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1、专题专题1 名词名词专题专题1 1 名词名词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测名名词词的分的分类类能能够识别够识别可数名可数名词词与不可数名与不可数名词词,掌握其基本用法。掌握其基本用法。考考查词义查词义辨析及不可数名辨析及不可数名词词的用法。的用法。名名词词的数的数掌握可数名掌握可数名词词复数的复数的规则变规则变化和化和不不规则变规则变化及不可数名化及不可数名词词量化的量化的表示法。表示法。考考查查般名般名词词复数的构成及用复数的构成及用法;合成名法;合成名词词的复数的复数变变化化规规则则及及“数数词词名名词词形容形容词词”构成的复合形容构成的复合

2、形容词词中名中名词词的的变变化化规则规则及不可数名及不可数名词词的数的数量表达法。量表达法。名名词词所有格所有格掌握名掌握名词词所有格的构成及用法。所有格的构成及用法。 考考查查名名词词所有格的具体使用。所有格的具体使用。专题专题1 1 名词名词1名词分类名词分类 专题专题1 1 名词名词 提提示示 (1)(1)集集体体名名词词不不与与oneone连连用用,且且其其前前不不能能加加不不定定冠冠词词。如如:“一一名名警警察察”不不可可以以译译为为a a policepolice,但但可可以以译译为为a a policeman/a policemenpoliceman/a policemen。(2

3、)(2)名名词词的的词词义义辨辨析析包包括括语语境境辨辨析析和和近近/ /同同义义词词辨辨析析两两类类。解解答答这这类类题题目目时时,一一是是要要运运用用生生活活经经验验、知知识识积积累累,根根据据上上下下文文语语境境推推测测所所要要表表达达的的意意思思;二二是是要要正正确确掌掌握握一一些些同同义义词词或或者者近近义词义词的用法及区的用法及区别别。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例1 1】 What _ do you have for Paul? What _ do you have for Paul? I think he should study harder than before. I

4、 think he should study harder than before. A Anews Bnews BadviceadviceC Chelp Dhelp Dinformation information 解解析析 B B本本题题考考查查名名词词词词义义辨辨析析。newsnews意意为为“新新闻闻”;adviceadvice意意为为“建建议议”;helphelp意意为为“帮帮助助”;informationinformation意意为为“信信息息”。根根据据答答语语“我我认认为为他他应应该该比比以以前前更更努努力力学学习习”可可知知上上句表示句表示“你有什么建议给保罗你有什么建议给保

5、罗”。故选。故选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例2 2】 Mr. Li regards Hefei as his second Mr. Li regards Hefei as his second _ because he has been here for over twenty _ because he has been here for over twenty years.years.A Afamily Bfamily BHouse CHouse Croom Droom Dhomehome 解析解析 D Dfamilyfamily指指“家,家庭家,家庭”,强强调调家庭中的成家庭

6、中的成员员;househouse意意为为“房子,住宅房子,住宅”,强强调调房屋和居住点;房屋和居住点;roomroom指指“居住的居住的房房间间”; homehome作作“家家”讲时讲时,既指住,既指住处处也含有也含有对对家的依恋之情,家的依恋之情,有有“故故乡乡”的意思。句意:李先生把合肥的意思。句意:李先生把合肥视为视为他的第二故他的第二故乡乡,因,因为为他已在他已在这这里生活了二十多年了。里生活了二十多年了。 故故选选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词2 2名词的数名词的数 (1)(1)名词复数的规则变化名词复数的规则变化种种类类变变化方法化方法例例词词般情况般情况词词尾加尾加sbookb

7、ooksbagbags以以s, x, ch, sh结结尾的尾的词词加加esbusbuseswatchwatches以以“辅辅音字母音字母y”结结尾的尾的词词 变变y为为i,再加,再加escitycitiesfamilyfamilies以元音字母加以元音字母加y结结尾的尾的词词直接加直接加sdaydays boyboys 多数以多数以o结结尾的尾的词词加加sphotophotos radioradios 专题专题1 1 名词名词个个别别以以o结结尾的尾的词词加加esheroheroestomatotomatoespotatopotatoes 以以f或或fe结结尾的尾的词词变变f或或fe为为v,再

8、加,再加esknifeknives leafleaves lifelives 专题专题1 1 名词名词 (2)(2)名词复数的不规则变化名词复数的不规则变化种种类类例例词词改改变变名名词词单单数形式数形式中的元音中的元音字母字母footfeet; toothteeth; manmen; womanwomen; policemanpolicemen; policewomanpolicewomen; EnglishmanEnglishmen单单复数形复数形式相同式相同Japanese; sheep; Chinese只有复数形式只有复数形式trousers; glasses; clothes; pe

9、ople其他其他mousemice; childchildren 专题专题1 1 名词名词(3)(3)不可数名不可数名词词量化的表示法量化的表示法不不可可数数名名词词没没有有复复数数形形式式,如如果果表表示示复复数数概概念念,常常用用“数数词词量量词词( (复复数数) )ofof不不可可数数名名词词”结结构构。如如:three three pieces pieces of of music music 三首曲子;三首曲子; two cups of watertwo cups of water两杯水两杯水专题专题1 1 名词名词 提提示示 名名词词作作定定语语时时,一一般般用用单单数数形形式式。

10、如如:an an apple apple tree tree 一一棵棵苹苹果果树树;如如果果man, man, womanwoman作作其其他他名名词词的的定定语语,表表示示复复数数意意义义时时,man/womanman/woman和和被被修修饰饰的的名名词词都都要要用用复复数数形形式式。如如:two women doctorstwo women doctors两名女医生两名女医生“数数词词名名词词”作作定定语语时时,该该名名词词用用单单数数形形式式,并并用用连连字字符符将将数数词词和和名名词词连连接接起起来来;表表示示时时间间、距距离离的的定定语语还还可可以以用用名名词词的的复复数数形形式式

11、构构成成所所有有格格。如如:a a ten ten days days holidayholidaya a tentenday holiday day holiday 一个一个1010天的假期天的假期专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例3 3】 Could you take _ for these Could you take _ for these _? They are very beautiful.They are very beautiful.A Aany photos; tomatoes any photos; tomatoes B Bsome photos; tomatoes som

12、e photos; tomatoes C Csome photos; tomatos some photos; tomatos D Dany photoes; tomatoesany photoes; tomatoes专题专题1 1 名词名词 解析解析 B B句意:你能句意:你能为这为这些西些西红红柿拍一些照片柿拍一些照片吗吗?它?它们们很漂亮。本很漂亮。本题题考考查查photophoto和和tomatotomato的复数形式,前者的复数形式的复数形式,前者的复数形式直接在后面加直接在后面加s s;后者加;后者加eses。表示。表示请请求、建求、建议议或希望得到肯或希望得到肯定回答的疑定回答的

13、疑问问句中用句中用some, some, 故故选选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例4 4】 There are a lot of _ in the There are a lot of _ in the hospital. They work very hard.hospital. They work very hard.A Awoman doctor Bwoman doctor Bwomen doctorwomen doctorC Cwomen doctors Dwomen doctors Dwoman doctorswoman doctors 解析解析 C C句意:句意:这这家医

14、院里有家医院里有许许多女医生,她多女医生,她们们工作很工作很努力。努力。womanwoman修修饰饰其他名其他名词词,表示复数意,表示复数意义时义时,两个,两个词词都要都要变为变为复数形式。故复数形式。故选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例5 5】 Could I help you? Could I help you? Id like to have 100 _. I want my students Id like to have 100 _. I want my students to draw pictures on them.to draw pictures on them.

15、A Apiece of paper Bpiece of paper Bpieces of paper pieces of paper C Cpieces of papers Dpieces of papers Dpiece of papers piece of papers 解析解析 B Bpaperpaper为为不可数名不可数名词词,表示数量,表示数量时时,用,用“数数词词量量词词( (复数形式复数形式) )ofof不可数名不可数名词词”结结构。根据句意构。根据句意“我想要我想要100100张纸张纸”可知可知选选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词3 3名词所有格名词所有格 类类型型构成方法构成

16、方法例例词词有生命有生命的人的人或物或物单单数名数名词词的所有格在名的所有格在名词词的末尾加的末尾加sToms book,teachers desk复数名复数名词词的所有格直接在的所有格直接在s后加所有后加所有格符号格符号 ;个;个别别不以不以s结结尾的复数名尾的复数名词词在在词词尾加尾加sstudents books,Childrens Day表示两者所共有的人或物表示两者所共有的人或物时时,只需在,只需在后面那个名后面那个名词词的的词词尾加尾加s;若表示两;若表示两者各自所有,者各自所有,则应则应在每个名在每个名词词后加后加sLucy and Lilys room,Lucys and Li

17、 Mings fathers专题专题1 1 名词名词无生命的无生命的事物事物表示表示时间时间、国家、距离、世界等的名、国家、距离、世界等的名词词后一般加后一般加s,复数名,复数名词词在在s后加所后加所有格符号有格符号 Todays newspaper,Chinas population,Three minutes walk其他的用其他的用of结结构构The windows of the room,a map of China双重所有双重所有格格表示部分表示部分a friend of my mothers专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例6 6】 This is not my dictionar

18、y. Its _. This is not my dictionary. Its _. She lent it to me this morning.She lent it to me this morning.A Amy sister Bmy sister Bmy sistersmy sistersC Cmy sisters Dmy sisters Dmy sistersmy sisters 解析解析 C C句意:句意:这这不是我的不是我的词词典,它是我姐姐的,她今典,它是我姐姐的,她今天早晨把它借天早晨把它借给给了我。表所属关系用名了我。表所属关系用名词词所有格。根据主所有格。根据主语语s

19、heshe,可知,可知选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例7 7】 This is _ room. The twin sisters This is _ room. The twin sisters like it very much.like it very much.A ALucys and Lilys BLucys and Lilys BLucys and LilyLucys and LilyC CLucy and Lilys DLucy and Lilys DLucy and LilyLucy and Lily 解析解析 C C 句意:句意:这这是莉莉与露西的房是莉莉与露西的

20、房间间。这对这对双胞胎姐妹双胞胎姐妹很喜很喜欢欢它。根据句意可知,用名它。根据句意可知,用名词词所有格。由所有格。由roomroom和和itit可知可知这这间间房子房子为为两人所共有。故两人所共有。故选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词【典例典例8 8】 Mrs. Brown is an old friend of _. Mrs. Brown is an old friend of _. A AJack mother BJack mother BJack mothersJack mothersC CJacks mother DJacks mother DJacks mothers Jacks

21、mothers 解析解析 D D句意:布朗夫人是杰克的句意:布朗夫人是杰克的妈妈妈妈的一位老朋友。的一位老朋友。根据句意可知要使用双重所有格。故根据句意可知要使用双重所有格。故选选D D。 专题专题1 1 名词名词考点过关考点过关.单项单项填空填空( ()1. )1. 20142014安安徽徽More More and and more more people people come come to to visit Mount Huangshan.visit Mount Huangshan.Thats true. It has become the _ of Anhui.Thats true

22、. It has become the _ of Anhui.A Apride Bpride Befforteffort C Cpraise Dpraise DcouragecourageA A根据句意可知,黄山是安徽的根据句意可知,黄山是安徽的“骄骄傲傲”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()2. )2. 20132013安安徽徽What What is is Miss Miss Gaos Gaos favorite favorite _? She is always in pink. Dont you know?She is always in pink. Dont you know?A Ac

23、olor Bcolor BbookbookC Csong Dsong DmoviemovieA A根根据据答答语语中中的的“in in pinkpink”可可知知,问问句句应应该该是是询询问问高高老老师师最最喜喜欢欢的的颜颜色。故色。故选选A A。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()3)3. . 20132013合合肥肥5050中中模模拟拟How How can can I I get get much much _ about the 2016 Rio Olympic Games?_ about the 2016 Rio Olympic Games?Why not search the Inte

24、rnet?Why not search the Internet?A Amap Bmap Bpicture picture C Cticket Dticket Dinformation information D Dmuchmuch修修饰饰不不可可数数名名词词,而而A A、B B、C C三三项项均均为为可可数数名名词词。故故选选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ( )4. )4. 20132013合合肥肥包包河河区区二二模模The The weather weather is is getting worse.getting worse.Yes, Yes, and and it it sho

25、ws shows us us that that we we should should try try to to make make the _ better.the _ better.A Atreatment Btreatment Bdevelopment development C Cenvironment Denvironment Dgovernment government C C根据上句根据上句“天气糟糕天气糟糕”可知,可知,这这里指的是使里指的是使“环环境境”变变好。好。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()5.)5.What would you like, Madam?What w

26、ould you like, Madam?Id like _Id like _, please.please.A Atwo bottles of orange Btwo bottles of orange Btwo bottles of orangestwo bottles of orangesC Ctwo bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of oranges Dtwo bottle of orangetwo bottle of orangeA Aorangeorange作作“橙橙汁汁”讲讲时时,为为不不可可数数名名词词,表表示示数数量量时时,用用“数数词词量量词词

27、( (复数形式复数形式) )ofof不可数名不可数名词词”结结构。构。专题专题1 1 名词名词.单词单词拼写拼写根根据据首首字字母母及及汉汉语语提提示示,完完成成下下列列单单词词的的拼拼写写,使使句句意意明明确,确,语语言通言通顺顺。1 120142014安安徽徽We We feel feel it it is is our our d d _ _ ( (责责任任) ) to to help each other.help each other.2 220132013安安徽徽I I could could hear hear her her sweet sweet v_ v_ ( (嗓嗓音音)

28、 from the next room.) from the next room.utyutyoiceoice专题专题1 1 名词名词3 320132013安徽安徽Would you please make a shopping Would you please make a shopping l_ (l_ (清清单单) for the picnic?) for the picnic?4 420142014六安裕安区模六安裕安区模拟拟Mr. Green gave us some Mr. Green gave us some k_ (k_ (小刀小刀) to cut the apples.) t

29、o cut the apples.5 520142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模Students should have a good Students should have a good h_ (h_ (习惯习惯) of leaning English. ) of leaning English. ististnivesnivesabitabit专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()1. )1. 20142014抚抚州州You You look look so so young! young! How How old old are are you?you?Aha! Its a_Aha! I

30、ts a_A Asuggestion Bsuggestion Breasonreason C Csecret Dsecret Dproblemproblem语语法法专练专练C C问问句句询问询问年年龄龄,在西方国家年,在西方国家年龄龄被看作个人被看作个人隐隐私,故私,故选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()2. )2. 20142014沈沈阳阳I I am am just just going going to to the the _Do you want anything?Do you want anything?Yes, a bag of rice.Yes, a bag of ri

31、ce.A Amarket Bmarket BclassroomclassroomC Clibrary Dlibrary DparkparkA A根据答根据答语语中的中的“一袋米一袋米”可知可知应该应该是去是去“市市场场”。故。故选选A A。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()3. )3. 20142014河河南南You You may may go go to to Milan Milan for for a a free free trip.trip.Its Its a a very very kind kind _, but but I I really really cant cant ac

32、cept it.accept it.A Aexcuse Bexcuse BofferofferC Cpromise Dpromise DdecisiondecisionB Bofferoffer用作名用作名词词,意,意为为“提提议议”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()4. )4. 20142014泰泰安安I I hear hear you you have have to to get get up up early early every morning. every morning. Right. Its one of the _ of my family. Right. Its one

33、of the _ of my family. A Aplans Bplans BjobsjobsC Cprograms Dprograms Drules rules D D根根据据句句意意可可知知,起起床床早早应应该该是是“家家规规之之一一”。rulerule意意为为“规规则则”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()5. )5. 20142014杭杭州州I I am am tired. tired. This This is is not not the the right right _ to ask me to go for a walk._ to ask me to go for a wal

34、k.A Amoment Bmoment BchancechanceC Cplace Dplace DseasonseasonA A根根据据“我我累累了了”可可知知,现现在在不不是是散散步步的的一一个个好好时时刻刻。momentmoment意意为为“时时刻刻”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ( )6. )6. 20142014湖湖 州州 Look Look at at the the clouds, clouds, so so beautiful!beautiful!Wow, Wow, so so many many different different _, horses, horses, s

35、heep, sheep, flowersflowersA Asizes Bsizes BshapesshapesC Ccolors Dcolors Dstyles styles B B根据根据“马马、绵绵羊、花等羊、花等”可知,所缺可知,所缺单词单词表示云的表示云的“形状形状”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()7. )7. 20142014德德州州Yesterday, Yesterday, my my father father bought bought me me a a new new mobile mobile phone phone as as a a present, presen

36、t, but but I I dont dont know know how how to use it.to use it.Why not read the _ first before using it?Why not read the _ first before using it?A Aexpressions Bexpressions BapplicationsapplicationsC Cadvertisements Dadvertisements DinstructionsinstructionsD D不知道怎么用手机,不知道怎么用手机,应该读应该读“说说明明书书”。专题专题1 1

37、 名词名词( ()8. )8. 20142014聊聊城城Excuse Excuse me, me, is is the the museum museum far far from here? from here? No, its about _ .No, its about _ .A A5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk B B5 minute walk5 minute walkC C5 minutes walk 5 minutes walk D D5 minutes walk5 minutes walkC C专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()9. )9. 201420

38、14盐盐城城The The online online shop shop sells sells _ _ clothing at a very good price.clothing at a very good price.A Achild and mans Bchild and mans Bchildren and menschildren and mensC Cchildrens and men Dchildrens and men Dchildrens and menschildrens and mensD D句句意意: 这这家家网网店店以以很很优优惠惠的的价价格格卖卖儿儿童童和和男

39、男士士服服装装。由由句句意意可可知知,表表示示各各自自所所属属的的关关系系,所所以以应应分分别别在在每每个个名名词词后后加加ss。故故选选D D。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ( )10. )10. 20142014白白银银The The boy boy didnt didnt sleep sleep well well because of the _ from the factory.because of the _ from the factory.A Avoice Bvoice BnoisenoiseC Cmusic Dmusic DsongsongB B根据句意可知,男孩睡不好是因根据

40、句意可知,男孩睡不好是因为为工厂制造的工厂制造的“噪声噪声”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()11. )11. 20142014长长沙沙改改编编Is Is the the schoolbag schoolbag under under the the desk yours?desk yours?No, its my _. He left it there just now.No, its my _. He left it there just now.A Abrother Bbrother BbrothersbrothersC Cbrothers Dbrothers Dbrothersbrot

41、hersB B根据句意根据句意“是我哥哥的是我哥哥的”可知表所属关系。由可知表所属关系。由HeHe可知可知选选B B。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()12. )12. 20142014扬扬州州What What a a good_ good_ youve youve given me! Thanks a lot.given me! Thanks a lot.My pleasure.My pleasure.A Ainformation Binformation BnewsnewsC Csuggestion Dsuggestion DadviceadviceC Ca a修修饰饰单单数数可可数数名名

42、词词,而而A A、B B、D D三三项项均均为为不不可可数数名名词词。故故选选C C。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ( )13. )13. 20142014安安庆庆模模Could Could you you tell tell me me the the _ why you were late this morning, Tom? _ why you were late this morning, Tom? Im sorry that my alarm clock didnt go off. Im sorry that my alarm clock didnt go off. A Areason

43、 Breason BexcuseexcuseC Cproblem Dproblem Dmatter matter A Athe reason whythe reason why意意为为“的原因的原因”。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()14.)14.Can I help you?Can I help you?Id like_ for my twin daughters.Id like_ for my twin daughters.A Atwo pair shoes two pair shoes B Btwo pairs of shoetwo pairs of shoeC Ctwo pair of

44、 shoe two pair of shoe D Dtwo pairs of shoestwo pairs of shoesD Dpair, pair, shoeshoe都都是是可可数数名名词词,表表示示“两两双双鞋鞋”两两者者都都用用复复数数形形式。式。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()15.)15.I I plan plan to to go go out out for for a a trip, trip, but but Im Im afraid I dont know the_afraid I dont know the_A map is helpful, I think.A map

45、 is helpful, I think.A Aprice Bprice BstopstopC Cway Dway DtimetimeC C根据答根据答语语及句意可知,用地及句意可知,用地图图是是为为了找了找“路路”方便。方便。专题专题1 1 名词名词( ()16. )16. 20142014合合肥肥寿寿春春中中学学模模拟拟Today, Today, we we have have many many other _ to pay besides coins and paper money. other _ to pay besides coins and paper money. A Aex

46、cuses Bexcuses BwayswaysC Cchances Dchances DplansplansB B根据句意可知,根据句意可知,现现在有很多付在有很多付费费的方法。的方法。wayway意意为为“方法方法”。专题专题2 代词代词专题专题2 2 代词代词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测人称人称代代词词掌握人称代掌握人称代词词的主格与的主格与宾宾格之格之间间的互相的互相转换转换及他及他们们在句中的位置。在句中的位置。重点考重点考查查人称代人称代词词作主格作主格和和宾宾格的用法。格的用法。物主物主代代词词掌握形容掌握形容词词性物主代性物主代

47、词词与与名名词词性物主代性物主代词词之之间间的相的相互互转换转换及其基本用法。及其基本用法。重点考重点考查查形容形容词词性物主代性物主代词词与名与名词词性物主代性物主代词词用法用法的区的区别别。专题专题2 2 代词代词反身反身代代词词掌握反身代掌握反身代词词的人称与数的人称与数的的变变化。化。重点考重点考查查反身代反身代词词在句中在句中的灵活的灵活变变化。化。不定不定代代词词掌握常掌握常见见不定代不定代词词的用法的用法及易混不定代及易混不定代词词的辨析。的辨析。重点考重点考查查易混不定代易混不定代词词的的辨析及用法。辨析及用法。指示代指示代词词、疑、疑问问代代词词掌握指示代掌握指示代词词的的单

48、单、复数、复数形式及疑形式及疑问问代代词词的的语语法功法功能。能。重点考重点考查查指示代指示代词词、疑、疑问问代代词词的用法。的用法。专题专题2 2 代词代词1 1人称代词人称代词 人人称称代代词词有有主主格格和和宾宾格格之之分分,主主格格在在句句中中作作主主语语和和表表语语;宾宾格作格作动词动词或介或介词词的的宾语宾语,也可作表,也可作表语语。人称代人称代词词的人称、数和格的的人称、数和格的变变化如下:化如下:专题专题2 2 代词代词人称人称单单数数复数复数主格主格宾宾格格主格主格宾宾格格第一人称第一人称Imeweus第二人称第二人称youyouyouyou第三人称第三人称hehimthey

49、themsheheritit专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例1 1】 Mary and Gina are my cousins. _ Mary and Gina are my cousins. _ are both doctors in the hospital. are both doctors in the hospital. A ATheir BTheir BTheyTheyC CThem DThem DTheirsTheirs 解析解析 B B句意:句意:玛丽玛丽和吉娜都是我的堂妹,她和吉娜都是我的堂妹,她们们都在都在这这家医院里当医生。根据句意可知,用人称代家医院里当医生。根据句意

50、可知,用人称代词词,由于在句中作,由于在句中作主主语语,故用代,故用代词词主格主格theythey。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例2 2】 My English is so poor. Please help My English is so poor. Please help _ improve it._ improve it.A Ame Bme BI IC Cmy Dmy Dmine mine 解析解析 A Ahelp sb. (to) do sth.help sb. (to) do sth.意意为为“帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事”。helphelp是是动词动词,其后用代,其后用代词词

51、的的宾宾格。故格。故选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例1 1】 What _ do you have for Paul? What _ do you have for Paul? I think he should study harder than before. I think he should study harder than before. A Anews Bnews BadviceadviceC Chelp Dhelp Dinformation information 解解析析 B B本本题题考考查查名名词词词词义义辨辨析析。newsnews意意为为“新新闻闻”;ad

52、viceadvice意意为为“建建议议”;helphelp意意为为“帮帮助助”;informationinformation意意为为“信信息息”。根根据据答答语语“我我认认为为他他应应该该比比以以前前更更努努力力学学习习”可可知知上上句表示句表示“你有什么建议给保罗你有什么建议给保罗”。故选。故选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词2 2物主代词物主代词 物物主主代代词词分分为为形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词和和名名词词性性物物主主代代词词。形形容容词词性性物物主主代代词词一一般般用用于于名名词词前前修修饰饰名名词词;而而名名词词性性物物主主代代词词本本身就具有名身就具有名词词的性的性质质,相当

53、于,相当于“形容形容词词性物主代性物主代词词名名词词”。如:。如:This This is is my my red red schoolbag.schoolbag.This This red red schoolbag schoolbag is is mine.mine.这这个个红红色的色的书书包是我的。包是我的。物主代物主代词词具体分具体分类类如下:如下:专题专题2 2 代词代词人称人称数数形容形容词词性性物主代物主代词词名名词词性物性物主代主代词词第一人称第一人称单单数形式数形式mymine复数形式复数形式ourours第二人称第二人称单单数形式数形式youryours复数形式复数形式y

54、ouryours第三人称第三人称单单数数形式形式hishisherhersitsits复数形式复数形式theirtheirs专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例3 3】 Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Here is a schoolbag. Whose is it? Oh, its _. Thank you. Oh, its _. Thank you. A Amy Bmy BminemineC Cme Dme DI I 解析解析 B B答答语语句意:哦,它是我的句意:哦,它是我的( (书书包包) )。谢谢谢谢你。横你。横线线后没有名后没有名词词,所以要用名,

55、所以要用名词词性物主代性物主代词词。故。故选选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例4 4】 George reads newspapers every morning. George reads newspapers every morning. Thats _ habit.Thats _ habit.A Ahe Bhe BhimhimC Chis Dhis Dhimselfhimself 解析解析 C C句意:句意:乔乔治每天看治每天看报报。那是他的。那是他的习惯习惯。根据句。根据句意可知,用物主代意可知,用物主代词词,修,修饰饰名名词词用形容用形容词词性物主代性物主代词词。故。故选选

56、C C。专题专题2 2 代词代词3 3反身代词反身代词 近近五五年年,安安徽徽中中考考对对反反身身代代词词的的考考查查均均没没有有在在单单项项填填空空中中涉涉及及,但但在在完完形形填填空空中中有有所所体体现现。因因此此掌掌握握反反身身代代词词的的基基本本用用法非常有必要。常见反身代词的分类见下表:法非常有必要。常见反身代词的分类见下表:人称人称单单数形式数形式复数形式复数形式第一人称第一人称myselfourselves第二人称第二人称yourselfyourselves第三人称第三人称herselfthemselveshimselfitself专题专题2 2 代词代词 提示提示 反身代反身代

57、词词可以作介可以作介词词或或动词动词的的宾语宾语;也可以作主;也可以作主语语或或宾语宾语的同位的同位语语。如:。如:I teach myself English.I teach myself English.我自学英我自学英语语。I repaired the car myself.I repaired the car myself.我自己修的我自己修的车车。反身代反身代词还词还可用于某些固定搭配中。如:可用于某些固定搭配中。如:enjoy enjoy oneself(oneself(玩得开心玩得开心), help yourself to(), help yourself to(自取自取), d

58、ress ), dress oneself(oneself(自己穿衣服自己穿衣服), teach oneself(), teach oneself(自学自学) ),hurt oneselfhurt oneself( (伤伤着自己着自己), lose oneself in(), lose oneself in(沉迷于沉迷于/ /专专心致志于心致志于) )等。等。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例5 5】 I guess Peter and his sister Sally I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ at the dancing pa

59、rty. enjoyed _ at the dancing party. A Amyself Bmyself Bhimself himself C Cherself Dherself Dthemselves themselves 解析解析 D Denjoy oneselfenjoy oneself意意为为“玩得高玩得高兴兴”。根据句意可知,。根据句意可知,指指PeterPeter和和SallySally两个人。故两个人。故选选D D。专题专题2 2 代词代词4 4不定代词不定代词 近近五五年年,安安徽徽中中考考主主要要考考查查一一些些常常见见的的不不定定代代词词在在具具体体语语境中的用法及境中

60、的用法及词义词义辨析和复合不定代辨析和复合不定代词词的基本用法。的基本用法。(1)(1)常考不定代常考不定代词词辨析辨析few, a few, littlefew, a few, little与与a littlea little用法用法肯定意肯定意义义否定意否定意义义修修饰饰可数名可数名词词复数复数a few (一些;几个一些;几个)few (几乎没有几乎没有)修修饰饰不可数名不可数名词词a little (一点儿一点儿)little (几乎没有几乎没有)专题专题2 2 代词代词somesome与与anyany词词条条含含义义用法用法some 些些用于肯定句中;也可用于疑用于肯定句中;也可用于

61、疑问问句中,表示句中,表示请请求、建求、建议议或期望得到或期望得到对对方的肯定回答。方的肯定回答。any 些;任何些;任何用于疑用于疑问问句和否定句中;用于肯定句中,意句和否定句中;用于肯定句中,意为为“任何任何”。专题专题2 2 代词代词each, either, both, all, neithereach, either, both, all, neither与与nonenone 词词条条含含义义谓语动词谓语动词形式形式each每每个个(指两个或两个以上中的每一个指两个或两个以上中的每一个)单单数形式数形式either两者中的任何两者中的任何个个单单数形式数形式both 两者都两者都复数

62、形式复数形式all三个或三个以上都三个或三个以上都复数形式复数形式neither两者都不两者都不单单/复数形式复数形式none三者或三者以上都不三者或三者以上都不单单/复数形式复数形式相同点相同点都能与都能与of连连用,且能在句中作主用,且能在句中作主语语都能都能单单独作主独作主语语专题专题2 2 代词代词【典例典例6 6】 Which of the two magazines will you Which of the two magazines will you take? take? Ill take _. They are very wonderful. Ill take _. The

63、y are very wonderful. A Aall Ball Beither either C Cboth Dboth Dneither neither 解析解析 C Callall指指“三个或三个以上都三个或三个以上都”;eithereither指指“两个中两个中的任何的任何个个”;bothboth指指“两个都两个都”;neitherneither指指“两个都不两个都不”。根据。根据问问句中的句中的two magazinestwo magazines和答和答语语中的中的“they are very they are very wonderfulwonderful”可知两个都要可知两个都

64、要买买。故。故选选C C。专题专题2 2 代词代词(2)(2)复合不定代词复合不定代词someanynoevery人人someoneanyoneno oneeveryonesomebodyanybodynobodyeverybody物物somethinganythingnothingeverything专题专题2 2 代词代词 提提示示 复复合合不不定定代代词词作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词用用单单数数形形式式。如:如:Everyone is here.Everyone is here.大家都在大家都在这这里。里。复合不定代复合不定代词词与形容与形容词连词连用用时时,形容,形容词词要放在后

65、面。如:要放在后面。如:I have something important to tell you.I have something important to tell you.我有一些重要的事情要告我有一些重要的事情要告诉诉你。你。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典典例例7 7】 As As volunteers, volunteers, we we should should do do _ _ to to help the children in trouble. help the children in trouble. A Anothing Bnothing Banybody anybo

66、dy C Csomething Dsomething Dsomebody somebody 解解析析 C C句句意意: 作作为为志志愿愿者者,我我们们应应该该做做一一些些事事情情帮帮助助困困难难中的孩子。中的孩子。专题专题2 2 代词代词5 5指示代指示代词、疑、疑问代代词(1)(1)指指示示代代词词this, this, thatthat对对应应的的复复数数形形式式分分别别是是thesethese和和thosethose。this, thesethis, these表近指;表近指; that, thosethat, those表表远远指。指。(2)(2)疑疑问问代代词词who, who, w

67、hom, whom, whosewhose只只能能指指人人;whatwhat和和whichwhich可可指人或物。指人或物。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典典例例8 8】 As As for for learning learning English, English, students students who who read a lot can do much better than _ who dont. read a lot can do much better than _ who dont. A Athose Bthose Bthat that C Cthese Dthese Dth

68、em them 解解析析 A A句句意意:至至于于学学习习英英语语,多多读读书书的的学学生生会会比比那那些些不不读书读书的学生学得好。的学生学得好。这这里用里用thosethose指代不指代不读书读书的学生。故的学生。故选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词6 6itit和和oneone的用法与区的用法与区别 (1)it(1)it用用来来指指特特定定的的物物,即即上上文文提提到到的的事事物物或或情情况况。既既可可以以指代指代单单数可数名数可数名词词,也可指代不可数名,也可指代不可数名词词。如:。如:Do you still keep the picture?Do you still keep t

69、he picture?你你还还保存着那保存着那张张照片照片吗吗?No, I have given it to my friend.No, I have given it to my friend.不,我已不,我已经经把它送把它送给给我的朋友了。我的朋友了。专题专题2 2 代词代词(2)one(2)one表表示示泛泛指指,指指同同类类事事物物中中的的个个,常常常常代代替替由由不不定定冠冠词词a a或或anan修修饰饰的的名名词词。oneone既既可可以以代代替替人人,也也可可以以代代替替物物,但但只只能能代代替替单单数数可可数数名名词词,其其复复数数形形式式onesones,可可代代替替可可数数

70、名名词词复复数。如:数。如:Do you have a penDo you have a pen?你有一支?你有一支钢钢笔笔吗吗?Yes, I have one.Yes, I have one.是的,我有一支。是的,我有一支。专题专题2 2 代词代词【典典例例9 9】 Ive Ive got got several several novels novels written written by by Mo Mo Yan. You can borrow _ if you like. Yan. You can borrow _ if you like. A AoneoneB BititC Cev

71、ery Devery Deithereither 解解析析 A A句句意意:我我有有几几本本莫莫言言写写的的小小说说。如如果果你你喜喜欢欢的的话话,可以借一本。泛指其中,可以借一本。泛指其中“一本一本”用用oneone。故。故选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安安徽徽You You can can take take _ _ of of the the two two toy cars and leave the other for your brother.toy cars and leave the other for your br

72、other.A Aboth Bboth BnonenoneC Ceither Deither DneitherneitherC C根根据据“leave leave the the other other for for your your brotherbrother”可可知知只只能能拿拿其其中的一个。表示两者中的任何一个用中的一个。表示两者中的任何一个用eithereither。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()2. )2. 20132013安徽安徽I am a little hungry, Mom.I am a little hungry, Mom.There There are are s

73、ome some cakes cakes on on the the plate. plate. You You can can take_take_A Ait Bit BoneoneC Cthat Dthat DthisthisB B答答语语句句意意:盘盘子子里里有有一一些些蛋蛋糕糕,你你可可以以拿拿一一个个。表表泛泛指指用用oneone。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )3.Boys, )3.Boys, dont dont lose lose _ _ in in playing playing computer computer games games after after class!

74、 class! Its Its bad bad for for your your eyes eyes if if you play them for a long time.you play them for a long time.A Ahimself Bhimself Byourself yourself C Cyourselves Dyourselves DthemselvesthemselvesC C句句意意:孩孩子子们们,放放学学后后不不要要沉沉溺溺于于玩玩电电脑脑游游戏戏”。根根据据boysboys可知可知选选C C。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()4. )4. 20142014

75、合合肥肥4646中中三三模模Why Why have have you you given given up up leaning physics? leaning physics? I I feel feel _ _ really really difficult difficult to to learn learn physics physics well. well. A Ait Bit Bthat Cthat Cone Done Dthis this A A答答语语句句意意:我我感感到到学学好好物物理理真真的的很很难难。itit在在句句中中作作形形式式宾宾语语,真正的,真正的宾语宾语

76、是后面的不定式。是后面的不定式。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()5. )5. 20142014安安庆庆模模Mom, Mom, can can I I have have some some more more orange juice, please? orange juice, please? Sorry, theres _ left. Sorry, theres _ left. A Asome Bsome Bnone none C Ca little Da little Dany any B B根根据据答答语语中中的的sorrysorry可可知知,应应该该是是没没有有橘橘汁汁了了。A A、

77、C C、D D均均表示肯定意表示肯定意义义,与,与题题意不符合。故意不符合。故选选B B专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()6. )6. 20142014六六安安裕裕安安区区模模拟拟Is Is this this your your sons sons sweater? sweater? No, No, it it isnt. isnt. _ _ is is on on the the chair chair behind behind the the desk.desk.A AHe BHe BHim CHim CHers DHers DHis His D D答答语语句句意意:不不,它它不不是是。

78、他他的的毛毛衣衣在在桌桌子子后后的的椅椅子子上上。横横线线后没有名后没有名词词,所以用名,所以用名词词性物主代性物主代词词。故。故选选D D。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )7. )7. 20142014蚌蚌埠埠1515中中模模拟拟_ _ may may have have a a chance to be successful if he tries his best. chance to be successful if he tries his best. A ANobody BNobody BEverybodyEverybodyC CEverything DEverything DS

79、omebodySomebodyB B句句意意:如如果果尽尽自自己己最最大大努努力力,每每个个人人都都会会有有成成功功的的机机会会。根据句意可知根据句意可知选选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()8. )8. 20142014安安徽徽师师大大附附中中模模拟拟Hes Hes found found _ _ in the bag. Its empty. in the bag. Its empty. A Aeverything Beverything Bnothing nothing C Canything Danything DsomethingsomethingB B根据根据“它是空的它是空的

80、”可知他在包里没找到任何可知他在包里没找到任何东东西。故西。故选选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )1. )1. 20142014赤赤 峰峰 Mom. Mom. Ive Ive got got _ _ important to tell you.important to tell you.Whats up?Whats up?A Anothing Bnothing Banythinganything C Csomething Dsomething Deverythingeverything语语法法专练专练C C根根据据答答语语可可知知,上上句句的的句句意意是是“我我有有一一些些重重要要的

81、的事事情情要要告告诉诉你你”。肯定句中用。肯定句中用somethingsomething。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()2. )2. 20142014乌乌鲁鲁木木齐齐Your Your new new backpack backpack is is so so nice. nice. I want to buy _ too.I want to buy _ too.A Aone Bone BititC Cthat Dthat DthisthisA A句句意意:你你的的背背包包如如此此漂漂亮亮,我我也也想想买买一一个个。表表示示泛泛指指一一个个用用oneone。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()3

82、. )3. 20142014徐徐州州I I asked asked two two students students the the way way to to the post office, but _ of them knew.the post office, but _ of them knew.A Aboth Bboth BeithereitherC Cnone Dnone DneitherneitherD D根根据据转转折折词词butbut可可知知,这这两两名名学学生生都都不不知知道道去去邮邮局局的的路路。表表示示“两者都不两者都不”用用neitherneither。专题专题2

83、2 代词代词( ()4. )4. 20142014山山西西改改编编Last Last month, month, we we went went to to Li Li Zongshengs Zongshengs concert. concert. The The beautiful beautiful songs songs about about his his younger days reminded us to love _. younger days reminded us to love _. A Ayours Byours BtheirstheirsC Cours Dours

84、Dmine mine C C后后句句句句意意:那那些些关关于于他他年年轻轻时时代代的的动动听听的的歌歌曲曲提提醒醒我我们们要要热爱热爱我我们们的年的年轻岁轻岁月。故月。故选选C C。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()5. )5. 20142014十十堰堰What What do do you you think think of of your your host host family, Jim?family, Jim?Great. Great. They They try try _ _ best best to to make make me me feel feel at at home

85、. home. A Athey Bthey Btheirtheir C Cthem Dthem DtheirstheirsB Btry ones besttry ones best意意为为“尽某人最大努力尽某人最大努力”。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )6. )6. 20142014河河 南南 At At present, present, children children mean mean _ to most parents in China._ to most parents in China.A Aeverything Beverything BnothingnothingC Ca

86、nything Danything DsomethingsomethingA A句句意意:现现在在,孩孩子子对对大大多多数数中中国国父父母母来来说说意意味味着着一一切切。故故选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )7. )7. 20142014荆荆州州Excuse Excuse me, me, but but is is that that my my passport?passport?Oh, sorry. I took _ by mistake.Oh, sorry. I took _ by mistake.A Ayours Byours BminemineC Chers Dhers

87、DhishisA A答答语语句句意意:噢噢,对对不不起起。我我错错拿拿了了你你的的护护照照。由由句句意意可可知知选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()8. )8. 20142014河河北北Do Do you you have have toys? toys? Id Id like like to to buy buy _ for my cousin._ for my cousin.A Ait Bit BoneoneC Cthis Dthis DthatthatB B专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()9. )9. 20142014宿宿迁迁Eddie Eddie has has _ _ to

88、to do, do, and and he he sleeps all day long.sleeps all day long.A Aeverything Beverything BsomethingsomethingC Canything Danything DnothingnothingD D根据根据“他整天睡他整天睡觉觉”可知,可知,EddieEddie什么事都不做。故什么事都不做。故选选D D。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()10. )10. 20142014襄襄阳阳Your Your English English is is very very good. good. Who W

89、ho taught you?taught you?_. I learned it all by myself._. I learned it all by myself.A ASomebody BSomebody BEverybodyEverybodyC CNobody DNobody DAnybodyAnybodyC C根据答根据答语语“我是自学的我是自学的”可知,没有任何人教可知,没有任何人教“我我”。故。故选选C C。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )11. )11. 20142014武武汉汉I I turned turned to to bookshops bookshops and

90、and libraries looking for information and found _libraries looking for information and found _A Anone Bnone BbothbothC Cone Done DneitherneitherB B专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )12. )12. 20142014黄黄冈冈Susan, Susan, go go and and join join your your sister in cleaning the yard.sister in cleaning the yard.Why_Why_? J

91、ohn John is is sitting sitting there there doing doing nothing nothing at all.at all.A AI BI BmemeC Cmyself Dmyself DminemineB B专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()13. )13. 20142014广广东东Hello, Hello, Linda Linda speaking. speaking. Whos Whos _?Hello, this is Martin.Hello, this is Martin.A Ahe Bhe Bone Cone Cthat Dthat D

92、this this C C电话电话用用语语中用中用thatthat指代指代“你你”。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()14. )14. 20142014嘉嘉兴兴Im Im looking looking for for a a bank, bank, but but I I cant find _cant find _A Ait Bit BoneoneC Cthis Dthis DthatthatB B句句意意:我我正正在在寻寻找找银银行行,但但是是一一家家也也没没有有找找到到。表表示示同同类类事物中的一个用事物中的一个用oneone。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()15. )15. 20142

93、014绵绵阳阳Jeff Jeff and and I I are are going going to to Shanghai Shanghai this weekend. My brother will drive _ there.this weekend. My brother will drive _ there.A Ait Bit ByouyouC Cus Dus DthemthemC C专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()16. )16. 20142014凉凉山山Will Will the the professor professor give give a a talk talk i

94、n our school? in our school? Yes, Yes, _ _ talk talk will will begin begin in in five five minutes. minutes. Lets go and listen to _Lets go and listen to _A AHe; him BHe; him BHis; heHis; heC CHim; his DHim; his DHis; himHis; himD D专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()17. )17. 20142014扬扬州州Which Which of of the the two t

95、wo T Tshirts shirts would you like?would you like?_I dont like their styles.I dont like their styles.A AEither BEither BBothBothC CNone DNone DNeitherNeitherD D根根据据答答语语“我我不不喜喜欢欢他他们们的的款款式式”可可知知,两两个个都都不不喜喜欢欢,故故用用neitherneither。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )18. )18. 20142014连连云云港港This This book book on on idioms id

96、ioms is is interesting. interesting. Id Id like like _, where where did did you you buy buy it, it, Simon?Simon?In the Amazon Bookstore.In the Amazon Bookstore.A Ait Bit Bthisthis C Cthat Dthat DoneoneD D句句意意:这这本本关关于于谚谚语语的的书书很很有有趣趣,我我想想买买一一本本。泛泛指指同同类类事物中的一个用事物中的一个用oneone。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()19. )19. 201

97、42014长长沙沙改改编编My My sister sister is is old old enough enough to to dress _ now.dress _ now.A Ahimself Bhimself BherselfherselfC Cmyself Dmyself DourselvesourselvesB B句句意意:我我的的妹妹妹妹足足够够大大了了,现现在在能能自自己己穿穿衣衣服服了了。这这里里指指“她自己她自己”。故。故选选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()20)20. . 20142014兰兰州州Bob, Bob, can can you you see se

98、e the the boys boys over over there? there? _ _ are are my my cousins. cousins. Lets Lets go go and and say say hello hello to them.to them.A AThis BThis BThoseThose C CThat DThat DTheseTheseB B根根据据over over therethere可可知知,表表示示远远指指,又又因因为为句句中中的的boysboys为为复复数,故数,故选选B B。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ( )21. )21. 201420

99、14温温州州Look, Look, _ _ is is dancing dancing under the tree.under the tree.Oh, thats my cousin, Anna.Oh, thats my cousin, Anna.A Aeverybody Beverybody BanybodyanybodyC Cnobody Dnobody DsomebodysomebodyD D前句句意:看,有人正在前句句意:看,有人正在树树下跳舞。肯定句中用下跳舞。肯定句中用somebodysomebody。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()22. )22. 20142014临临沂沂W

100、e We have have friends friends to to help help us us fight fight against pollution, and trees are one of _against pollution, and trees are one of _A Athemselves Bthemselves BtheytheyC Ctheir Dtheir DthemthemD D句句意意:我我们们有有很很多多朋朋友友帮帮助助我我们们同同污污染染作作斗斗争争,树树木木就就是是其中之一。介其中之一。介词词后用代后用代词宾词宾格。故格。故选选D D。专题专题2

101、2 代词代词( ()23. )23. 20142014无无锡锡Do Do you you drink drink much much coffee coffee as as before?before?No, No, _ _ at at all. all. My My sleeping sleeping problem problem is is getting worse.getting worse.A Anone Bnone Blittlelittle C Cnothing Dnothing DanythinganythingA A句句意意:“你你还还像像以以前前那那样样喝喝那那么么多多的

102、的咖咖啡啡吗吗?”“”“不不,一一点点都都不不喝喝了了。我我的的睡睡眠眠问问题题越越来来越越严严重重了了。”none none at at allall意意为为“一一点点都都没没有有”;nothing nothing at at allall意意为为“什什么么也也没没有有”。根根据据句句意意可可知知选选A A。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()24. )24. 20142014 淮淮安安Now Now teenagers teenagers are are very very busy busy with with their their schoolwork schoolwork and an

103、d they they have have _ _ time time to to do do exercise.exercise.A Afew Bfew BlittlelittleC Ca few Da few Da littlea littleB B根根据据“现现在在青青少少年年忙忙于于学学业业”可可知知,“他他们们几几乎乎没没时时间间去去锻锻炼炼”。表示否定且修。表示否定且修饰饰不可数名不可数名词词用用littlelittle。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()25. )25. 20142014广州广州Would you like tea or coffee?Would you like

104、tea or coffee?_, thanks! Id prefer a coke.thanks! Id prefer a coke.A ABoth BBoth BNeitherNeitherC CAll DAll DSomeSomeB B根根据据答答语语中中“我我想想要要可可乐乐”可可知知茶茶和和咖咖啡啡我我都都不不喜喜欢欢。表表示示“两个都不两个都不”用用neitherneither。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()26. )26. 20142014台州台州Hi, Tom. Is that your bag?Hi, Tom. Is that your bag?No, No, it it i

105、s is Marys. Marys. And And the the sweater sweater near near the the bag bag is_is_, too.too.A Amine Bmine ByoursyoursC Chers Dhers DhishisC C专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()27. )27. 20142014聊城聊城My friend showed _ some My friend showed _ some old photos of his family.old photos of his family.A Amy Bmy BI IC Cme Dme

106、 DminemineC C专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()28. )28. 20142014济济宁宁Look! Look! Sonia Sonia looks looks worried. worried. There There must be _ wrong with her.must be _ wrong with her.A Anothing Bnothing BsomethingsomethingC Canything Danything DeverythingeverythingB B专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()29. )29. 20142014重重庆庆Sam Sam and

107、and Henry Henry play play football football very very well. We hope _ of them can join our team.well. We hope _ of them can join our team.A Aall Ball BbothbothC Cevery Devery DsamesameC C句句意意:萨萨姆姆和和亨亨利利都都踢踢足足球球踢踢得得很很好好,我我们们希希望望他他们们俩俩都都加入我加入我们队们队。表示。表示“两个都两个都”用用bothboth。专题专题2 2 代词代词( ()30. )30. 20142

108、014杭杭州州I I cant cant find find my my ticket. ticket. I I think think I must have lost _I must have lost _A Ait Bit BoneoneC Cthis Dthis DthemthemA A指代前面提到的同一个物体用指代前面提到的同一个物体用itit。专题专题3 冠词冠词专题专题3 3 冠词冠词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测不定冠不定冠词词掌握掌握a, an的基本用法。的基本用法。考考查查a, an用法的区用法的区别别。定冠定冠词词掌握定冠掌

109、握定冠词词the的各种常的各种常见见用法。用法。考考查查the表示特指的用法及其他表示特指的用法及其他一些固定用法。一些固定用法。零冠零冠词词掌握不用冠掌握不用冠词时词时的一些常的一些常见见用法。用法。考考查查常常见见的不用冠的不用冠词词的固定搭的固定搭配、配、习惯习惯用用语语等。等。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词冠冠词词是是种种虚虚词词,放放在在名名词词之之前前,用用来来说说明明名名词词所所指指的的人人或或事事物物。冠冠词词分分为为不不定定冠冠词词a/ana/an和和定定冠冠词词thethe两两种种。作作为为个个语语法现象,考生应该在大体上予以把握。法现象,考生应该在大体上予以把握。专题专题3 3

110、 冠词冠词1 1定冠词定冠词thethe的用法的用法 用法用法示例示例特指某人或物特指某人或物The book over there is mine.那那边边的那本的那本书书是我的。是我的。指上文提到的人或物指上文提到的人或物Yesterday Johns father bought him a new bike. The bike cost him 200 yuan.昨天昨天约约翰翰的爸爸的爸爸给给他他买买了了辆辆新自行新自行车车。这辆这辆自行自行车车花了他花了他200元。元。表示世界上独表示世界上独无二的事物。无二的事物。The sun rises in the east and sets

111、 in the west.太阳太阳东东升西落。升西落。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词用在序数用在序数词词和形容和形容词词的最高的最高级级之前。之前。The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.长长江是中国最江是中国最长长的河流。的河流。用在某些形容用在某些形容词词之前,表示某之前,表示某类类人或事物。人或事物。We should take care of the old.我我们应该们应该照照顾顾老人。老人。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词用于西方用于西方乐乐器之前。器之前。I like playing the piano when I I like pla

112、ying the piano when I am free.am free.当我有空的当我有空的时时候,我喜候,我喜欢欢弹钢弹钢琴。琴。用在姓氏的复数形式之前,表示用在姓氏的复数形式之前,表示“家人家人”或者或者“夫夫妇妇二人二人”。The Whites have lived in The Whites have lived in Beijing for ten years.Beijing for ten years.怀怀特夫特夫妇妇在北京住了在北京住了1010年了。年了。用于某些固定短用于某些固定短语语和和习惯习惯用用语语中。中。the Great Wallthe Great Wall长长城

113、;城;in the open in the open airair在在户户外外专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例1 1】 Do you know _ girl who is Do you know _ girl who is standing under the tree? standing under the tree? Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. Of course! She is Lucy, my classmate. A Athe Bthe Ba aC Can Dan D/ / 解析解析 A A句意:你句意:你认识认识站在站在树树下的那个

114、女孩下的那个女孩吗吗?根据句?根据句意可知意可知这这里表特指。故里表特指。故选选A A。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例2 2】 _ Greens are preparing for the _ Greens are preparing for the coming Thanksgiving Day. coming Thanksgiving Day. A A/ B/ BA AC CAn DAn DThe The 解析解析 D D句意:格林夫句意:格林夫妇妇正在正在为为即将到来的感恩即将到来的感恩节节做准做准备备。“thethe姓氏的复数形式姓氏的复数形式”表示表示“一家人或者夫一家人或者夫妇

115、妇二人二人”。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词2 2不定冠词不定冠词a a或或anan的用法的用法 a a 用用于于以以辅辅音音音音素素开开头头的的单单词词之之前前;anan用用于于以以元元音音音音素素开开头头的的单单词词之之前前。如如:a a university university 一一所所大大学学;a a useful useful book book 一一本本有有用用的的书书; an an honest honest boy boy 一一个个诚诚实实的的男男孩孩; an an hour hour 一小时一小时用法用法示例示例用在表示用在表示类类人或事人或事物的物的单单数可数名数可数名词词前。

116、前。John is a student.John is a student.约约翰是一名学生。翰是一名学生。Mary is an English girl.Mary is an English girl.玛丽玛丽是一个英国女孩。是一个英国女孩。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词 指某人或某物,但不具体指某人或某物,但不具体说说明是何明是何人或何物。人或何物。 A student wants to see you.一名学生一名学生想想见见你。你。 表示表示“一个一个”,相当于,相当于one,但,但语语气不气不及及one强强烈。烈。 Give me an apple, please.请给请给我一个苹果。我一

117、个苹果。表示表示“每一每一”,相当于,相当于every。 Take the medicine three times a day.这这种种药药每天吃三次。每天吃三次。用在序数用在序数词词前,表示在原来的基前,表示在原来的基础础上上再加一。再加一。I have eaten two apples. But I want to have a third one.我已我已经经吃了两个苹吃了两个苹果了,但我果了,但我还还想再吃一个。想再吃一个。用于某些固定短用于某些固定短语语中。中。have a good time玩得高玩得高兴兴; in a hurry匆忙匆忙专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例3 3】

118、 Be careful! There is _ dog lying Be careful! There is _ dog lying on the ground. on the ground. Thanks a lot. Thanks a lot. A Aa Ba Ban Can Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 A A句意:当心,有一条狗躺在地上。表示泛指且句意:当心,有一条狗躺在地上。表示泛指且dogdog是是辅辅音音素开音音素开头头的的单词单词,故用,故用a a。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例4 4】 Mr. Smith is _ honest and kind Mr. Smi

119、th is _ honest and kind man. man. A Aa Ba Bthe Cthe Can Dan D/ / 解析解析 C C句意:史密斯先生是一个句意:史密斯先生是一个诚实诚实善良的人。表示善良的人。表示泛指且泛指且honesthonest是元音音素开是元音音素开头头的的单词单词。故。故选选C C。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词3 3零冠词的用法零冠词的用法 用法用法示例示例 某些某些专专有名有名词词、抽象名、抽象名词词和物和物质质名名词词前不用冠前不用冠词词。 Mike is from America.迈迈克来自美国。克来自美国。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词 名名词词前已有前已有

120、this, that, my, your, whose, some, any, no, each, every等代等代词词或名或名词词所有格作定所有格作定语时语时,其前不用,其前不用冠冠词词。 I have some questions to ask you.我我有一些有一些问题问题要要问问你。你。This is Mikes book.这这是是迈迈克的克的书书。复数名复数名词词若泛指一若泛指一类类人或事物,其前人或事物,其前不用冠不用冠词词。They are workers.他他们们是工人。是工人。表示称呼、表示称呼、头衔头衔和和职务职务的名的名词词前不用前不用冠冠词词。 I dont fee

121、l well today, Mother.妈妈妈妈,我今天感我今天感觉觉不舒服。不舒服。表示三餐、球表示三餐、球类类运运动动或学科的名或学科的名词词前前不用冠不用冠词词。I have lunch at home.我在家吃午我在家吃午饭饭。某些固定短某些固定短语语中不用冠中不用冠词词。by train乘火乘火车车; at home在家;在家; go to school去上学去上学专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例5 5】 People cant live without _ People cant live without _ water. water. Yes, I think so. Yes

122、, I think so. A Aa Ba BananC Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 D Dwaterwater为为表示物表示物质质的名的名词词,其前一般不用冠,其前一般不用冠词词。故故选选D D。 专题专题3 3 冠词冠词【典例典例6 6】 It is a good habit to go to _ bed It is a good habit to go to _ bed early and get up early. early and get up early. A Aa Ba BananC Cthe Dthe D/ / 解析解析 D Dgo to bedgo to bed

123、为为固定搭配,意固定搭配,意为为“上床睡上床睡觉觉”。故。故选选D D。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模This is _ This is _ interesting book and its also _ most interesting book and its also _ most interesting one Ive ever read.interesting one Ive ever read.A Aan; a Ban; a Ban; the an; the C Ca; the Da; the D/; th

124、e /; the B B句意:句意:这这是一本有趣的是一本有趣的书书,它也是我曾,它也是我曾经读过经读过的最有趣的的最有趣的书书。第一空表示泛指且。第一空表示泛指且interestinginteresting是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头头的的单词单词,故用故用anan;第二空形容;第二空形容词词最高最高级级前用前用thethe。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()2. )2. 20142014合肥包河区二模合肥包河区二模He wrote _ song, He wrote _ song, which turned out to be rather popular with _ which turn

125、ed out to be rather popular with _ young.young.A Aa; a Ba; a Ba; thea; the C Cthe; a Dthe; a D/; the/; theB B句意:他写了一首歌,句意:他写了一首歌,结结果非常受年果非常受年轻轻人人欢欢迎。第一空表迎。第一空表示泛指;第二空示泛指;第二空“thethe形容形容词词”表示一表示一类类人。故人。故选选B B。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()3. )3. 20142014合肥安合肥安庆庆模模Whos that young man in Whos that young man in the po

126、ster? the poster? Justin Beiber, _ excellent singer.Justin Beiber, _ excellent singer.A Aa Ba Bthe Cthe Can Dan D/ /C C答语句意:是答语句意:是Justin BeiberJustin Beiber,一位优秀的歌手。表示泛指,一位优秀的歌手。表示泛指且且excellentexcellent是以元音音素开头的单词,故用是以元音音素开头的单词,故用anan。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()4. )4. 20142014合肥合肥168168中模中模拟拟There is _ There

127、is _ interesting book on the teachers desk.interesting book on the teachers desk.Oh, _ book is Wei Fangs. Oh, _ book is Wei Fangs. A Aan; the Ban; the Bthe; the the; the C Cthe; a Dthe; a Da; the a; the A A专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()5. )5. 20142014芜芜湖湖1818中模中模拟拟Life is _ journey. Life is _ journey. What matter

128、s is whom we choose to travel with.What matters is whom we choose to travel with.A Aa Ba Ban Can Cthe Dthe D/ /A A句意:生活就是一次旅行,关句意:生活就是一次旅行,关键键是我是我们选择们选择与与谁谁同行。表同行。表示泛指且示泛指且journeyjourney是以是以辅辅音音素开音音素开头头的的单词单词,故用,故用a a。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()1.You can believe him. He is _ honest )1.You can believe him. He i

129、s _ honest man.man.A A/ B/ Ba Ca Cthe Dthe Danan语语法法专练专练D D专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()2. )2. 20142014梅州梅州Miss Zhang will go to_ Miss Zhang will go to_ America for_ important meeting next month.America for_ important meeting next month.A Aan; an Ban; an B/; an/; anC C/; a D/; a Dan; thean; theB B句意:下个月句意:下个月张张小

130、姐要去美国参加一个重要的会小姐要去美国参加一个重要的会议议。AmericaAmerica是是专专有名有名词词,其前不用任何冠,其前不用任何冠词词修修饰饰, 第二空表示泛第二空表示泛指且指且importantimportant是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头头,用不定冠,用不定冠词词anan修修饰饰。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()3. )3. 20142014赤峰赤峰Tom, Ill invite you to have Tom, Ill invite you to have _ lunch after playing _ violin._ lunch after playing _ violi

131、n.Thank you.Thank you.A Aa; the Ba; the Bthe; thethe; theC C/; / D/; / D/; the/; theD D表示三餐的名表示三餐的名词词前不用冠前不用冠词词;表示西方;表示西方乐乐器的名器的名词词前用定前用定冠冠词词thethe。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()4. )4. 20142014广广东东Eric is not going to Nanjing by Eric is not going to Nanjing by _ plane. Instead, he is taking _ train._ plane. Inste

132、ad, he is taking _ train.A A/; a B/; a Ba; /a; /C Ca; the Da; the Dthe; a the; a A A“byby交通工具交通工具”“take a/an/thetake a/an/the交通工具交通工具”,表示,表示“乘、乘、坐坐”。故。故选选A A。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()5.Please pay attention to your spelling. )5.Please pay attention to your spelling. Youve dropped _ Youve dropped _ “h h” and _

133、 and _ “u u” in the in the word word “hourhour”A Aan; an Ban; an Ba; aa; aC Ca; an Da; an Dan; aan; aD Dh h是以元音音素开是以元音音素开头头的字母;的字母;u u是是辅辅音音素开音音素开头头的字母,故的字母,故选选D D。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()6.Mike has tried twice, but his father asks )6.Mike has tried twice, but his father asks him to have _ third try.him to

134、have _ third try.A Athe Bthe Ba aC Canother Danother D/ /B B句意:句意:迈迈克已克已经试经试了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再试试第三次。第三次。序数序数词词前用不定冠前用不定冠词词,表示,表示“又一、再一又一、再一”。故。故选选B B。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()7.)7.I hear therell be _ talk on I hear therell be _ talk on teenage problems next Monday.teenage problems next Monday.Do you

135、mean _ talk our teacher asked us to Do you mean _ talk our teacher asked us to listen to?listen to?A Aa; the Ba; the Bthe; thethe; theC Ca; the Da; the Dthe; a the; a A A专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()8._ earth we live on is bigger than )8._ earth we live on is bigger than _ moon._ moon.A AA; an BA; an BA; aA; aC

136、CThe; the DThe; the D/; an /; an C C句意:句意:迈迈克已克已经试经试了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再了两次了,但是他爸爸叫他再试试第三次。第三次。序数序数词词前用不定冠前用不定冠词词,表示,表示“又一、再一又一、再一”。故。故选选B B。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()9.We all think Jill is _ taller of the )9.We all think Jill is _ taller of the two.two.A A/ B/ Ba Ca Can Dan DthetheD D句意:我句意:我们们都都认为认为吉吉尔尔是是这这两个人里面比两

137、个人里面比较较高的那个。表高的那个。表示特指用定冠示特指用定冠词词thethe专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()10. )10. 20142014潍潍坊坊Reading can make you become Reading can make you become _expert and change your life._expert and change your life.A Aa Ba Ban Can C/ D/ Dthe the B B句意:句意:阅读阅读可以可以让让你成你成为为一名一名专专家,并且改家,并且改变变你的生活。你的生活。表示泛指且表示泛指且expertexpert是以元音

138、音素开是以元音音素开头头的的单词单词,故,故选选B B。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()11.Liu Changchun is _ first Chinese to )11.Liu Changchun is _ first Chinese to take part in the Olympics.take part in the Olympics.A Aa Ba Ban Can Cthe Dthe D/ /C Cthe first to do sth.the first to do sth.意意为为“第一个做某事的人第一个做某事的人”。专题专题3 3 冠词冠词( ()12.With _ hel

139、p of his teacher, he )12.With _ help of his teacher, he studied hard and got _ studied hard and got _ “A A” in this test. in this test.A Aa; the Ba; the Bthe; athe; aC Cthe; the Dthe; the Dthe; anthe; anD Dwith the help ofwith the help of为为固定短固定短语语;第二空表示泛指且字母;第二空表示泛指且字母A A以以元音音素开元音音素开头头,前面用,前面用anan,

140、故,故选选D D。专题专题4 数词数词专题专题4 4 数词数词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测基数基数词词掌握基数掌握基数词词的构成及用的构成及用法。法。考考查查基数基数词词的用法,重点考的用法,重点考查查基数基数词词中中hundred, thousand, million等表示确定等表示确定“数目数目”及及“不确定数目不确定数目”的用法。的用法。序数序数词词掌握序数掌握序数词词的构成及用的构成及用法。法。考考查查序数序数词词的具体运用。的具体运用。分数分数掌握分数的表达法。掌握分数的表达法。考考查查分数的用法。分数的用法。专题专题4 4 数词数词

141、数数词词在在安安徽徽中中考考的的听听力力中中经经常常考考到到,因因此此考考生生必必须须掌掌握握这这一重要的语法。一重要的语法。专题专题4 4 数词数词1 1基数词的构成及用法基数词的构成及用法 (1)(1)基数基数词词的构成的构成0 01212单单独独记记。如:。如:zero, one, two, three zero, one, two, three 等。等。13131919直直接接在在词词尾尾加加teenteen。如如:fourteenfourteen,seventeenseventeen等,但等,但thirteenthirteen,fifteenfifteen,eighteeneight

142、een需要特殊需要特殊记忆记忆。2020,3030,4040等等整整数数的的基基数数词词均均以以tyty结结尾尾。如如: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eightytwenty, thirty, forty, fifty, eighty等。等。专题专题4 4 数词数词表表示示“几几十十几几”要要加加连连字字符符号号“”。如如:fortyfortyeight, eight, ninetyninetysevenseven等。等。表表示示“几几百百几几十十”或或者者“几几百百几几十十几几”在在百百后后加加andand。 如如:one hundred and fiftyo

143、ne hundred and fiftysix, five hundred and nine six, five hundred and nine 等。等。专题专题4 4 数词数词英英语语中中,四四位位数数或或者者四四位位数数以以上上的的基基数数词词书书写写为为阿阿拉拉伯伯数数字字时时,从从右右往往左左每每三三位位加加个个逗逗号号,第第个个逗逗号号表表示示thousand thousand ( (千千) ),第第二二个个逗逗号号表表示示million(million(百百万万) ),第第三三个个逗逗号号表表 示示 billion(billion(十十 亿亿 ) )。 如如 : 3 3, 610

144、610 three three thousand thousand six six hundred hundred and and ten; ten; 9494,295295ninetyninetyfour four thousand thousand two two hundred hundred and and ninetyninetyfive; five; 274274,350350two two hundred hundred and and seventyseventyfour thousand three hundred and fiftyfour thousand three h

145、undred and fifty等。等。专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例1 1】 EightyEightysix and nine hundred and fifty six and nine hundred and fifty is _. is _. Its correct. Its correct. A Aone thousand and sixtyone thousand and sixtythree three B Bone thousand and thirtyone thousand and thirtysixsixC Cone hundred and thirtyone hun

146、dred and thirtysix six D Done hundred and sixtyone hundred and sixtythreethree专题专题4 4 数词数词 解析解析 B B上句的句意上句的句意为为“8686950950等于等于_”。根据。根据计计算可知答案是算可知答案是10361036。故。故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词(2)(2)基数基数词词的用法的用法基数基数词词表示表示编编号通常情况下,表示年号通常情况下,表示年级级、班、班级级、排、排、房房间间、课课等的等的编编号要用基数号要用基数词词,且基数,且基数词词要居后,表示要居后,表示“年年级级”等名等名词词

147、的首字母要大写;若基数的首字母要大写;若基数词词用英用英语语表示,其首字母也要表示,其首字母也要大写。如:大写。如:Lesson OneLesson One第第 1 1 课课,Room 306 306Room 306 306号房号房间间, Row Row FourFour第第 4 4 排,排, Class Three, Grade NineClass Three, Grade Nine九年九年级级三班三班 提示提示 表示表示编编号也可以用序数号也可以用序数词词,但序数,但序数词词前必前必须须加加thethe。如:如:the first lessonthe first lesson第第课课; t

148、he fourth rowthe fourth row第四排第四排专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例2 2】 Excuse me, which room do you live in? Excuse me, which room do you live in? I live in _I live in _A Athe Room 508 Bthe Room 508 BRoom 508Room 508C C508 Room D508 Room Droom 608 room 608 解析解析 B B英英语语中用中用“名名词词基数基数词词”表示表示编编号,且名号,且名词词首首字母要大写。故字母要大写。

149、故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词确数和概数的表达确数和概数的表达“基数基数词词hundred/thousand/million/billionhundred/thousand/million/billion表示确切数表示确切数目;表示不确切数目,即数百、数千等目;表示不确切数目,即数百、数千等时时,要用,要用“hundreds/thousands/millions/billions ofhundreds/thousands/millions/billions of”结结构。如:构。如:five five hundred students hundred students 五百名学生;五百

150、名学生; thousands of students thousands of students 数数千名学生千名学生专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例3 3】 The volunteers sent _ books to a The volunteers sent _ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day. mountain village school on Childrens Day. A Atwo hundreds of Btwo hundreds of Btwo hundred of two hundred of C

151、Chundreds of Dhundreds of Dhundred of hundred of 解析解析 C C表示具体数字表示具体数字时时,用,用“数数词词hundredhundred”,后不,后不接接ofof,排除,排除A A、B B;表示不确切数目;表示不确切数目时时,用,用“hundreds ofhundreds of”结结构。构。故故选选C C。专题专题4 4 数词数词以以tyty结结尾的基数尾的基数词词的复数形式的意的复数形式的意义义2020至至9090之之间间以以tyty结结尾的基数尾的基数词词表示年代或表示年代或岁岁数数时时,以复,以复数形式出数形式出现现。如:。如:in t

152、he 1990s/in the 1990s in the 1990s/in the 1990s 在二十世在二十世纪纪九十年代;九十年代; in in her fortiesher forties在她四十多在她四十多岁时岁时专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例4 4】 20142014漳州改漳州改编编In his _In his _, Wilson Wilson returned to his hometown and began to teach.returned to his hometown and began to teach.A Athirty Bthirty Bthirtiesthir

153、tiesC Cthirtieth Dthirtieth Dthirteenthirteen 解析解析 B B“in onesin ones基数基数词词的复数形式的复数形式”意意为为“在某人在某人多多岁时岁时”。句意:在他。句意:在他3030多多岁时岁时,WilsonWilson返回了家返回了家乡乡,开始,开始教教书书。专题专题4 4 数词数词2 2序数词的构成及用法序数词的构成及用法 (1)(1)序数序数词词的构成的构成onefirst; twosecondonefirst; twosecond;threethirdthreethird;fivefifthfivefifth;eighteigh

154、theighteighth;nineninthnineninth;twelvetwelfth; twelvetwelfth; fortyfortiethfortyfortieth记忆记忆口口诀诀:基:基变变序,有序,有规规律。律。词词尾加上尾加上thth。一、二、三,。一、二、三, 特殊特殊记记,词词尾字母尾字母t t、 d d、 d d。八减。八减t t,九减,九减e e,veve要用要用f f替。替。tyty把把y y变变成成i i,记记住住thth前有个前有个e e。专题专题4 4 数词数词(2)(2)序数序数词词的用法的用法序数序数词词用来表示事物的先后用来表示事物的先后顺顺序,多与定

155、冠序,多与定冠词词、物主代、物主代词词或名或名词词所有格所有格连连用。用。专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例5 5】 John lives on _ floor. He uses a John lives on _ floor. He uses a lift to go up and down. lift to go up and down. A Anine Bnine Bthe ninth the ninth C Cninth Dninth Da ninth a ninth 解析解析 B B句意:句意:约约翰居住在第九翰居住在第九层层楼,他用楼,他用电电梯上上下梯上上下下。表示事物的下。表示

156、事物的顺顺序用序数序用序数词词,序数,序数词词前用定冠前用定冠词词thethe。故。故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词不定冠不定冠词词a/ana/an与序数与序数词连词连用。序数用。序数词词除了与定冠除了与定冠词词、形、形容容词词性物主代性物主代词词或名或名词词所有格等所有格等连连用表示用表示顺顺序外,序外,还还可与可与a/ana/an连连用,表示用,表示“再一,再一, 又一又一”,相当于,相当于anotheranother。如:。如:Then they had a second childThen they had a second childa son.a son.后来他后来他们们又有

157、了一个孩子又有了一个孩子一个儿子。一个儿子。专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例6 6】 I like neither of the two books. Please I like neither of the two books. Please show me _ one. show me _ one. A Athird Bthird Ba third a third C Cthe third Dthe third Dthree three 解析解析 B B句意:句意:这这两本两本书书我都不喜我都不喜欢欢,请给请给我再拿一本我再拿一本来。序数来。序数词词前用前用a a,表示,表示“又一;再一

158、又一;再一”。故。故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词3 3分数的表达法及用法分数的表达法及用法 分数的表达法:分子用基数分数的表达法:分子用基数词词,分母用序数,分母用序数词词; 若分子若分子大于大于1 1,分母的序数,分母的序数词词要用复数。如:要用复数。如: one third, two thirdsone third, two thirds 提示提示 1/2 1/2可以表达可以表达为为one half one half 或或 a half (a half (但不但不说说 one one second); 3/4second); 3/4可以表达可以表达为为three quarters/

159、three fourthsthree quarters/three fourths。专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例7 7】 The teacher said that _ of the The teacher said that _ of the boys would take part in the talent show.boys would take part in the talent show.A Athree five Bthree five Bthree fives three fives C Cthirds fifths Dthirds fifths Dthree fift

160、hs three fifths 解析解析 D D分数表达法:分子用基数分数表达法:分子用基数词词,分母用序数,分母用序数词词;当分子大于当分子大于1 1时时,分母的序数,分母的序数词词要用复数形式。故要用复数形式。故选选D D。专题专题4 4 数词数词分数作主分数作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词的的单单复数形式复数形式应应由后面名由后面名词词的的数确定:后面的名数确定:后面的名词为词为可数名可数名词词复数复数时时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式;用复数形式;后面的名后面的名词为词为不可数名不可数名词词或可数名或可数名词单词单数数时时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数数形式。如:形式。如:Three fif

161、ths of the work is finished.Three fifths of the work is finished.这项这项工作已工作已经经完成了五分之三。完成了五分之三。Three fifths of the students in our class are Three fifths of the students in our class are League members.League members.我我们们班五分之三的学生是共青班五分之三的学生是共青团员团员。专题专题4 4 数词数词【典例典例8 8】 20142014泰州泰州About _ of the earth

162、 About _ of the earth _ covered with water, but we have less and less _ covered with water, but we have less and less available fresh water.available fresh water.A Athreethreefourth; is fourth; is B Bthreethreefourths; isfourths; isC Cthreethreefourth; are fourth; are D Dthreethreefourths; arefourth

163、s; are 解析解析 B B四分之三可以表示四分之三可以表示为为three fourths; earththree fourths; earth为为不可数名不可数名词词,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。故数形式。故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014合肥合肥4545中三模中三模Class, lets turn to Page Class, lets turn to Page _ and read the _ paragraph. _ and read the _ paragraph. A AFive; five BFive; five B

164、Five; fifth Five; fifth C CFifth; five DFifth; five DFifth; fifth Fifth; fifth B B第一空表示第一空表示编编号,用基数号,用基数词词;第二空表示;第二空表示顺顺序,用序数序,用序数词词。故故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()2. )2. 20142014安安庆庆外国外国语语学校模学校模拟拟Last year, I Last year, I visited a chemical factory in Anqing, and there are visited a chemical factory in An

165、qing, and there are about _ workers in it.about _ workers in it.A Asix thousands Bsix thousands Bsix thousandsix thousandC Csix thousands of Dsix thousands of Dsix thousand ofsix thousand ofB B表示确切数目表示确切数目时时,用,用“数字数字thousandthousand”;表示不确定数目;表示不确定数目时时,用,用thousands ofthousands of,故,故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数

166、词( ()3. )3. 20142014亳州二中模亳州二中模拟拟Nowadays _ of Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English.business letters are written in English.A Atwo third Btwo third Btwo thirdstwo thirdsC Ctwo three Dtwo three Dsecond threesecond threeB B表示确切数目表示确切数目时时,用,用“数字数字thousandthousand”;表示不确定数目;表示不确定数目时时,用,用t

167、housands ofthousands of,故,故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()4.)4.Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket?You can go to the Mens Wear Section on _ You can go to the Mens Wear Section on _ floor.floor.A Atwo Btwo BtwicetwiceC Csecond Dsecond Dthe secondthe secondD D表示在表示在“楼房的多少楼房的

168、多少层层”时时用序数用序数词词,其前要用定冠,其前要用定冠词词thethe。故故选选D D。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()5.)5.I hear your friend is visiting Xiao Yaojin I hear your friend is visiting Xiao Yaojin Park. Is it the second time for him? Park. Is it the second time for him? Yes, and he will come for _ time next Yes, and he will come for _ time ne

169、xt spring. spring. A Aa third Ba third Bthird third C Cthe third Dthe third Da seconda secondA A根据句意可知,根据句意可知,对对方已方已经经到到过过逍遥津公园两次了,那么明逍遥津公园两次了,那么明年的春天年的春天应该应该是第三次到是第三次到这这里。序数里。序数词词前用不定冠前用不定冠词词a a,表示,表示“再一;又一再一;又一”。故。故选选A A。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()1. )1. 20142014河池河池Where is Class _Where is Class _?Its on th

170、e _ floor.Its on the _ floor.A ANinth; second BNinth; second BNinth; two Ninth; two C CNine; second DNine; second DNine; twoNine; two语语法法专练专练C C专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()2. )2. 20142014随州随州What do you think of the What do you think of the environment here?environment here?Wonderful! _ of the land _ covered Wo

171、nderful! _ of the land _ covered with trees and grass.with trees and grass.A ATwo fifths; is BTwo fifths; is BTwo fifth; is Two fifth; is C CTwo filths; are DTwo filths; are DTwo fifth; areTwo fifth; areA A五分之二的表示法是五分之二的表示法是two fifthstwo fifths;landland是不可数名是不可数名词词, 故故谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。故数形式。故选选A A。专题专

172、题4 4 数词数词( ()3.)3.Mountain Huang is really a beautiful Mountain Huang is really a beautiful place, isnt it? place, isnt it? Yes, _ travelers like to come here for a Yes, _ travelers like to come here for a visit. visit. A Athousands of Bthousands of Bthousand ofthousand ofC Cthousand Dthousand Dthre

173、e thousandsthree thousandsA A当表示当表示“确切数目确切数目”时时,遵守,遵守“两无两无”规则规则,即无,即无s s,无,无ofof;当;当表示表示“不确切数目不确切数目”时时,遵守,遵守“两有两有”规则规则,即有,即有s s,有,有ofof。根据句。根据句意可知意可知选选A A。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()4._ is the biggest number of the four.)4._ is the biggest number of the four.A ATwoTwothirds Bthirds BA halfA halfC CA quarter DA

174、 quarter DOneOnethird third A A通通过过比比较较可知,可知,two thirdstwo thirdsa halfa halfone thirdone thirda a quarterquarter,故,故选选A A。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()5. )5. 20142014黄石黄石There are _ doctors in There are _ doctors in this hospital; _ of themthis hospital; _ of them are women doctors. are women doctors.A Atwo hun

175、dred; two fifth two hundred; two fifth B Btwo hundreds; two fifthtwo hundreds; two fifthC Ctwo hundred; two fifths two hundred; two fifths D Dtwo hundreds; two fifthstwo hundreds; two fifthsC C表示具体数字表示具体数字时时,直接在,直接在hundredhundred前加数前加数词词;五分之二的正;五分之二的正确表达法是确表达法是two fifthstwo fifths。故。故选选C C。专题专题4 4 数

176、词数词( ()6. )6. 20142014襄阳襄阳We have sixty students in our We have sixty students in our class. _ of them are boys. How many girls are class. _ of them are boys. How many girls are there, do you know?there, do you know?There are twenty girls.There are twenty girls.A AOne third BOne third BTwo thirdsTwo

177、 thirdsC COne quarter DOne quarter DA halfA halfB B根据上句班里有根据上句班里有6060名学生,再答名学生,再答语语可知女孩是可知女孩是2020人,那么人,那么男孩就是男孩就是4040人,占人,占总总人数的三分之二。故人数的三分之二。故选选B B。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()7. )7. 20142014广广东东Its never too old to learn. Karl Its never too old to learn. Karl Marx began to learn English in his _Marx began to

178、learn English in his _A Athe fiftieth Bthe fiftieth BfiftiethfiftiethC Cfifty Dfifty DfiftiesfiftiesD D“in onesin ones基数基数词词复数形式复数形式”表示表示“在某人在某人多多岁时岁时”。专题专题4 4 数词数词( ()8._ the worlds books and newspapers )8._ the worlds books and newspapers are written in English.are written in English.A AThree thir

179、ds Three thirds B BThree fourth of Three fourth of C CThree quarters of DThree quarters of DThree quarters Three quarters C CA A、B B两两项项表达法表达法错误错误;根据句意可知,;根据句意可知,应该应该用名用名词词所有格,所有格,故故选选C C。专题专题5 介词介词专题专题5 5 介词介词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测时间时间介介词词掌握表示掌握表示时间时间的介的介词词的的用法及意思相近或相同用法及意思相近或相同的的时

180、间时间介介词词的辨析。的辨析。考考查时间查时间介介词词的具体运的具体运用及辨析。用及辨析。地点地点介介词词掌握表示地点的介掌握表示地点的介词词的的用法及意思相近或相同用法及意思相近或相同的地点介的地点介词词的辨析。的辨析。考考查查地点介地点介词词在具体在具体语语境中的运用。境中的运用。专题专题5 5 介词介词表示方式、手段或工具表示方式、手段或工具的介的介词词掌握表示方式、手段或掌握表示方式、手段或工具的介工具的介词词的用法及意的用法及意思相近或相同的此思相近或相同的此类类介介词词的辨析。的辨析。考考查查表示方式、手段或表示方式、手段或工具的介工具的介词词的用法。的用法。其他常用介其他常用介词

181、词除掌握以上几除掌握以上几类类介介词词外,外,还还要掌握如要掌握如except, without, against等介等介词词的用法。的用法。考考查查其他常其他常见见介介词词的用的用法。法。介介词词短短语语掌握常掌握常见见的介的介词词短短语语。考考查查介介词词短短语语的固定搭的固定搭配及辨析。配及辨析。专题专题5 5 介词介词1 1时间介词时间介词at, onat, on和和inin的用法的用法介介词词用法用法例句例句at用于具体用于具体时时刻前刻前at 3: 50 在在3点点50分分on用在具体的某一天前用在具体的某一天前(具体某天的具体某天的上午、下午、晚上及其前有修上午、下午、晚上及其前

182、有修饰饰词时词时;星期几前;星期几前)On Monday在周一;在周一;on a rainy evening在一个下雨天的晚上在一个下雨天的晚上in用在年、月、季用在年、月、季节节及上及上/下午、晚下午、晚上等上等词词前前in spring在春天在春天专题专题5 5 介词介词 提示提示 at night at night 在夜里,在晚上;在夜里,在晚上;in the evenin the evening ing 在晚上,在傍晚;在晚上,在傍晚;at noon at noon 在中午;在中午; at this/that time at this/that time 在在这这/ /那那时时; at

183、 Christmas at Christmas 在圣在圣诞节诞节时间词时间词morning, afternoon, evening, Sundaymorning, afternoon, evening, Sunday等前有等前有 last, next, this, thatlast, next, this, that修修饰时饰时,其前不再用介,其前不再用介词词; tomorrow, tonighttomorrow, tonight前也不用介前也不用介词词。如:。如:I will go to the cinema this evening. I will go to the cinema thi

184、s evening. 今晚我将去看今晚我将去看电电影。影。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例1 1】 What do you usually do _ Sunday What do you usually do _ Sunday morning? morning? I usually go fishing with my friends. I usually go fishing with my friends. A Aat Bat Bin Cin Con Don Dfor for 解析解析 C C句意:在星期日的上午,你通常干什么?句意:在星期日的上午,你通常干什么?morningmorni

185、ng前有修前有修饰词时饰词时,用介,用介词词onon。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例2 2】 20132013潍潍坊坊When did the terrible When did the terrible earthquake happen in Yaan, Sichuan?earthquake happen in Yaan, Sichuan?It happened _ 8It happened _ 8:02 _ the morning 02 _ the morning of April 20th, 2013.of April 20th, 2013.A Aon; in Bon; in Ba

186、t; onat; onC Cat; in Dat; in Don; onon; on 解析解析 B B具体具体时时刻前用刻前用atat;表示在具体某一天的早上用;表示在具体某一天的早上用介介词词onon。专题专题5 5 介词介词2 2地点介词地点介词at, in, onat, in, on和和toto的用法的用法 介介词词用法用法例句例句at 用在小地点前用在小地点前They arrived at a small village before dark.他他们们在天黑前到达了在天黑前到达了一个小村庄。一个小村庄。in 用于大地点前或表示在某个范用于大地点前或表示在某个范围围内内He arriv

187、ed in Shanghai yesterday.他昨天到达了上海。他昨天到达了上海。on 表示在某个物体上面或表示表示在某个物体上面或表示“紧紧邻邻”关系关系There is a book on the desk.桌子桌子上有一本上有一本书书。to表示表示“没接触,不包含没接触,不包含”France lies to the south of England.法国在英国的南面。法国在英国的南面。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典典例例3 3】 Japan Japan is is _ _ the the east east of of China China and and Shanghai is _

188、 the east of China. Shanghai is _ the east of China. A Ain; to Bin; to Bto; into; inC Cin; in Din; in Dto; on to; on 解解析析 B B在在表表示示位位置置时时,inin表表示示在在某某一一范范围围的的内内部部;toto表示隔海相望;表示隔海相望;onon表示接壤。故表示接壤。故选选B B。专题专题5 5 介词介词3 3表示方式、手段或工具的介词表示方式、手段或工具的介词 介介词词用法用法例句例句by表示表示“用用/以以/通通过过/靠靠的方法的方法”。I learn English

189、 by listening to the radio.我通我通过过听收音机学听收音机学习习英英语语。with指指“用工具或某物用工具或某物”。Please write the letter with a pen.请请用用钢钢笔写笔写这这封信。封信。in 指指“用某种用某种语语言、材料、声音言、材料、声音”等。等。Please say it in English.请请用英用英语语说这说这件事。件事。on 表示使用一些无表示使用一些无线电线电工具。工具。I often talk with my friends on the phone.我我经经常通常通过电话过电话与朋友交与朋友交谈谈。专题专题5

190、5 介词介词【典例典例4 4】 How do you communicate with your How do you communicate with your foreign friends?foreign friends?_ writing e_ writing emails, of course.mails, of course.A AWith BWith BBy By C CAt DAt DFrom From 解析解析 B B句意:句意:“你怎你怎样样同你的外国朋友交流?同你的外国朋友交流?”“”“当然是当然是通通过电过电子子邮邮件。件。”表示表示“通通过过某种方式某种方式”用用by

191、by。专题专题5 5 介词介词4 4其他常用介词其他常用介词 (1)since, for(1)since, for和和untiluntil 介介词词用法用法例句例句since 意意为为“自从自从以来以来”,常用于完,常用于完成成时时。I have lived here since ten years ago.自自10年前以来,我就一直住年前以来,我就一直住在在这这儿。儿。for 意意为为“历时历时之久之久”,“for一一段段时间时间”用于完成用于完成时时。He has been a teacher for nine years. 他已他已经经当老当老师师9年了。年了。专题专题5 5 介词介词u

192、ntil 用于否定句中,用于否定句中, 意意为为“直到直到才才”,谓语动词谓语动词多多为为非延非延续续性性动词动词。We wont see any flowers until March. 直到三月,我直到三月,我们们才会看才会看到一些花。到一些花。用于肯定句中,用于肯定句中, 意意为为“直到直到为为止止”,谓语动词须为谓语动词须为延延续续性性动词动词。You must wait until 10:00. 你你必必须须等到十点。等到十点。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例5 5】 The Smiths came to Shanghai in 2008, and The Smiths came

193、to Shanghai in 2008, and they have lived there for eight years _ then.they have lived there for eight years _ then.A Afor Bfor Bsince since C Cbefore Dbefore Don on 解析解析 B B句意:史密斯夫句意:史密斯夫妇妇20082008年来到上海,自那年来到上海,自那时时起,起,他他们们已已经经在那里居住了在那里居住了8 8年了。年了。since thensince then意意为为“自那自那时时以来以来”。专题专题5 5 介词介词(2)

194、across (2)across 和和 throughthroughacrossacross表示从表面穿表示从表面穿过过。如:。如:Can you swim across the river?Can you swim across the river?你能游你能游过这过这条河条河吗吗?throughthrough表示从内部穿表示从内部穿过过,如:,如:The path runs through the trees.The path runs through the trees.这这条小路穿条小路穿过树过树林。林。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例6 6】 I left the keys in

195、the room yesterday. I left the keys in the room yesterday. I had to get in _ the window.I had to get in _ the window.Its dangerous to do that.Its dangerous to do that.A Ain Bin BthroughthroughC Cover Dover Dfromfrom 解析解析 B B句意:昨天我把句意:昨天我把钥钥匙忘在房匙忘在房间间里了,我必里了,我必须须通通过过窗窗户进户进入房入房间间。表示从空。表示从空间间内部通内部通过过用用

196、throughthrough。专题专题5 5 介词介词(3)in(3)in和和afterafter“inin时间时间段段”表示表示“段段时间时间之后之后”,与将来,与将来时连时连用,可用,可用来回答用来回答how soonhow soon引引导导的的问问句。如:句。如:Ill leave in ten minutes. Ill leave in ten minutes. 十分十分钟钟后我将要离幵。后我将要离幵。专题专题5 5 介词介词 “afterafter时间时间段段”与与过过去去时连时连用;用;“afterafter十十时间时间点点”可与可与将来将来时连时连用。如:用。如:They lef

197、t after two weeks. They left after two weeks. 两周后他两周后他们们离开了。离开了。What are you going to do after supper?What are you going to do after supper?晚晚饭饭后你打算做什么?后你打算做什么?专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例7 7】 When will your uncle be back from When will your uncle be back from America? America? _ two weeks. _ two weeks. A AIn

198、BIn BAtAtC CFrom DFrom DTo To 解析解析 A A根据根据问问句句时态为时态为一般将来一般将来时时可知,可知,应该应该是是“两周两周后后”回来。回来。inin意意为为“在在以后以后”,与将来,与将来时连时连用。用。专题专题5 5 介词介词(4)between (4)between 和和 amongamongbetweenbetween表示表示“在两者之在两者之间间”;amongamong表示表示“在三在三 者或三者以者或三者以上的人或物之上的人或物之间间”。如:。如:Tom sits between Lucy and Lily.Tom sits between Luc

199、y and Lily.汤汤姆坐在露西和莉莉中姆坐在露西和莉莉中间间。A British woman was among the surviors.A British woman was among the surviors.幸存者中有一位英国幸存者中有一位英国妇妇女。女。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例8 8】 Its a top secret. Its a top secret. Yes, I see. I will keep the secret _ you Yes, I see. I will keep the secret _ you and me. and me. A Awith

200、Bwith Bamong among C Cbetween Dbetween Dfor for 解析解析 C C根据答根据答语语可知是两者之可知是两者之间间。表示。表示“在两者之在两者之间间”用用betweenbetween。专题专题5 5 介词介词(5)besides (5)besides 与与 exceptexceptbesidesbesides表示表示种累加关系,指种累加关系,指“除了除了之外之外 ( (还还有有) )”。如:。如:Besides his wife, his daughter also went to see Besides his wife, his daughter

201、also went to see him.him.除了他妻子外,他女儿也去看他了。除了他妻子外,他女儿也去看他了。exceptexcept表示表示种排除关系,指种排除关系,指“除了除了之外之外( (不再有不再有) )”。如:。如:No one passed the exam except Jim.No one passed the exam except Jim.除了吉姆外,没有除了吉姆外,没有个人通个人通过过了考了考试试。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例9 9】 All the people went home _ Mr. All the people went home _ Mr. Wa

202、ng, for he had to finish his work. Wang, for he had to finish his work. A Awith Bwith Bbesides besides C Cexcept Dexcept Dafter after 解析解析 C C句意:除了王老句意:除了王老师师外,其他人都回家了,因外,其他人都回家了,因为为他必他必须须完成他的工作。完成他的工作。exceptexcept表示表示“除了除了以外以外( (不包括除去不包括除去的的) )”。故。故选选C C。专题专题5 5 介词介词5 5介词短语介词短语 (1)(1)介介词词与与动词动词搭配搭配

203、ask for ask for 寻寻求求agree with agree with 同意同意arrive in/at arrive in/at 到达到达 catch up with catch up with 赶上赶上depend on depend on 取决于取决于 get to get to 到达到达listen to listen to 听听 laugh at laugh at 嘲笑嘲笑look for look for 寻寻找找 look after look after 照照顾顾专题专题5 5 介词介词look at look at 看看 pay for pay for 为为付付钱

204、钱think of think of 认为认为;想起;想起 wait for wait for 等候等候do well in do well in 在某方面做得好在某方面做得好 worry about worry about 担心担心spendspendonon 在在上花上花费费hear from hear from 收到收到的来信的来信help sb. with sth. help sb. with sth. 在某方面帮助某人在某方面帮助某人 专题专题5 5 介词介词(2)(2)介介词词与名与名词词搭配搭配at once at once 立刻立刻in time in time 及及时时in

205、the sun in the sun 在阳光下在阳光下 in the end in the end 最最终终 in trouble in trouble 在困境中在困境中 on time on time 按按时时on foot on foot 步行步行 on duty on duty 值值日日at the end of at the end of 在在的末端的末端at the same time at the same time 同同时时at home/school at home/school 在家在家/ /学校学校专题专题5 5 介词介词on ones way to on ones way

206、 to 在去在去的路上的路上(3)(3)介介词词与形容与形容词词搭配搭配be late for be late for 迟迟到到be afraid of be afraid of 害怕害怕 be good at be good at 擅擅长长be full of be full of 充充满满be famous for/as be famous for/as 因因/ /作作为为而出名而出名be good/bad for be good/bad for 对对有好有好处处/ /有害有害be interested in be interested in 对对感感兴兴趣趣be angry with s

207、b. be angry with sb. 生某人的气生某人的气专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例1010】 To keep away from germs, we must not To keep away from germs, we must not spit _. spit _. A Ain danger Bin danger Bin need in need C Cin public Din public Din time in time 解析解析 C C句意:句意:为为了了远远离离细细菌,我菌,我们们禁止在公共禁止在公共场场所吐所吐痰。痰。in publicin public意意为为

208、“在公共在公共场场所所”。故。故选选C C。专题专题5 5 介词介词【典例典例1111】 20142014德州德州 Dont ask him to study too Dont ask him to study too late into night. _late into night. _, he is only a child.he is only a child.A AAs a result BAs a result BAfter allAfter allC COn earth DOn earth DFor exampleFor example 解析解析 B B句意:不要句意:不要让让他

209、学他学习习到深夜,到深夜,毕毕竟,他只是一竟,他只是一个孩子。个孩子。after allafter all意意为为“毕毕竟竟”。故。故选选B B。专题专题5 5 介词介词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽_ the exam, well say good_ the exam, well say goodbye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our bye to our dear teachers, classmates as well as our beautiful school.beautiful sch

210、ool.A AIn BIn BForForC CAfter DAfter DThroughThroughC C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()2. )2. 20132013安徽安徽Mrs. King put a coat _ the Mrs. King put a coat _ the sleeping girl to keep her warm.sleeping girl to keep her warm.A Aover Bover BwithwithC Cbehind Dbehind DbesidebesideA A句意:句意: Mrs. KingMrs. King给给睡着的小女孩盖上了一

211、件外套使她暖睡着的小女孩盖上了一件外套使她暖和。和。overover意意为为“在在上面上面”。故。故选选A A。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()3. )3. 20142014合肥合肥4545中三模中三模Dear, how many people Dear, how many people will come for dinner tonight?will come for dinner tonight?Five people _ me. Five people _ me. A Abeside Bbeside Bamong among C Cbesides Dbesides Dbeyond be

212、yond C C句意:句意: Mrs. KingMrs. King给给睡着的小女孩盖上了一件外套使她暖睡着的小女孩盖上了一件外套使她暖和。和。overover意意为为“在在上面上面”。故。故选选A A。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()4. )4. 20142014合肥合肥4545中中模模Mr. Smith has a house Mr. Smith has a house _ the center of the town. _ the center of the town. Thats right. And it is similar _ mine.Thats right. And it is

213、 similar _ mine.A Aon; as Bon; as Bin; to in; to C Cas; for Das; for Dto; like to; like B Bin the center ofin the center of意意为为“在在中心中心”;be similar tobe similar to意意为为“与与相似相似”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()5. )5. 20142014合肥包河区合肥包河区模模Boys and girls, wish Boys and girls, wish you to do well in the exam _ a light hea

214、rt.you to do well in the exam _ a light heart.Thanks, Miss King.Thanks, Miss King.A Aon Bon BforforC Cin Din DwithwithD D句意:孩子句意:孩子们们,希望你,希望你们怀们怀着着轻轻松愉快的心情在考松愉快的心情在考试试中中发发挥挥出色。出色。withwith表示表示“带带有有”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()6.I gave up the piano lessons because I have )6.I gave up the piano lessons because I

215、have so much homework to do. But its _ my own so much homework to do. But its _ my own wishes. wishes. A Ain Bin Bon on C Cfor Dfor Dagainst against D D句意:我放弃了我的句意:我放弃了我的钢钢琴琴课课,因,因为为我有如此多的作我有如此多的作业业要做,要做,但是但是这违这违背了我的愿望。背了我的愿望。againstagainst意意为为“违违背背”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()7.)7.The charity concert begins _

216、 9: 00 The charity concert begins _ 9: 00 a am. Dont be late. m. Dont be late. No problem. No problem. A Ain Bin Bat Cat Con Don Dto to B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()8. )8. 20142014阜阳九中三模阜阳九中三模Li Jianrou got Chinas Li Jianrou got Chinas first gold medal in the Sochi Winter Olympic Games first gold medal in the

217、 Sochi Winter Olympic Games _ February 13, 2014. _ February 13, 2014. A Ain Bin Bat Cat Con Don DbybyC C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()1. )1. 20142014重重庆庆Mr. Greens office is _ Mr. Greens office is _ the 26th floor. You can take the lift there.the 26th floor. You can take the lift there.A Aat Bat Bin Cin Con Don D

218、for for ( ()2. )2. 20142014滨滨州州A ship from South Korea sank into A ship from South Korea sank into the sea _ April 16, 2014. the sea _ April 16, 2014. A Ain Bin Bon Con Cat Dat Dforfor语语法法专练专练C CB B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()3. )3. 20142014南京南京Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Nanjing Lishui Strawberry Festival opened

219、 _ March in Fujiabian Modern Festival opened _ March in Fujiabian Modern Agricultural Park this year.Agricultural Park this year.A Aon Bon BatatC Cin Din DtotoC C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()4. )4. 20142014丽丽水水_ all his pocket money, _ all his pocket money, Dan bought a present for his mother on Mothers Day.Dan

220、bought a present for his mother on Mothers Day.A AWith BWith BForForC CBy DBy DIn In A A句意:母句意:母亲节这亲节这天,天,DanDan用他所有的零花用他所有的零花钱给钱给他的他的妈妈买妈妈买了了一份生日礼物。介一份生日礼物。介词词withwith表示表示“用某物用某物”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()5. )5. 20142014潍潍坊坊What can I do for you? What can I do for you? I hope I have a nice house _a big gard

221、en.I hope I have a nice house _a big garden.A Aof Bof BwithwithC Cform Dform Dabout about B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()6. )6. 20142014威海威海We are leaving tomorrow; we will We are leaving tomorrow; we will be away _ next Friday.be away _ next Friday.A Afrom Bfrom BuntiluntilC Con Don DsincesinceB B专题专题5 5 介词介词(

222、 ()7)7. 2014. 2014内江内江When people mention planes, it When people mention planes, it will remind the parents _ their daughter on the will remind the parents _ their daughter on the Malaysian Airlines plane MH370.Malaysian Airlines plane MH370.A Awith Bwith Bfor Cfor Cin Din DofofD Dremind sb. ofremin

223、d sb. of意意为为“使某人想起使某人想起”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()8. )8. 20142014呼和浩特呼和浩特Im sorry, sir. Ive made a Im sorry, sir. Ive made a lot of mistakes in the exam.lot of mistakes in the exam.Never mind. _Never mind. _, the exam is a little the exam is a little difficult.difficult.A AIn all BIn all BFirst of allFirst o

224、f allC CAfter all DAfter all DAbove allAbove allC C答答语语句意:句意:别别介意,介意,毕毕竟竟这这次次测试测试有点有点难难度。度。after allafter all意意为为“毕毕竟竟”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()9.There is a hole in the wall and I can see )9.There is a hole in the wall and I can see the trees outside _ it. the trees outside _ it. A Ain Bin BwithwithC Cthrou

225、gh Dthrough Dby by C C句意:句意:墙墙上有个洞,通上有个洞,通过这过这个洞,我能看到外面的个洞,我能看到外面的树树。表。表示从空示从空间间内部通内部通过过,用,用throughthrough。故。故选选C C。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()10.)10.How are you going to the train station to How are you going to the train station to meet your aunt?meet your aunt?_ my car._ my car.A AIn BIn BOnOnC CBy DBy DWit

226、hWithA A专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()11.)11.When does your mother go shopping?When does your mother go shopping?Usually _ Sunday morning.Usually _ Sunday morning.A Aon Bon Bin Cin Cat Dat Dfor for A A专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()12. )12. 20142014临临沂沂Now, people regard drinking tea Now, people regard drinking tea _ a culture

227、more than a habit._ a culture more than a habit.A Aas Bas BbybyC Cof Dof DwithwithA Aregardregardasas意意为为“把把看作看作”,故,故选选A A。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()13. )13. 20142014泸泸州州Can you tell me what happened Can you tell me what happened _ him just now?_ him just now?A Awith Bwith BforforC Cto Dto DatatC C专题专题5 5 介词介

228、词( ()14. )14. 20142014白白银银Mom always tells me that nothing Mom always tells me that nothing can be learned _ hard work.can be learned _ hard work.A Awith Bwith BbybyC Cfor Dfor DwithoutwithoutD D专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()15. )15. 20142014江西江西Everyone wants to win. But Everyone wants to win. But _ me, the most

229、 important thing is to learn _ me, the most important thing is to learn something new and have fun.something new and have fun.A Aas for Bas for Bthanks tothanks toC Cinstead of Dinstead of Dsuch assuch asA A句意:每个人都想句意:每个人都想获胜获胜,但至于我,最重要的事情是学一,但至于我,最重要的事情是学一些新些新东东西并且西并且过过得快得快乐乐。as foras for意意为为“至于至于”

230、。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()16.His mother often helps him _ his )16.His mother often helps him _ his English, so he does better _ English than English, so he does better _ English than others.others.A Awith; in Bwith; in Bon; inon; inC Cin; with Din; with Dwith; at with; at A A专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()17.)17.When will

231、she come back from her summer When will she come back from her summer holiday?holiday?Im not sure. Maybe _ a week.Im not sure. Maybe _ a week.A Abefore Bbefore BininC Cafter Dafter DatatB Binin表示表示“在在之后之后”,常与一般将来,常与一般将来时连时连用。用。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()18. )18. 20142014天津天津Cambridge is a small Cambridge is a

232、small city_ the east of England.city_ the east of England.A Abetween Bbetween BwithwithC Cin Din DunderunderC C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()19. )19. 20142014绵绵阳阳How long have you stayed in How long have you stayed in this hotel?this hotel?Not long, just _ this Monday.Not long, just _ this Monday.A Afrom Bfrom Bs

233、incesinceC Cfor Dfor DononB Bsincesince意意为为“自自以来以来”,常用于完成,常用于完成时态时态。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()20.)20.How do you usually go to school?How do you usually go to school?I usually go to school _ bike, but I usually go to school _ bike, but sometimes I go to school _ foot.sometimes I go to school _ foot.A Awith; on

234、 Bwith; on Bon; byon; byC Con; with Don; with Dby; onby; onD D专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()21.)21.Where do you sit, Jane?Where do you sit, Jane?I sit _ Linda. She is just on my left.I sit _ Linda. She is just on my left.A Anext to Bnext to Bin front ofin front ofC Cbehind Dbehind DoppositeoppositeA A由答由答语语“她她刚刚好

235、在我左好在我左边边”可知,我坐在琳达旁可知,我坐在琳达旁边边,故,故选选A A。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()22. )22. 20142014嘉嘉兴兴Some workers in that factory Some workers in that factory have to work _ night.have to work _ night.A Aat Bat BforforC Cwith Dwith DamongamongA A专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()23.)23.Did you enjoy yourself at the party?Did you enjoy yours

236、elf at the party?_ the beginning, I had a good time._ the beginning, I had a good time.A AOn BOn BForForC CWith DWith DIn In D Din the beginningin the beginning意意为为“一开始一开始”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()25.I got _ the city _ 10: 00 a)25.I got _ the city _ 10: 00 am.m.A Aon; at Bon; at Bto; at to; at C Cin; in Din

237、; in Dat; in at; in B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()26.Tina is waiting _ the bus stop.)26.Tina is waiting _ the bus stop.A Afor Bfor BatatC Cin Din Dto to B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()24.)24._ my surprise, no one passed the _ my surprise, no one passed the exam except me.exam except me.A AIn BIn BForForC CBy DBy DTo To D

238、D专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()27.Dont )27.Dont worry! worry! You You will will get get on on well well _ _ your your classmates classmates if if you you are are kind kind and and friendly friendly to to them.them. A Aat Bat BofofC Cwith Dwith Din in ( ()28.Bill was born _ August, 1985. He )28.Bill was born _ Aug

239、ust, 1985. He works _ a farm. works _ a farm. A Aon; in Bon; in Bat; in at; in C Cin; on Din; on Don; on on; on C CC C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()29. )29. 20142014金金华华The blind man walked across the The blind man walked across the street _ the help of a boy.street _ the help of a boy.A Aby Bby BatatC Cin Din Dw

240、ithwithD D专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()30.)30.20142014云南云南Excuse me. Could you tell me Excuse me. Could you tell me the way _ the nearest supermarket?the way _ the nearest supermarket?Go down the street and turn left. Then youll see Go down the street and turn left. Then youll see it.it.A Ato Bto Bofof C Cin Din

241、 DatatA Athe way tothe way to意意为为“去去的路的路”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()31.Hes wearing a pair of sunglasses to )31.Hes wearing a pair of sunglasses to protect his eyes _ the strong sunlight. protect his eyes _ the strong sunlight. A Afrom Bfrom Binin C Cto Dto Dwith with A Aprotectprotectfromfrom意意为为“保保护护免受免受”。专题

242、专题5 5 介词介词( ()32.Next Saturday well leave _ Hong )32.Next Saturday well leave _ Hong Kong _ business.Kong _ business.A Afor; on Bfor; on Bfor; for for; for C Cin; for Din; for Dto; at to; at A Aleave forleave for意意为为“动动身去某地身去某地”;on businesson business意意为为“出差出差”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()33.Welcome to my homet

243、own! I hope youll have )33.Welcome to my hometown! I hope youll have a good time _ your stay here. a good time _ your stay here. A Aafter Bafter Bduring during C Cwith Dwith Dsince since B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()34.The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated )34.The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated _ differe

244、nt ways _ the same time in _ different ways _ the same time in different places every year.different places every year.A Aon; in Bon; in Bin; at in; at C Con; at Don; at Din; for in; for B Bin different waysin different ways表示表示“用不同的方式用不同的方式”;at the same at the same timetime表示表示“在同一在同一时间时间”。专题专题5 5

245、介词介词( ()35.)35.Hi, Peter! Tomorrow is moms birthday. Hi, Peter! Tomorrow is moms birthday. What are you going to buy _ her? What are you going to buy _ her? Im going to buy her a scarf. Im going to buy her a scarf. A Ato Bto Bfor Cfor Cin Din Dfrom from B B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()36.)36.When did you meet Ja

246、ck for the first When did you meet Jack for the first time?time?I met him _ the airport _ National I met him _ the airport _ National Day.Day.A Aat; in Bat; in Bat; onat; onC Con; in Don; in Don; aton; atB B专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()37.)37.Where are Diaoyu Islands?Where are Diaoyu Islands?Look, they are here,

247、 in the east of China, Look, they are here, in the east of China, _ Taiwan Province._ Taiwan Province.A Ain Bin BnearnearC Cbefore Dbefore DononB B答答语语句意:看,它句意:看,它们们在在这这里,在中国的里,在中国的东东部,台湾省附近。部,台湾省附近。nearnear表示表示“在在附近附近”。专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()38.)38.Not only the young but also the old are Not only the youn

248、g but also the old are getting interested _ WeChat. getting interested _ WeChat. Yes, they can communicate more freely by it. Yes, they can communicate more freely by it. A Aby Bby Babout Cabout Cin Din Dfor for C C专题专题5 5 介词介词( ()39.Before the bridge was built _ the )39.Before the bridge was built

249、_ the river, the villagers had to take a boat to the other river, the villagers had to take a boat to the other side.side.A Ain Bin BbesidebesideC Cacross Dacross DalongalongC C句意:在句意:在这这座座桥桥被建在被建在这这条河流上之前,村民条河流上之前,村民们们不得不乘不得不乘船去河船去河对对岸。此岸。此处处强强调调的是的是“横跨横跨”在河流之上,在河流之上,应该应该用用acrossacross,所以,所以选选C C专题

250、专题5 5 介词介词( ()40.The chemicals left in the vegetables and )40.The chemicals left in the vegetables and fruit are bad _ our health.fruit are bad _ our health.A Afrom Bfrom BwithwithC Cof Dof DforforD Dbe bad forbe bad for意意为为“对对有害有害”。专题专题6 形容词和副词形容词和副词专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求

251、要求命命题预测题预测形容形容词词/副副词词掌握形容掌握形容词词/副副词词的的词义词义、语语法功能及易混形容法功能及易混形容词词/副副词词的用法辨析。的用法辨析。考考查查形容形容词词/副副词词在具体在具体语语境中的境中的应应用。用。形容形容词词/副副词词的等的等级级掌握形容掌握形容词词/副副词词的原的原级级、比比较级较级、最高、最高级级的用法。的用法。考考查查形容形容词词/副副词词的原的原级级、比比较级较级、最高、最高级级的具体的具体运用。运用。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(1)(1)形形容容词词主主要要用用来来修修饰饰名名词词或或不不定定代代词词,表表示示人人或或事事物物的的性性质

252、质、特征或状、特征或状态态。(2)(2)副副词词用用来来修修饰饰动动词词、形形容容词词、其其他他副副词词或或句句子子,表表示示动动作的特征、状作的特征、状态态的特征或某种性的特征或某种性质质的程度。的程度。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词1 1形容词词义辨析形容词词义辨析近近五五年年,安安徽徽省省中中考考对对形形容容词词词词义义辨辨析析的的考考查查主主要要是是在在不不同同的的语语言言环环境境中中,通通过过对对上上下下文文的的理理解解准准确确掌掌握握一一些些词词义义相相同同或或相相近近的的形形容容词词的的意意义义及及用用法法,然然后后做做出出正正确确的的选选择择。形形容容词词的的词义词义

253、辨析是中考考辨析是中考考查查形容形容词词的的个重要形式。个重要形式。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例1 1】 What kind of books do you like? What kind of books do you like? I like funny storybooks. Theyre very _. I like funny storybooks. Theyre very _. A Aboring Bboring Blazy lazy C Cquiet Dquiet Dinteresting interesting 解析解析 D D本本题题考考查查形容形容词词

254、义词词义辨析。辨析。boringboring意意为为“无聊的无聊的”;lazylazy意意为为“懒懒惰的惰的”;quietquiet意意为为“安静的安静的”;interestinginteresting意意为为“有趣的有趣的”。根据答。根据答语语中中“我喜我喜欢欢有趣的故事有趣的故事书书”可知,可知,这这些些书应书应该该是是“有趣的有趣的”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词2 2副词词义辨析副词词义辨析 副副词词词词义义辨辨析析的的考考查查形形式式与与形形容容词词词词义义辨辨析析相相同同。近近年年来来,副词词义辨析成为了中考中的一个热点。副词词义辨析成为了中考中的一个热点。专题专题6

255、6 形容词和副词形容词和副词副副词词的分的分类类常考副常考副词词时间时间副副词词late 迟迟; early在早期;在早期; never 绝绝不;不; seldom 很少;很少; sometimes 有有时时; often 经经常;常; usually 通常;通常; always 总总是;是; immediately 立即,立即,马马上;上; once 曾曾经经; suddenly 突然;突然; already 已已经经; yet还还; soon很快;很快; still仍然;仍然; then然后;然后; just正好正好地点副地点副词词here 这这儿;儿;there 那儿;那儿;inside

256、 在里面;在里面;outside 在外面;在外面; everywhere 到到处处专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词方式副方式副词词badly糟糕地;糟糕地;bravely勇敢地;勇敢地;calmly平静地;平静地;carefully仔仔细细地;地;angrily生气地;生气地;happily愉快地;愉快地;slowly缓缓慢地;慢地;hard刻苦地;刻苦地;well好地;好地;fast快速地;快速地;clearly清晰地;清晰地; quickly快速地;快速地; safely安全地;安全地; luckily幸运地;幸运地; strongly强强烈地;烈地; loudly大声地;大声地;

257、 certainly 确定地;确定地; especially 尤其;尤其; really 真正地真正地程度副程度副词词completely完整地;完整地;nearly几乎;几乎;almost差不多;差不多;deeply深深地;深深地;hardly几乎不;几乎不; quite十分,非常;十分,非常;very非常;非常;rather相当,相当,颇颇; much很很疑疑问问副副词词how怎怎样样;when何何时时;where何地;何地;why为为何何频频度副度副词词twice两次;两次;weekly每周;每周;always总总是;是;often经经常;常;never从不;从不;daily天天;天天;

258、 usually 通常;通常;sometimes 有有时时专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例2 2】 The girls are talking about the art The girls are talking about the art festival _. festival _. Yes. They have so many fun things to share. Yes. They have so many fun things to share. A Aeasily Beasily Bangrily angrily C Csadly Dsadly Dhappi

259、ly happily 解析解析 D Deasilyeasily意意为为“容易地容易地”;angrilyangrily意意为为“生气地生气地”;sadlysadly意意为为“悲悲伤伤地地”;happilyhappily意意为为“高高兴兴地地”。根据答。根据答语语中中“有如有如此多有趣的事去分享此多有趣的事去分享”可知,可知,这这些女孩在高些女孩在高兴兴地地谈论谈论着着艺术节艺术节。故故选选D D。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词3 3形容词和副词比较等级的构成及用法形容词和副词比较等级的构成及用法 1 1形形容容词词/ /副副词词的的比比较较级级和和最最高高级级有有规规则则变变化化和和不

260、不规规则则变变化两种。化两种。(1)(1)规则变规则变化化专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词种种类类构成构成 例例词词一般情况一般情况加加er, esttalltallertallest; longlonger longest以不以不发发音字母音字母e结结尾的尾的单单音音节词节词加加r,stnicenicernicest; largelargerlargest以一个以一个辅辅音字母音字母结结尾的尾的重重读闭读闭音音节词节词先双写先双写该辅该辅音字母,再音字母,再加加 er, estbigbiggerbiggest;thinthinnerthinnest专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和

261、副词“以以辅辅音字母音字母 y”结结尾尾的的词词先先变变y为为i,再加,再加er,estbusybusierbusiest;funnyfunnierfunniest部分双音部分双音节词节词和多音和多音节词节词前面加前面加more, mostimportantmoreimportantmostimportant;easilymore easilymost easily专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(2)(2)不规则变化不规则变化原原级级比比较级较级最高最高级级good/well better best little less least bad/ill worse worstmuch/

262、many more most far farther/furtherfarthest/furthest专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词2.2.比比较较等等级级的用法的用法(1)(1)当表示两者程度相同当表示两者程度相同时时,用,用“asas形容形容词词/ /副副词词原原级级asas比比较对较对象象”。如:。如:Are you as careful as Simon? Are you as careful as Simon? 你和西蒙一你和西蒙一样认样认真真吗吗?(2)(2)当表示一方不如另一方当表示一方不如另一方时时,用,用“not as/so not as/so 形容形容词词/ /副

263、副词词原原级级asas比比较对较对象象”。如:。如:He doesnt write as/so carefully as me. He doesnt write as/so carefully as me. 他不如我写得他不如我写得认认真。真。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(3)(3)当表示一方超当表示一方超过过另一方另一方时时,用,用“比比较级较级 thanthan比比较对较对象象”。如:。如:He is taller than me.He is taller than me.他比我高。他比我高。(4)(4)当表示在三个或三个以上的人或物中程度最高当表示在三个或三个以上的人或物中程

264、度最高时时,用,用“thethe最高最高级级in/of/amongin/of/among范范围围”。如:。如: She sings (the)best of all.She sings (the)best of all.在所有人中,她唱得最好。在所有人中,她唱得最好。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例3 3】 Im _ at drawing than Linda. Im _ at drawing than Linda. A Abetter Bbetter Bgood good C Cwell Dwell Dbest best 解析解析 A A根据句中的比根据句中的比较词较词th

265、anthan可知用比可知用比较级较级。故。故选选A A。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例4 4】 Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Li Huas shoes are as _ as Zhang Huis.Huis.A Acheap Bcheap BcheapercheaperC Cthe cheaper Dthe cheaper Dthe cheapestthe cheapest 答案答案 A A专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词4 4形容词的习惯搭配形容词的习惯搭配 表表示示人人口口的的“多多少少”习习惯惯用用large, large,

266、 smallsmall表表示示;而而不不用用much, much, littlelittle。表表示示价价格格的的“高高低低”用用 high, high, lowlow;而而不不用用 expensive, expensive, cheap cheap 等。等。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典典例例5 5】 The The population population of of China China is is _ _ than than that of the US.that of the US.A Amore Bmore BlargerlargerC Cfewer Dfewer

267、 Dsmallersmaller 解解析析 B B表表示示人人口口的的“多多少少”用用largelarge或或smallsmall,由由常常识识判判断中国的人口比美国的人口多。故断中国的人口比美国的人口多。故选选B B。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词5 5比较等级的修饰词比较等级的修饰词 比比较级较级常用常用 much, even, far, a lot, a bit, a littlemuch, even, far, a lot, a bit, a little等等词词来修来修饰饰;very, quite, so, toovery, quite, so, too多修多修饰饰原原级级

268、。如:。如:Its even colder than yesterday. Its even colder than yesterday. 今天比昨天更冷。今天比昨天更冷。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例6 6】 Dad, how can I get on well with my Dad, how can I get on well with my classmates?classmates?Try to be friendly to them. That will make it Try to be friendly to them. That will make it

269、much_much_A Aeasily Beasily Bmore easilymore easilyC Ceasy Deasy Deasiereasier 解析解析 D D答答语语句意:尽力句意:尽力对对他他们们友好,那会使它友好,那会使它( (与同学与同学友好相友好相处处) )变变得更容易。得更容易。muchmuch修修饰饰形容形容词词/ /副副词词的比的比较级较级, “makemaken.n.adj.adj.”为为固定固定结结构。故构。故选选D D。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词6 6特殊结构特殊结构 (1)(1)“比比较级较级andand比比较级较级”或或“more and

270、moremore and more原原级级”表表示示“越来越越来越”。如:。如:The weather gets warmer and warmer in spring.The weather gets warmer and warmer in spring.春天天春天天气气变变得越来越暖和。得越来越暖和。Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.Our city is becoming more and more beautiful.我我们们的城市的城市变变得越来越漂亮了。得越来越漂亮了。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(2)(2)“t

271、hethe比比较级较级,thethe比比较级较级”表示表示“越越就越就越”。如:如:The more you read, the more interested you will The more you read, the more interested you will become in J. K. Rowlings books.become in J. K. Rowlings books.你你读读得越多,得越多, 你就越会你就越会对对J. K. RowlingJ. K. Rowling的的书书感感兴兴趣。趣。(3)(3)“thethe比比较级较级of the two(of the tw

272、o(可数名可数名词词复数复数) )”表示表示“二者中二者中较较的的”。如:。如:Paul is the fatter of the two children in his Paul is the fatter of the two children in his family. family. 保保罗罗是他家两个孩子中是他家两个孩子中较较胖的。胖的。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(4)(4)“one ofone ofthethe形容形容词词最高最高级级可数名可数名词词复数复数”表示表示 “最最之一之一”。最高。最高级级前前还还可以用形容可以用形容词词性物主代性物主代词词或名或名词词所

273、有所有格来修格来修饰饰。如:。如:That is one of Jims most interesting books.That is one of Jims most interesting books.那是吉姆最有趣的那是吉姆最有趣的书书之一。之一。(5)(5)“序数序数词词最高最高级级”表示表示“第第最最的的”。如:。如: Hainan Island is the second largest island in Hainan Island is the second largest island in China.China.海南海南岛岛是中国第二大是中国第二大岛岛。专题专题6 6 形

274、容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例7 7】 Remember, everyone. _ you work at Remember, everyone. _ you work at English, _ result youll get. English, _ result youll get. A AThe better; the harder The better; the harder B BThe harder; the better The harder; the better C CThe hard; the better The hard; the better D DThe har

275、der; the good The harder; the good 专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词 解析解析 B B句意:大家要句意:大家要记记住,你越努力学住,你越努力学习习英英语语,你取,你取得的成得的成绩绩就越好。就越好。“thethe比比较级较级,thethe比比较级较级”意意为为“越越就就越越”。故。故选选B B。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词【典例典例8 8】 Tiananmen Square is one of _ Tiananmen Square is one of _ squares in the world. squares in the world.

276、 A Alarge large B Blarger larger C Clargest largest D Dthe largest the largest 答案答案 D D专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词考点过关考点过关.单项单项填空填空( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽It is _ for me to follow It is _ for me to follow the Australian guests because I am good at English.the Australian guests because I am good at English.A

277、 Abad Bbad BeasyeasyC Chard Dhard DrightrightB B专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()2)2. 2014. 2014安徽安徽If my friends have any problems, If my friends have any problems, my door is _ open to them.my door is _ open to them.A Anever Bnever BseldomseldomC Csometimes Dsometimes DalwaysalwaysD D专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词(

278、()3. )3. 20132013安徽安徽_ will you finish this _ will you finish this English exam?English exam?In about one and a half hours.In about one and a half hours.A AHow far BHow far BHow oftenHow oftenC CHow soon DHow soon DHow longHow longC C考考查查疑疑问问副副词词的用法。的用法。 how soonhow soon表示表示“还还要多久才要多久才”,一般用于将来,一般用于将

279、来时时。由答。由答语语“大大约约一个半小一个半小时时后后”可知可知选选C C。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()4. )4. 20132013安徽安徽Tony, _ are you in such Tony, _ are you in such a hurry?a hurry?The meeting will start soon. I dont want to be The meeting will start soon. I dont want to be late.late.A Awhere Bwhere BhowhowC Cwhen Dwhen DwhywhyD D专题专

280、题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()5. )5. 20132013安徽安徽What was Jim wearing in the What was Jim wearing in the party?party?Nothing _. He was in his usual shirt and Nothing _. He was in his usual shirt and jeans.jeans.A Aspecial Bspecial Bsimple Csimple Cimportant Dimportant DinterestinginterestingA A考考查查形容形容词词义词词义

281、辨析。根据答辨析。根据答语语“他穿着平他穿着平时时的的衬衬衫和牛仔衫和牛仔裤裤。”可推断他穿得很随意。故可推断他穿得很随意。故选选A A。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()6. )6. 20132013安徽安徽Our school bus will leave at 8 Our school bus will leave at 8 oclock tomorrow. Dont be late.oclock tomorrow. Dont be late.OK. I will be there ten minutes _OK. I will be there ten minutes _

282、A Asooner Bsooner BslowerslowerC Cfaster Dfaster Dearlier earlier D D考考查查形容形容词词比比较较等等级级辨析。辨析。 句意:句意:“我我们们的校的校车车将在明天将在明天早晨早晨8 8点出点出发发,不要,不要迟迟到。到。”“”“好的,我会早到十分好的,我会早到十分钟钟”。故。故选选D D。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词.单词单词拼写拼写根据首字母及根据首字母及汉语汉语提示,完成下列提示,完成下列单词单词的拼写,的拼写, 使句意明使句意明确,确,语语言通言通顺顺。1 120142014安徽安徽The Internet

283、is becoming a u_ The Internet is becoming a u_ ( (有用的有用的) tool for students.) tool for students.2 220142014安徽安徽You are b _ (You are b _ (勇敢的勇敢的)enough to )enough to accept such a difficult job.accept such a difficult job.sefulsefulraverave专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词3 3 20132013安徽安徽What do you like to do in

284、 your What do you like to do in your f_ (f_ (空空闲闲的的) time?) time?4 420142014合肥包河区二模合肥包河区二模Mr. Huang is still very Mr. Huang is still very a_ (a_ (活活跃跃的的)although he is quite old.)although he is quite old.5 520142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟There are many people flying There are many people flying kites h_ (kit

285、es h_ (愉快地愉快地) at Heping Square. Lets join ) at Heping Square. Lets join them. them. reereectivectiveappilyappily专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()1)1. 2014. 2014滨滨州州Tom, are you _ boy in your Tom, are you _ boy in your class?class?No, but John is. Im shorter than him.No, but John is. Im shorter than him.A At

286、he tallest Bthe tallest Bthe shortestthe shortestC Cthe youngest Dthe youngest Dthe oldest the oldest 语语法法专练专练A A专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()2. )2. 20142014河池河池The baby is sleeping. Please walk The baby is sleeping. Please walk into the room _into the room _A Aquiet Bquiet BquietlyquietlyC Cheavy Dheavy

287、 DheavilyheavilyB B专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()3. )3. 20142014咸宁咸宁What do you think of her What do you think of her teaching English?teaching English?Great! No one teachesGreat! No one teaches_ in our school. _ in our school. A Agood Bgood BworseworseC Cbetter Dbetter DbestbestC C句意:句意:“你你觉觉得她的英得她的英语语教学

288、怎么教学怎么样样?”“”“太棒了,在我太棒了,在我们们学学校里没人教得比她更好校里没人教得比她更好”。根据句意可知,用比。根据句意可知,用比较级较级。故。故选选C C。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()4. )4. 20142014泰安泰安Is your headache getting Is your headache getting _?No, its worse. No, its worse. A Abetter Bbetter BbadbadC Cless Dless DwellwellA A根据答根据答语语“没有,没有,变变得更糟了得更糟了”可知,上句是可知,上句是问问

289、“你的你的头头疼好疼好些了些了吗吗”。故。故选选A A。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()5.Some students are so _ that they )5.Some students are so _ that they often make mistakes in their homework.often make mistakes in their homework.A Acarful Bcarful Bserious serious C Ccareless Dcareless DsuccessfulsuccessfulC C专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词

290、( ()6.The music in the room sounds so _ )6.The music in the room sounds so _ that I dont want to stay here any more. that I dont want to stay here any more. A Asoft Bsoft Bwonderful wonderful C Cfriendly Dfriendly Dnoisy noisy D D根据根据“I dont want to stay here any moreI dont want to stay here any mor

291、e”可知音乐可知音乐听起来是听起来是“喧闹的喧闹的”。故选。故选D D。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()7.)7.Its one oclock. I feel a little _Its one oclock. I feel a little _Here is some bread. You can eat it. Here is some bread. You can eat it. A Anervous Bnervous Bdelicious delicious C Chungry Dhungry Dwarm warm C C专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()

292、8.The bag of rice is _ heavy for Jack )8.The bag of rice is _ heavy for Jack to carry. Lets go and help him.to carry. Lets go and help him.A Aquite Bquite Btoo Ctoo Cvery Dvery DsosoB B“tootoototo”意意为为“太太而不能而不能”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()9.Mom, my sweater is too small. Would you buy )9.Mom, my sweater

293、 is too small. Would you buy me a _ one?me a _ one?A Alarge Blarge BniceniceC Clarger Dlarger DnicernicerC C根据前句根据前句“妈妈妈妈,我的毛衣太小了,我的毛衣太小了”可知,是要求可知,是要求妈妈买妈妈买一一件大点儿的,前后件大点儿的,前后进进行比行比较较用比用比较级较级。故。故选选C C。 专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()10.Mr. Wang was _ with my answer and )10.Mr. Wang was _ with my answer and

294、gave me a big smile.gave me a big smile.A Astrict Bstrict Bpleased pleased C Cangry Dangry Dsorry sorry B B根据根据“gave me a smilegave me a smile”可知,王老可知,王老师对师对我的回答感到我的回答感到满满意。意。be pleased withbe pleased with意意为为“对对满满意意”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()11. )11. 20142014合肥包河区三模合肥包河区三模Mike lives on the 10th Mike

295、 lives on the 10th floor while his uncle Sam lives 4 floors _ in floor while his uncle Sam lives 4 floors _ in the same building.the same building.A Ataller Btaller BhigherhigherC Cwider Dwider DfartherfartherB B表示表示细长细长物体的高度用物体的高度用highhigh。故。故选选B B。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()12. )12. 20142014蚌埠三中模蚌埠三中

296、模拟拟What are you busy with What are you busy with these days? these days? I _ study for the coming exam. I _ study for the coming exam. A Ahardly Bhardly BmainlymainlyC Cnearly Dnearly Dexactly exactly B B句意:句意:“这这些天你在忙什么?些天你在忙什么?”“”“我主要在我主要在为为即将到来的考即将到来的考试试而学而学习习。mainlymainly意意为为“主要地主要地”。专题专题6 6 形容词

297、和副词形容词和副词( ()13. )13. 20142014亳州二中模亳州二中模拟拟I know this plan is far I know this plan is far from perfect, but I really cant think of _ one. from perfect, but I really cant think of _ one. A Athe better Bthe better Ba better a better C Ca best Da best Dthe best the best B B句意:我知道句意:我知道这这个个计计划并不完美,但是我真的

298、想不出一个划并不完美,但是我真的想不出一个更好的。根据句意可知,用比更好的。根据句意可知,用比较级较级,表示泛指用不定冠,表示泛指用不定冠词词a a。故。故选选B B。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()14. )14. 20142014济济宁宁Have you heard the song Stay Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?Here Forever?Yes. It sounds _Yes. It sounds _A Awell Bwell BloudlyloudlyC Csweet Dsweet Dbeautifully

299、beautifullyC Csoundsound为连为连系系动词动词,后接形容,后接形容词词作表作表语语。故。故选选C C。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()14. )14. 20142014济济宁宁Have you heard the song Stay Have you heard the song Stay Here Forever?Here Forever?Yes. It sounds _Yes. It sounds _A Awell Bwell BloudlyloudlyC Csweet Dsweet DbeautifullybeautifullyB B根据答根据答语语

300、中中“她感到有点虚弱她感到有点虚弱”可知,山可知,山顶顶上空气比上空气比较较“稀薄稀薄”。thinthin表示表示“稀薄的稀薄的”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()15. )15. 20142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模How does Linda feel on How does Linda feel on the top of the mountain? the top of the mountain? The air there is usually much _. She feels The air there is usually much _. She fee

301、ls a little weak. a little weak. A Afunnier Bfunnier Bthinner thinner C Csimple Dsimple DcalmercalmerD D专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()16. )16. 20142014六安皋城中学三模六安皋城中学三模We must say We must say “NoNo” to smoking, _ in public places. to smoking, _ in public places. A Aprobably Bprobably Bgenerally generally C

302、 Cnormally Dnormally Despecially especially A A专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()17. )17. 20142014台州台州The fruits are _The fruits are _, because they were picked from the garden just now.because they were picked from the garden just now.A Afresh Bfresh BcheapcheapC Cbig Dbig DunhealthyunhealthyC C专题专题6 6 形容词和副

303、词形容词和副词( ()18. )18. 20142014无无锡锡A little wine will not be A little wine will not be _ to your health. Just dont drink too much._ to your health. Just dont drink too much.A Ahelpful Bhelpful BhelplesshelplessC Charmful Dharmful DharmlessharmlessB B根据根据“不要喝太多不要喝太多”可知,可知,“喝一点酒不会喝一点酒不会对对身体造成身体造成伤伤害害”。be

304、 harmful tobe harmful to意意为为“对对有害有害”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()19. )19. 20142014梅州梅州We are so glad to see Meizhou is We are so glad to see Meizhou is developing _ these years than it did before.developing _ these years than it did before.A Amore quickly more quickly B Bthe more quicklythe more quickly

305、C Cmost quickly most quickly D Dthe most quicklythe most quicklyA A专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()20. )20. 20142014金金华华After training for two months, After training for two months, we _ won the first prize for the competition.we _ won the first prize for the competition.A Aactually Bactually Bfinallyfinall

306、yC Cusually Dusually DhardlyhardlyB B专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()21)21. 2014. 2014合肥寿春中学模合肥寿春中学模拟拟Do you think Hefei Do you think Hefei is a _ city?is a _ city?Certainly. It has beautiful buildings, tidy Certainly. It has beautiful buildings, tidy streets and hardstreets and hardworking people. working

307、people. A Alikely Blikely Blonelylonely C Clively Dlively DlatelylatelyC C根据答根据答语语中中“它有美它有美丽丽的建筑,干的建筑,干净净的街道和辛勤努力的人的街道和辛勤努力的人们们”可知,合肥是一个充可知,合肥是一个充满满活力的城市。活力的城市。livelylively意意为为“充充满满活力活力的的”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()22. )22. 20142014昆明昆明Its smoggy these days. Thats Its smoggy these days. Thats terrible

308、!terrible!Yes. I hope to plant trees. _ trees, Yes. I hope to plant trees. _ trees, _ air pollution. _ air pollution. A AThe more; the fewer BThe more; the fewer BThe less; the more The less; the more C CThe less; the fewer DThe less; the fewer DThe more; the less The more; the less D D答答语语句意:句意:树树越

309、多,空气越多,空气污污染越少。染越少。treetree是可数名是可数名词词;pollutionpollution是不可数名是不可数名词词。故。故选选D D。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()23. )23. 20142014连连云港云港Mr. Black used to be busy. But Mr. Black used to be busy. But now he is retired and _now he is retired and _, so he has plenty of so he has plenty of time to exercise.time to

310、exercise.A Ahardhard B BcalmcalmC Cfree Dfree DnervousnervousC C根据根据“布莱克先生布莱克先生现现在有很多在有很多时间锻炼时间锻炼身体身体”可知,可知,现现在他在他是是“空空闲闲的的”。故。故选选C C。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()24. )24. 20142014绵绵阳阳Alex, did you find our old Alex, did you find our old school last week?school last week?Yes, but with much difficulty, fo

311、r it has_ Yes, but with much difficulty, for it has_ changed over these years.changed over these years.A Acompletely Bcompletely Bnever never C Chardly Dhardly DpartlypartlyA A句意:句意:“阿莱克斯,上周你找到我阿莱克斯,上周你找到我们们的母校了的母校了吗吗?”“”“找到了,找到了,但是遇到了很多困但是遇到了很多困难难,因,因为这为这些年它已些年它已经经完全改完全改变变了。了。” completelycompletely

312、意意为为“完全地;完全地;彻彻底地底地”。专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()25. )25. 20142014南昌南昌You have to be _ and wait You have to be _ and wait until I finish my work.until I finish my work.A Apatient Bpatient BstrictstrictC Chonest Dhonest DactiveactiveA A专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()26. )26. 20142014六安皋城中学三模六安皋城中学三模What do you

313、think What do you think of the traffic in Luan? of the traffic in Luan? Its _ than it used to be, but theres Its _ than it used to be, but theres still a long way to go. still a long way to go. A Aworse Bworse Bworst worst C Cbetter Dbetter Dbest best C C专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()26. )26. 20142014六安皋城

314、中学三模六安皋城中学三模What do you think What do you think of the traffic in Luan? of the traffic in Luan? Its _ than it used to be, but theres Its _ than it used to be, but theres still a long way to go. still a long way to go. A Aworse Bworse Bworst worst C Cbetter Dbetter Dbest best 专题专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()

315、27. )27. 20142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模What do you think of What do you think of the singer Liu Huan?the singer Liu Huan?He is a famous singer. And he is _ He is a famous singer. And he is _ bringing us nice songs. bringing us nice songs. A Aalways Balways Bseldom seldom C Cnever Dnever Dhardly hardly A A专题

316、专题6 6 形容词和副词形容词和副词( ()28. )28. 20142014嘉嘉兴兴My grandfather is over 80My grandfather is over 80,but but he is still in good health and stay _he is still in good health and stay _A Asafe Bsafe BwarmwarmC Cawake Dawake DactiveactiveD D句意:我祖父句意:我祖父8080多多岁岁了,但他仍然身体健康并且很活了,但他仍然身体健康并且很活跃跃。activeactive意意为为“活

317、活跃跃的的”。专题专题7 连词连词专题专题7 7 连词连词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测并列并列连词连词掌握常用的表示并列、掌握常用的表示并列、转转折、折、选择选择、因果等关系的并列、因果等关系的并列连词连词的区的区别别及基本用法。及基本用法。考考查查and, but, or, so, and, but, or, so, thoughthough等等连词连词的区的区别别及用法。及用法。从属从属连词连词掌握引掌握引导导状状语语从句、从句、宾语宾语从句从句的从属的从属连词连词的区的区别别和用法。和用法。考考查查从属从属连词连词在具体在具体语语境中的境

318、中的运用。运用。专题专题7 7 连词连词连连词词是是一一种种虚虚词词,用用来来连连接接单单词词、短短语语、从从句句或或句句子子,不不单单独独用用作作句句子子成成分分。连连词词按按其其性性质质可可分分为为并并列列连连词词和和从从属属连连词词。常见考点如下:常见考点如下:专题专题7 7 连词连词1 1并列连词的用法并列连词的用法 (1)(1)表表示示并并列列关关系系的的连连词词:and, and, neitherneithernornor, not not onlyonlybut alsobut also, bothbothandandNeither you nor I am right.Neit

319、her you nor I am right.你和我都不正确。你和我都不正确。(2)(2)表示表示转转折关系的折关系的连词连词:but, yet, while, however but, yet, while, however I failed again, but I wont give up.I failed again, but I wont give up.我又失我又失败败了,但我不会放弃的。了,但我不会放弃的。专题专题7 7 连词连词(3)(3)表示因果关系的表示因果关系的连词连词:so, thereforeso, thereforeI got up late, so I didnt

320、 catch the early bus.I got up late, so I didnt catch the early bus.我起床晚了,因此我没赶上早班我起床晚了,因此我没赶上早班车车。(4)(4)表示表示选择选择关系的关系的连词连词:or, eitheror, eitherororWork hard, or you will fall behind.Work hard, or you will fall behind.努力学努力学习习,否,否则则你会落后的。你会落后的。专题专题7 7 连词连词 提提示示 (1)both(1)bothandand意意为为“和和都都”,连连接接两两个个

321、并并列成分作主列成分作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词要用复数形式。要用复数形式。(2)neither(2)neithernornor意意 为为 “既既 不不 也也 不不 ”; not not onlyonlybut but (also)(also)意意为为“不不但但而而且且”;eithereitheroror意意为为 “或或者者或或者者”。 它它们们连连接接两两个个成成分分作作主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词的的形形式式通通常常与与离离其其最最近近的的主主语语保保持持一一致致,即即遵遵循循“就就近近原原则则”。专题专题7 7 连词连词【典例典例1 1】 Dont play with your br

322、others toy, Dont play with your brothers toy, _ he will feel unhappy. _ he will feel unhappy. A Aand Band Bor Cor Cso Dso Dthen then 答案答案 B B专题专题7 7 连词连词【典例典例2 2】 _ Henrys mother _ his _ Henrys mother _ his father speaks English. They only speak Chinese. father speaks English. They only speak Chines

323、e. A AEither; or BEither; or BNeither; nor Neither; nor C CBoth; and DBoth; and DNot only; but also Not only; but also 解析解析 B B根据根据“They only speak ChineseThey only speak Chinese”可知可知HenryHenry的的妈妈妈妈和爸爸都不和爸爸都不说说英英语语。表示。表示“两者都不两者都不”用用neitherneithernornor。专题专题7 7 连词连词2 2从属连词的用法从属连词的用法 性性质质词词条条词义词义例句例句

324、表表示示时时间间when当当时时The students were talking when the teacher came in.当老当老师进师进来来时时,同学,同学们们正在正在说话说话。while当当时时I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV.我爸爸正在看我爸爸正在看电视时电视时,我正在做作,我正在做作业业。after在在之后之后Ill go to play football after I finish my homework.完成家庭作完成家庭作业业后,我会去踢足球。后,我会去踢足球。before在在之前之前Pl

325、ease turn off the light before you leave the room.离开房离开房间间前前请请关灯。关灯。till/until直到直到为为止止Ill wait till (until)he arrives.我将会等直到他来。我将会等直到他来。直到直到才才She wont get home till (until) it gets dark.她直到她直到天黑才回家。天黑才回家。专题专题7 7 连词连词性性质质词词条条词义词义例句例句表表示示时时间间when当当时时The students were talking when the teacher came in.当

326、老当老师进师进来来时时,同学,同学们们正在正在说话说话。while当当时时I was doing my homework while my father was watching TV.我爸爸正在看我爸爸正在看电视时电视时,我正,我正在做作在做作业业。after在在之后之后Ill go to play football after I finish my homework.完成家庭作完成家庭作业业后,我会去踢足球。后,我会去踢足球。before在在之前之前Please turn off the light before you leave the room.离开房离开房间间前前请请关灯。关灯。

327、till/until直到直到为为止止Ill wait till (until)he arrives.我将会等直到他我将会等直到他来。来。直到直到才才She wont get home till (until) it gets dark.她她直到天黑才回家。直到天黑才回家。专题专题7 7 连词连词表表示示时时间间as soon as一一就就Ill call you as soon as I get to Beijing.我一到我一到北京就北京就给给你打你打电话电话。since自自以来以来He has lived here since 1980.自自1980年以来,年以来,他就生活在他就生活在这这

328、儿。儿。表表示示条条件件if如果如果Well go for a picnic if it doesnt rain.如果不如果不下雨的下雨的话话,我会去野餐。,我会去野餐。unless除非,除非,如果不如果不They will have a picnic unless it rains next Sunday.下周日,如果不下雨,他下周日,如果不下雨,他们们会去野餐。会去野餐。专题专题7 7 连词连词表表示示原原因因because因因为为He didnt come because he was ill.因因为为他生病他生病了,所以他没来。了,所以他没来。for因因为为We listened ca

329、refully, for he brought news of our families.as因因为为As you were out, I left a message.因因为为我我们们要要外出,所以留了个言。外出,所以留了个言。表表示示目目的的so that以便以便He got up early so that he could get there in time.他起床很早,他起床很早,为为的的时时他能及他能及时时到那儿。到那儿。in order that为为了了He works harder in order that he can go to a good college.为为了能上一

330、所好大学他更加努力了能上一所好大学他更加努力学学习习。专题专题7 7 连词连词表表示示结结果果sothat如此如此以至于以至于The box is so heavy that we cant carry it.这这个箱子如此重,以至于我抬不个箱子如此重,以至于我抬不动动它。它。suchthat如此如此以至于以至于It is such a heavy box that nobody can move it away.这这个箱子如此重,以至于个箱子如此重,以至于没有人能移走它。没有人能移走它。表表示示让让步步though/although虽虽然然He often helps others alth

331、ough he is not rich.虽虽然他不富有,但是他然他不富有,但是他经经常帮助常帮助别别人。人。专题专题7 7 连词连词表表示示比比较较asas和和一一样样He ran as fast as Mike.他和麦克跑得他和麦克跑得一一样样快快not as/soas不及不及It isnt so easy as you think.这这并不像并不像你想的那你想的那样简单样简单。than比比She jumped higher than Rose.她比她比罗罗斯跳得更高。斯跳得更高。专题专题7 7 连词连词【典例典例3 3】 Ill write a letter to you _ I Ill

332、write a letter to you _ I arrive in New York. arrive in New York. A Aas soon as Bas soon as Buntil until C Csince Dsince Dfor for 解析解析 A Aas soon asas soon as意意为为“一一就就”;untiluntil意意为为“直到直到”;sincesince意意为为“自从自从以来以来”;forfor意意为为“因因为为”。句。句意:我一到意:我一到纽约纽约就会就会给给你写信。故你写信。故选选A A。 专题专题7 7 连词连词【典例典例4 4】 In Bri

333、tain, you must reach 18 _ In Britain, you must reach 18 _ you want to drive a car. you want to drive a car. A Abecause Bbecause Bthough though C Cif Dif Dso so 解析解析 C Cbecausebecause意意为为“因因为为”;thoughthough意意为为“尽管尽管”;ifif意意为为“如果如果”;soso意意为为“因此因此”。句意:在英国,如果你想开。句意:在英国,如果你想开车车,你,你必必须满须满1818岁岁。故。故选选C C。专

334、题专题7 7 连词连词【典例典例5 5】 Did you call Jim back? Did you call Jim back? I dont need to, _ well have a meeting I dont need to, _ well have a meeting together tonight. together tonight. A Athough Bthough Bunless unless C Cbecause Dbecause Dif if 解析解析 C Cthoughthough意意为为“尽管尽管”;unlessunless意意为为“除非除非”;because

335、because意意为为“因因为为”;ifif意意为为“如果如果”。根据答。根据答语语句意句意“我不需要,我不需要,因因为为我我们们今晚将一起开会今晚将一起开会”可知可知选选C C。专题专题7 7 连词连词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽Rick has learned a lot about Rick has learned a lot about Chinese culture _ he came to China.Chinese culture _ he came to China.A Abefore Bbefore Bwhenwhen C Cuntil Du

336、ntil Dsincesince( ()2. )2. 20142014安徽安徽_ the sun was not yet up, _ the sun was not yet up, many people were already taking exercise in the square.many people were already taking exercise in the square.A AAs BAs BIf CIf CThough DThough DBecauseBecauseD DC C句意:尽管太阳句意:尽管太阳还还没有升起,但是没有升起,但是许许多人已多人已经经在广在广

337、场场上上锻锻炼炼了。了。 thoughthough意意为为“虽虽然,尽管然,尽管”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()3. )3. 20142014安徽安徽Spend more time talking with your Spend more time talking with your parents, _ they may not well understand you.parents, _ they may not well understand you.A Aor Bor Bso Cso Cand Dand Dbutbut( ()4. )4. 20132013安徽安徽Smile to

338、the world, _the Smile to the world, _the world will smile back to you.world will smile back to you.A Anor Bnor Bbut Cbut Cor Dor Dand and A AD D句意:句意:对对世界微笑,世界也会世界微笑,世界也会对对你微笑。前后句你微笑。前后句为顺为顺承关承关系。故系。故选选D D。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()5. )5. 20132013安徽安徽The rivers will become dirtier The rivers will become dirti

339、er and dirtier _ we take action to protect them.and dirtier _ we take action to protect them.A Asince Bsince BififC Cuntil Duntil Dunless unless D D句意:如果我句意:如果我们们不采取行不采取行动动保保护护它它们们,河流会,河流会变变得越来越得越来越脏脏。unlessunless意意为为“除非;如果不除非;如果不”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()6.)6.I wonder why more and more people are I wonder

340、why more and more people are taking up fishing these days.taking up fishing these days.You know, youll find its really fun _ You know, youll find its really fun _ you try it.you try it.A Aonce Bonce BbecausebecauseC Cbefore Dbefore DsincesinceA A句意:句意:“我想知道我想知道为为什么什么现现在越来越多的人开始从事在越来越多的人开始从事钓鱼钓鱼。”“”“

341、你知道,一旦你你知道,一旦你尝试尝试一下它,你会一下它,你会发现发现它真的很有趣。它真的很有趣。” onceonce意意为为“一旦一旦”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()7. )7. 20142014合肥包河区模合肥包河区模拟拟Take your time, Take your time, _ youll make another mistake._ youll make another mistake.A Athen Bthen Band Cand Cbut Dbut DororD D专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()8. )8. 20142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟Hurry up!

342、 The bus is Hurry up! The bus is coming. coming. Wait a minute. Dont cross the street _ Wait a minute. Dont cross the street _ the traffic lights are green. the traffic lights are green. A Aafter Bafter Buntil Cuntil Cwhile Dwhile Dsince since B B专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()1. )1. 20142014沈阳沈阳_ you use your dic

343、tionary _ you use your dictionary often, your spelling will improve.often, your spelling will improve.A AWhether BWhether BIfIfC CThough DThough DWhileWhile语语法法专练专练B B专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()2. )2. 20142014六安裕安区六安裕安区模模What do you think of What do you think of the shoes?the shoes?I dont think they fit me. Th

344、ey are _ too I dont think they fit me. They are _ too big _ too small.big _ too small.A Aeither; oreither; or B Bnot only; but also not only; but also C Cneither; norneither; nor D Dboth; and both; and A A答答语语句意:我句意:我认为认为它它们们不适合我,它不适合我,它们们不是太大就是太小。不是太大就是太小。eithereitheroror意意为为“不是不是就是就是”。专题专题7 7 连词连词

345、( ()3. )3. 20142014合肥包河区合肥包河区模模You wont study well You wont study well _ you really know how to study. _ you really know how to study. A Aif Bif Bwhen when C Cunless Dunless Dafter after C C专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()4._ John failed to climb to the top of )4._ John failed to climb to the top of the mountain se

346、veral times, he didnt give up. the mountain several times, he didnt give up. A AAlthough BAlthough BBecause Because C CWhether DWhether DUnless Unless A A专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()5._ Tom _ Mary speaks good )5._ Tom _ Mary speaks good Chinese, so they can communicate with these Chinese Chinese, so they can co

347、mmunicate with these Chinese students very well. students very well. A Aeither; oreither; or B Bnot only; but also not only; but also C Cneither; norneither; nor D Dboth; and both; and B B根据根据“他他们们能与中国学生很好地交流能与中国学生很好地交流”可知,可知,汤汤姆和姆和玛丽汉玛丽汉语说语说得都很好,又根据得都很好,又根据谓语动词谓语动词是第三人称是第三人称单单数,故数,故选选B B。专题专题7 7 连词

348、连词( ()6. )6. 20142014合肥寿春中学模合肥寿春中学模拟拟I will try my best I will try my best in the English speech _ I may fail. in the English speech _ I may fail. Wonderful! I will support you all the time.Wonderful! I will support you all the time.A Awhen Bwhen Buntil until C Cunless Dunless Dthough though D D专题专题

349、7 7 连词连词( ()7. )7. 20142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模Why didnt you try your Why didnt you try your best to get on the bus?best to get on the bus?I tried to, but it had started moving _ I I tried to, but it had started moving _ I could get on it. could get on it. A Abefore Bbefore Bafter Cafter Csince Dsince Dif

350、 if A A答语句意:我尽力了,但是在我上车前,车已经开始移动答语句意:我尽力了,但是在我上车前,车已经开始移动了。了。beforebefore意为意为“在在之前之前”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()8. )8. 20142014合肥合肥3838中二模中二模Be quick, _ well Be quick, _ well miss the beginning of the show.miss the beginning of the show.A Aor Bor BbutbutC Cand Dand DunlessunlessA A专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()9. )9. 20142

351、014上海上海Would you like to go to the Would you like to go to the cartoon show with me?cartoon show with me?It sounds like fun, _ Im too busy.It sounds like fun, _ Im too busy.A Aso Bso BforforC Cor Dor DbutbutD D答答语语句意:听起来很有趣,但是我太忙。表示句意:听起来很有趣,但是我太忙。表示转转折关系用折关系用butbut。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()10.)10.Mom, when

352、will dad come back? I miss him Mom, when will dad come back? I miss him very much.very much._ he finishes his task, he will come back _ he finishes his task, he will come back to see you. to see you. A AAs long as BAs long as BAs soon as As soon as C CEven though DEven though DEven if Even if D D专题专

353、题7 7 连词连词( ()11.Liu Yang dreamed that she could go into )11.Liu Yang dreamed that she could go into space some day, _ her dream came true in 2012. space some day, _ her dream came true in 2012. She became Chinas first female astronaut. We are all She became Chinas first female astronaut. We are all

354、proud of her. proud of her. A Abut Bbut BsosoC Cor Dor Dand and D D前后两个句子表示前后两个句子表示顺顺承关系。故承关系。故选选D D。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()12.Youd better take the map with you _ )12.Youd better take the map with you _ you wont get lost.you wont get lost.A Aas long as Bas long as Bas soon as as soon as C Cnow that Dnow th

355、at Dso that so that D D句意:你最好随身携句意:你最好随身携带带地地图图,为为的是不会迷路。的是不会迷路。so thatso that表表示示“为为了;以便了;以便”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()13.Because of the heavy traffic, it was )13.Because of the heavy traffic, it was already time for lunch break _ she got to her already time for lunch break _ she got to her office.office.A

356、Awhen Bwhen Bduring during C Csince Dsince Dwhile while A A句意:由于交通句意:由于交通拥挤拥挤,她到,她到办办公室公室时时,已是午休,已是午休时间时间了。了。whenwhen意意为为“当当时时候候”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()14.I could speak _ French _ )14.I could speak _ French _ Chinese, but luckily I could talk with them in English. Chinese, but luckily I could talk with th

357、em in English. A Aeither; oreither; or B Bnot only; but also not only; but also C Cneither; norneither; nor D Dboth; and both; and C C根据根据“但是幸运的是,我能用英但是幸运的是,我能用英语语与他与他们们交交谈谈”可知,法可知,法语语和和汉语汉语我都不会我都不会说说。neitherneithernornor表示表示“两者都不两者都不”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()15. )15. 20142014徐州徐州Jim is always so busy _ Jim

358、 is always so busy _ he has little time for his family.he has little time for his family.A Aif Bif Buntiluntil C Cthat Dthat Dwhichwhich( ()16. )16. 20142014贺贺州州_ Bob is very tall, _ Bob is very tall, _ he cant play basketball._ he cant play basketball.A A/; but B/; but BAlthough; butAlthough; butC

359、CBecause; so DBecause; so D/; although/; althoughC CA Aalthoughalthough和和butbut不能不能连连用,排除用,排除B B;becausebecause和和soso不能不能连连用,用,排除排除C C;根据句意;根据句意“鲍鲍勃很高,但是他不会打勃很高,但是他不会打篮篮球球”可知可知选选A A。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()17. )17. 20142014随州随州What do you think of this soap What do you think of this soap opera?opera?I think

360、 its very boring, _ my mother I think its very boring, _ my mother cant wait to watch it every day.cant wait to watch it every day.A Aand Band Bbut Cbut Cor Dor DsosoB B根据答句句意根据答句句意“我我认为认为它很无聊它很无聊”和和“我我妈妈妈妈每天迫不及待地每天迫不及待地想看它想看它”两个句子之两个句子之间间存在存在转转折关系。故折关系。故选选B B。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()18)18. 2014. 2014梅州梅州I

361、was watching TV_ my I was watching TV_ my brother was writing an ebrother was writing an email at home at this time mail at home at this time last night.last night.A Aas soon as Bas soon as BafterafterC Cuntil Duntil DwhilewhileD D句意:昨晚句意:昨晚这这个个时时候我在看候我在看电视电视,而我的哥哥在家写,而我的哥哥在家写电电子子邮邮件。件。whilewhile意意为

362、为“然而然而”。专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()19.I hate traveling by air _ you )19.I hate traveling by air _ you usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes usually have to wait for hours before the plane takes off.off.A Abecause Bbecause Bthough though C Cuntil Duntil Dunless unless A A专题专题7 7 连词连词( ()20. )20.

363、 20142014鄂州鄂州We will certainly enter a good We will certainly enter a good high school _ we work hard.high school _ we work hard.Yes. Our dream will come true by working hard.Yes. Our dream will come true by working hard.A Aas soon as Bas soon as Bas long asas long asC Cas far as Das far as Deven if

364、even ifB B句意:只要我句意:只要我们们努力学努力学习习,我,我们们一定会一定会进进入一所好的高中。入一所好的高中。as long asas long as意意为为“只要只要”,引,引导导条件状条件状语语从句。从句。A A专题专题8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测系系动词动词掌握系掌握系动词动词的基本用的基本用法。法。考考查查seem, become, look, smell, taste等等系系动词动词的用法。的用法。情情态态动词动词掌握情掌握情态动词态动词

365、的用法。的用法。考考查查情情态动词态动词may,can, must, could,might,need等的基本用法。等的基本用法。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词(1)(1)系系动词动词不能不能单单独使用,后面必独使用,后面必须须跟表跟表语语。(2)(2)情情态态动动词词须须和和动动词词原原形形连连用用构构成成谓谓语语,没没有有人人称称和和数数的的变变化。常化。常见见考点如下:考点如下:专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词1 1系动词的用法系动词的用法 系动词后常跟形容词作表语。系动词后常跟形容词作表语。常考常考系系动词动词词义词义例句例句become成成为为,变变

366、得得He became interested in English.他他对对英英语产语产生了生了兴兴趣。趣。get变变得得I got very angry.我很生气。我很生气。turn变变得得The trees turn green in spring.树树在春在春天天变绿变绿。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词grow渐渐变渐渐变得,逐得,逐渐渐成成为为It was growing dark.天天渐渐渐渐黑了。黑了。keep保持保持Keep quiet, please. The baby is sleeping.请请保持安静,孩子在睡保持安静,孩子在睡觉觉。seem似乎,好像似

367、乎,好像It seems right.它好像是它好像是对对的。的。feel感到,感到,摸起来摸起来The coat feels very soft. 这这件外套摸起来很柔件外套摸起来很柔软软。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词look看起来看起来Your mother looks young.你你妈妈妈妈看上去很年看上去很年轻轻。smell闻闻起来起来The flowers smell nice.这这些花些花闻闻起来很香。起来很香。sound听起来听起来The English song sounds wonderful.这这首英文歌听起来很棒。首英文歌听起来很棒。taste尝尝起

368、来起来The soup tastes delicious.汤尝汤尝起来很美味。起来很美味。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词【典例典例1 1】 Oh, Im hungry, Mom. Can I have the Oh, Im hungry, Mom. Can I have the hamburger on the plate?hamburger on the plate?Youd better not. It tastes _Youd better not. It tastes _A Aterrible Bterrible Bterribly terribly C Cgood

369、Dgood Dwell well 解析解析 A Atastetaste是是连连系系动词动词,后接形容,后接形容词词作表作表语语,排除,排除B B、D D。根据否定。根据否定词词notnot,可排除,可排除C C。故。故选选A A。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词【典例典例2 2】 Where would you like to spend your Where would you like to spend your holiday? holiday? At home. I _ good when I stay with my At home. I _ good when I

370、stay with my family. family. A Asmell Bsmell Bfeel feel C Ctaste Dtaste Dsound sound 答案答案 B B专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词2 2情态动词的分类及用法情态动词的分类及用法 (1)(1)表示表示“能,会能,会”的情的情态动词态动词:can, could, be able to can, could, be able to cancan只能只能现现在和在和过过去两种去两种时态时态;couldcould表示表示过过去的能力或表示去的能力或表示语语气很委婉。气很委婉。be able tobe

371、able to与与can can 同同义义,但前者有不同的形式,可,但前者有不同的形式,可用于多种用于多种时态时态。 (2)(2)表示表示“可能性可能性”的情的情态动词态动词:can, couldcan, could,may, might, may, might, mustmust专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词mustmust表示可能性很大的推表示可能性很大的推测测;could, may, mightcould, may, might表示不太表示不太肯定的推肯定的推测测,mightmight的可能性小;的可能性小;cancan用来表示推用来表示推测时测时,只能用,只能用于否定

372、句和疑于否定句和疑问问句中,表示某事肯定不真句中,表示某事肯定不真实实。 如:如:He must be at home now.He must be at home now.他他现现在必定在家。在必定在家。She might be from Guilin, but Im not sure.She might be from Guilin, but Im not sure.她可能来自桂林,但我不确定。她可能来自桂林,但我不确定。He cant be in the office, for the light is out.He cant be in the office, for the ligh

373、t is out.他不可能在他不可能在办办公室里,因公室里,因为为灯熄了。灯熄了。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词(3)(3)表示表示“意愿意愿”的情的情态动词态动词:shall, will, would shall, shall, will, would shall, will, wouldwill, would作情作情态动词时态动词时,多用于疑,多用于疑问问句中。句中。shallshall常用于第常用于第一人称,表示提出或征求意一人称,表示提出或征求意见见;will, wouldwill, would用于第二三人称,用于第二三人称,表示表示请请求或建求或建议议,wouldw

374、ould比比willwill语语气更委婉。如:气更委婉。如:Will you send this letter for me, please? Will you send this letter for me, please? 请请你替我把你替我把这这封信寄出去好封信寄出去好吗吗?Would you like a cup of coffee?Would you like a cup of coffee?你想要一杯咖啡你想要一杯咖啡吗吗?Where shall I meet youWhere shall I meet you?我?我们们将在哪里将在哪里见见面?面?专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词

375、系动词和情态动词(4)(4)表示表示“责责任,任,义务义务,需要,需要”的情的情态动词态动词:must, have to, must, have to, should, needshould, needmust, have tomust, have to都有都有“必必须须”之意,之意,mustmust多多强强调调主主观观原因,原因,have tohave to强强调调客客观观原因,表示原因,表示“不得不不得不”。 mustntmustnt表示表示“禁止禁止”,尤其要注意的是尤其要注意的是“Must IMust I?”的否定答的否定答语为语为“No, you No, you neednt.nee

376、dnt.”或或“No, you dont have to.No, you dont have to.”。shouldshould表示表示义务义务、责责任,意任,意为为“应该应该”。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词needneed作情作情态动词时态动词时,意,意为为“需要需要”,常用于否定句、疑,常用于否定句、疑问问句中。需要注意的是,句中。需要注意的是,“Need INeed I?”的肯定回答的肯定回答为为“Yes, you Yes, you must.must.”。如:。如:Mom, must I finish all the homework todayMom, must

377、I finish all the homework today?妈妈妈妈,今天我必今天我必须须完成所有的作完成所有的作业吗业吗?Yes, you must.Yes, you must.是的,你必是的,你必须须( (今天完成今天完成) )。No, you neednt/dont have to.No, you neednt/dont have to.不,你不必不,你不必( (今天完成今天完成) )。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词【典例典例3 3】 Excuse me, where are we going to have Excuse me, where are we goin

378、g to have our class meeting? our class meeting? Im not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He Im not sure. Ask our monitor, please. He _ know. _ know. A Acan Bcan Bmay Cmay Cneed Dneed Dshallshall 答案答案 B B专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词【典例典例4 4】 To everyones surprise, Tom _ play To everyones surprise, Tom _ pla

379、y chess very well when he was only four. chess very well when he was only four. A Amight might B Bshould should C Cwould would D Dcould could 解析解析 D D句意:使大家吃惊的是,句意:使大家吃惊的是,汤汤姆姆4 4岁岁的的时时候就会下候就会下国国际际象棋了。象棋了。couldcould为为cancan的的过过去式,表示去式,表示“能,会能,会”。故。故选选D D。 专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 2

380、0142014安徽安徽I forgot to bring my I forgot to bring my dictionary. Could I use yours?dictionary. Could I use yours?Yes, you _ .Yes, you _ .A Acan Bcan BmustmustC Ccould Dcould DshouldshouldA Acouldcould引引导导一般疑一般疑问问句,表示委婉的句,表示委婉的请请求,而求,而对对其其进进行肯定行肯定回答回答时时通常用通常用cancan。故。故选选A A。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词(

381、()2. )2. 20142014安徽安徽Mom, what are you cooking? It Mom, what are you cooking? It _ so sweet._ so sweet.A Atastes Btastes BfeelsfeelsC Csounds Dsounds Dsmellssmells( ()3. )3. 20132013安徽安徽You _ drive your car so You _ drive your car so fast. Its very dangerous.fast. Its very dangerous.A Awouldnt Bwoul

382、dnt BshouldntshouldntC Ccouldnt Dcouldnt DmightntmightntD DB B专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()4.)4.Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Shall we go for a picnic in the park this Saturday?Saturday?Oh, that _ good.Oh, that _ good.A Afeels Bfeels BlookslooksC Ctastes Dtastes DsoundssoundsD D专题专题8 8 系动

383、词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()5. )5. 20142014合肥包河区三模合肥包河区三模Susan has bought a Susan has bought a large house with a swimming pool.large house with a swimming pool.It _ be very expensive. I never even dream It _ be very expensive. I never even dream about it.about it.A Amust Bmust BmightmightC Ccant Dcant Dshoul

384、dntshouldntA A根据答根据答语语中中“I never even dream about itI never even dream about it”可推断可推断这这个个房子房子“必定必定”是昂是昂贵贵的。故的。故选选A A。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()6. )6. 20142014合肥合肥4545中三模中三模May I go swimming alone May I go swimming alone this afternoon, Dad? this afternoon, Dad? No, you _. It is dangerous. No, you

385、 _. It is dangerous. A Aneednt Bneednt Bcouldnt couldnt C Ccant Dcant Dmay not may not C C专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()7. )7. 20142014合肥寿春中学模合肥寿春中学模拟拟Is the old man Is the old man walking in the hallway our headmaster? walking in the hallway our headmaster? It _ be him. He comes to school to see us I

386、t _ be him. He comes to school to see us every morning.every morning.A Acant Bcant Bmustnt mustnt C Cneednt Dneednt Dmust must D D专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()8. )8. 20142014六安裕安区模六安裕安区模拟拟You have already tried You have already tried your best, so you _ worry about it. your best, so you _ worry about

387、 it. A Acant Bcant Bmustnt mustnt C Cneednt Dneednt Dcouldnt couldnt C C根据根据“你已你已经经尽力了尽力了”可知,后半句的句意可知,后半句的句意应该应该是是“你不需要你不需要为这为这件事担心件事担心”。needntneednt表示表示“不需要不需要”。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()9. )9. 20142014安安庆庆第三次模第三次模拟拟_ I smoke _ I smoke here? here? Im sorry. Look! The sign says people _ Im sorry.

388、Look! The sign says people _ smoke here. smoke here. A ACan; must BCan; must BMust; mustnt Must; mustnt C CMay; can DMay; can DCan; mustnt Can; mustnt D D根据情境,第一空表示根据情境,第一空表示请请求求许许可,可用可,可用maymay或或can, can, 第二空第二空表示表示绝对绝对禁止,用禁止,用mustntmustnt。故。故选选D D。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()10. )10. 20142014蚌埠五中模

389、蚌埠五中模拟拟Will you please stay Will you please stay for lunch? for lunch? Sorry, I _. My mother wants me back home Sorry, I _. My mother wants me back home now.now.A Ashouldnt Bshouldnt Bmustnt mustnt C Ccant Dcant Dneednt neednt C C根据答根据答语语中中“我我妈妈妈妈想想让让我我现现在回去在回去”可知,可知,“我不能在我不能在这这里里吃午吃午饭饭”。故。故选选C C。专题

390、专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()1. )1. 20142014赤峰赤峰Do you have any plans for this Do you have any plans for this weekend?weekend?Im not sure. I _ go climbing Mount Tai.Im not sure. I _ go climbing Mount Tai.A Amust Bmust BneedneedC Cmay Dmay Dhave tohave to语语法法专练专练C C根据答根据答语语中中“Im not sureIm not sure”可知,表

391、示不太肯定的推可知,表示不太肯定的推测测。故用故用maymay。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()2. )2. 20142014安安顺顺Must I do my homework now?Must I do my homework now?No, you _. You may have a rest.No, you _. You may have a rest.A Amustnt Bmustnt BneedntneedntC Ccant Dcant DwouldntwouldntB B对对mustmust引引导导的一般疑的一般疑问问句句进进行否定回答行否定回答时时用用ne

392、edntneednt。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()3.)3._ I leave all the books here?_ I leave all the books here?Sorry, you cant. You have to take them back Sorry, you cant. You have to take them back home.home.A ANeed BNeed BMustMustC CMay DMay DShouldShouldC C表示表示请请求求别别人允人允许许自己做某事用自己做某事用maymay。故。故选选C C。专题专题8

393、 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()4.)4.I cant give up smoking, doctor.I cant give up smoking, doctor.For your health, Im afraid you _For your health, Im afraid you _A Amay Bmay BcancanC Ccould Dcould Dhave tohave toD D根据根据对话对话的的语语境可知,戒烟境可知,戒烟为为客客观观上必上必须须要做的事,因此要做的事,因此用用have tohave to。 故故选选D D。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系

394、动词和情态动词( ()5. )5. 20142014荆荆州州Do you like swimming in winter?Do you like swimming in winter?Of course. The water _ a bit cold at Of course. The water _ a bit cold at first, but then I am warm and full of energy.first, but then I am warm and full of energy.A Afeels Bfeels BtastestastesC Csmells Dsmel

395、ls DlookslooksA A专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()6.)6.I hit a tree on the way to meet my friend I hit a tree on the way to meet my friend at the railway station.at the railway station.I am sure that you _ have been driving too I am sure that you _ have been driving too fast.fast.A Aneed Bneed Bshouldsho

396、uld C Cwill Dwill DmustmustD D根据根据对话对话的的语语境可判断,此境可判断,此处处用用mustmust表示肯定的推表示肯定的推测测,意,意为为“我敢肯定你一定是开我敢肯定你一定是开车车速度太快了。速度太快了。”故故选选D D。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()7.)7.Andy, will you answer the telephone? It Andy, will you answer the telephone? It _ be your father._ be your father.Sorry, I _. Im having a s

397、hower.Sorry, I _. Im having a shower.A Acan; mustnt Bcan; mustnt Bwill; cantwill; cantC Cmay; cant Dmay; cant Dneed; willneed; willC C由句意可判断打由句意可判断打电话电话的并不一定是的并不一定是AndyAndy的父的父亲亲,所以只是,所以只是一种猜一种猜测测;排除;排除B B、D D;又因;又因为为“我我”正在洗澡,所以不能接正在洗澡,所以不能接电话电话,用用cantcant。故。故选选C C。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()8.)8.W

398、hat did the head teacher say at the What did the head teacher say at the meeting?meeting?He said, He said, “We _ be proud of working hard. We _ be proud of working hard. We mustnt be lazy.We mustnt be lazy.”A Amust Bmust Bneedntneednt C Cmay Dmay DcantcantA A句意:我句意:我们们一定要以努力学一定要以努力学习为习为荣,一定不要荣,一定不要懒

399、懒惰。故惰。故选选A A。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()9.)9.Why is online shopping getting more and Why is online shopping getting more and more popular?more popular?Because it _ save a lot of money and time Because it _ save a lot of money and time if it is properly used.if it is properly used.A Aneed Bneed Bsho

400、uldshouldC Ccan Dcan Dhas to has to C C专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()10.)10.Im sorry I didnt win the race.Im sorry I didnt win the race.It doesnt matter. You know, you _ win It doesnt matter. You know, you _ win every time.every time.A Acant Bcant BmustmustC Cshould Dshould Dmustnt mustnt A A专题专题8 8 系

401、动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()11. )11. 20142014抚抚州州I love the song by the band Wild I love the song by the band Wild and Windy. It _ nice.and Windy. It _ nice.A Asmells Bsmells BtastestastesC Cfeels Dfeels DsoundssoundsD D专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()12.)12.Could I borrow your mobile phone? I want Could I borro

402、w your mobile phone? I want to call the police. to call the police. Yes, of course you _ .Yes, of course you _ .A Amust Bmust Bneedneed C Ccan Dcan DwillwillC C当当could could 表示委婉表示委婉请请求求时时,不是,不是cancan的的过过去式,用去式,用cancan来来进进行肯定回答。故行肯定回答。故选选C C。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()13. )13. 20142014宿迁宿迁Your trai

403、ners_ Your trainers_ colorful.colorful.Yes. And they are popular among young people.Yes. And they are popular among young people.A Afeel Bfeel BsmellsmellC Ctaste Dtaste DlooklookD D句意:句意:“你的运你的运动动鞋看起来色彩鞋看起来色彩艳丽艳丽。”“”“是的,它是的,它们们很受年很受年轻轻人的人的欢欢迎。迎。”根据句意可知根据句意可知选选D D。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()14.)14.

404、I want to buy some bread for supper now.I want to buy some bread for supper now.Oh, you _. Theres still some in the Oh, you _. Theres still some in the fridge.fridge.A Amay not Bmay not BmustntmustntC Ccant Dcant DneedntneedntD D根据答句中的根据答句中的“Theres still some in the fridge.Theres still some in the f

405、ridge.”可可知,冰箱里知,冰箱里还还有面包,因此不需要有面包,因此不需要买买。故。故选选D D。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()15.)15.Mary, _ you speak Chinese?Mary, _ you speak Chinese?Yes, only a little.Yes, only a little.A Amust Bmust BneedneedC Cshould Dshould Dcan can D D专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()16.)16.Will your sister go to see this film

406、 this Will your sister go to see this film this evening?evening?Im not sure. She _ . She says theres an Im not sure. She _ . She says theres an interesting TV play on TV tonight.interesting TV play on TV tonight.A Amay not Bmay not BcantcantC Cmustnt Dmustnt DneedntneedntA A专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词(

407、 ()17.Ads sometimes help people learn about)17.Ads sometimes help people learn about new products, but at other times ads _ tell new products, but at other times ads _ tell lies.lies.A Amust Bmust BcancanC Cneed Dneed Dshould should B B句意:广告有句意:广告有时时能帮助人能帮助人们们了解新了解新产产品,但有品,但有时时也可能会也可能会说说假假话话。表示可能的推。

408、表示可能的推测测用用cancan。故。故选选B B。专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()18.)18.Will Emily give us a speech this evenWill Emily give us a speech this evening?ing?No, it _ be her. She _ to Japan.No, it _ be her. She _ to Japan.A Amustnt; has gonemustnt; has goneB Bmustnt; has beenmustnt; has beenC Ccant; has gonecant;

409、has goneD Dcant; has beencant; has beenC C专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()19. )19. 20142014乐乐山改山改编编I cant stand the smell of I cant stand the smell of the stinking tofu. the stinking tofu. Would you like to have a try? It _ quite Would you like to have a try? It _ quite delicious!delicious!A Alooks Bloo

410、ks BsoundssoundsC Ctastes Dtastes Dsmells smells C C专题专题8 8 系动词和情态动词系动词和情态动词( ()20. )20. 20142014绍兴绍兴Lets go climbing, shall we?Lets go climbing, shall we?You _ be joking! Dont you know Im afraid You _ be joking! Dont you know Im afraid of high places?of high places?A Amay Bmay BcancanC Cmust Dmust

411、DshouldshouldC C专题专题9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测动词动词短短语语掌握掌握动词动词短短语语的构成及意的构成及意义义,能熟能熟练练使用使用动词动词短短语语。重点考重点考查查“动词动词副副词词”短短语语和和“动词动词介介词词”短短语语。动词词义动词词义辨辨析析掌握常用掌握常用动词动词的的词义词义。重点考重点考查动词查动词的的词义词义辨析。辨析。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析1 1动词短语动词短语 动词动词副副词词1 1

412、bring out bring out 拿出来;使表拿出来;使表现现出出2 2blow out blow out 吹吹灭灭3 3clean up clean up 清清扫扫;收拾干;收拾干净净4 4cheer up cheer up 使高使高兴兴起来;使振作起来;使振作专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析5 5come back/go back come back/go back 回来回来/ /回去回去6 6come round come round 苏苏醒;短醒;短暂访问暂访问7 7come out (come out (花花) )开;出来;出版开;出来;出版8 8come

413、over come over 过过来;来;顺顺便来便来访访9 9check out check out 核核实实,调查调查1010eat up eat up 吃光吃光1111fall behind fall behind 落后落后专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析1212fall down fall down 跌倒跌倒1313give back give back 归还归还1414get back get back 取回取回1515get over get over 克服克服1616get on/off get on/off 上上车车/ /下下车车1717grow up gr

414、ow up 长长大大1818give away give away 捐捐赠赠;分;分发发专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析1919give up give up 放弃放弃2020hurry up hurry up 赶快赶快2121look out look out 小心小心2222look up look up 查查找找2323look around look around 环顾环顾四周,到四周,到处处看看2424put down put down 放下;放下;记记下下2525put away put away 收拾好收拾好专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析

415、2626put on put on 穿上穿上2727put up put up 举举起;起;张贴张贴2828put off put off 推推迟迟2929put out put out 扑扑灭灭;熄;熄灭灭3030pick up pick up 捡捡起;起;( (开开车车) )接人接人3131run away run away 逃跑,逃走逃跑,逃走3232slow down slow down 减减缓缓,减速,减速专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析3333set off set off 出出发发,动动身身3434turn on/off turn on/off 打开打开/ /

416、关上关上3535turn up/down turn up/down 调调大大/ /调调小小3636take out take out 取出取出3737think over think over 考考虑虑3838take off take off 脱下;起脱下;起飞飞3939take away take away 拿走拿走专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析4040work out work out 算出算出 4141write down write down 记记下下 4242wake up wake up 唤唤醒醒专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析 提提示示

417、 若若动动副副短短语语后后接接的的宾宾语语是是名名词词,那那么么该该名名词词既既可可以以放放在在两两词词中中间间,也也可可以以放放在在副副词词后后面面;如如果果宾宾语语是是代代词词,则则只只能放在两能放在两词词中中间间。且代。且代词词用用宾宾格形式如:格形式如:Youd Youd better better pick pick the the students students up/pick up/pick up up the the students before 7: 00. students before 7: 00. 你最好在你最好在7 7点前开点前开车车接接这这些学生些学生们们。专

418、题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例1 1】 Its hot today, isnt it? Its hot today, isnt it? Yes, it is. Why not _ your coat. Yes, it is. Why not _ your coat. A Atake place Btake place Btake out take out C Ctake after Dtake after Dtake off take off 答案答案 D D专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例2 2】 These problems ar

419、e too hard to These problems are too hard to _. Will you give me some advice? _. Will you give me some advice? There are many ways, but the most important is to There are many ways, but the most important is to have a careful plan. have a careful plan. A Awork out Bwork out Blook outlook outC Chand

420、out Dhand out Dput out put out 答案答案 A A专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析动词动词介介词词1 1arrive at/in arrive at/in 到达到达2 2ask for ask for 寻寻求,索要求,索要3 3agree with agree with 同意同意4 4belong to belong to 属于属于5 5depend on depend on 依靠,依依靠,依赖赖6 6fall off fall off 跌落跌落专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析7 7feed on feed on 以以为为食食

421、8 8get to get to 到达到达9 9get up get up 起床起床1010hear of hear of 听听说说1111hear from hear from 收到某人的来信收到某人的来信1212helphelpwithwith 在在( (某方面某方面) )帮助帮助( (某人某人) )1313knock at/on knock at/on 敲敲( (门门、窗、窗) )专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析1414look for look for 寻寻找找1515look after look after 照看;照照看;照顾顾1616look like loo

422、k like 看上去像看上去像1717look over (look over (仔仔细细) )检查检查1818listen to listen to 听听1919laugh at laugh at 嘲笑嘲笑2020stopstopfromfrom 阻止阻止做做专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析2121talk to/with talk to/with 对对说说,和,和谈话谈话2222talk about talk about 谈论谈论2323think of think of 想起想起2424wait for wait for 等候等候2525pay for pay for

423、 为为付付钱钱专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例3 3】 Can you help me to _ my dog when Can you help me to _ my dog when Im away on holiday?Im away on holiday?A Alook after Blook after Blook for look for C Clook at Dlook at Dlook like look like 答案答案 A A专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析动词动词名名词词1 1do ones homework do on

424、es homework 做作做作业业2 2do/try ones best do/try ones best 尽某人最大的努力尽某人最大的努力3 3go boating/swimming/shopping go boating/swimming/shopping 去划船去划船/ /去游泳去游泳/ /去去购购物物4 4have a cold/a cough/a headache have a cold/a cough/a headache 患感冒患感冒/ /咳嗽咳嗽/ /头头痛痛5 5have a try have a try 尝试尝试;努力;努力6 6have a look have a lo

425、ok 看一看看一看专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析7 7have a rest have a rest 休息休息8 8have breakfast/lunch/supper have breakfast/lunch/supper 吃早吃早/ /午午/ /晚餐晚餐9 9have fun have fun 玩得高玩得高兴兴1010hold a sports meeting hold a sports meeting 举举行运行运动动会会1111make a decision make a decision 作出决定作出决定1212make a mistake/mistakes

426、make a mistake/mistakes 犯犯错误错误1313make a noise make a noise 吵吵闹闹专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析1414make faces make faces 做鬼做鬼脸脸1515make friends make friends 交朋友交朋友1616make money make money 赚钱赚钱1717play chess play chess 下国下国际际象棋象棋1818take turns take turns 轮轮流流1919take photos take photos 照相照相 2020take ones

427、 time take ones time 不着急,慢慢来不着急,慢慢来专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例4 4】 All of us sometimes _ and nobody All of us sometimes _ and nobody is perfect.is perfect.A Amake friends Bmake friends Bmake moneymake moneyC Cmake mistakes Dmake mistakes Dmake a noisemake a noise 答案答案 C C专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义

428、辨析动词动词副副词词介介词词1 1catch up with catch up with 赶上赶上2 2come up withcome up with找到答案;想出解决找到答案;想出解决办办法法3 3do well in do well in 在某方面做得好在某方面做得好4 4get on well with get on well with 与与相相处处融洽融洽5 5look forward to look forward to 盼望;期待盼望;期待 专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例5 5】 Im sure youll _ a better way Im su

429、re youll _ a better way to solve the problem.to solve the problem.Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Ill work harder.Thank you, Mr. Zhang. Ill work harder.A Aget on with Bget on with Bcome up withcome up withC Cgo on with Dgo on with Dcatch up withcatch up with 解析解析 B B专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析动词动词名名词词介介词词1 1ta

430、ke care of take care of 照照顾顾2 2give thanks to give thanks to 向向致致谢谢3 3pay attention to pay attention to 注意注意4 4say goodbye/hello/sorry to say goodbye/hello/sorry to 向向道道别别/ /打招呼打招呼/ /道道歉歉专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例6 6】 Our teacher lets us _ these words Our teacher lets us _ these words because t

431、hey are very important.because they are very important.A AforgetforgetB Bpay attention topay attention toC Cto forgetto forgetD Dto pay attention to to pay attention to 答案答案 B B专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析动词动词十其他十其他1 1come true come true 实现实现2 2make sure make sure 确保确保3 3enjoy oneself enjoy oneself 玩得

432、愉快玩得愉快4 4help oneself to help oneself to 随便享用随便享用5 5take it easy take it easy 放松放松专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例7 7】 Ann is so careful that she always goes Ann is so careful that she always goes over her exercises to_there are no mistakes.over her exercises to_there are no mistakes.A Alook for Bloo

433、k for Bmake suremake sureC Cfind out Dfind out Dpick uppick up 答案答案 B B专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析2 2动词词义辨析动词词义辨析 动词动词的的词义词义辨析是近年来安徽中考考辨析是近年来安徽中考考查查的重点,旨在通的重点,旨在通过过不同的不同的语语言言环环境考境考查查学生正确理解上下文、准确运用学生正确理解上下文、准确运用动词动词的能的能力。在解答此力。在解答此类试题时类试题时要根据句意和要根据句意和语语境来辨析,通境来辨析,通过过正确理正确理解句意,比解句意,比较较不同不同选项选项的意的意义义及用法

434、来及用法来选选出符合出符合逻辑逻辑的的选项选项。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例8 8】 The scientists_two months The scientists_two months searching the woods for the strange bird.searching the woods for the strange bird.What an exciting experiment!What an exciting experiment!A. took B. cost C. stayed D. spentA. took B. cost

435、C. stayed D. spent 解析解析 D Dtaketake表示表示“花花费费”,常用于,常用于“It takes sb. some It takes sb. some time to do sth.time to do sth.”句型中;句型中;costcost表示表示“花花费费”,主,主语语必必须须是物;是物;staystay意意为为“保持;停留保持;停留”;spendspend表示表示“花花费费”,常用于,常用于“sb. spend sb. spend some time/money on sth./(in) doing sth.some time/money on sth./

436、(in) doing sth.”句型中。根据句句型中。根据句意及主意及主语语The scientistsThe scientists可知可知选选D D。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析【典例典例9 9】 He _ an English club last year and He _ an English club last year and has improved his English a lot.has improved his English a lot.A. protected B. producedA. protected B. produced C. join

437、ed D. received C. joined D. received 解析解析 C Cprodectprodect意意为为“保保护护”, produceproduce意意为为“生生产产”, joinjoin意意为为“参加参加”, receivereceive意意为为“收到收到”。句意:他去年参加了。句意:他去年参加了一个英一个英语语俱俱乐乐部,英部,英语语水平有了很大的提高。故水平有了很大的提高。故选选C C。 专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析考点过关考点过关.单项单项填空填空( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽As time _As time _, youl

438、l come to youll come to think of English as your friend and love it.think of English as your friend and love it.A Agoes by Bgoes by Bruns outruns outC Ctakes off Dtakes off Dturns upturns upA A专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()2. )2. 20142014安徽安徽I dont _ the heat, for I dont _ the heat, for Im used to h

439、ot weather.Im used to hot weather.A Alike Blike BmindmindC Cknow Dknow DstandstandB B根据根据“我我习惯习惯于于热热天气天气”可知可知这这里的意思是里的意思是“我不介意我不介意这这个个热热度度”。mindmind意意为为“介意介意”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()3. )3. 20142014安徽安徽Rose finished her study in the Rose finished her study in the university and went to _ a goo

440、d job.university and went to _ a good job.A Atake after Btake after Blook afterlook afterC Ccare for Dcare for Dsearch forsearch forD D专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()4. )4. 20142014安徽安徽He is an honest boy. I have no He is an honest boy. I have no reason to _ what he said.reason to _ what he said.A Ah

441、ear Bhear Bdoubtdoubt C Crepeat Drepeat DbelievebelieveB B句意:他是一个句意:他是一个诚实诚实的男孩。我没有理由去的男孩。我没有理由去怀怀疑他所疑他所说说的的话话。doubtdoubt意意为为“怀怀疑疑”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()5. )5. 20132013安徽安徽I will meet Jane at the station. I will meet Jane at the station. Please _ what time she will arrive. Please _ what tim

442、e she will arrive. A Acount Bcount Bchoosechoose C Ccheck Dcheck DcatchcatchC C句意:我将到句意:我将到车车站接站接JaneJane,请请核核实实一下她什么一下她什么时时候到。候到。checkcheck意意为为“检查检查;核;核实实”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析. . 根据首字母及根据首字母及汉语汉语提示,完成下列提示,完成下列单词单词的拼写,使句的拼写,使句意明确,意明确,语语言通言通顺顺1 120142014安徽安徽Im afraid we have to c _( Im afraid

443、we have to c _( 取消取消) the meeting.) the meeting.2 220142014安徽安徽Bob has many storybooks and he often Bob has many storybooks and he often s_ (s_ (分享分享)them with his friends.)them with his friends.3 320132013安徽安徽Traveling by plane is expensive, but Traveling by plane is expensive, but it s_ (it s_ (节节

444、省省) time.) time.ancelancelharesharesavesaves专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析4 420132013安徽安徽Its polite to k_ (Its polite to k_ (敲敲) on the ) on the door before entering a room.door before entering a room.5 520142014合肥包河区合肥包河区模模I have w_(I have w_(警告警告) them ) them that there might be snakes in the woods.th

445、at there might be snakes in the woods.nocknockarnedarned专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()1. )1. 20142014安安庆庆模模Why dont you _ your Why dont you _ your homework on time? homework on time? I looked after my baby sister last night and I looked after my baby sister last night and forgot to do it. forgot to

446、do it. A Amake up Bmake up Bhand in Chand in Cdo over Ddo over Dhand out hand out 语语法法专练专练B B问问句句意:你句句意:你为为什么没按什么没按时时上交你的作上交你的作业业?hand inhand in意意为为“上交上交”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()2. )2. 20142014安安庆庆模模Smoking is bad for your Smoking is bad for your health. health. You are right. I decide to _.

447、You are right. I decide to _. A Atake it down Btake it down Bturn it off turn it off C Cfind it out Dfind it out Dgive it up give it up D D专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()3. )3. 20142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟Dont cut in line when Dont cut in line when you _ the bus at the bus stop. you _ the bus at the bus st

448、op. A Acare for Bcare for Bwait for wait for C Cpay for Dpay for Dask for ask for B B专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()4. )4. 20142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟This shirt is too small. This shirt is too small. It doesnt _ me. Could you show me another one? It doesnt _ me. Could you show me another one? A Ameet Bmee

449、t Bweigh weigh C Cfit Dfit Dkeep keep C C专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()5. )5. 20142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟I cant even afford to I cant even afford to buy a small house.buy a small house.Me neither. The house price still keeps _Me neither. The house price still keeps _A Amoving Bmoving Baddingadding C Cris

450、ing Drising Ddropping dropping C C根据句意可知房价仍在根据句意可知房价仍在“上上涨涨”。riserise意意为为“上上涨涨”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()6. )6. 20132013徐州徐州I think our government should I think our government should pass a law to _food waste.pass a law to _food waste.A Asave Bsave BincreaseincreaseC Cprotect Dprotect Dreducer

451、educeD D句意:我句意:我认为认为我我们们的政府的政府应该应该通通过过立法来减少食物浪立法来减少食物浪费费。reducereduce意意为为“减少减少”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()7.)7.Havent I ever _ the war to you?Havent I ever _ the war to you?No, Dad. Maybe you can tell me something about it No, Dad. Maybe you can tell me something about it now.now.A Amentioned Bm

452、entioned BspokenspokenC Cdiscussed Ddiscussed DdiscovereddiscoveredA Amention sth. to sb.mention sth. to sb.意意为为“向某人提及某事向某人提及某事”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()8. )8. 20132013随州随州Jim, you look sleepy. Whats Jim, you look sleepy. Whats wrong?wrong?I _ to write a report last night.I _ to write a report

453、 last night.A Alooked up Blooked up Bended upended upC Cstayed up Dstayed up Dtook uptook upC C根据句意可知吉姆昨天晚上根据句意可知吉姆昨天晚上“熬夜熬夜”写写报报告了。告了。stay upstay up意意为为“熬夜熬夜”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()9. )9. 20132013荆荆州州How was the concert last night?How was the concert last night?It was so good. Though it _ n

454、early fours It was so good. Though it _ nearly fours hours, few people left early.hours, few people left early.A Acovered Bcovered BreachedreachedC Clasted Dlasted Dplayed played C C专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()10. )10. 20132013孝感孝感My brother _ to move the My brother _ to move the heavy box, but I

455、didnt give up.heavy box, but I didnt give up.A Areminded Breminded BrefusedrefusedC Cagreed Dagreed DconsideredconsideredB B根据根据“但我没有放弃但我没有放弃”可知我的哥哥拒可知我的哥哥拒绝绝搬搬这这个重盒子。个重盒子。refuserefuse意意为为“拒拒绝绝”。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()11.The government has _ some )11.The government has _ some organizations to

456、 help the poor students in the western organizations to help the poor students in the western areas of China. areas of China. A Ataken up Btaken up Bput up put up C Cpicked up Dpicked up Dset up set up D D专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()12.Jane _ the rules of the museum. )12.Jane _ the rules of the mu

457、seum. Lets go and give her some suggestions. Lets go and give her some suggestions. A Aobeyed Bobeyed BFollowed CFollowed Cbroke Dbroke Djoined joined C C根据根据“让我们去给她一些建议让我们去给她一些建议”可知可知JaneJane违反了博物馆的违反了博物馆的规定。故选规定。故选C C。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()13.)13.The bag is so beautiful. Do you know The ba

458、g is so beautiful. Do you know whose it is?whose it is?It _ my sister. She bought it yesterday. It _ my sister. She bought it yesterday. A Ashows off Bshows off Bbelongs tobelongs toC Ctakes after Dtakes after Duses up uses up B B专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()14.)14.Alice, could you help me _ the Al

459、ice, could you help me _ the meat? I want to make some dumplings for dinner.meat? I want to make some dumplings for dinner.OK. Ill do it right away.OK. Ill do it right away.A Aput up Bput up Bgive upgive upC Cuse up Duse up Dcut upcut upD Dput upput up意意为为“张贴张贴;举举起起”;give upgive up意意为为“放弃放弃”;use upu

460、se up意意为为“用尽用尽”;cut upcut up意意为为“切碎切碎”。根据。根据问问句句意句句意“爱丽丝爱丽丝,你能帮,你能帮我切我切这这些肉些肉吗吗?晚?晚饭饭我想包一些水我想包一些水饺饺。”可知可知选选D D。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()15.)15.Im sure I can _ Millie in the Im sure I can _ Millie in the match.match.Its great to be confident! I dont believe you Its great to be confident! I dont

461、believe you will lose to her.will lose to her.A Alose Blose Bbeat Cbeat Cfail Dfail DwinwinB B表示表示“战胜战胜某人某人”用用beatbeat。专题专题9 9 动词短语及词义辨析动词短语及词义辨析( ()16.)16.How did you _ such a good idea?How did you _ such a good idea?I got it by accident. I got it by accident. A Adeal with Bdeal with Bget along wit

462、hget along withC Cagree with Dagree with Dcome up withcome up withD D句意:句意:“你是怎么想出你是怎么想出这样这样一个好主意的?一个好主意的?”“”“我偶然想到的。我偶然想到的。”come up withcome up with意意为为“想出想出”。故。故选选D D。专题专题10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测动词动词的的时态时态了解了解动词动词的的8种种时态时态,重点掌握,重点掌握一般一般现现

463、在在时时、一般、一般过过去去时时、现现在在进进行行时时、一般将来、一般将来时时、过过去去进进行行时时及及现现在完成在完成时这时这6种种时态时态的基本构成及用法。的基本构成及用法。重点考重点考查查6种种时态时态在在语语境境中的运用。中的运用。动词动词的被的被动语动语态态重点掌握被重点掌握被动语态动语态的用法及主的用法及主动语态转换动语态转换成被成被动语态动语态的方法。的方法。考考查查几种常几种常见见的被的被动语态动语态的的应应用。用。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态1 1动词的时态动词的时态1 1一般一般现现在在时时(1)(1)结结构构专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词

464、的时态和语态 结结构构谓语动词为谓语动词为be动词动词 谓语动词为谓语动词为行行为动词为动词肯定句肯定句主主语语am/is/are其他其他主主语语动词动词原形原形/第三人称第三人称单单数形式其他数形式其他否定句否定句主主语语am/is/arenot其其他他主主语语dont/doesnt动词动词原原形其他形其他一般疑一般疑问问句句Am/Is/Are主主语语其他?其他?Do/Does主主语语动词动词原形原形其他?其他?专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(2)(2)用法用法表示表示经经常性、常性、习惯习惯性的性的动动作或状作或状态态,常与,常与 seldom, seldom, of

465、ten, usually, always, sometimes, every dayoften, usually, always, sometimes, every day,on on SundaysSundays等等时间时间状状语连语连用。如:用。如: I go to school at seven every day. I go to school at seven every day. 我每天七点去上学。我每天七点去上学。 专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态表示客表示客观观真理、科学事真理、科学事实实。如:。如:The earth moves around the su

466、n.The earth moves around the sun. 地球地球围绕围绕太阳太阳转转。时间时间状状语语从句和条件状从句和条件状语语从句中用一般从句中用一般现现在在时时代替一般代替一般将来将来时时。如:。如: Ill go shopping with my mother if she is free Ill go shopping with my mother if she is free tomorrow.tomorrow.如果明天我如果明天我妈妈妈妈有空,我将和她去有空,我将和她去购购物。物。 (3)(3)动词动词第三人称第三人称单单数形式的数形式的变变化化规则规则专题专题10

467、10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态种种类类 构成方法构成方法例例词词一般情况一般情况直接加直接加sworkworks;writewrites以以s, x, o, ch, sh结结尾的尾的词词加加eswashwashes;fixfixes 以以“辅辅音字母音字母y”结结尾的尾的词词变变y为为i,再加,再加escrycries; studystudies 动词动词第三人称第三人称单单数形式的数形式的不不规则变规则变化需特殊化需特殊记忆记忆havehas专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例1 1】 Although Bill isnt rich enough, he o

468、ften Although Bill isnt rich enough, he often _ money to the poor._ money to the poor.A Awill give Bwill give Bwas givingwas givingC Cgives Dgives Dgavegave 解析解析 C C前句的前句的时态时态是一般是一般现现在在时时,由,由oftenoften可知本句表可知本句表示示经经常性常性动动作,故也用一般作,故也用一般现现在在时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态2 2现现在在进进行行时时(1)(1)结结构:主构:主语语am/

469、is/aream/is/are动词动词inging形式其他形式其他(2)(2)用法用法表示目前正在表示目前正在进进行的行的动动作,常与作,常与nownow,at the momentat the moment等等时间时间状状语连语连用。另外,当有用。另外,当有listenlisten,looklook等提示等提示词时词时,后面的,后面的句子常用句子常用现现在在进进行行时时。如:。如:Listen! She is singing in the next room. Listen! She is singing in the next room. 听!她正在隔壁房听!她正在隔壁房间间唱歌。唱歌。

470、专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态表示表示现阶现阶段正在段正在进进行,而此刻不一定在行,而此刻不一定在进进行的行的动动作。如:作。如:We are going over the lessons these days. We are going over the lessons these days. 这这些日子我些日子我们们在复在复习习功功课课。趋趋向向动词动词come, go, leavecome, go, leave,flyfly等用等用现现在在进进行行时时表将来。表将来。如:如:They are leaving for England tomorrow. They ar

471、e leaving for England tomorrow. 他他们们明天要去英国。明天要去英国。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(3)(3)动词现动词现在分在分词词的的变变化化规则规则种种类类 构成方法构成方法 例例词词一般情况一般情况直接加直接加ingplayplaying 以不以不发发音字母音字母e结结尾的尾的词词去去e加加ingmakemaking 以重以重读闭读闭音音节结节结尾且末尾且末尾只有一个尾只有一个辅辅音字母的音字母的词词先双写先双写该辅该辅音字母,再音字母,再加加ingrunrunningistopstopping现现在分在分词词的不的不规则变规则变化

472、化需特殊需特殊记忆记忆diedying专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例2 2】 Mike, go and see who _ football Mike, go and see who _ football on the playground.on the playground.A Ais playing Bis playing Bplays plays C Cplayed Dplayed Dwere playing were playing 解析解析 A A句意:句意:迈迈克,去看看克,去看看谁谁在操在操场场上踢足球。根据上踢足球。根据句意可判断踢足球句意可判断

473、踢足球这这个个动动作正在作正在进进行。故用行。故用现现在在进进行行时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态3 3一般将来一般将来时时(1)(1)结结构构主主语语will/shallwill/shall动词动词原形其他原形其他主主语语am/is/are going toam/is/are going to动词动词原形其他原形其他(2)(2)用法用法表示将要表示将要发发生的生的动动作或状作或状态态,常与,常与soon, next timesoon, next time,tomorrowtomorrow,from now onfrom now on等等时间时间状状语连语连用。如:用

474、。如: Fish will die without water.Fish will die without water.离开水,离开水,鱼鱼就会死。就会死。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态表示表示“主主观观意愿、打算意愿、打算”用用be going tobe going to;根据迹象;根据迹象进进行推行推测测也用也用be going tobe going to。如:。如:He is going to learn English next term. He is going to learn English next term. 他打算下学期学英他打算下学期学英语语。Loo

475、k at the black clouds! Its going to rain.Look at the black clouds! Its going to rain.看那些看那些乌乌云!云!马马上要下雨了。上要下雨了。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例3 3】 The famous reporter we talked about just The famous reporter we talked about just now _ us a speech next weekend. now _ us a speech next weekend. A Agive

476、s Bgives Bgave gave C Chas given Dhas given Dwill give will give 解析解析 D D根据根据时间时间状状语语next weekendnext weekend可知用一般将来可知用一般将来时时。故故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态4 4一般一般过过去去时时(1)(1)结结构:主构:主语语动词过动词过去式其他去式其他(2)(2)用法用法表示表示过过去的某个去的某个时间发时间发生的生的动动作或存在的状作或存在的状态态。如:。如:His friend was at work yesterday.His frie

477、nd was at work yesterday. 昨天他的朋友在工作。昨天他的朋友在工作。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态表示表示过过去去经经常常发发生或反复生或反复发发生的生的动动作,常与作,常与often, often, alwaysalways等表示等表示频频度的度的时间时间状状语连语连用。如:用。如:We often went to work by bus last year.We often went to work by bus last year. 去年我去年我们经们经常乘公共汽常乘公共汽车车上班。上班。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(

478、3)(3)动词过动词过去式的去式的变变化化规则规则种种类类 构成方法构成方法 例例词词一般情况一般情况直接加直接加edwatchwatched 以不以不发发音字母音字母e结结尾的尾的词词加加dlivelived;closeclosed以以“辅辅音字母音字母y”结结尾尾的的词词变变y为为i,再加,再加edstudystudied 以重以重读闭读闭音音节结节结尾且末尾且末尾只有一个尾只有一个辅辅音字母的音字母的词词先双写先双写该辅该辅音字母,再音字母,再加加edplanplanned stopstopped 动词过动词过去式的不去式的不规则变规则变化需特殊化需特殊记忆记忆keepkept 专题专题

479、10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例4 4】 We _ Susan to the costume party, We _ Susan to the costume party, so she was very happy. so she was very happy. A Ainvite Binvite Binvited invited C Cwill invite Dwill invite Dare inviting are inviting 解析解析 B B句意:我句意:我们们邀邀请请了了SusanSusan参加化装舞会,因此她参加化装舞会,因此她很高很高兴兴。根据后句中

480、的。根据后句中的waswas可知可知该该句用一般句用一般过过去去时时。故。故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态5 5现现在完成在完成时时(1)(1)结结构:主构:主语语have/hashave/has动词过动词过去分去分词词其他其他(2)(2)用法用法表示表示过过去的去的动动作作对现对现在造成的影响和在造成的影响和结结果,常与果,常与just, just, already, yet, ever, never, beforealready, yet, ever, never, before等等时间时间状状语连语连用。如:用。如:I have seen the fil

481、m already. I have seen the film already. 我已我已经经看看过这过这部部电电影了。影了。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态表示从表示从过过去某一去某一时时刻开始一直持刻开始一直持续续到到现现在的在的动动作或状作或状态态,常与常与“ sincesince时间时间点点”或或“for for 时间时间段段”等等时间时间状状语连语连用。如:用。如:We have planted thousands of trees since 2000.We have planted thousands of trees since 2000. 自从自从2000

482、2000年开始,我年开始,我们们已已经经种了成千上万棵种了成千上万棵树树了。了。He has learned English for three years. He has learned English for three years. 他学英他学英语语三年了。三年了。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(3)(3)一般一般过过去去时时和和现现在完成在完成时时的区的区别别一般一般过过去去时时只是只是说说明明动动作作发发生在生在过过去,而去,而现现在完成在完成时时强强调调过过去的去的动动作作对现对现在的影响。如:在的影响。如:I saw the movie yesterday.

483、 I saw the movie yesterday. 我昨天看了我昨天看了这这部部电电影。影。( (强强调电调电影是昨天看的影是昨天看的) )I have seen the movie. I have seen the movie. 我看我看过这过这部部电电影。影。( (强强调调已已经经看看过过了了) )专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(4)(4)在在现现在完成在完成时时中,如果中,如果时间时间状状语语表示一段表示一段时间时间,要把非,要把非延延续续性性动词变为动词变为延延续续性性动词动词。如:。如:I have had the book for two days. I

484、have had the book for two days. 这这本本书书我我买买了两天了两天了。了。( (用用hadhad而不用而不用bought )bought )He has been in Beijing for two weeks. He has been in Beijing for two weeks. 他来北京两周他来北京两周了。了。( (用用been inbeen in而不用而不用come to)come to)专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态常常见见的非延的非延续续性性动词动词与延与延续续性性动词动词的的转转化如下表:化如下表:have arrived

485、/comehave been inhave lefthave been awayhave closed/openhave been closed/openhave diedhave been deadhave marriedhave been marriedhave begunhave been onhave boughthave hadhave borrowedhave kepthave joined/taken part inhave been a member of专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例5 5】 They say theres a supermar

486、ket nearby. They say theres a supermarket nearby. Yes, and it _ for no more than two weeks. Yes, and it _ for no more than two weeks. A Ahas been open Bhas been open Bopens opens C Cis opening Dis opening Dopened opened 解析解析 A A句意:句意:“他他们说们说附近有一个超市。附近有一个超市。”“”“是的,它是的,它刚刚开了不到两周。开了不到两周。”“”“forfor时间时间段

487、段”与与现现在完成在完成时连时连用。用。openopen是瞬是瞬间动词间动词,用,用be openbe open替替换换,故,故选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态6 6过过去去进进行行时时(1)(1)结结构:主构:主语语was/werewas/were动词动词inging形式其他形式其他(2)(2)用法用法表示表示过过去某一去某一时间时间点或某一段点或某一段时间时间正在正在进进行的行的动动作,常与作,常与 when, while, from 9 to 11, at that timewhen, while, from 9 to 11, at that time等等

488、时间时间状状语连语连用。用。如:如:专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态I was doing my homework all the morning yesterday.I was doing my homework all the morning yesterday.昨天上午我一直在做作昨天上午我一直在做作业业。What was your father doing while your mother was What was your father doing while your mother was cooking? cooking? 你你妈妈妈妈做做饭时饭时,你爸爸在

489、干什么?,你爸爸在干什么?专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例6 6】 What was your father doing when we were What was your father doing when we were at the cinema yesterday evening? at the cinema yesterday evening? He _ my bicycle at home at that time. He _ my bicycle at home at that time. A Afixes up Bfixes up Bfixed

490、up fixed up C Cwould fix up Dwould fix up Dwas fixing up was fixing up 解析解析 D D答答语语句意:他那句意:他那时时在家里修理我的自行在家里修理我的自行车车。at at that timethat time常与常与过过去去进进行行时连时连用。故用。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态2 2动词的被动语态动词的被动语态 1 1构成构成(1)(1)一般一般现现在在时时: 主主语语am/is/aream/is/are过过去分去分词词其他其他如:如:English is widely used in

491、 the world.English is widely used in the world.英英语语在世界上被广泛使用。在世界上被广泛使用。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(2)(2)一般一般过过去去时时:主:主语语was/werewas/were过过去分去分词词其他如:其他如:The cake was made by my mother. The cake was made by my mother. 这这个蛋糕是我个蛋糕是我妈妈妈妈做的。做的。(3)(3)一般将来一般将来时时:主:主语语 will be/is (are) going to bewill be/is (

492、are) going to be过过去分去分词词其他如:其他如:A new school will be built next year.A new school will be built next year.明年将有一所新的学校被建立。明年将有一所新的学校被建立。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(4)(4)现现在完成在完成时时:主:主语语 have/has beenhave/has been过过去分去分词词其他其他如:如:His key hasnt been found yet.His key hasnt been found yet.他的他的钥钥匙匙还还没有被找到。没

493、有被找到。(5)(5)含情含情态动词态动词的被的被动语态动语态:主:主语语情情态动词态动词bebe过过去分去分词词其他如:其他如:It must be done now. It must be done now. 这这件事必件事必须现须现在就做。在就做。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态2 2用法用法(1)(1)不知道不知道动动作的作的执执行者或没必要行者或没必要说说明明动动作的作的执执行者行者时时,用,用被被动语态动语态。(2)(2)强强调动调动作的承受者作的承受者时时,用被,用被动语态动语态。3 3不能用于被不能用于被动语态动语态的的动词动词及短及短语语:(1)(1)不及

494、物不及物动词动词及短及短语语,如,如happenhappen,take placetake place等。如:等。如:An accident happened last night.An accident happened last night.昨晚昨晚发发生了一起事故。生了一起事故。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(2)(2)表示所属关系的表示所属关系的动词动词及短及短语语。如:。如:The car belongs to Mr. Wang.The car belongs to Mr. Wang.那那辆车辆车属于王先生。属于王先生。(3)(3)连连系系动词动词,如,如 fe

495、elfeel,sound, taste, smell sound, taste, smell 等。如:等。如:That sounds like a good idea.That sounds like a good idea. 那听起来是个好主意。那听起来是个好主意。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例7 7】 Whats the matter with Mary? Whats the matter with Mary? She _ by a car and sent to hospital. She _ by a car and sent to hospital.

496、A Ahit Bhit Bwas hit was hit C Chad hit Dhad hit Dwould hit would hit 解析解析 B B答答语语句意:她被一句意:她被一辆辆小汽小汽车车撞了,被送撞了,被送进进了医了医院。院。强强调动调动作的承受者用被作的承受者用被动语态动语态。故。故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态【典例典例8 8】 Can you sing this English song? Can you sing this English song? Of course, I can. It _ many times on the O

497、f course, I can. It _ many times on the radio. radio. A Ataught Btaught Bhas taught has taught C Cis taught Dis taught Dhas been taught has been taught 解析解析 D Dit it 和和teachteach之之间间是被是被动动关系,故用被关系,故用被动语态动语态,排除排除A A、B B。又因。又因为为many timesmany times常与常与现现在完成在完成时连时连用,排除用,排除C C。故。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语

498、态动词的时态和语态考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He _ a speech there in two days.He _ a speech there in two days.A Agives Bgives BgavegaveC Cwill give Dwill give Dhas givenhas givenC C根据根据时间时间状状语语“in two days (in two days (在两天后在两天后) )”可知用一般将来可

499、知用一般将来时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()2. )2. 20142014安徽安徽As we all know, the Silk Road As we all know, the Silk Road _ China to the west in ancient times._ China to the west in ancient times.A Aconnects Bconnects BconnectedconnectedC Cwill connect Dwill connect Dis connectingis connectingB B句意:在古代,

500、句意:在古代,丝绸丝绸之路把中国与西方之路把中国与西方连连接了起来。根据接了起来。根据in ancient timesin ancient times可知用一般可知用一般过过去去时时。故。故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()3. )3. 20132013安徽安徽I cant find David. Where is I cant find David. Where is he?he?He _ for tomorrows competitions at home.He _ for tomorrows competitions at home.A Aprepa

501、res Bprepares Bis preparingis preparingC Chas prepared Dhas prepared Dprepared prepared B B根据答根据答语语句意句意“他正在家里准他正在家里准备备明天的明天的竞赛竞赛”可知用可知用现现在在进进行行时时。故。故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()4. )4. 20132013安徽安徽Thanks to the Internet, different Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information _in a s

502、hort time.kinds of information _in a short time.A Acan be learned Bcan be learned Bhas been learnedhas been learnedC Ccan learn Dcan learn Dhas learnedhas learnedA A主主语语是是informationinformation,是,是动动作的承受者,故用被作的承受者,故用被动语态动语态,根,根据句意可知据句意可知选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()5. )5. 20142014合肥包河区二模合肥包河区

503、二模Remember the first Remember the first time we met?time we met?Sure. You _ at the gate of our school.Sure. You _ at the gate of our school.A Astand Bstand Bhave stoodhave stoodC Cwere standing Dwere standing DstoodstoodC C根据句意可知第一根据句意可知第一见见面的那个面的那个时时刻刻“你你”正站在大正站在大门门口,故口,故用用过过去去进进行行时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时

504、态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()6. )6. 20142014合肥包河区合肥包河区模模Give me a call as Give me a call as soon as you _ in Hainan.soon as you _ in Hainan.OK, I will.OK, I will.A Aarrive Barrive Bhave arrivedhave arrivedC Cwill arrive Dwill arrive DarrivedarrivedA Aas soon asas soon as引引导导的的时间时间状状语语从句中用一般从句中用一般现现在在时时表示将来。表示将来。

505、故故选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()7. )7. 20142014六安裕安区一模六安裕安区一模Is Mrs. Green going Is Mrs. Green going to attend the meeting tomorrow? to attend the meeting tomorrow? Yes, and she _ to give a speech on how to Yes, and she _ to give a speech on how to protect the environment. protect the environm

506、ent. A Ahas asked Bhas asked Bwas asked was asked C Cis asking Dis asking Dwill ask will ask B B专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()8. )8. 20142014安安庆庆一模一模How clean Anqing city is!How clean Anqing city is!Yeah. Our city _ a lot in the past few Yeah. Our city _ a lot in the past few years. years. A Ahas ch

507、anged Bhas changed Bchanged changed C Cchanges Dchanges Dwill change will change A Ain the past few yearsin the past few years常与常与现现在完成在完成时连时连用。故用。故选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()9. )9. 20142014安安庆庆一模一模Its said that Change Four Its said that Change Four _ into space next year. _ into space next

508、 year. Great. It shows our country is becoming stronger Great. It shows our country is becoming stronger and stronger. and stronger. A Awill be sent up Bwill be sent up Bis sent up is sent up C Cwill send up Dwill send up Dsent up sent up A A强强调动调动作的承受者用被作的承受者用被动语态动语态。根据。根据时间时间状状语语next yearnext year

509、可可知用一般将来知用一般将来时时的被的被动语态动语态。故。故选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()10. )10. 20142014阜阳九中中考模阜阳九中中考模拟拟Do you love Do you love reading Guo Jinmings novels? reading Guo Jinmings novels? Of course I do, but I _ them for a long Of course I do, but I _ them for a long time because Im always busy. time becau

510、se Im always busy. A Adidnt read Bdidnt read Bhavent read havent read C Chadnt read Dhadnt read Ddont read dont read B B专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()1. )1. 20142014赤峰赤峰The storybook is very The storybook is very interesting.interesting.I agree with you. I _ it twice already.I agree with you. I _ it

511、 twice already.A Aread Bread Bwill readwill readC Cam reading Dam reading Dhave readhave read语语法法专练专练D D专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()2. )2. 20142014安安顺顺Why are you in such a hurry, Why are you in such a hurry, Mike?Mike?There _an NBA basketball game in ten There _an NBA basketball game in ten minut

512、es.minutes.A Awill have Bwill have Bwill bewill beC Cis going to have Dis going to have Dare going to beare going to beB Bin ten minutesin ten minutes与一般将来与一般将来时连时连用,用,there bethere be句型的一般句型的一般将来将来时为时为there will be/there is(are) going to bethere will be/there is(are) going to be。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动

513、词的时态和语态( ()3.I cant understand what the book is about )3.I cant understand what the book is about because it _ in English. because it _ in English. A Awrites Bwrites Bwill write will write C Cis written Dis written Dwill be written will be written C C专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()4.)4.There is a lot

514、 of wind in North China.There is a lot of wind in North China.Well, more trees _ every year to stop the Well, more trees _ every year to stop the wind.wind.A Amust be planted Bmust be planted Bcan plantedcan plantedC Cshould planted Dshould planted Dmay be plantedmay be plantedA A强强调动调动作的承受者用被作的承受者用

515、被动语态动语态,排除,排除B B、C C,由句意可知,由句意可知应应该该是每年必是每年必须须种植种植许许多多树树,故,故选选A A。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()5.)5.Where are the students?Where are the students?Oh, they _ football on the playground just Oh, they _ football on the playground just now. now. A Awere seen play Bwere seen play Bwere seen to play were

516、 seen to play C Chave seen to play Dhave seen to play Dhave seen play have seen play B B感官感官动词动词see, hear, watchsee, hear, watch等用于主等用于主动语态动语态中,其后的中,其后的宾宾语补语补足足语语要省略要省略toto,但在被,但在被动语态动语态中一定要加中一定要加toto,故,故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()6. )6. 20142014上海上海Susan and Lily _ tomatoes Susan and Lily

517、_ tomatoes and other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.and other vegetables on the farm this time yesterday.A Apick Bpick Bare pickingare pickingC Cwill pick Dwill pick Dwere pickingwere pickingD D由由this time yesterdaythis time yesterday可知用可知用过过去去进进行行时时。故。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态(

518、()7. )7. 20142014沈阳沈阳The office phones are dirty and The office phones are dirty and they _ next week.they _ next week.A Awill clean Bwill clean Bwill be cleanedwill be cleanedC Care cleaning Dare cleaning Dare cleanedare cleanedB B专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()8.)8.Bad luck! Its too late!Bad luck!

519、Its too late!It doesnt matter. The movie _ for only a It doesnt matter. The movie _ for only a few minutes. few minutes. A Ahas begun Bhas begun Bhas been onhas been onC Cbegan Dbegan Dwas onwas onB B由由forfor引导的时间状语可知本句用现在完成时,引导的时间状语可知本句用现在完成时,beginbegin是瞬是瞬间动词,不能与间动词,不能与forfor引导的时间状语连用,故选引导的时间状语连用,

520、故选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()9.)9.The skirt looks different from the others The skirt looks different from the others and its really nice.and its really nice.Thanks. It _ by my mother last month.Thanks. It _ by my mother last month.A Amade Bmade Bis made is made C Chas been made Dhas been mad

521、e Dwas made was made D D专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()10. )10. 20142014徐州徐州What a surprise to see you here! What a surprise to see you here! When _ you _back? When _ you _back? A Ado; get Bdo; get Bdid; getdid; getC Chave; got Dhave; got Dwill; getwill; getB B专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()11. )11. 2

522、0142014达州达州Have you ever _ an Have you ever _ an amusement park?amusement park?Yes, I have. I _ Fun Times Amusement Park Yes, I have. I _ Fun Times Amusement Park last year.last year.A Abeen to; have gone to Bbeen to; have gone to Bgone to; have been togone to; have been toC Cgo to; went to Dgo to;

523、went to Dbeen to; went tobeen to; went toD D表示表示“曾曾经经去去过过某地某地”用用have been tohave been to;又根据;又根据last yearlast year可可知第二个空用一般知第二个空用一般过过去去时时。故。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()12. )12. 20142014十堰十堰The book store _ a big The book store _ a big sale. The books there must be very cheap now.sale. The

524、books there must be very cheap now.Sounds great. Lets go into it and have a look.Sounds great. Lets go into it and have a look.A Awill have Bwill have BhadhadC Cis having Dis having Dwas havingwas havingC C专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()13. )13. 20142014贺贺州州Can you see the picture on the Can you see

525、the picture on the wall? It looks beautiful.wall? It looks beautiful.Yes. It _ by Mr. Black two months ago.Yes. It _ by Mr. Black two months ago.A Apainted Bpainted Bis paintedis paintedC Cpaints Dpaints Dwas paintedwas paintedD D专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()14.)14.What did Miss Zhang say to you ju

526、st now?What did Miss Zhang say to you just now?She said that all the books should _ to She said that all the books should _ to the library on time.the library on time.A Aare returned Bare returned BreturnreturnC Cbe returned Dbe returned Dbe returningbe returningC C本句是含情本句是含情态动词态动词的被的被动语态动语态。其。其结结构是

527、:情构是:情态动词态动词bebe动词动词的的过过去分去分词词,故,故选选C C。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()15.)15.Nancy is not coming to the party tonight.Nancy is not coming to the party tonight.But she _ me shed love to.But she _ me shed love to.A Atells Btells BtoldtoldC Chad told Dhad told Dis tellingis tellingB B由句意可知由句意可知“告告诉诉我我”

528、是是过过去去发发生的事,故用一般生的事,故用一般过过去去时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()16.)16.Youve left the TV on.Youve left the TV on.Oh, sorry. I _ and turn it off.Oh, sorry. I _ and turn it off.A Ahave gone Bhave gone Bgo go C Cwent Dwent Dwill gowill goD D根据上句句意可知根据上句句意可知电视电视没有关,所以下句表示将要去关上没有关,所以下句表示将要去关上它,故用一般将来它,故用一般将

529、来时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()17.)17.What do you do?What do you do?Im an English teacher. I _ in No. 35 Im an English teacher. I _ in No. 35 Middle School in Beijing. I like my job very much.Middle School in Beijing. I like my job very much.A Ateach Bteach Bhave taughthave taughtC Cwill teach Dw

530、ill teach Dtaught taught A A专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()18.)18.How nice the building is! What is it used How nice the building is! What is it used for?for?It _ as a hotel. But Im not sure.It _ as a hotel. But Im not sure.A Amust be used Bmust be used Bis usedis usedC Cmay be used Dmay be used Dis

531、usingis usingC C根据答根据答语语中中“But Im not sureBut Im not sure”可知是表示不太可能的推可知是表示不太可能的推测测,故,故选选C C。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()19.)19.Have you seen Alan? He asked me to play Have you seen Alan? He asked me to play football this afternoon. football this afternoon. Maybe he _ computer games in his room. Ma

532、ybe he _ computer games in his room. A Aplayed Bplayed Bwill play will play C Cwas playing Dwas playing Dis playing is playing D D专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()20.The twin brothers _ for doing with )20.The twin brothers _ for doing with the situation properly in the fire. the situation properly in t

533、he fire. A Aare praised Bare praised Bpraised praised C Cpraise Dpraise Dwere praised were praised D D双胞胎兄弟是双胞胎兄弟是动动作的承受者,故用被作的承受者,故用被动语态动语态,“表表扬扬”这这一一动动作作发发生在生在过过去。故去。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()21. )21. 20142014北京北京What do you often do at What do you often do at weekends?weekends?I often

534、_ my grandparents.I often _ my grandparents.A Avisit Bvisit BvisitedvisitedC Chave visited Dhave visited Dwill visitwill visitA A专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()22. )22. 20142014河北河北Im busy now. I _ to you Im busy now. I _ to you after school this afternoon.after school this afternoon.A Atalk Btalk Bt

535、alkedtalkedC Cwill talk Dwill talk Dhave talkedhave talkedC C根据根据时间时间状状语语this afternoonthis afternoon可知用一般将来可知用一般将来时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()23. )23. 20142014曲靖曲靖_ you _ _ you _ what club you want to join? what club you want to join? Not yet. Not yet. A ADo; decide BDo; decide BHave; decidedH

536、ave; decidedC CAre; deciding DAre; deciding DCan; decide Can; decide B B根据答根据答语语中的中的Not yetNot yet可知用可知用现现在完成在完成时时。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()24. )24. 20142014镇镇江江My aunt said she called you My aunt said she called you yesterday morning, but there was no answer.yesterday morning, but there was no

537、 answer.Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my Oh, we were at home. Maybe my husband with my daughter and me _ my car in the garden.daughter and me _ my car in the garden.A Awere washing Bwere washing Bhad washedhad washedC Cwas washing Dwas washing DwashedwashedC C本句的主本句的主语语是是withwith前面的前面的m

538、y husbandmy husband,所以,所以谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式,数形式,结结合情景可知要用合情景可知要用过过去去进进行行时时,故,故选选C C。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()25.)25.Mrs. Whites dog is so noisy.Mrs. Whites dog is so noisy.You wont hear it any more. It _ away You wont hear it any more. It _ away yesterday.yesterday.A Ahas sent Bhas sent Bhas been

539、senthas been sentC Cwas sent Dwas sent Dwas sendingwas sendingC C专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()26. )26. 20142014寿春中学模寿春中学模拟拟Why are you still Why are you still here? They are ready to start.here? They are ready to start.Sorry, but I _ when to leave.Sorry, but I _ when to leave.A Adont tell Bdont tel

540、l Bdidnt tell didnt tell C Cam not told Dam not told Dwasnt told wasnt told D D答答语语句意:抱歉,但我没有被告句意:抱歉,但我没有被告诉诉什么什么时时候离开。故候离开。故选选D D。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()27. )27. 20142014寿春中学模寿春中学模拟拟Wow, the opening Wow, the opening ceremony of Sochi Winter Olympics was fantastic last ceremony of Sochi Winte

541、r Olympics was fantastic last night! night! I missed it! I _ for the next monthly I missed it! I _ for the next monthly exam.exam.A Aam preparing Bam preparing Bhave prepared have prepared C Cwas preparing Dwas preparing Dwill prepare will prepare C C根据句意可知索契冬奥会开幕的根据句意可知索契冬奥会开幕的时时候候“我我”正在准正在准备备月考。月考

542、。故故选选C C。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()28. )28. 20142014来来宾宾What did you do for your dad What did you do for your dad on Fathers Day this year?on Fathers Day this year?I _ a beautiful tie for him.I _ a beautiful tie for him.A Abuy Bbuy BboughtboughtC Cbuys Dbuys DbuyingbuyingB B根据根据问问句的句的时态为时态为一般一般过

543、过去去时时可知,可知,买领带买领带是是过过去去发发生的生的事。故事。故选选B B。专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()29. )29. 20142014广广东东I wonder whether Brazil will I wonder whether Brazil will win the match later tonight.win the match later tonight.Go to bed first. I will wake you up as soon as Go to bed first. I will wake you up as soon as

544、the match _the match _A Astarts Bstarts BstartedstartedC Cwill start Dwill start Dis startingis startingA A专题专题10 10 动词的时态和语态动词的时态和语态( ()30.)30.What can we do to develop our hometown?What can we do to develop our hometown?First of all, a lot of new roads _First of all, a lot of new roads _, I I thin

545、k.think.A Ashould build should build B Bhave to buildhave to buildC Cmust be built must be built D Dshouldnt be builtshouldnt be builtC C专题专题11 非谓语动词非谓语动词专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测动词动词不定不定式式掌握掌握动词动词不定式的基本构成、不定式的基本构成、语语法功能及基本用法。法功能及基本用法。考考查动词查动词不定式的不定式的语语法功能。法功能。动动名名词

546、词掌握掌握动动名名词词的几种基本用法。的几种基本用法。 考考查动查动名名词词的常的常见见的几种用法。的几种用法。易混点辨易混点辨析析重点掌握一些常用重点掌握一些常用动词动词或或动词动词短短语语后跟后跟动词动词不定式及不定式及动动名名词词的区的区别别。考考查查常用常用动词动词或或动词动词短短语语后跟后跟动词动词不定式及不定式及动动名名词词所表示的所表示的不同意不同意义义。分分词词掌握掌握现现在分在分词词和和过过去分去分词词的用的用法和区法和区别别。考考查现查现在分在分词词和和过过去分去分词词的用的用法。法。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词1 1动词不定式动词不定式 1 1作主作主语语。常

547、用常用itit作形式主作形式主语语,动词动词不定式作真正的主不定式作真正的主语语。常用常用结结构:构:(1)It is(1)It isadj.(adj.(for/of sb.)for/of sb.)to do to do sth.(2)It takes sb. some time to do sth.sth.(2)It takes sb. some time to do sth.如:如:专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词It is important for us to learn English well.It is important for us to learn English

548、well.对对我我们们来来说说,学好英,学好英语语是重要的。是重要的。It takes me about 3 hours to finish my homework It takes me about 3 hours to finish my homework every day.every day.每天完成作每天完成作业业大大约约要花要花费费我我3 3个小个小时时的的时间时间。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词2 2作作宾语宾语。(1)(1)用在及物用在及物动词动词之后作之后作宾语宾语。如:。如:We want to have a good rest.We want to have a

549、 good rest.我我们们想好好休息一下。想好好休息一下。(2)(2)常用常用itit作形式作形式宾语宾语,动词动词不定式作真正的不定式作真正的宾语宾语,放在句,放在句子的后面。常用子的后面。常用结结构:主构:主语语谓语谓语ititadj.adj.to do sth.to do sth.如:如:I think it important to learn Chinese well.I think it important to learn Chinese well.我我认为认为学好学好汉语汉语很重要。很重要。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词3 3作作宾语补宾语补足足语语。They a

550、sked us to play football with them.They asked us to play football with them.他他们们叫我叫我们们跟他跟他们们一起踢足球。一起踢足球。4 4作表作表语语。动词动词不定式用在系不定式用在系动词动词之后作表之后作表语语。如:。如:My only will is to do what is best for you.My only will is to do what is best for you.我唯一的愿望是做我唯一的愿望是做对对你最好的事。你最好的事。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词5 5作定作定语语。动词动词

551、不定式作定不定式作定语时语时要后置,表示将要要后置,表示将要发发生的生的动动作。被修作。被修饰语饰语是不定式的是不定式的逻辑逻辑主主语语或或宾语宾语,若,若为逻辑宾语为逻辑宾语,该该不定式中不定式中的的动词应为动词应为及物及物动词动词。如:。如:I want to be the first one to get to the top of the I want to be the first one to get to the top of the mountain.mountain.我想成我想成为为第一个到达山第一个到达山顶顶的人。的人。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词6 6作状作状

552、语语。(1)(1)表示目的。如:表示目的。如:I went to the bookshop to buy a dictionary.I went to the bookshop to buy a dictionary.我去我去书书店店买买了一本了一本词词典。典。(2)(2)表示原因。如:表示原因。如:Im very happy to hear from you.Im very happy to hear from you.收到你的信我很高收到你的信我很高兴兴。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词(3)(3)表示表示结结果。如:果。如:The TThe Tshirt is too big f

553、or me to wear.shirt is too big for me to wear.这这件件T T恤太大了,我穿不了。恤太大了,我穿不了。(4)(4)表示程度。如:表示程度。如:Shes old enough to go to school.Shes old enough to go to school.她足她足够够大了,可以去上学了。大了,可以去上学了。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例1 1】 We can make a fire _ the room warm We can make a fire _ the room warm so that we can ch

554、at for a while. so that we can chat for a while. A Ato keep Bto keep Bkeeping keeping C Ckeep Dkeep Dkept kept 解析解析 A A根据句意可知根据句意可知这这里里应应用用动词动词不定式作目的状不定式作目的状语语。故故选选A A。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例2 2】 Whenever you have a chance _ Whenever you have a chance _ English, you should take it.English, you sho

555、uld take it.A Aspeak Bspeak Bto speak to speak C Cspoke Dspoke Dspeaks speaks 解析解析 B B句意:无句意:无论论什么什么时时候你有机会候你有机会讲讲英英语语,你都,你都应应该该抓住它。抓住它。have a chance to do sth.have a chance to do sth.意意为为“有机会去做某事有机会去做某事”。故故选选B B。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例3 3】 Li Ming, its bad for your eyes Li Ming, its bad for your

556、eyes _ computer games for a long time._ computer games for a long time.Sorry, Mom. I wont do it again. Sorry, Mom. I wont do it again. A Aplays Bplays Bto playto playC Cplay Dplay Dplayed played 解析解析 B B本本题题考考查查“Its Its adj.(for sb.)adj.(for sb.)动词动词不定式不定式”句型。故句型。故选选B B。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词2 2动名词动名词

557、 语语法功能法功能例句例句作主作主语语Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.看看过过多的多的电视对电视对你的你的眼睛有害。眼睛有害。作作宾语宾语Have you finished reading the book?你?你读读完完这这本本书书了了吗吗?作表作表语语The nurses job is looking after the patients.护护士的工作是照士的工作是照顾顾病病人。人。作定作定语语I often go to the reading room.我我经经常去常去阅览阅览室。室。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词(2)(2)

558、一般一般过过去去时时:主:主语语was/werewas/were过过去分去分词词其他如:其他如:The cake was made by my mother. The cake was made by my mother. 这这个蛋糕是我个蛋糕是我妈妈妈妈做的。做的。(3)(3)一般将来一般将来时时:主:主语语 will be/is (are) going to bewill be/is (are) going to be过过去分去分词词其他如:其他如:A new school will be built next year.A new school will be built next ye

559、ar.明年将有一所新的学校被建立。明年将有一所新的学校被建立。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词 提示提示 常接常接动动名名词词作作宾语宾语的的动词动词或或动词动词短短语语有有enjoy, enjoy, finish, consider, miss, keep, mind, practice, suggest, finish, consider, miss, keep, mind, practice, suggest, be busy, feel like, give up, cant helpbe busy, feel like, give up, cant help等。等。专题专题1

560、1 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例4 4】 Where is Mary? Where is Mary? Shes busy _ for the exam.Shes busy _ for the exam.A Astudy Bstudy Bstudies studies C Cstudying Dstudying Dto study to study 解析解析 C Cbe busy doing sth.be busy doing sth.意意为为“忙于做某事忙于做某事”。故。故选选C C。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例5 5】 What do you usually d

561、o at weekends?What do you usually do at weekends?I often practice _ English.I often practice _ English.A Aspeak Bspeak Bto speak to speak C Cspeaking Dspeaking Dspoke spoke 解析解析 C Cpractice doing sth.practice doing sth.意意为为“练习练习做某事做某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词3 3易混点辨析易混点辨析 某些某些动词动词或或动词动词短短语语接接动词动词不定式或不定

562、式或动动名名词词作作宾语时宾语时,意,意义义有区有区别别。(1)stop to do sth.(1)stop to do sth.停下来去做另外一件事停下来去做另外一件事( (不定式作目的不定式作目的状状语语) )stop doing sth.stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事(2)try to do sth.(2)try to do sth.试图试图( (企企图图) )做某事做某事 try doing sth.try doing sth.尝试尝试着做某事着做某事专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词(3)forget to do sth. (3)forget to do s

563、th. 忘忘记记去做某事去做某事( (还还没做没做) )forget doing sth. forget doing sth. 忘忘记记做做过过某事某事( (已做已做) )(4)remember to do sth.(4)remember to do sth.记记着去做某事着去做某事( (还还没做没做) )remember doing sth.remember doing sth.记记得做得做过过某事某事( (已做已做) )(5)go on to do sth.(5)go on to do sth.做完一件事后做完一件事后继续继续做另外一件不同的做另外一件不同的事事go on doing st

564、h.go on doing sth.继续继续做原来所做的同一件事做原来所做的同一件事 专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词(6)need doing (6)need doing (某事某事) )需要做需要做( (表示被表示被动动意思意思) )need to do sth.need to do sth.需要去做某事需要去做某事( (表示主表示主动动意思意思) )(7)see sb. doing sth. (7)see sb. doing sth. 看看见见某人正在做某事某人正在做某事( (强强调动调动作正作正在在进进行行) )see sb. do sth.see sb. do sth.看看见

565、见某人做某事了某人做某事了( (强强调动调动作的全作的全过过程程) )类类似用法的似用法的还还有有watch, hearwatch, hear等。等。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词【典例典例6 6】 Is Tom in the next room? Is Tom in the next room? Well, its hard to say. But I heard him _ Well, its hard to say. But I heard him _ loudly when I passed by just now.loudly when I passed by just n

566、ow.A Aspeak Bspeak Bto speak to speak C Cspoken Dspoken Dspeaking speaking 解析解析 D D答答语语句意:我句意:我刚刚经过时刚刚经过时,听,听见见他在大声他在大声说话说话。强强调动调动作正在作正在进进行用行用现现在分在分词词。故。故选选D D。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词4 4分词分词 英英语语中中的的分分词词有有两两种种:现现在在分分词词和和过过去去分分词词。现现在在分分词词由由动动词词原原形形加加ing ing 构构成成;过过去去分分词词由由动动词词原原形形加加eded构构成成。现现在在分分词词表表示示

567、正正在在进进行行或或主主动动意意义义,所所修修饰饰的的人人或或物物是是分分词词动动作作的承受者。如:的承受者。如:developing country developing country 发发展中国家展中国家( (正在正在发发展的展的) )developed country developed country 发发达国家达国家( (已已经发经发展了的展了的) )an exciting ilm an exciting ilm 一部激一部激动动人心的人心的电电影影( (修修饰饰物物) )excited audience excited audience 激激动动的的观观众众( (修修饰饰人人)

568、)专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014合肥合肥5050中模中模拟拟Mom, Im starving! Can Mom, Im starving! Can I have something _I have something _?Oh, dear. You can only drink some milk. There is Oh, dear. You can only drink some milk. There is _ in the fridge. _ in the fridge. A Ato drink; nothing else

569、 to drink; nothing else B Bdrinking; something else drinking; something else C Cto eat; nothing else to eat; nothing else D Deating; something else eating; something else C C专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词根据根据“我很我很饿饿”可知我要一些吃的可知我要一些吃的东东西,西,动词动词不定式作后置不定式作后置定定语语;根据;根据“仅仅有一些牛奶有一些牛奶”可知没有任何其他的可知没有任何其他的东东西了。故西了。故选选C

570、C。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()2. )2. 20142014合肥合肥4545中中模模He used to _ pop He used to _ pop music, but now he is used to _ to classical music, but now he is used to _ to classical music.music.A Alike; listening Blike; listening Bliking; listening liking; listening C Clike; listen Dlike; listen Dliking; l

571、isten liking; listen A Aused to do sth.used to do sth.表示表示“过过去常常做某事去常常做某事”;be used to be used to doing sth.doing sth.表示表示“习惯习惯做某事做某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()3.Han Mei thought that _ to English )3.Han Mei thought that _ to English songs _ her a lot in English learning.songs _ her a lot in English le

572、arning.A Alisten; helps Blisten; helps Blistening; helpslistening; helpsC Clistening; help Dlistening; help Dlisten; help listen; help B B动动名名词词作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词要用要用单单数形式。数形式。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()4.My pen pal Andrew found it difficult )4.My pen pal Andrew found it difficult _ Chinese well._ Chine

573、se well.A Alearning Blearning BlearnlearnC Cto learn Dto learn DlearnedlearnedC Citit作形式作形式宾语宾语,动词动词不定式是真正的不定式是真正的宾语宾语。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()5.The book is very intersting, and I have )5.The book is very intersting, and I have finished _ it.finished _ it.A Aread Bread BreadingreadingC Cto read Dto

574、read Dreads reads B Bfinish doing sth.finish doing sth.意意为为“做完某事做完某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()6.)6.Bob spcaks Chinese quite weil.Bob spcaks Chinese quite weil.Yes, so he does. He practices _ Chinese Yes, so he does. He practices _ Chinese every day.every day.A Aspcke Bspcke BspeakspeakC Cspeaks Dspe

575、aks DspeakingspeakingD Dpractise doing sth.practise doing sth.意意为为“练习练习做某事做某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()1. )1. 20142014上海上海Harry has decided _ an Harry has decided _ an online shop after graduating from school.online shop after graduating from school.A Aopen Bopen Bto open Cto open Copened Dopened Do

576、peningopening语语法法专练专练B Bdecide to do sth.decide to do sth.意意为为“决定做某事决定做某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()2.)2.Why dont you go out to play, Rose? Why dont you go out to play, Rose? Im afraid I cant. I have much homework _Im afraid I cant. I have much homework _A Ado Bdo Bdoes Cdoes Cdoing Ddoing Dto do to

577、do D D专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()3.The boy _ in the teachers office was )3.The boy _ in the teachers office was found _ yesterday. found _ yesterday. A Astanding; smoke Bstanding; smoke Bstanding; smoking standing; smoking C Cstood; smoke Dstood; smoke Dstood; smoking stood; smoking B B句意:站在老句意:站在老师办师办

578、公室里的那个男孩昨天被公室里的那个男孩昨天被发现发现吸烟了。吸烟了。该题谓语动词该题谓语动词是是was foundwas found,因此,因此the boythe boy后后应为应为非非谓语动词谓语动词,应应用用现现在分在分词词短短语语作定作定语语;find sb. doing sth.find sb. doing sth.意意为为“发现发现某某人在做某事人在做某事”,表示,表示动动作正在作正在进进行。行。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()4.)4.Mr. Zhang, I have trouble _ the Mr. Zhang, I have trouble _ the t

579、ext.text.Remember _ it three times, and then you Remember _ it three times, and then you can understand it.can understand it.A Ato understand; reading to understand; reading B Bunderstanding; readingunderstanding; readingC Cunderstanding; to read understanding; to read D Dto understand; to readto un

580、derstand; to readC C专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词have trouble (in) doing sth.have trouble (in) doing sth.意意为为“做某事有困做某事有困难难”;remember to do sth.remember to do sth.意意为为“记记着去做某事着去做某事”,表示事情,表示事情还还未做。未做。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()5.)5.Why not watch TV at home?Why not watch TV at home?Id love to, but my mother doesnt

581、 allow me Id love to, but my mother doesnt allow me _ that._ that.A Ado Bdo BdiddidC Cdoing Ddoing Dto do to do D Dallow sb. to do sth.allow sb. to do sth.意意为为“允允许许某人做某事某人做某事”。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()6.)6.What should I do, doctor?What should I do, doctor?_ healthy, you should take more exercise._ he

582、althy, you should take more exercise.A AKeep BKeep BKeepingKeepingC CTo keep DTo keep DHaving keptHaving keptC C专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()7.His friend _ Tom is an excellent )7.His friend _ Tom is an excellent student.student.A Acalls Bcalls BcallingcallingC Ccalled Dcalled DcallcallC C这这里里过过去分去分词词作定作定

583、语语修修饰饰his friendhis friend。故。故选选C C。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()8. )8. 20142014随州随州Mary was heard _ just Mary was heard _ just now. What happened?now. What happened?Joe was telling her some jokes.Joe was telling her some jokes.A Acry Bcry BlaughlaughC Cto laugh Dto laugh Dto cryto cryC Chear sb. do sth.

584、hear sb. do sth.在在变为变为被被动语态时动语态时,toto必必须须加上。故加上。故选选C C。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()9.)9.Would you like _ some more fish?Would you like _ some more fish?No, thanks. I dont feel like _ anything No, thanks. I dont feel like _ anything now.now.A Ato have; to eat Bto have; to eat Bhaving; to eathaving; to ea

585、tC Cto have; eating Dto have; eating Dhaving; eatinghaving; eatingC Cwould likewould like后接后接动词动词不定式;不定式;feel likefeel like后接后接动动名名词词。专题专题11 11 非谓语动词非谓语动词( ()10.)10.Will you please give me some advice on Will you please give me some advice on _ English at home?_ English at home?Well, do a lot of rea

586、ding and listen to English Well, do a lot of reading and listen to English programs.programs.A Ahow to read Bhow to read Bhow to learnhow to learnC Cwhen to use Dwhen to use Dwhere to usewhere to useB B考考查查“疑疑问词问词不定式不定式”的用法。根据句意可知的用法。根据句意可知选选B B。专题专题12 主谓主谓致致专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标

587、课标要求要求命命题预测题预测主主谓谓一致一致掌握主掌握主谓谓一致的三个原一致的三个原则则(就近原就近原则则、意、意义义一致原一致原则则、语语法一致原法一致原则则)考考查查主主谓谓一致的具体一致的具体运用。运用。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致1 1就近原则就近原则1 1there be there be 句型句型当当主主语语是是多多个个事事物物时时,谓谓语语动动词词与与邻邻近近的的主主语语在在数数上上保保持持一致。如:一致。如:There is a table and two chairs in the room. There is a table and two chairs in the

588、room. 房房间间里有一里有一张张桌子和两把椅子。桌子和两把椅子。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致There There are are two two chairs chairs and and a a table table in in the the room. room. 房房间间里有两把椅子和一里有两把椅子和一张张桌子。桌子。2 2 eithereitheroror, neitherneithernornor, not not onlyonlybut but alsoalso 等等连连接接并并列列主主语语时时,谓谓语语动动词词与与邻邻近近的的主主语语保保持持一一致致。如:如:Nei

589、ther you nor he is right.Neither you nor he is right.你和他都不你和他都不对对。Either you or I am wrong.Either you or I am wrong.不是你不是你错错了就是我了就是我错错了。了。Not only he but also I am invited. Not only he but also I am invited. 不不仅仅他被邀他被邀请请了,我也被邀了,我也被邀请请了。了。 专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致【典例典例1 1】 Whats on the desk?Whats on the desk

590、?There _ a pencil and some books on it.There _ a pencil and some books on it.A Ais Bis BareareC Chave Dhave Dhas has 解析解析 A A靠近靠近谓语谓语的主的主语语是是a pencila pencil,根据就近原,根据就近原则则,谓语动词谓语动词用用isis。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致【典例典例2 2】 Neither my brother nor my parents Neither my brother nor my parents _ interested in the

591、 film._ interested in the film.A AareareB Bis Cis CamamD Dwere were 解析解析 A Aneitherneithernornor连连接两个名接两个名词词作主作主语时语时,谓语谓语要与要与nornor后面的主后面的主语语保持一致。故本保持一致。故本题选题选A A。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致2 2意义一致原则意义一致原则 1 1表示表示时间时间、金、金钱钱、距离、数量、距离、数量、长长度等的复数名度等的复数名词词作主作主语时语时,常被看成整体,常被看成整体,视为单视为单数,数,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。如:数形式。如:Tw

592、enty years is a long time.Twenty years is a long time.二十年是一段很二十年是一段很长长的的时间时间。Ten dollars is enough.Ten dollars is enough.十美元足十美元足够够了。了。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致2 2以以s s结结尾的名尾的名词词( (如如news, politics, physicsnews, politics, physics等等) )本身本身不表示复数意不表示复数意义义,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。如:数形式。如:Physics isnt very hard.Physics i

593、snt very hard.物理并不是很物理并不是很难难。I dont think the news in the newspaper is true. I dont think the news in the newspaper is true. 我我认为报纸认为报纸上的上的这则这则消息不是真的。消息不是真的。 3 3“thethe形容形容词词”( (如如the poor, the rich, the oldthe poor, the rich, the old等等) )表表示一示一类类人,用作主人,用作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式。如:用复数形式。如:The old are ta

594、ken good care of in this area.The old are taken good care of in this area. 这这个地区的老人被照个地区的老人被照顾顾得很好。得很好。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致4 4集体名集体名词词( (如如 family, class, team, groupfamily, class, team, group等等) )作主作主语语时时,若指一个整体,若指一个整体,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式;若指具体成数形式;若指具体成员员,谓谓语动词语动词用复数形式。用复数形式。peoplepeople,policepolice等作主等作主

595、语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用用复数形式。如:复数形式。如:Class 5 is the best class in our school.Class 5 is the best class in our school.五班是我五班是我们们学校最好的班。学校最好的班。Class 5 are the winners.Class 5 are the winners.五班是五班是胜胜利者。利者。The Chinese people are very friendly. The Chinese people are very friendly. 中国人很友好。中国人很友好。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致

596、致5 5代代词词( (如如 some, all, anysome, all, any等等) )作主作主语时语时, 若表示若表示单单数意数意义义,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式;若表示复数意数形式;若表示复数意义义,谓语动词谓语动词用复数用复数形式。如:形式。如:Some of the work was done by me.Some of the work was done by me. 一些工作是由我做的。一些工作是由我做的。Some of the students work hard. Some of the students work hard. 一些学生学一些学生学习习很努力。很努力。

597、专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致【典例典例3 3】 How soon can you finish this work? How soon can you finish this work? Two days _ enough for me to finish it. I Two days _ enough for me to finish it. I need a week. need a week. A Aisnt Bisnt Barent Carent Cis Dis Dare are 解析解析 A A根据答根据答语语中中“我需要一周我需要一周”可知可知“对对我来我来说说,两天,两天完成

598、完成这项这项工作是不工作是不够够的的”。排除。排除C C、D D;two daystwo days表示一个整体,表示一个整体,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。故数形式。故选选A A。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致3 3语法一致原则语法一致原则1 1介介词词或介或介词词短短语语作插入作插入语语,即主,即主语语后有后有withwith,together together with, including, besides, except, but with, including, besides, except, but 等引等引导导的短的短语语作插作插入入语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词与主与主语语在

599、人称和数上保持一致,在人称和数上保持一致, 与插入与插入语语无无关。如:关。如:Mary with her mother is shopping now. Mary with her mother is shopping now. 玛丽玛丽和她和她妈妈妈妈正在正在购购物。物。 专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致2 2非非谓语动词谓语动词或从句作主或从句作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。如:数形式。如:Doing a lot of practice is a good way to improve Doing a lot of practice is a good way to imp

600、rove your English.your English.做大量的做大量的练习练习是提高英是提高英语语的好方法。的好方法。 3 3不定代不定代词词 something, anything, nothing, everysomething, anything, nothing, everybody, onebody, one等作主等作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。如:数形式。如:Someone is waiting for you.Someone is waiting for you.有人正在等你。有人正在等你。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致4 4常以复数形式出常以复数形式出

601、现现的名的名词词( (如如shoesshoes,pants, clothespants, clothes等等) )作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式,用复数形式, 但但这这些名些名词词前面有前面有a pair a pair ofof或或pairs ofpairs of修修饰时饰时,谓语动词谓语动词由由pairpair的的单单复数来决定。如:复数来决定。如:The shoes are under the bed.The shoes are under the bed.鞋子在床下。鞋子在床下。The pair of shoes is under the bed.The pair of s

602、hoes is under the bed.那双鞋在床下。那双鞋在床下。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致5. 5. “one ofone of名名词词复数形式复数形式”和和“the number ofthe number of名名词词复复数形式数形式”作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。数形式。“a number ofa number of名名词词复数形式复数形式”作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式。如:用复数形式。如:One of the boys is interested in the story.One of the boys is interested in

603、the story. 其中一个男孩子其中一个男孩子对这对这个故事感个故事感兴兴趣。趣。 The number of the students in the school is 2The number of the students in the school is 2,000. 000. 这这所学校的学生人数是所学校的学生人数是20002000。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致【典例典例4 4】 What _ the number of the What _ the number of the students in your school? students in your school?

604、About two thousand. A number of them _ About two thousand. A number of them _ from England. from England. A Ais; are Bis; are Bis; is is; is C Care; is Dare; is Dare; are are; are 答案答案 A A 专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致考点过关考点过关( ()1)1. 2014. 2014六安六安轻轻工学校模工学校模拟拟Bob with his friends Bob with his friends _ a party

605、when the snow started._ a party when the snow started.A Awas having Bwas having Bwere havingwere havingC Care having Dare having Dis havingis havingA A专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()2.Not only Jim but also his sister_ a )2.Not only Jim but also his sister_ a few cities in the south since they came to China. fe

606、w cities in the south since they came to China. A Awill visit Bwill visit Bhas visitedhas visitedC Chave visited Dhave visited DvisitedvisitedB Bnot onlynot onlybut alsobut also连接并列主语时,谓语动词在数上连接并列主语时,谓语动词在数上与最近的主语保持一致。由于与最近的主语保持一致。由于his sisterhis sister是单数,且由是单数,且由sincesince可可知用现在完成时,故答案为知用现在完成时,故答案

607、为B B。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()3.)3.There _no milk in the fridge. Could There _no milk in the fridge. Could you get some for me, Dick?you get some for me, Dick?All right, Mom.All right, Mom.A Ais Bis Bare Care Cwas Dwas DwerewereA A专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()4.Physics _ more interesting than math, )4.Physics _ m

608、ore interesting than math, I think.I think.A Aare Bare Bisis C Cwas Dwas Dwerewere( ()5.This is an ugly little duck. Nobody _ )5.This is an ugly little duck. Nobody _ him except his mother.him except his mother.A Alike Blike Bliked liked C Cloved Dloved Dlikes likes B BD Dnobodynobody作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语

609、动词用用单单数形式,根据前句数形式,根据前句谓语谓语isis可知本句的可知本句的时态时态也是一般也是一般现现在在时时。故。故选选D D。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()6.The woman behind the girls _ a famous )6.The woman behind the girls _ a famous actress. actress. A Ais Bis BareareC Chave Dhave Dhad had ( ()7.The news _ very interesting! Tell me )7.The news _ very interesting

610、! Tell me more! more! A Ais Bis BareareC Cwere Dwere Dwas was A AA A专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()8.)8.He is a doctor and his brother is a He is a doctor and his brother is a doctor, too. doctor, too. You mean both he and his brother _ You mean both he and his brother _ doctors, right?doctors, right?A Ais Bis

611、 Bbe Cbe Care Dare DwaswasC Cbothbothandand连连接并列主接并列主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式,故用复数形式,故选选C C。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()9.Each of the girls here _ to the West )9.Each of the girls here _ to the West Lake twice.Lake twice.A Ahave gone Bhave gone Bhave beenhave beenC Chas gone Dhas gone Dhas beenhas beenD Deacheach

612、作主作主语语,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式,排除数形式,排除A A、B B。根据句意。根据句意可知可知选选D D。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()10.)10.He, together with his parents _ He, together with his parents _ going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you?going to visit Shanghai in July. How about you?Im afraid I have to stay at home.Im afraid I have to stay

613、 at home.A Ais Bis Bare Care Cwas Dwas Dwere were A A专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()1. )1. 20142014安安顺顺Look, the set of keys _ on Look, the set of keys _ on the teachers desk.the teachers desk.A Aare Bare BwerewereC Cis Dis Dwaswas语语法法专练专练C C名名词词前面有前面有the set ofthe set of修修饰时饰时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。数形式。专题专题12 12 主谓

614、主谓致致( ()2. )2. 20142014巴中改巴中改编编This pair of shoes _ This pair of shoes _ me well, but the shoes _ expensive. me well, but the shoes _ expensive. A Afit; are Bfit; are Bfits; arefits; areC Cfits; is Dfits; is Dfit; is fit; is ( ()3.Not only my friends but also I _ )3.Not only my friends but also I _

615、interested in football and Messi is our favorite star. interested in football and Messi is our favorite star. A Abe Bbe BamamC Cis Dis Dare are B BB B专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()4.A woman with two children _ along the )4.A woman with two children _ along the street at the moment.street at the moment.A Ais w

616、alking Bis walking Bare walkingare walking C Cwalk Dwalk Dwalkswalks( ()5.Your trousers _ dirty. You must wash )5.Your trousers _ dirty. You must wash them at once. them at once. A Awere Bwere BisCisCare Dare DwaswasA AC Ctrouserstrousers作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式。故用复数形式。故选选C C。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()6.The

617、 woman and her husband_ in the )6.The woman and her husband_ in the same office. same office. A Awork Bwork Bworks Cworks Cis working Dis working Dhas workedhas worked( ()7.)7.Two months _ quite a long time.Two months _ quite a long time.Yes, Im afraid that he will miss lots of his Yes, Im afraid th

618、at he will miss lots of his lessons.lessons.A Ais Bis BareareC Cwas Dwas DwerewereA AA A专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()8.Either Mary or he _ going to London )8.Either Mary or he _ going to London tomorrow. Only one person can go there. tomorrow. Only one person can go there. A Aare Bare BisisC Cwas Dwas Dwere

619、were ( ()9. )9. 20142014黔黔东东南南Climbing hills _ good Climbing hills _ good for our health.for our health.A Aare Bare BisisC Cwas Dwas DwerewereB BB B专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()10. )10. 20142014咸宁咸宁What are you going to do this What are you going to do this weekend?weekend?I together with my classmates _ goi

620、ng to I together with my classmates _ going to climb Mount Qian. climb Mount Qian. A Ais Bis BamamC Care Dare DWereWereB B专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()11. )11. 20142014毕节毕节There _ a book and some There _ a book and some pens in the bag. Please give them to the old man.pens in the bag. Please give them to the

621、 old man.A Abe Bbe Bareare C Cis Dis DhavehaveC C专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()12. )12. 20142014宜宜宾宾Look! The police _ the Look! The police _ the food onto the bank of the river.food onto the bank of the river.A Aam carrying Bam carrying Bis carryingis carryingC Care carrying Dare carrying Dare carriedare car

622、riedC Cthe policethe police作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式,根据提示用复数形式,根据提示词词looklook可知用可知用现现在在进进行行时时。故。故选选C C。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()13.In our school library there _ a )13.In our school library there _ a number of books on science and the number of them number of books on science and the number of them _ growing

623、 larger and larger._ growing larger and larger.A Ais; are Bis; are Bare; isare; isC Chas; is Dhas; is Dhave; arehave; areB Ba number ofa number of作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用复数形式;用复数形式;the number the number ofof作主作主语时语时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。故数形式。故选选B B。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()14.)14.What _ two and three?What _ two and

624、 three?Its five.Its five.A Abe Bbe Bam Cam Cis Dis DareareC C表示数字表示数字经过经过加减乘除等于多少加减乘除等于多少时时,谓语动词谓语动词用用单单数形式。数形式。专题专题12 12 主谓主谓致致( ()15.Both Lily and Lucy _ to the party )15.Both Lily and Lucy _ to the party yesterday.yesterday.A Ainvited Binvited Bwas invitedwas invitedC Chad invited Dhad invited Dw

625、ere invited were invited D D专题专题13 简单句简单句(陈述句、疑问陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测陈陈述句述句重点掌握重点掌握陈陈述句的基本述句的基本结结构及构及用法。用法。考考查陈查陈述句与否定句、疑述句与否定句、疑问问句之句之间间的的转换转换。疑疑问问句句重点掌握一般疑重点掌握一般疑问问句、特殊疑句、特殊疑问问句、反意疑句、反意疑问

626、问句的基本句的基本结结构构及用法。及用法。考考查查特殊疑特殊疑问词问词的正确的正确选择选择及反及反意疑意疑问问句的句的应应用。用。感感叹叹句句掌握感掌握感叹叹句的句的结结构。构。考考查查两种感两种感叹叹句的基本句的基本应应用。用。祈使句祈使句掌握祈使句的掌握祈使句的结结构及用法。构及用法。考考查查祈使句的祈使句的应应用。用。倒装句倒装句重点掌握常重点掌握常见见的倒装句的用法。的倒装句的用法。考考查查以以so和和neither开开头头的倒装句的倒装句的用法。的用法。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)1 1陈述句陈

627、述句 1 1肯定句的基本肯定句的基本结结构构(1)(1)主主语语不及物不及物动词动词其他其他The sun is rising.The sun is rising.太阳正在升起。太阳正在升起。(2)(2)主主语语十及物十及物动词动词宾语宾语其他其他I bought a book in the bookstore.I bought a book in the bookstore.我在我在书书店店买买了一本了一本书书。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(3)(3)主主语语连连系系动词动词表表语语其他其他My fat

628、her is a teacher.My father is a teacher.我父我父亲亲是一位老是一位老师师。(4)(4)主主语语及物及物动词动词间间接接宾语宾语 直接直接宾语宾语其他其他I gave Jack a present for his birthday.I gave Jack a present for his birthday.我送我送给给杰克一件生日礼物。杰克一件生日礼物。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(5)(5)主主语语及物及物动词动词宾语宾语宾语补宾语补足足语语其他其他I asked

629、 him to help me with my math.I asked him to help me with my math.我我让让他帮助我学数学。他帮助我学数学。2 2否定句的构成否定句的构成(1)(1)如果如果谓语动词谓语动词中含有中含有bebe动词动词、情、情态动词态动词或助或助动词动词,则则在在这这些些词词的后面直接加的后面直接加notnot构成否定句。构成否定句。I am not a student.I am not a student.我不是学生。我不是学生。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)

630、(2)(2)如果如果谓语动词谓语动词只由行只由行为动词为动词构成,构成,则则在行在行为动词为动词的原形的原形前加上前加上 dont/doesnt/didnt dont/doesnt/didnt 构成否定句。构成否定句。如:如:I dont go to school on Sundays.I dont go to school on Sundays.星期天我不去上学。星期天我不去上学。(3)(3)有些有些词词本身表示否定意本身表示否定意义义,是否定,是否定词词,如,如nobody, nobody, hardly, never, no one, nothing, few, little, none

631、, hardly, never, no one, nothing, few, little, none, neither neither 等。如:等。如:Theres little water in the bottle.Theres little water in the bottle.瓶子里没有水了。瓶子里没有水了。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(4)(4)有些情有些情态动词态动词的否定形式的否定形式较为较为特殊,如:特殊,如:maymay的否定形的否定形式可以是式可以是 may not, cant,

632、mustnt; must may not, cant, mustnt; must 的否定形式可以是的否定形式可以是 cant, neednt, mustntcant, neednt, mustnt,要,要结结合具体合具体语语境境选择选择恰当的否定形恰当的否定形式。如:式。如:Must I finish the composition today? Must I finish the composition today? 我必我必须须今天完成今天完成这这篇作文篇作文吗吗?No, you neednt. You can finish it tomorrow.No, you neednt. You

633、can finish it tomorrow.不,你不必今天完成。你可以明天完成。不,你不必今天完成。你可以明天完成。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(5)had better do sth.(5)had better do sth.的否定形式是的否定形式是 had better not do had better not do sth.sth.。如:。如:Youd better not eat so many hamburgers.Youd better not eat so many hamburgers

634、.你最好不要吃你最好不要吃这这么多么多汉汉堡。堡。(6)(6)如果主句是如果主句是I think/guess/believeI think/guess/believe,其后的,其后的宾语宾语从从句表示否定意句表示否定意义时义时,常将否定,常将否定词词提到主句中,即否定主句。如:提到主句中,即否定主句。如:I dont believe he can carry the box by himslf.I dont believe he can carry the box by himslf.我我认为认为他一个人搬不他一个人搬不动这动这个箱子。个箱子。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问

635、句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例1 1】 Mary _ live in Shanghai now. She Mary _ live in Shanghai now. She lives in London with her father.lives in London with her father.A Ado Bdo Bdoes does C Cdont Ddont Ddoesnt doesnt 答案答案 D D专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)2 2疑问句疑问句

636、 1 1一般疑一般疑问问句句(1)(1)结结构:构: BeBe动词动词/ /助助动词动词/ /情情态动词态动词主主语语其他?其他?(2)(2)答答语语YesYes,主,主语语bebe动词动词/ /助助动词动词/ /情情态动词态动词NoNo,主,主语语bebe动词动词/ /助助动词动词/ /情情态动词态动词not.not.如:如:Is he a docorIs he a docor?他是一位医生?他是一位医生吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)No, he isnt.No, he isnt.不,他不是。不,他

637、不是。Do you want to go to school? Do you want to go to school? 你想去上学你想去上学吗吗?Yes, I do.Yes, I do.是的,我想。是的,我想。2 2特殊疑特殊疑问问句句(1)(1)结结构:特殊疑构:特殊疑问词问词一般疑一般疑问问句?句?(2)(2)答答语语: 根据根据实际实际情况作出相情况作出相应应的回答。如的回答。如Which bike is yours?Which bike is yours?哪哪辆辆自行自行车车是你的?是你的?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、

638、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)The red one.The red one.红红色的那色的那辆辆。(3)(3)选择选择疑疑问问句句(1)(1)结结构:一般疑构:一般疑问问句句oror另一个被另一个被选择选择的的对对象?象?特殊疑特殊疑问问句,句, A or BA or B?如:?如:Do you like English or Chinese?Do you like English or Chinese?你喜你喜欢欢英英语还语还是是汉语汉语?I like Chinese.I like Chinese.我喜我喜欢汉语欢汉语。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句

639、)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?Which do you prefer, apples or bananas?苹果和香蕉,你更喜苹果和香蕉,你更喜欢欢哪个?哪个?Apples.Apples.苹果。苹果。(2)(2)答答语语:根据:根据实际实际情况回答。情况回答。4 4反意疑反意疑问问句句(1)(1)结结构:构:陈陈述句述句( (肯定形式肯定形式) )附加疑附加疑问问句句( (否定形式否定形式)?)?陈陈述句述句( (否定形式否定形式) )附加疑附加疑问问句句( (肯定形式肯定形式)?)?专题专题13 13

640、简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(2)(2)答答语语:与一般疑与一般疑问问句的答句的答语语相同,但注意在相同,但注意在问问答答“前否后肯前否后肯”形式形式的反意疑的反意疑问问句句时时,yesyes和和nono在意在意义义上的上的变变化化( (此此时时yesyes的意思是的意思是“不不”,no no 的意思是的意思是 “是是”) )。如:。如:You didnt go to school yesterday, did you?You didnt go to school yesterday, did you?你昨天没去学校,是你昨

641、天没去学校,是吗吗?Yes, I did.Yes, I did.不,我去上学了。不,我去上学了。No, I didnt.No, I didnt.是的,我没去上学。是的,我没去上学。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(3)(3)附加疑附加疑问问句部分的注意事句部分的注意事项项附加疑附加疑问问句部分的主句部分的主语语一般一般为为人称代人称代词词主格,但必主格,但必须须和和陈陈述句部分的主述句部分的主语语保持一致。如:保持一致。如:Mr. Black teaches you English this term, do

642、esnt Mr. Black teaches you English this term, doesnt he?he?这这学期,布莱克先生教你学期,布莱克先生教你们们英英语语,不是,不是吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈陈述句述句为为there bethere be句型,附加疑句型,附加疑问问句部分用句部分用be therebe there。如:如:There is a pen on the desk, isnt there?There is a pen on the desk, isnt there?

643、书书桌上有一支桌上有一支钢钢笔,不是笔,不是吗吗?陈陈述句的主述句的主语语是指示代是指示代词单词单数形式、表示物的不定代数形式、表示物的不定代词词、动词动词不定式、不定式、动词动词inging形式或从句形式或从句时时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分的主句部分的主语语用用 itit;如果指示代;如果指示代词词是复数形式,是复数形式,则则用用theythey。如:。如:专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)Drinking too much coffee is bad for your health, Drinking to

644、o much coffee is bad for your health, isnt itisnt it?喝太多咖啡?喝太多咖啡对对你的健康有害,不是你的健康有害,不是吗吗?These are your books, arent they?These are your books, arent they?这这些是你的些是你的书书,不是,不是吗吗?陈陈述句的主述句的主语语是表示人的不定代是表示人的不定代词时词时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分句部分的主的主语语一般一般为为theythey,也可以是,也可以是hehe。如:。如:Nobody is late for school, are they?No

645、body is late for school, are they?没有人上学没有人上学迟迟到,是到,是吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈陈述句述句为为复合句复合句时时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分的主句部分的主语语与主句的主与主句的主语语保持一致;如果复合句是保持一致;如果复合句是I think/believe/guess thatI think/believe/guess that,附加疑附加疑问问句部分的主句部分的主语语与从句的主与从句的主语语保持一致。如:保持一致。如:You dont know w

646、here your pen pal is from, do you? You dont know where your pen pal is from, do you? 你不知道你的笔友来自哪里,是你不知道你的笔友来自哪里,是吗吗?I dont think you are right, are you?I dont think you are right, are you?我我认为认为你是你是错误错误的,不是的,不是吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈陈述句是述句是“Do/BeDo/Be型的肯定祈使句型的

647、肯定祈使句”时时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分用句部分用will/wont youwill/wont you结结构;如果是否定祈使句,构;如果是否定祈使句,则则用用will youwill you。如:。如:Dont make so much noise, will you?Dont make so much noise, will you?不要制造噪声好不要制造噪声好吗吗?Open the door for me, will/wont you?Open the door for me, will/wont you?为为我开我开门门好好吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感

648、叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈陈述句是述句是“LetsLets型的肯定祈使句型的肯定祈使句”时时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分用句部分用shall weshall we;陈陈述句是述句是“Let meLet me型的肯定祈使句型的肯定祈使句”时时,附加疑,附加疑问问句句部分用部分用 will youwill you。如:。如:Lets go swimming, shall we?Lets go swimming, shall we?让让我我们们去游泳好去游泳好吗吗?Let me carry the box for you, will you?Let me carr

649、y the box for you, will you?让让我帮你搬我帮你搬这这个箱子好个箱子好吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)若若陈陈述句中含有述句中含有 little, few, nothing, nobody, little, few, nothing, nobody, never, nonenever, none等否定等否定词时词时,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分用肯定句部分用肯定结结构。如:构。如:Theres nobody in the room, is there?Theres nobody i

650、n the room, is there?房房间间里没人,是里没人,是吗吗?专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例2 2】 _ have you stayed in New York? _ have you stayed in New York? For about two weeks. For about two weeks. A AHow far BHow far BHow long How long C CHow many DHow many DHow often How often 解析解析 B

651、Bhow farhow far意意为为“多多远远”,对对距离提距离提问问;how longhow long意意为为“多久多久”,对时间对时间段提段提问问;how manyhow many意意为为“多少多少”,对对数量提数量提问问;how oftenhow often意意为为“多久一次多久一次”,对频对频率提率提问问。根据答。根据答语语“大大约约两周两周”可知可知选选B B。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例3 3】 She can hardly write her own name, She can

652、hardly write her own name, _? A Acan she Bcan she Bcant she cant she C Cneed she Dneed she Dneednt she neednt she 答案答案 A A专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)3 3感叹句感叹句 类类型型结结构构例句例句what型型Whata/an形容形容词词单单数可数数可数名名词词主主语语谓语谓语!What an honest person he is!他是一个多么他是一个多么诚实诚实的人啊!的人啊!What

653、形容形容词词复数可数名复数可数名词词/不不可数名可数名词词主主语语谓语谓语!What beautiful flowers they are!多美的花啊!多美的花啊!how型型How主主语语谓语谓语!How time flies!时时光光飞飞逝!逝!How形容形容词词/副副词词主主语语谓语谓语!How brave the little girl is!这这个小女孩多么勇敢啊!个小女孩多么勇敢啊!how型型How形容形容词词a/an单单数可数名数可数名词词主主语语谓语谓语!How clever a boy he is!他是一个多么他是一个多么聪聪明的男孩啊!明的男孩啊!专题专题13 13 简单句简

654、单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例4 4】 _ weather! Its raining._ weather! Its raining.Bad luck! We cant go climbing today.Bad luck! We cant go climbing today.A AWhat bad BWhat bad BHow bad How bad C CWhat fine DWhat fine DHow fine How fine 解析解析 A A根据答根据答语语“真倒霉,我真倒霉,我们们今天不能去爬山了今天不能去爬山了

655、”可可知上句的句意知上句的句意为为“多么糟糕的天气啊!正在下雨多么糟糕的天气啊!正在下雨”。weatherweather为为不不可数名可数名词词,故用,故用whatwhat。故。故选选A A。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例5 5】 Dad, do you like my picture?Dad, do you like my picture?_ Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!_ Its the nicest one Ive ever seen!A AWhat b

656、eautiful! What beautiful! B BHow careful! How careful! C CHow wonderful! How wonderful! D DWhat wonderful picture!What wonderful picture!专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句) 解析解析 C C根据答根据答语语中中“这这是我曾是我曾经经看到看到过过的最漂亮的一幅的最漂亮的一幅画画”可知可知应该应该是是赞叹赞叹儿子的画。修儿子的画。修饰饰形容形容词词用用how, how, 故故A A

657、项错误项错误;B B项项和句意不符;修和句意不符;修饰单饰单数名数名词词用不定冠用不定冠词词a a,故,故D D项错误项错误。故。故选选C C。 专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)4 4祈使句祈使句 类类型型结结构构例句例句Do 型型动词动词原形其他;原形其他; Dont动词动词原形其他原形其他Turn on the light, please.请请把灯打开。把灯打开。Be型型Be 表表语语;Dontbe表表语语Dont be afraid!不要害怕。不要害怕。Let型型Let sb. (not) do sth

658、. Let him not go home.别让别让他回家。他回家。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例6 6】 _ here on time next time, or _ here on time next time, or youll be punished. youll be punished. Sorry for being late again. Sorry for being late again. A ABe BBe BBeingBeingC CTo be DTo be DBeen Be

659、en 答案答案 A A专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典例典例7 7】 _ give up, Mary._ give up, Mary.Thanks for encouraging me.Thanks for encouraging me.A ADont BDont BDont be Dont be C CNot be DNot be DBe not Be not 解析解析 A A本本题题考考查查祈使句的否定句。祈使句的否定直接祈使句的否定句。祈使句的否定直接在在动词动词前加前加DontDont。故。故选选

660、A A。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)4 4倒装句倒装句 结结构及意构及意义义例例 句句“So助助动词动词/情情态动词态动词/be动词动词主主语语”表示与前面的情况一表示与前面的情况一样样。(肯定式肯定式)He comes from Guilin.他来自桂林。他来自桂林。 So do I我也是。我也是。“Neither 助助动词动词/情情态动词态动词/be动词动词主主语语”表示与前面的情况一表示与前面的情况一样样。(否否定式定式)He isnt a student. 他不是学生。他不是学生。Neither

661、is Jenny.珍妮也不是。珍妮也不是。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)“So主主语语助助动词动词/情情态动词态动词/be动动词词”表示主表示主语语确确实实如此。如此。Li Ming is a brave man.李明是一李明是一个勇敢的人。个勇敢的人。So he is.的确如此。的确如此。Here/There谓语谓语名名词词;Here/There代代词词谓语谓语Here comes the bus.公交公交车车来了。来了。 Here it is.在在这这儿。儿。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句

662、、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)【典典例例8 8】 Liu Liu Huan Huan sings sings quite quite well. well. I I like like him him very much. very much. _A ASo am I BSo am I BSo I doSo I doC CSo do I DSo do I DSo can ISo can I 答案答案 C C 专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)考点过关考点过关( ()1

663、. )1. 20142014合肥合肥4545中模中模拟拟Philip, please put away Philip, please put away your socks, _your socks, _? A Ado you Bdo you Bdont you dont you C Cdid you Ddid you Dwont you wont you D D表示肯定的祈使句的附加疑表示肯定的祈使句的附加疑问问句部分用句部分用will youwill you或或wont wont youyou。故。故选选D D。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)

664、陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()2. )2. 20142014合肥合肥4545中模中模拟拟I hear Jays concert I hear Jays concert will be held in Hefei on May 17th. will be held in Hefei on May 17th. _ exciting message! _ exciting message! A AHow BHow BWhat What C CHow an DHow an DWhat an What an D D专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒

665、装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()3.)3.20142014合肥合肥4545中模中模拟拟_ do you go to _ do you go to the cinema, Linda? the cinema, Linda? Not even once! Not even once! A AHow much BHow much BHow soon How soon C CHow often DHow often DHow long How long C C根据答根据答语语“一次也没有一次也没有”可知是可知是对频对频率率进进行提行提问问,故用,故用how how oftenof

666、ten。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()4.)4._ smoke here, Dad. Smoking has _ smoke here, Dad. Smoking has been banned(been banned(禁止禁止) in public places.) in public places.Youre right. Youre right. A ADont be BDont be BBe not Be not C CNot to be DNot to be DDont Dont D D专

667、题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()5.)5.20142014六安六安轻轻工学校模工学校模拟拟Who put the key on Who put the key on the desk just now? the desk just now? I _I _A Adoes Bdoes BdodoC Cdid Ddid DdoingdoingC C根据根据时间时间状状语语just nowjust now可知用一般可知用一般过过去去时时,这这里要用里要用diddid代代替上述的情况。替上述的情况。专题专题13

668、13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()6.)6.20142014六安六安轻轻工学校模工学校模拟拟Hes never been to the Hes never been to the Great wall, _ ?Great wall, _ ?A Ais he Bis he Bisnt heisnt heC Chasnt he Dhasnt he Dhas hehas heD D陈陈述句部分含有述句部分含有nevernever,附加疑,附加疑问问句部分用肯定形式,根据句部分用肯定形式,根据前句的助前句的助动词动词hash

669、as,可知,可知选选D D。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()7.)7.20142014合肥合肥4545中模中模拟拟We like playWe like playing tennis ing tennis after school.after school._A ASo I do BSo I do BSo do I So do I C CSo am I DSo am I DSo I am So I am B B表示表示“也是如此也是如此”用用“soso谓语谓语主主语语”。根据上句可知。根据上句可知这这

670、里里用助用助动词动词dodo。故。故选选B B。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()8.)8.20142014合肥寿春中学模合肥寿春中学模拟拟You havent been to You havent been to Hawaii, have you? Hawaii, have you? _. How I wish to go there. _. How I wish to go there. A AYes, I have BYes, I have BYes, I did Yes, I did C CNo

671、, I didnt DNo, I didnt DNo, I havent No, I havent D D根据答根据答语语中中“我多么希望去那里我多么希望去那里”可知可知对对方没有去方没有去过过夏威夷。夏威夷。对对反意疑反意疑问问句句进进行回答行回答时时,若事,若事实实是肯定的,就用是肯定的,就用yesyes;若事;若事实实是否定的,就用是否定的,就用NoNo。故。故选选D D。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()1. )1. 20142014安安顺顺I dont think she will agree

672、 with I dont think she will agree with us, _us, _?A Awill she Bwill she Bwont shewont sheC Cdont you Ddont you Ddo youdo you语语法法专练专练A AI thinkI think引引导导的的宾语宾语从句的附加疑从句的附加疑问问句的主句的主语语与从句保持一与从句保持一致。故致。故选选A A。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()2. )2. 20142014赤峰赤峰_ kind girl N

673、ancy is! She _ kind girl Nancy is! She is always ready to help the students in trouble.is always ready to help the students in trouble.A AWhat a BWhat a BWhat CWhat CHow DHow DHow aHow a( ()3. )3. 20142014上海上海_ can you finish the _ can you finish the report on food safety?report on food safety?In tw

674、o days.In two days.A AHow far BHow far BHow muchHow much C CHow often DHow often DHow soonHow soonA AD D对对“inin时间时间段段”提提问问用用how soonhow soon。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()4. )4. 20142014乌鲁乌鲁木木齐齐Hes already come back to Hes already come back to Australia, _Australia,

675、_?Yes. We watched a movie together last night.Yes. We watched a movie together last night.A Aisnt he Bisnt he Bdoesnt hedoesnt he C Chasnt he Dhasnt he Dhas hehas he( ()5.Boys and girls, _ your hands if you )5.Boys and girls, _ your hands if you want to take part in the summer camp. want to take par

676、t in the summer camp. A Aputting up Bputting up Bto put up Cto put up Cput up Dput up Dput put C CC C根据句意可知是祈使句,根据句意可知是祈使句,put upput up意意为为“举举起起”。故。故选选C C。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()6.)6.I hear Yang made an English speech at the I hear Yang made an English speech

677、at the graduation ceremony yesterday.graduation ceremony yesterday._, and _and _A ASo she did; so did I BSo she did; so did I BSo did she; so I didSo did she; so I didC CSo she was; so I was DSo she was; so I was DSo was she; so I wasSo was she; so I wasA A第一个空表达的意思是第一个空表达的意思是“她确她确实实如此如此”,用,用“soso主主

678、语语谓语谓语”;第二个空表达的意思是;第二个空表达的意思是“我也一我也一样样”,要用,要用“soso谓语谓语主主语语”。故故选选A A。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()7.)7._ won the 100th gold medal at the _ won the 100th gold medal at the Olympics for China?Olympics for China?Zhang Yining. Shes from Beijing.Zhang Yining. Shes from Be

679、ijing.A AWho BWho BWhatWhatC CWhen DWhen DWhereWhereA A专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()8.)8._ did you graduate from primary _ did you graduate from primary school?school?At the age of 11. AAt the age of 11. AWhen BWhen BHow How C CWhere DWhere DWhy Why A A由答由答语语可知是可知是对

680、时间对时间提提问问,故,故选选A A。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()9._ sunny day! Lets go surfing, Frank!)9._ sunny day! Lets go surfing, Frank!A AWhat a BWhat a BWhatWhatC CHow a DHow a DHow an How an A A专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()10.The sun is so

681、bright. Lets go fishing, )10.The sun is so bright. Lets go fishing, _?A Adont you Bdont you Bwill youwill youC Cdo you Ddo you Dshall weshall weD Dletslets型祈使句的附加疑型祈使句的附加疑问问句部分用句部分用shall weshall we。故。故选选D D。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()11. )11. 20142014宿迁宿迁_ have yo

682、u lived in _ have you lived in Suqian, Jane?Suqian, Jane?For about 16 years.For about 16 years.A AHow many BHow many BHow muchHow muchC CHow long DHow long DHow oftenHow oftenfor about 16 yearsfor about 16 years为为一段一段时间时间,对对其提其提问问用用how longhow long。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、

683、祈使句、倒装句)( ()12. )12. 20142014曲靖曲靖_ funny the joke is! It _ funny the joke is! It makes us smile from ears to ears. makes us smile from ears to ears. A AWhat an BWhat an BWhat CWhat CHow an D. How How an D. How D D感感叹叹句中修句中修饰饰形容形容词词用用howhow。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)(

684、 ()13. )13. 20142014黄石黄石Im leaving for Xisai Mountain Im leaving for Xisai Mountain this afternoon. this afternoon. _ you have packed everything._ you have packed everything.A ATo be sure BTo be sure BBeen sureBeen sureC CBeing sure DBeing sure DBe sureBe sureD D答答语语句意:确保你把所有的句意:确保你把所有的东东西都收拾好了。根据句意

685、可西都收拾好了。根据句意可知本句知本句为为祈使句。祈使句句首用祈使句。祈使句句首用动词动词原形。故原形。故选选D D。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()14. )14. 20142014眉山眉山_ swim alone in the _ swim alone in the river, _river, _?A ANot; dont you BNot; dont you BNot; do youNot; do youC CDont; will you DDont; will you DDont; shal

686、l weDont; shall weC C祈使句的否定句是在祈使句的否定句是在动词动词前直接加前直接加DontDont;表示否定意;表示否定意义义的的祈使句的附加疑祈使句的附加疑问问句句为为will youwill you。故。故选选C C。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()15. )15. 20142014镇镇江江Do you know the book One Do you know the book One Hundred Years of Solitude(Hundred Years of So

687、litude(百年孤独百年孤独) has been ) has been printed again?printed again?It is expected to be. _ unIt is expected to be. _ unusual novel it usual novel it is!is!A AWhat BWhat BWhat aWhat aC CHow DHow DWhat anWhat anD D专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()16.)16._ stay uptoo late, o

688、r you will _ stay uptoo late, or you will feel tired in class next day.feel tired in class next day.I wont, Mom.I wont, Mom.A ANot BNot BDont Dont C CDidnt DDidnt DIsnt Isnt B B专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()17.)17.My parents never stop going on about (My parents neve

689、r stop going on about (唠唠叨叨)how I should study hard.)how I should study hard._A ASo my parents do So my parents do B BNor my parents doNor my parents doC CNor do my parents Nor do my parents D DSo do my parentsSo do my parentsC C由上句中的由上句中的nevernever可知可知这这是一个否定句,当表示前面的情况是一个否定句,当表示前面的情况也适于另一个人也适于另一个人时

690、时,用,用“nornor谓语谓语主主语语”结结构,排除构,排除A A、D D,B B项项的的语语序不正确,故序不正确,故选选C C。专题专题13 13 简单句简单句( (陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)陈述句、疑问句、感叹句、祈使句、倒装句)( ()18.)18.Its terribly cold today, isnt it?Its terribly cold today, isnt it?Yes. _ yesterday.Yes. _ yesterday.A ASo it was BSo it was BSo was itSo was itC CSo it is DSo it is

691、 DSo is it So is it B B专题专题14 复合句复合句(宾语从句、状宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句语从句、定语从句)专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测宾语宾语从句从句掌握三种基本的掌握三种基本的宾语宾语从句及其从句及其引引导词导词、语语序和序和时态时态。考考查宾语查宾语从句的引从句的引导词导词、语语序序及及时态时态。状状语语从句从句掌握状掌握状语语从句的分从句的分类类及其常及其常见见的几种状的几种状语语从句的用法。从句的用法。重点考重点

692、考查时间查时间状状语语从句、条件从句、条件状状语语从句、原因状从句、原因状语语从句的用从句的用法。法。定定语语从句从句重点掌握定重点掌握定语语从句的引从句的引导词导词与与先行先行词词的用法。的用法。重点考重点考查查定定语语从句中关系代从句中关系代词词that,which,who的用法。的用法。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )1 1宾语从句宾语从句 宾语宾语从句是安徽中考的必考点之一,因此掌握此从句是安徽中考的必考点之一,因此掌握此语语法法项项目目非常重要。非常重要。对对于于宾语宾语从句的把握,主要从从句的把握,主要从语语序、引

693、序、引导词导词和和时态时态三个方面来三个方面来进进行。行。1 1宾语宾语从句的从句的语语序序无无论论引引导词导词是是that, if, whetherthat, if, whether还还是特殊疑是特殊疑问词问词,宾语宾语从从句的句的语语序必序必须须用用陈陈述句述句语语序。如:序。如: 专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )Do you know what he is doing?Do you know what he is doing? 你知道他正在做什么你知道他正在做什么吗吗?2 2宾语宾语从句的引从句的引导词导词(1)(1)由

694、由thatthat引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句这这种种宾语宾语从句一般从句一般为陈为陈述句,述句,thatthat在句中不充当任何成分,在句中不充当任何成分,一般可省略。如:一般可省略。如:I didnt know (that)he had come back from Shanghai.I didnt know (that)he had come back from Shanghai.我不知道他已我不知道他已经经从上海回来了。从上海回来了。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )(2)(2)由由ifif或或whetherwhethe

695、r引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句ifif和和whetherwhether表示表示“是否是否”,在句中不作任何成分,通常可以,在句中不作任何成分,通常可以互互换换( (从句中有从句中有or notor not时时,一般只能用,一般只能用 whether)whether)。如:。如:I wonder whether or not he has come back.I wonder whether or not he has come back.我想知道他是否回来了。我想知道他是否回来了。(3)(3)由疑由疑问问代代词词或疑或疑问问副副词词引引导导的的宾语宾语从句从句疑疑问问代代词词 whowho,w

696、hat, which, whom what, which, whom 在从句中作主在从句中作主语语或或宾宾语语等。疑等。疑问问副副词词when, where, whywhen, where, why,howhow等在从句中作状等在从句中作状语语。如:。如:专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )Do you know where he lives? Do you know where he lives? 你知道他住哪儿你知道他住哪儿吗吗?3 3宾语宾语从句的从句的时态时态(1)(1)主句主句时态时态是一般是一般现现在在时时,从句,从句

697、谓语动词谓语动词的的时态时态根据具体根据具体情况情况进进行行选择选择。如:。如:He says that hell pass the exam.He says that hell pass the exam.他他说说他会通他会通过过考考试试的。的。He says that he came hack yesterday.He says that he came hack yesterday.他他说说他昨天回来的。他昨天回来的。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )(2)(2)主句主句时态时态是一般是一般过过去去时时,从句,从句谓语动词

698、谓语动词用相用相应应的的过过去去时时态态。如:。如:She said that there were many books on the desk.She said that there were many books on the desk.她她说说桌子上有很多桌子上有很多书书。He told me (that) he had finished his work.He told me (that) he had finished his work. 他告他告诉诉我他已我他已经经完成了他的工作。完成了他的工作。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句

699、、定语从句) )(3)(3)如果从句是客如果从句是客观观真理,从句真理,从句时态时态不受主句不受主句时态时态影响,用影响,用一般一般现现在在时时。如:。如:The teacher told his students that the earth goes The teacher told his students that the earth goes around the sun.around the sun. 老老师师告告诉诉学生学生们们地球地球围绕围绕太阳太阳转转。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例1 1】 Do

700、 you know _ the man with Do you know _ the man with sunglasses is?sunglasses is?Im not sure. Maybe a reporter.Im not sure. Maybe a reporter.A Awho Bwho Bwhat Cwhat Cwhere Dwhere Dhowhow 解析解析 B B考考查宾语查宾语从句的引从句的引导词导词。由答。由答语语“可能是一名可能是一名记记者者”可知上句可知上句应该应该是是对职业进对职业进行行询问询问,意,意为为“你知道那个戴眼你知道那个戴眼镜镜的人是做什么的的人是做

701、什么的吗吗?”故故选选B B。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例2 2】 Can you tell me _ your parents Can you tell me _ your parents at home? at home? I often wash clothes and sweep the floor.I often wash clothes and sweep the floor.A Ahow will you help how will you help B Bhow you helphow you h

702、elpC Chow you will help how you will help D Dhow do you helphow do you help专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) ) 解析解析 B B考考查宾语查宾语从句的从句的语语序和序和时态时态。宾语宾语从句是特殊从句是特殊疑疑问问句句时时,特殊疑,特殊疑问词问词不不变变,但用,但用陈陈述述语语序,可排除序,可排除A A、D D;由;由答答语语中的中的频频度副度副词词oftenoften可知可知时态应为时态应为一般一般现现在在时时,排除,排除C C,故,故选选B B。 专题

703、专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )2 2状语从句状语从句 一个句子在复合句中作状一个句子在复合句中作状语时语时,该该句叫状句叫状语语从句。其考点从句。其考点是从句的引是从句的引导词导词及主从句及主从句时态时态一致的一致的问题问题。1 1时间时间状状语语从句从句由由when, before, after, untilwhen, before, after, until,as soon as, while, as soon as, while, as, sinceas, since等引等引导导的状的状语语从句叫从句叫时间时间状状语语从句

704、。如:从句。如:Ill call you as soon as he comes back.Ill call you as soon as he comes back. 他一回来我就他一回来我就给给你打你打电话电话。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )He didnt go to bed until he finished his homework. He didnt go to bed until he finished his homework. 他直到做完作他直到做完作业业才去睡才去睡觉觉。2 2条件状条件状语语从句从句由由

705、if (if (如果如果), as long as(), as long as(只要只要) )等引等引导导的状的状语语从句叫条件从句叫条件状状语语从句。如:从句。如:Well go there by bike if it doesnt rain tomorrow. Well go there by bike if it doesnt rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨,我如果明天不下雨,我们们就就骑骑自行自行车车去那里。去那里。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )3 3其他状其他状语语从句及其引从句及其引导词导词从句名称

706、从句名称引引导词导词原因状原因状语语从句从句because, as, since 目的状目的状语语从句从句so that, in order that让让步状步状语语从句从句though/although, even if 比比较较状状语语从句从句than, asas, not asas结结果状果状语语从句从句sothat, suchthat 专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )4.4.主句与从句主句与从句时态时态一致一致在在时间时间状状语语从句和条件状从句和条件状语语从句中,主从复合句的从句中,主从复合句的时态时态一一般有三种情

707、况:般有三种情况:(1)(1)主主现现从从现现:苦主句是祈使句或主句中含有情:苦主句是祈使句或主句中含有情态动词时态动词时,从句用一般从句用一般现现在在时时。如:。如:Be careful when you cross the road.Be careful when you cross the road. 当你当你过马过马路路时时要小心。要小心。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )(2)(2)主将从主将从现现:主句:主句为为一般将来一般将来时时,从句用一般,从句用一般现现在在时时。如:。如:I will visit my goo

708、d friend when I have time. I will visit my good friend when I have time. 当我有当我有时间时时间时,我将去看望我的好朋友。,我将去看望我的好朋友。(3)(3)过过去去时态时态:若主从句都是在叙述:若主从句都是在叙述过过去的事情,去的事情, 主从句主从句可以用一般可以用一般过过去去时时或或过过去去进进行行时时。如:。如:My mother was cooking when I got home yesterday. My mother was cooking when I got home yesterday. 昨昨天我到家

709、天我到家时时,妈妈妈妈正在做正在做饭饭。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例3 3】 After school I found Mother was in bed After school I found Mother was in bed sick. _ mother was ill, I should do something sick. _ mother was ill, I should do something for her.for her.A ASo BSo BThoughThoughC CSince DS

710、ince DIfIf 解析解析 C C句意:放学后我句意:放学后我发现妈妈发现妈妈病了,躺在床上。既病了,躺在床上。既然然妈妈妈妈病了,我病了,我应该为应该为她做些事情。表示她做些事情。表示“由于;既然由于;既然”用用sincesince。故故选选C C。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例4 4】 Did you catch what the teacher said?Did you catch what the teacher said?No. She spoke so fast _ I couldnt hear N

711、o. She spoke so fast _ I couldnt hear her very clearly.her very clearly.A Awhich Bwhich BthatthatC Cwhen Dwhen Dsince since 答案答案 B B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )3 3定语从句定语从句 在复合句中,修在复合句中,修饰饰某一名某一名词词或代或代词词的从句叫定的从句叫定语语从句。其从句。其考点在于关系考点在于关系词词thatthat,which, whowhich, who的的选选用。用。1 1th

712、atthat既可指人,也可指物。在定既可指人,也可指物。在定语语从句中作主从句中作主语语或或宾语宾语。作主作主语时语时不可省略,作不可省略,作宾语时宾语时可省略。如:可省略。如: The train that has just left is for Shanghai. (thatThe train that has just left is for Shanghai. (that指物,作主指物,作主语语,不可省略,不可省略) )专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )刚刚刚刚离开的那列火离开的那列火车车是开往上海的。是开往上海的。A

713、re these the photos (that) you took last summer? Are these the photos (that) you took last summer? (that(that指物,作指物,作宾语宾语,可省略,可省略) )这这些是你去年夏天拍的照片些是你去年夏天拍的照片吗吗?2 2whichwhich指物,在定指物,在定语语从句中作主从句中作主语语或或宾语宾语,作主,作主语时语时不不可省略,作可省略,作宾语时宾语时可省略,可省略,whichwhich和和thatthat一般可互一般可互换换。如:。如:The computer which/that I

714、wanted to buy was sold The computer which/that I wanted to buy was sold out.out.我想我想买买的那台的那台电脑卖电脑卖光了。光了。 专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )3 3whowho,whomwhom指人。指人。whowho在定在定语语从句中作主从句中作主语语或或宾语宾语,whomwhom在定在定语语从句中作从句中作宾语宾语。在口。在口语语中,中, 有有时时可用可用whowho或或thatthat代替代替whom, whomwhom, whom也可省

715、略。如:也可省略。如:The girl who plays the piano very well is his The girl who plays the piano very well is his daughter.daughter. 那位那位钢钢琴琴弹弹得很好的女孩是他女儿。得很好的女孩是他女儿。Where is the girl (who/whom)you met last nightWhere is the girl (who/whom)you met last night?你?你昨晚遇到的女孩在哪儿?昨晚遇到的女孩在哪儿? 专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从

716、句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) ) 提示提示 当关系代当关系代词词作主作主语时语时,谓语动词应谓语动词应与先行与先行词词在数上在数上保持一致。保持一致。4 4当关系代当关系代词词指物指物时时,下列情况只能用,下列情况只能用 thatthat而不能用而不能用whichwhich。(1)(1)当先行当先行词词被序数被序数词词或形容或形容词词最高最高级级修修饰饰 时时。如:。如:It is the largest map that I have ever seen.It is the largest map that I have ever seen. 它是我它是我见过见过的最大的地的最

717、大的地图图。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )(2)(2)当先行当先行词词被被 the only, any, no, all, little, few, the only, any, no, all, little, few, the verythe very等等词词修修饰时饰时。如:。如:This is the only thing that you should care about.This is the only thing that you should care about.这这是你唯一是你唯一应该应该关心的事情。关

718、心的事情。 (3)(3)当先行当先行词为词为all, something, everything, none, all, something, everything, none, much, no one, the onemuch, no one, the one等代等代词时词时。如:。如:There is nothing that belongs to you in the room.There is nothing that belongs to you in the room.这这个房个房间间里没有属于你的里没有属于你的东东西。西。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句

719、、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )(4)(4)当先行当先行词词同同时时含有人和物含有人和物时时。如:。如:We talked about the persons and things that we We talked about the persons and things that we remembered at school.remembered at school.我我们谈们谈到了我到了我们还记们还记得的学校中的人和事。得的学校中的人和事。(5)(5)当主句是由当主句是由whowho或或whichwhich引引导导的特殊疑的特殊疑问问句句时时。如:。如:Which of t

720、he books that you bought yesterday was Which of the books that you bought yesterday was written by Mo Yan?written by Mo Yan?你昨天你昨天买买的哪本的哪本书书是莫言写的?是莫言写的?专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例5 5】 Do you like Xiaoshenyang?Do you like Xiaoshenyang?Oh, yes, I like the person _ can make

721、me Oh, yes, I like the person _ can make me happy.happy.A Awho Bwho BwhichwhichC Cwhom Dwhom Dwhose whose 答案答案 A A专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )【典例典例6 6】 What are you looking for?What are you looking for?Im looking for the pen _ I bought Im looking for the pen _ I bought yesterda

722、y.yesterday.A Awho Bwho Bwhich which C Cwhose Dwhose Dwhom whom 答案答案 B B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽Its so late. Why not write the Its so late. Why not write the report tomorrow?report tomorrow?But I dont know _ I can do it if not now.But I dont k

723、now _ I can do it if not now.A Awhy Bwhy Bwhenwhen C Chow Dhow DwherewhereB B根据答根据答语语句意句意“如果我如果我现现在不做,我不知道什么在不做,我不知道什么时时候才能做候才能做”可知横可知横线处线处表示表示时间时间。故。故选选B B。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()2. )2. 20132013安徽安徽I still remember the college and I still remember the college and the

724、teachers _ I visited in London years ago.the teachers _ I visited in London years ago.A Awhat Bwhat Bwho who C Cthat Dthat Dwhich which C C先行先行词词中同中同时时含有人和物含有人和物时时,定,定语语从句的引从句的引导词导词用用thatthat。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()3. )3. 20142014合肥包河区二模合肥包河区二模What do you think of What

725、 do you think of the speech given by the American writer?the speech given by the American writer?It was boring. I wasnt interested at all in It was boring. I wasnt interested at all in _ he said._ he said.A Athat Bthat Bwhatwhat C Cwhich Dwhich DhowhowB B这这里用里用whatwhat代替美国作家代替美国作家说说的的话话。故。故选选B B。专题专

726、题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()4. )4. 20142014合肥包河区一模合肥包河区一模Could you imagine Could you imagine _?He must be careful and warm!He must be careful and warm!A Ahow he would serve us Bhow he would serve us Bhow would he serve us how would he serve us C Chow he will serve us Dhow he w

727、ill serve us Dhow will he serve us how will he serve us C C宾语宾语从句是特殊疑从句是特殊疑问问句,要用句,要用陈陈述述语语序,排除序,排除B B、D D;根据;根据句意可知用一般将来句意可知用一般将来时时,排除,排除A A。故。故选选C C。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()5. )5. 20132013河北河北If you cant find the place, I If you cant find the place, I will show you _w

728、ill show you _? A Awhat it is Bwhat it is Bwhat it waswhat it wasC Cwhere it is Dwhere it is Dwhere it was where it was ( ()6. )6. 20142014合肥合肥3838中三模中三模I like the teacher I like the teacher _ classes are very interesting and creative._ classes are very interesting and creative.A Awhich Bwhich Bwhow

729、hoC Cwhat Dwhat DwhosewhoseC CD D专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()7. )7. 20142014安安庆庆中考三模中考三模Do you remember Do you remember _ he came here?_ he came here?Of course I do. His father drove him here.Of course I do. His father drove him here.A Awhether Bwhether BwhenwhenC Chow Dhow

730、 DwhywhyC C根据答根据答语语中中“他父他父亲亲开开车车送他到送他到这这里的里的”可知是可知是对对方式提方式提问问。故用故用howhow。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()8. )8. 20142014阜阳三中二模阜阳三中二模Our teacher told us the Our teacher told us the sun _ in the east. sun _ in the east. A Arise Brise Broserose C Crising Drising DrisesrisesD D宾语宾语

731、从句是客从句是客观观真理,用一般真理,用一般现现在在时时。故。故选选D D。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()9. )9. 20142014安安庆庆外国外国语语学校一模学校一模The foreigner The foreigner _ visited our school is from Canada._ visited our school is from Canada.A Awhich Bwhich BwhowhoC Cwhose Dwhose Dwhom whom B B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从

732、句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()10. )10. 20142014安徽中考模安徽中考模拟拟Nobody knows _ Nobody knows _ he was after he graduated from Beijing University.he was after he graduated from Beijing University.But I was once told he was a doctor working in a But I was once told he was a doctor working in a faraway vil

733、lage.faraway village.A Awhat Bwhat Bwho Cwho Cwhere Dwhere DhowhowA A考考查宾语查宾语从句的引从句的引导词导词。由答。由答语语中中“he was a he was a doctordoctor”可知是可知是询问职业询问职业,故,故选选A A。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()1.He )1.He worked worked late late into into the the night night _ _ he he could earn enoug

734、h money.could earn enough money.A Aso as to Bso as to Bin order toin order toC Cin order that Din order that Dsuch that such that 语语法法专练专练C C句句意意:他他工工作作到到深深夜夜,目目的的是是能能挣挣足足够够的的钱钱。in in order order thatthat后接从句。后接从句。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ( )2.My )2.My brother brother was

735、was playing playing chess chess with with me me _ the phone rang._ the phone rang.A Awhen Bwhen Bwhile Cwhile Cuntil Duntil Dif if A A专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()3.)3.When did you go to bed last night?When did you go to bed last night?I I didnt didnt go go to to bed bed _ _

736、 I I finished finished my my homework.homework.A Awhen Bwhen Buntil Cuntil Cafter Dafter Dwhilewhile( ()4. )4. 20142014孝孝感感Her Her grandfather grandfather lives lives a a simple simple life _ he has much money.life _ he has much money.A Abecause Bbecause BsosoC Cthough Dthough DififB BC C专题专题14 14 复

737、合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()5. )5. 20142014金金华华Mr. Mr. Smith Smith is is popular popular with with the the students students _ _ he he always always makes makes his his class class interesting.interesting.A Auntil Buntil BwhilewhileC Cbecause Dbecause DalthoughalthoughC C句句意意:史史密密斯斯先先

738、生生受受学学生生欢欢迎迎是是因因为为他他一一直直使使他他的的课课很很有有趣。趣。 根据句意可知前后两句是表示因果关系。故根据句意可知前后两句是表示因果关系。故选选C C。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()6.)6.Whos this?Whos this?This This is is the the man man _ _ I I mentioned mentioned to to you you yesterday.yesterday.A Awhat Bwhat BwhosewhoseC Cwhom Dwhom Dwh

739、ichwhichC C先行先行词词the manthe man指人且在句中作指人且在句中作宾语宾语,引,引导词导词用用whomwhom。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()7.)7.I wonder _I wonder _Im afraid well be late.Im afraid well be late.A Ahow can we on time how can we on time B Bwhen theyll reach the cinemawhen theyll reach the cinemaC Cwhy

740、they got to school late why they got to school late D Dwhether we will get to school on time.whether we will get to school on time.D D专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()8. )8. 20142014十十堰堰He He likes likes lowlowcarbon carbon life. life. He He lives lives in in the the house house

741、 _ _ he he built built himself himself out out of of trash.trash.A Awhere Bwhere BwhatwhatC Cwhich Dwhich Din whichin whichC C先先行行词词the the househouse指指物物, 且且在在从从句句中中作作宾宾语语,引引导导词词用用whichwhich。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ( )9. )9. 20142014绵绵阳阳Will Will you you please please gi

742、ve give the the Readers Times to Jane?Readers Times to Jane?Sure, Ill give it to her_ she comes back.Sure, Ill give it to her_ she comes back.A Abefore Bbefore BuntiluntilC Cbecause Dbecause Das soon asas soon asD D专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()10. )10. 20142014镇镇江江Granny, Gr

743、anny, the the school school trip trip was was very exciting but a little tiring.very exciting but a little tiring.Oh, could you tell me _Oh, could you tell me _?A Ahow did you go to the park how did you go to the park B Bwhat you did in the tripwhat you did in the tripC Cthat you saw something beaut

744、iful that you saw something beautiful D Dif your friends had played with youif your friends had played with youB B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()11. )11. 20142014南南宁宁Your Your English English is is so so good. good. Can Can you tell us _you tell us _?At homeAt homeschool. My f

745、ather taught me.school. My father taught me.A Awhere did you learn it where did you learn it B Bwhere will you learn itwhere will you learn itC Cwhere you learnt it where you learnt it D Dwhere you will learn itwhere you will learn itC C专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()12.The )1

746、2.The first first bike_ bike_ my my uncle uncle bought bought me me was nice.was nice.A Awho Bwho Bthat Cthat Cwhich Dwhich DwhatwhatB B先行先行词词由序数由序数词词修修饰时饰时,引,引导词导词只能用只能用thatthat。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()13.)13.There There are are so so many many boys boys over over ther

747、e. there. Which Which one is your brothers?one is your brothers?The one _ hat is yellow.The one _ hat is yellow.A Awho Bwho BwhosewhoseC Cthat Dthat Dwhich which B B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()14.Please )14.Please answer answer it it in in a a loud loud voice voice _ _ all

748、the students can hear.all the students can hear.A Awhen Bwhen Bso that Cso that Cthough Dthough DbecausebecauseB B句句意意:请请大大声声回回答答问问题题,以以便便所所有有的的学学生生都都能能听听得得到到。so so thatthat意意为为“以便以便”。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()15.)15.Can I sit here?Can I sit here?Of Of course. course. You

749、 You can can take take any any seat seat _ _ you you like.like.A Aas well as Bas well as BunlessunlessC Cwhen Dwhen Das long asas long asD D答答语语句句意意:当当然然。只只要要你你喜喜欢欢,你你可可以以坐坐在在任任何何一一个个座位上。座位上。as long asas long as意意为为“只要只要”。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ( )16.)16.20142014孝孝 感感 Al

750、l All the the students students like like the the teachers _ can understand them well.teachers _ can understand them well.A Awhat Bwhat BwhowhoC Cwhom Dwhom Dwhichwhich( ()17.)17.20142014莱莱芜芜Even Even the the simplest simplest food food will will taste taste delicious _ it is prepared with love.deli

751、cious _ it is prepared with love.A Athough Bthough BififC Cso Dso DbutbutB BB B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()18. )18. 20142014潍潍坊坊Tommy Tommy couldnt couldnt stop stop thinking thinking about about the the boy boy _ _ made made him him a a fool fool in in front front of of th

752、e the whole class.whole class.A Awhom Bwhom Bwhich Cwhich Cwhat Dwhat Dwho who ( ()19.Everything )19.Everything depends depends on on _ _ it it is is fine fine tomorrow.tomorrow.A Aif Bif Bwhatwhat C Chow Dhow DwhetherwhetherD DD D句句意意:一一切切取取决决于于明明天天是是否否晴晴天天。排排除除B B、C C;介介词词后后用用whetherwhether。故。故选选D

753、 D。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()20._ )20._ Mary Mary received received many many presents presents on on her her birthday, she didnt feel happy.birthday, she didnt feel happy.A ABecause BBecause BThough CThough CIf DIf DSo So ( ( )21.)21.Is Is everything everything _ _ we we

754、 need need to to do do done?done?Yes. You neednt worry about it.Yes. You neednt worry about it.A Awhich Bwhich Bthat Cthat Cwho Dwho Dwhose whose B BB B先行先行词为词为everythingeverything时时,引,引导词导词只能用只能用thatthat。故。故选选B B。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()22.)22.Did you see who the drive

755、r was?Did you see who the driver was?No, No, the the car car ran ran so so fast fast _ _ I I couldnt couldnt get get a a good look at his face.good look at his face.A Athat Bthat BwhichwhichC Cas Das DafterafterA A专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()23.)23.Can Can you you tell tell

756、 me me _it _it is is from from here here to the Summer Palace?to the Summer Palace?Let me see. Its about 15 minutes ride.Let me see. Its about 15 minutes ride.A Ahow long Bhow long Bhow soon how soon C Chow much Dhow much Dhow farhow farD D考考查查宾宾语语从从句句的的引引导导词词。由由答答语语“骑骑车车大大约约1515分分钟钟”可可知是知是询问询问路程,故路

757、程,故选选D D。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()24. )24. 20142014广广东东When When Robinson Robinson Crusoe Crusoe got got to to the the island, island, the the first first thing thing _ _ he he did did was was to to look look for for some food.some food.A Awho Bwho BthatthatC Cwhich Dwhi

758、ch DwhomwhomB B专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()25. )25. 20142014滨滨州州Do Do you you know know the the girl girl _ _ is is talking with our teacher?talking with our teacher?Oh, shes my sister.Oh, shes my sister.A Awho Bwho BwhosewhoseC Cwhom Dwhom DwherewhereA A专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (

759、宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()26. )26. 20142014金金华华Jimmy, Jimmy, the the 2014 2014 FIFA FIFA World World Cup Cup is is coming. coming. Do Do you you know know _ _ the the first first match match will will be be on?on?On June 13th.On June 13th.A Ahow Bhow Bwherewhere C Cwhy Dwhy DwhenwhenD D根据答根

760、据答语语中的中的“6 6月月1313日日”可知是可知是对时间对时间提提问问。故。故选选D D。专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句) )( ()27. )27. 20142014苏苏州州I dont understand _I dont understand _Im sorry, but I was doing my homework.Im sorry, but I was doing my homework.A Awhy you didnt watch the football match why you didnt watch th

761、e football match B Bwhy didnt you watch the football matchwhy didnt you watch the football matchC Cwhy you dont watch the football match why you dont watch the football match D Dwhy dont you watch the football matchwhy dont you watch the football matchA A专题专题14 14 复合句复合句( (宾语从句、状语从句、定语从句宾语从句、状语从句、定语

762、从句) )( ( )28. )28. 20142014威威海海You You didnt didnt know know _ _ I I wanted to see you. Its a year since I last saw you.wanted to see you. Its a year since I last saw you.A Ahow often Bhow often Bhow longhow longC Chow much Dhow much Dhow farhow farC C专题专题15 情景交际情景交际专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际考点直击考点直击 【考纲解读考

763、纲解读】考点考点课标课标要求要求命命题预测题预测情景情景交交际际 在特定的情景中熟在特定的情景中熟练练运用交运用交际际用用语语。侧侧重考重考查问查问路、祝路、祝贺贺、道、道谢谢、道歉、接受邀道歉、接受邀请请等常用等常用语语。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际近近年年来来安安徽徽中中考考中中单单项项填填空空类类的的试试题题中中,考考查查情情景景交交际际的的题题量量在在逐逐渐渐增增加加,每每年年大大约约有有23题题,所所占占比比例例较较大大。情情景景交交际际试试题题旨旨在在培培养养和和考考查查学学生生在在真真实实语语境境中中灵灵活活运运用用语语言言的的能能力力,从从而而达达到到熟熟练练用用英英语

764、语进进行行交交际际的的目目的的。在在做做该该类类题题目目时时,要要注注意意中中西西方方文文化化习习俗俗的的差差异异;注注意意理理解解题题干干的的确确切切含含义义,把把握握语语言言逻逻辑辑,仔仔细细揣揣摩摩上上下下文文语语境境,选选出出符符合合语语境境、逻逻辑辑、生生活活常常识识及西方文化及西方文化习习俗的俗的选项选项。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际【典例典例1 1】 Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? Why not go to Lao She Teahouse tonight? _. _. A AIt doesnt matter BIt do

765、esnt matter BThank you Thank you C CSorry to hear that DSorry to hear that DSounds great Sounds great 解析解析 D Dit doesnt matterit doesnt matter意意为为“没关系没关系”;用作;用作别别人向人向自己道歉自己道歉时时的的应应答;答;thank youthank you用于表达感用于表达感谢谢;sorry to hear sorry to hear thatthat用作听到不好的消息的用作听到不好的消息的应应答;答;sounds greatsounds grea

766、t意意为为“听起来好听起来好极了极了”。问问句句“为为什么今晚不去老舍茶什么今晚不去老舍茶馆馆呢?呢?”表示提表示提议议,故,故D D项项符合符合题题意。意。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际【典例典例2 2】 Would you like to play basketball with Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon? us this afternoon? _. I have to study for tomorrows test. _. I have to study for tomorrows test.

767、 A AId love to BId love to BIm afraid not Im afraid not C CSounds great DSounds great DNo problem No problem 解析解析 B B根据答根据答语语中中“我必我必须为须为明天的考明天的考试试而学而学习习”可知可知“恐怕不能去打恐怕不能去打篮篮球球”。故。故选选B B。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际【典例典例3 3】 Could you please help me put up the Could you please help me put up the posters on the

768、wall? posters on the wall? _. _. A AGood idea BGood idea BI hope so I hope so C CNo problem DNo problem DNo doubt No doubt 解析解析 C Cgood ideagood idea意意为为“好主意好主意”;I hops soI hops so意意为为“我希我希望望这样这样”;No problemNo problem意意为为“没没问题问题”;No doubtNo doubt意意为为“毫无疑毫无疑问问”。根据上句句意根据上句句意“请请你帮我把你帮我把这这些海些海报贴报贴在在墙墙上好

769、上好吗吗?”可知可知C C项项符符合合题题意。意。 专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际考点过关考点过关( ()1. )1. 20142014安徽安徽Can I bring a friend to your Can I bring a friend to your birthday party?birthday party?Sure, _Sure, _A Ano problem Bno problem Bnot at allnot at allC Cmy pleasure Dmy pleasure Dwell donewell doneA A专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()2. )

770、2. 20142014安徽安徽Jim, remember to return this Jim, remember to return this book by Friday.book by Friday._A AGot it BGot it BGood luckGood luckC CThats right DThats right DIts nothingIts nothingA A根据上句根据上句“吉姆,吉姆,记记住周五之前住周五之前归还这归还这本本书书”可知可知A A项项“知道知道了了”符合符合题题意。意。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()3. )3. 20142014安徽安

771、徽We failed in the singing We failed in the singing petition._. Better times are waiting for you._. Better times are waiting for you.A ANo way BNo way BBest wishesBest wishesC CCheer up DCheer up DGood jobGood jobC C根据答根据答语语中中“更好的更好的时时刻在等着你刻在等着你们们”可知是可知是对对对对方的鼓励。方的鼓励。故故C C项项“振作起来振作起来”符合符合题题意。意。专题专题15

772、 15 情景交际情景交际( ()4. )4. 20132013安徽安徽Would you like some milk?Would you like some milk?_A AYes, please BYes, please BThe same to youThe same to youC CHelp yourself DHelp yourself DMy pleasure My pleasure A AWould you like sth.Would you like sth.表示提表示提议议。肯定回答。肯定回答为为“Yes, Yes, please.please.”或或“Yes, I w

773、ould love/like to.Yes, I would love/like to.”专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()5. )5. 20132013安徽安徽It will be my turn. I feel a It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. little nervous. _ You can make it!_ You can make it!A ACongratulations! BCongratulations! BTake it easy.Take it easy.C CLook out. DLook out.

774、 DHave a good time.Have a good time.B B根据答根据答语语中中“你能成功你能成功”可知是可知是劝对劝对方不要方不要紧张紧张。故。故B B项项符合符合题题意。意。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()1. )1. 20142014重重庆庆Will Will you you be be back back before before 10 10 oclock?oclock?_. The exam wont be over until eleven._. The exam wont be over until eleven.A AI hope not BI

775、hope not BHere you areHere you areC CIm afraid not DIm afraid not DBest wishesBest wishes语语法法专练专练C C根根据据答答语语中中“测测试试直直到到1111点点多多才才结结束束”可可知知“恐恐怕怕1010点点前前回回不不去去”。故。故选选C C。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()2. )2. 20142014南南京京The The documentary documentary A A Bite Bite of of China China is is quite quite popular p

776、opular around around China China recently. recently. How How do do you you like it?like it?_A AI think so BI think so BPretty goodPretty goodC CIts my pleasure DIts my pleasure DAll rightAll rightB B专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()3. )3. 20142014潍潍坊坊Im Im very very sorry sorry I I am am late. late. Too Too cr

777、owded in the street.crowded in the street._. Better late than never._. Better late than never.A AIts too bad Its too bad B BBetter not Better not B BTake it easy Take it easy D DIt doesnt matterIt doesnt matterD D专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()4. )4. 20142014聊聊城城I I m m going going to to take take a a physic

778、s physics exam this afternoon.exam this afternoon._ . _ . A ANever mind Never mind B BHave a good time Have a good time C CGood luck Good luck D DWhat a pity What a pity C C专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()5. )5. 20142014枣枣庄庄Will you open the door?Will you open the door?_A AAll right BAll right BIts rightIts r

779、ightC CThats all right DThats all right DQuite rightQuite rightA AA A项项意意为为“好好吧吧”;B B项项意意为为“那那是是正正确确的的”;C C项项意意为为“没没关关系系”;D D项项意意为为“非非常常正正确确”。句句意意:“你你能能把把门门打打开开吗吗?”“”“好好吧吧。”故故选选A A。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()6. )6. 20142014台州台州Let me take your bags.Let me take your bags._, but I can manage it myself.but

780、I can manage it myself.A AIm sorry Im sorry B BIt doesnt matterIt doesnt matterC CGood idea DGood idea DThats very kind of youThats very kind of youD D别别人人提提出出帮帮助助时时,应应该该向向对对方方表表示示感感谢谢。故故D D项项“你你真真是是太太好了好了”符合符合题题意。意。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()7. )7. 20142014温温州州Mike, Mike, thank thank you you for for dri

781、ving driving me me home.home._. Have a nice day!_. Have a nice day!A AThats right Thats right B BIm afraid notIm afraid notC CYoure welcome DYoure welcome DIts a good ideaIts a good ideaC C对对于于别别人的感人的感谢谢我我们应该们应该回答回答“Youre welcome(Youre welcome(别别客气客气) )”。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()8. )8. 20142014白白银银Will

782、 it be fine tomorrow? Will it be fine tomorrow? _. We are going to have a picnic. _. We are going to have a picnic. A AI hope not BI hope not BI think notI think notC CI hope so DI hope so DIts nothingIts nothingC C根据答根据答语语中中“我我们们将去野餐将去野餐”可知可知“我希望天气好我希望天气好”。故。故选选C C。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ( )9. )9. 201

783、42014兰兰州州Shall Shall we we make make a a cake cake by by ourselves instead of buying one?ourselves instead of buying one?_A AThats a good idea Thats a good idea B BDont worryDont worryC CNever mind Never mind D DThe same to youThe same to youD DYoure welcome Youre welcome A A“Shall Shall wewe?”句句型型表

784、表示示提提建建议议,其其回回答答用用Thats Thats a a good good ideaidea。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()10. )10. 20142014宁宁波波I I missed missed the the beginning beginning of of The The Voice of China yesterday evening.Voice of China yesterday evening._! But But you you can can watch watch the the rere play play tonight.tonight.

785、A AHurry up BHurry up BWhat a pityWhat a pityC CTry your best DTry your best DI dont think soI dont think soB B专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ( )11. )11. 20142014泰泰州州I I will will go go to to Hong Hong Kong Kong Disneyland with my parents tomorrow.Disneyland with my parents tomorrow._!A AMy pleasure BMy pleasu

786、re BHave a nice tripHave a nice tripC CAll right DAll right DCongratulationsCongratulationsB B专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()12. )12. 20142014南南昌昌I I want want to to put put up up the the picture picture on the wall. Would you mind helping me with it?on the wall. Would you mind helping me with it?_. With ple

787、asure._. With pleasure.A AOf course BOf course BOf course notOf course notC CYoud better not DYoud better not DThanks a lotThanks a lotB B根根据据答答语语中中的的“With With pleasure.pleasure.”可可知知不不介介意意帮帮助助别别人人。故故选选B B。专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()13. )13. 20142014黔黔西西南南My My new new iPhone iPhone was was stolen stole

788、n when I took a bus yesterday.when I took a bus yesterday._A AIm sorry to hear that Im sorry to hear that B BIt doesnt matterIt doesnt matterC CDont be silly Dont be silly D DId love toId love toA A专题专题15 15 情景交际情景交际( ()14. )14. 20142014天津天津The program is very popular.The program is very popular._. We all like it._. We all like it.A AThats right Thats right B BNot at allNot at allC CIt doesnt matter It doesnt matter D DYoure welcome Youre welcome A A



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