this car. They believe that they will have more money. Grammar

10、:宾语从句从句 a.我确信你可以通我确信你可以通过考考试。 b.听到你生病了我很听到你生病了我很难过。 eg. 2、 可可 用用 在在 某某 些些 描描 写写 感感 情情 的的 形形 容容 词 后后 , 如如afraid,sure,sorry,glad等。等。 - I am sure that you can pass the exam.- I am sorry that you are ill. 3.宾语从句从句还可以由可以由when,where,what,why,how以及以及if和和whether来引来引导,而它,而它们在句中不能在句中不能省略,且省略,且宾语从句通常都从句通常都应以以陈述句的形式出述句的形式出现。主主语 +be adj./v. +if + 陈述句述句主主语 +be adj./v. +特殊疑特殊疑问词 +陈述句述句 我想知道你上周是否去了我想知道你上周是否去了伦敦。敦。-I want to know if you went to London last week.我我不知道你在不知道你在说什么。什么。-I dont know what you are talking about.



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