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1、1 / 15 开放英语2 期末复习题第一部分交际用语 (共计 10 分,每小题2 分) (C)1.Can you remember the doctors telephone number?- _. A. Nice to meet youB. No, thank youC. Yes. It s 6825612(A)2.- Is dinner ready, Carol?-_. A.It s nearly readyB.I m hungryC.Fine, thank you. (C)3.-What does he look like?-_. A. He just got marriedB. He

2、is about 40C. He is tall and thin (C)4.- I went to a fashion show last night.-_? A.Who took away my bookB. Why notC. What was it like (B)5.- Could I have a bottle of water, please?- _. A. Thank you very muchB. Certainly, madamC. See you later 词汇与结构 Vocabulary and Structure 1.The house was made _ woo

3、d. A. in B. by C. of 2.You can remember what you do if you _. A. take a diary B. keep a diary C. make a diary 3.An application form will be sent to you _. A. on request B. on a request C. in request 4.The book was rather expensive, but I bought it _. A. any way B. anyway C. even though 5.He failed _

4、 all his efforts. A. even if B. although C. in spite of 6.They _ leave next Friday. A. decided B. decided to C. decide 7.Don t _ him. He is writi ng a letter now. A. disturb to B. disturb C. disturbing 8.The boys got _ very late this morning. They watched too much TV last night. A. in B. up C. toget

5、her 9.Is the supermarket _ the right or left? A. on B. in C. at 10.Mary s father is very pleased _ her.A. with B. at C. for 11.The child _ fluent French. A. says B. speaks C. talks 12.Tom helped her mother _ the cooking. A. for B. on C. with 13.Could you tell me how to _ my English? A. alter B. impr

6、ove C. change 14.This idea hit me when I _ this morning. A. awoke up B. woke C. woke up 15.Today is too busy. Let s discuss it _ next week.A. sometimes B. some times C. some time 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 1 页,共 15 页2 / 15 16.You should be more patient _ your children. A. for B.

7、of C. with 17.They named the island _ its discoverer. A. after B. in C. to 18.Sally is looking for a new job. She has been bored _ her job as a secretary. A. by B. from C. with 19. I was _ my _ to school when I saw the accident. A. on, way B. in, way C. on, time 20.You won t get better if you don t

8、_ smoking.A. give up B. give away C. give out 21.She _ jogging every morning. A. goes B. does C. plays 22.A: Thank you for lending me your dictionary. B: You re welcome. But could you _ to me tomorrow?A. give it backB. give back it C. get back 23.He is a good friend of _. A. our B. ours C. ours 24.I

9、 m going to buy Mary a birthday gift. Do y ou have _ in mind? A. special something B. special anything C. anything special 25.I don t know _ to explain it.A. what B. why C. how 26._ her mother _ she was at home when the thief came in. A. Neither, or B. Each, and C. Neither, nor 27.He bought two book

10、s. _ I. A. So was B. So did C. So do 28.This red bicycle is _ and that blue one is _. A. his, Tom B. his, Tom s C. his, Toms 29.Tomorrow is my mother s birthday. I want to buy _for her.A. anything specialB. special somethingC. something special 30.A: _ is at the door? B: It must be our new neighbour

11、, Mrs Jones. A. What B. Which C. Who 31.It s very easy to clean up the room. _ can do it. A. Anyone B. Someone C. No one 32._ of these books are yours? A. What B. Which C. How 33.You d better stop _. We re listening to the news.A. to talk B. talking C. talk 34.We built the house _. Nobody helped us.

12、 A. ourselves B. ours C. myself 35.Can Mary express _ in Chinese? A. herself B. hers C. her 36.Let s go to the Great Wall by bike, _?精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 2 页,共 15 页3 / 15 A. shall we B. don t weC. aren t we37. Have you _ seen a tiger? A. yet B. just C. ever 38. You re drivi

13、ng _, slow down! A. too fast B. very slow C. not fast 39. Is it difficult to learn to _ Tai Chi? A. do B. play C. go 40. If I don t have to work late on Friday, I might _ dancing with friends. A. play B. get C. go 41. A: Have you had your breakfast? B: No, I haven t had it _. A. ever B. yet C. just

14、42.I ve always enjoyed _.A. swimming B. to swim C. swim 43.My aunt was angry with her family and went away _. A. in herself B. by herself C. with herself 44.She can hardly wait to hear the news, _? A. can t she B. can she C. does she 45.A: Have you ever seen the film The Day After Tomorrow? B: _. A.

15、 No, I haven t. B. No, I don t.C. No, I didn t.46.A: Have you typed the letter for me? B: _. A. Yes, I have. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I ve done.47.He stopped _ TV when the dinner was ready. A.watchingB.to watchC.watch 48.The children are enjoying _ at the party. A. himself B. theirs C. themselves 49.I

16、don t know where the key is, but I suppose I _ it at home.A. could have leftB. should have leftC. must leave 50.A: I haven t eaten all day.B: You _ be very hungry. A. must B. should C. have to 51.A: Have you finished your homework? B: _. A. No, I didn t.B. No, I haven t finished. C. No, I haven t.52

17、. After they finished _ football, they went for a drink in a pub. A.playingB. to playC. play 53. Be careful! Don t cut _ with the knife. A. you B. yours C. yourself 54. I have no idea who stole his wallet. It _ anyone. A. could have beenB. should have beenC. must have been 55. A: Have you sent the f

18、ax to the travel agent? 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 3 页,共 15 页4 / 15 B: _. A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I ve done56. She to town last week. A. goes B. went C. has gone 57.The film was _ that I fell asleep in the cinema. A. too bored B. so bored C. so boring 58.Mike offered

19、to help and so _ John. A. does B. is C. did 59.Where s _newspaper? A. today B. today s C. todays 60.I didn t buy the book because I didn t have _ money on me.A.no B. any C.some 参考答案:1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. B 9. A 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. C 15. C 16. C 17. A 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. A 2

20、2. A 23. C 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. C 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. A 37. C 38. A 39. A 40. C 41. B 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. A 46. A 47. A 48. C 49. A 50. A 51.C 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. A 56. B 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. B 第二部分词汇与结构(共计40 分,每小题2 分)(B)1.A: _ did you have for breakfast?B:Coffe

21、e and toast. A.HowB.WhatCWhen (A)2.Paul _ to learn French when he was 11. A.beganB.beginsC.begin (A)3.John enjoys _ while his brother prefers to go skiing. A.joggingB.to jog Cjog (C)4A: Would you like to go to the cinema with me? B: I d _ stay at home.A.like B.prefer C.rather (C)5.There wasn t _ in

22、the house when she got home.A.anyB.somebodyC.anybody (A)6.A: Which picture do you like?B: I think the big _ is better. A.one B.onesCpicture (A)7.I m tired. I havent got _ energyto go to the gym today.A.enoughB.many C. little (B)8. She told the children _ make a noise. A. don t B. not toC. to not(B)9

23、._ of her brothers came to the wedding. They dont like her new husband. A. EitherB. NeitherCAll (C)10John didn t turn up _ the meeting had finished.A.byB.inCuntil (A)11.My plant died. I _ watered (浇水) it. A.should haveB. must haveCcould have 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 4 页,共 15 页5

24、 / 15 (B)12.The gifts he brought from Britain _ last week. A.sent out(送出) B.were sent outC.have sent out (B)13.Sorry, Im not free this evening. _ dinner with Mike.A. I will haveB. I m havingC.I have (C)14.I saw him _ in his office when everyone was looking for him. A.reads a bookB. to read a bookC.

25、reading a book (A)15.He said that he _ try his best to help me. AwouldBdoes C. will (C)16.Were going _ holiday in the autumn this year.A. upBtoC. on (A)17.He said he _ got enough money. A.hadn tB. hasn tCdidn t(B)18.He used to shout _ me when I was a child. A.onB.atC. after 第三部分阅读理解 1 When I first k

26、new Mike, we lived in a small village in Scotland. It was very different from Mike s life in London now. We went to school together on our bicycles. Every morning I went to his house and knocked on the door. Every morning Mike s mum said, “I m sorry. He s a bit late this morning, and so I had to wai

27、t. Each day we were late for school, and I remember the teacher got very annoyed with us. I never told her we were late because of Mike. Now, 25 years later, I play tennis with Mike. I usually drive him to the tennis club. I go to his flat and he opens the door and says, “ I m sorry. I m a bit late

28、today.” The only reason he wasn t late for his own wedding is that we lied to him about the time! As boys we spent a lot of time out exploring on our bikes. We went walking and fishing. I didn t like fishing because I couldn t swim. Probably the funniest thing we did was when we stole a bottle of wh

29、iskey from my Dad. We cycled about 5 miles away to drink it in one of our favourite places. When we finished drinking it, we couldn t cycle back it was a long, slow walk. I m sure we looked awful. We still do, when we come back from the pub on Friday nights. Nothing s changed really. Oh, and I still

30、 can t swim. (B)1.Mike now lives in _. A. a village in ScotlandB. LondonC. a village near London (A)2._ got up late every morning. A. MikeB. Mike s mumC. I(B)3.25 years later, Mike _. A. is early in doing everythingB. still is late as in the pastC. is never late again (B)4. As boys both of them like

31、d _. A.fishingB.riding bicyclesC.swimming (C)5.They walked 5 miles back home because they _. A. were tiredB.enjoyed walkingC. were drunk 阅读理解2 Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln. Thank you for calling the Lincoln Tourist Information Office. I m afraid the office is closed at the m

32、oment. Our normal working hours from Monday to Saturday are from 9 o clock in the 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 5 页,共 15 页6 / 15 morning to 6 o clock in the evening. On Sunday we open at the later time of 10.30 and close at the earlier time of 3.30. From our office you can get infor

33、mation about hotels, restaurants and cinemas in the city. Why not take a bus tour? There are bus tours of the city every day which start at 11 o clock. They start from Castle Square. Tours take about 2 hours and go around the historic city centre and along a part of the river. The cost of a ticket i

34、s 3 pounds. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can get off the bus at five places of interest and continue your journey later. (B)1.The office hour is from 10.30 to 3 on Sunday. A.RightB. WrongCDoesn t say(A)2.The office provides information about where to eat. A.RightB.WrongC. Doesn t s

35、ay(C)3.There is a tour guide on the bus who tells you about the places of interest. ARightB.WrongC. Doesn t say(B)4.You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends. A.RightB. WrongCDoesn t say(A)5.This is a telephone message. ARightB. WrongCDoesn t say阅读理解3 Ivydale Guesthouse * Bath Tour

36、ist Association Approved Ron and Ann welcome you to Ivydale, where modern comforts and traditional hospitality meet. Conveniently located a short walk from the city centre. Well-equipped all rooms have an en suite bathroom, colour TV with satellite channels, tea/coffee-making facilities, mini bar an

37、d phone. Excellent food we offer full English and buffet breakfasts. Vegetarian food available on request. Peace and quiet Ivydale is situated in its own gardens, offering the perfect atmosphere for business travellers and tourists. Please note that we operate a strict no-smoking policy. Mini-break

38、deals available. For reservations or a brochure, please call (01225) 1212355 (A)1. The owner of the guesthouse is/are _. A. Ron and Ann B. Ivydale C. Bath (B)2. The guesthouse is _the city centre. A. far from B. near to C. in (C)3. Guests can _. A. get online with their computer B. smoke in their ro

39、om C. make tea in their room (B)4. The guesthouse is _. A. boring but quietB. peaceful and quietC. noisy and busy (B)5. People _ smoke in the guesthouse. A. can B. are not allowed to C. don t want to 阅读理解4 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 6 页,共 15 页7 / 15 The day was like any other day

40、 in his life. Tom walked past the shop on the street corner. He stopped to look at the front row of shoes, and he felt happy to see that the pair of shoes he wanted very much was still there. Looking down, he felt sorry for himself. He really wanted to have them for his birthday. He sadly walked awa

41、y and thought how to tell his mother about it. He knew she would give him anything he liked if she could. But he also knew very well she had little money. He decided not to go home at once, as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat on the grass. Then he saw

42、a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheel with his hands. Tom looked at him carefully and was surprised to see the boy had no feet. He looked at his own feet. “It s much better to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thought. There was no reason for him to feel so sorry and

43、 sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was happier. (B)1. Tom passed the shop by bus. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (B)2. Tom stopped in front of the shop to look at the toys he liked. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A)3. The pair of shoes was too expensive for Tom and his mother. A.

44、Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A)4. The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no feet. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (B)5. The boy sitting in the wheel chair had no legs. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(C)6. Tom went home to tell his mother about what had happened. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. D

45、oesn t say. 阅读理解5 Sarah Peters was born on January 4th, 1973 inBrighton. She and her family lived in Brighton until she was ten. Then they moved to Oxford and stayed there until she left school - thats Fendale Secondary School - at eighteen. Then she went to London Business College and got a diploma

46、 ( 文凭 ) in Marketing (市场营销) . After that Sarah Peters got a job with a hotel group - the TFC Hotel Group - in Liverpool, as a marketing assistant. That happened in 1992 and she left the hotel group in October 1993. She left because she didn t like to stay in Liverpool. She wanted to work in London.

47、Her life changed a lot after she went to London. She joined a large business company and soon made a name for herself (出名) because of her special ability and excellent work in marketing. Sarah Peters is now married with two lovely daughters (女儿) . Besides (除了) being an excellent marketing expert and

48、 a good mother, she is also a good writer. She has written two books about her marketing experiences. (B)1. Sarah Peters received her secondary education (中学教育 ) in Brighton. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (B)2. She studied Marketing in OxfordUniversity. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A)3

49、. She worked for the hotel group for about one year. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 7 页,共 15 页8 / 15 (C)4. She liked London better because London is a bigger city. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A)5. She is a successful career woman as well a

50、s a good mother. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A) 6. She studied Marketing in LondonBusinessCollege. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(B)7. She got her first job in 1993. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(C)8. She got on well with people working in the business company in London. A. Right

51、. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(B)9. She wrote books about how to be a good mother and a marketing expert. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.阅读理解6 My grandfather was a completely different person before he had a stroke. He worked as a chief accountant, and he worked really long hours. People used to sa

52、y that he was a workaholic. When he came home, he was always tired and this used to make him irritable. He didn t use to be sociable at all. He used to spend a lot of time alone working in the garden. I used to be frightened of him as a child. He used to shout at us all the time. Then, suddenly he b

53、ecame ill, and then the doctors told him he had to give up work. He changed almost overnight. His attitude to lots of things changed. He relaxed and spent time with his grandchildren. When he died, I think he was a really happy, relaxed man. (A)1. My grandfather used to _. A. work very hard B. drink

54、 a lot C. be the manager (B)2. He was _ when he came home. A. very pleasant B. easy to get angry C. excited (A)3. When I was a child, I _. A. was afraid of him B. liked him very much C. I hated him (B)4. Doctors asked him to _after he had a stroke. A. change his attitude B. stop working C. work less

55、 (C)5. When he died, he _. A. was feeling worried B. was irritable C. was a happy man 阅读理解7 Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln. Thank you for calling the Lincoln Tourist Information Office. Im afraid the office is closed at the moment. Our normal working hours from Monday to Satur

56、day are from 9 oclock in the morning to 6 o clock in the evening. On Sunday we open at the later time of 10.30 and close at the earlier time of 3.30. From our office you can get information about hotels, restaurants and cinemas in the city. Why not take a bus tour? There are bus tours of the city ev

57、ery day which start at 11 o clock. They start from Castle Square. Tours take about 2 hours and go around the historic city centre and along a part of the river. The cost of a ticket is 3 pounds. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can get off the bus at five places of interest and continu

58、e your journey later. (B)1. The office opens later and closes later on Sunday. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 8 页,共 15 页9 / 15 A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say (A)2. The office provides information for tourists in the city. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say (C)3. If you take the bus t

59、our, you can get a free map of the city. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say (A)4. It s a convenient(方便的) way to see around the city by taking the bus tour. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say (B)5. This is most probably the tour driver talking to a group of tourists. A. Right B. Wrong C. Doesn t say 阅读理解

60、8 I go to the barber(理发师) every month. I don t like very short hair, so my barber doesn t cut off much. I have known him for almost four years now, and when I go to him, we always talk a lot. He tells me all his news, and I tell him all mine. He meets a lot of interesting people in his shop and he t

61、alks to most of them, so he always has a lot of news for me. Every year my barber goes to France for two weeks for his holidays, and when he comes back to England, he has a lot of interesting news. While he is cutting my hair, he tells me about beautiful old cities and quiet little villages, strange

62、 food and drinks and many other things. I sit there and listen to the old man with open ears. Although my barber is old, he always tries new things. He never said, “ I have never eaten this food before, so I am not going to eat it now.”(A)1. The writer has his hair cut every month. A. Right. B.Wrong

63、. C. Doesn t say.(B)2. They got to know each other only a few months ago. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(A)3. Every year the barber goes to some cities or villages in France. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(B)4. The barber is not very old but he has tried many strange food and drinks. A. Ri

64、ght. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(C)5. The barber lived in France when he was young. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.阅读理解9 Mrs Black was having a lot of trouble with her skin (皮肤 ),so she went to her doctor about it. He could not find anything wrong with her, so he sent her to the hospital for tests

65、. The hospital, of course, sent the result of the tests to Mrs Black s doctor, and the next morning he telephoned her to give her a list of the things that he thought she should not eat, because any of them might be the cause of her skin trouble. Mrs Black carefully wrote all the things down on a pi

66、ece of paper, which she then left beside the telephone while she went out to a party. When she came back home several hours later, she found her husband waiting for her. He had a basket full of packages (包) beside him, and when he saw her, he said, “ Hello, dear. I have done all your shopping for yo

67、u.”精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 9 页,共 15 页10 / 15 “ Done all my shopping?” she asked in surprise, “ But how did you know what I want?” “ Well, when I got home, I found your shopping list beside the telephone and bought everything you have written down.”(A) 1. Mrs Black s doctor did

68、n t know what was wrong with her skin.A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(B)2. The hospital sent Mrs Black the test results. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Does n t say.(B)3. Mrs Black took the piece of paper with her to the party. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.(C)4. Mr Black usually does the shopping

69、for the family. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say. (A)5. Mr Black thought his wife needed the things written on the paper. A. Right. B. Wrong. C. Doesn t say.阅读理解10 Hi, Sharon, I ve only got 10 days left in England. Can you believe I ve already been here for a year?There s so much to do before I le

70、ave! I really must buy presents for my English friends to thank them for all their help. I have to move out of my room on Friday because Franco has got another tenant. At least I don t have to find somewhere else to live. I m going to spend a few days with friends. He is letting the whole flat becau

71、se Mary is moving just before her marriage. The time has gone so quickly. I cannot believe that I ve been here for a whole year. And I must start packing too I have bought a lot since I came, and I need another suitcase. I ll give some things to charity shops I think. Anyway, I m really writing to s

72、ay that I ll be back in Shanghai on the 27 April, and it would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. I ll phone as soon as I get back. How are things with you? Love Xiaoyan (B)1. When will Xiaoyan leave England? A. A month later. B. 10 days later. C. A year later. (A)2. Where will Xiaoyan

73、 live after moving out? A. She will stay in her friends place. B. She will be on the plane to Shanghai. C. She will have to find a hotel to live in. (B)3. What will happen to Franco s flat when Xiaoyan and Mary move out?A. It will be sold at a good price.B. It will be rented to other people. C. It w

74、ill be kept for Xiaoyan when she comes back. (A)4. Why does Xiaoyan need another suitcase? A. She has got more things than she came with. B. Her old suitcase is broken.C. She has to give things to charity shops. (B)5. What would Xiaoyan most possibly do when she sees her friend Sharon? A. To ask Sha

75、ron to show her around Shanghai. B. To talk about what happened to them recently. C. To show Sharon her new clothes. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 10 页,共 15 页11 / 15 阅读理解11 Dear all, This message is just to confirm the details for the ne xt few days. Dave s picking up the van tomorr

76、ow and we re loading it at his place at 10.00 on Friday morning. I ve booked us all into The Tolly for one night. It s a hotel near the university in Welbeck Street. Steve and I are getting the 4.30 p.m. train . We re stopping to check in at the hotel to pick up the keys and get changed at 6.00. We

77、have to check out of the hotel by 9.00 on Saturday morning because they have a big group coming to the hotel. So we have to get up early, I m afraid!Dave and Paul, if you can t get to the hotel by about 7.00, let s meet in the cafe at the university at 7.30. We ll set up the equipment at 8.00 for th

78、e gig and have a rehearsal.See you all, Mary (A) 1. They ll load the van _.A. after Dave has picked it up B. tomorrow morning C. when Dave comes (B)2. They ll stay in a hotel for _.A. two nights B. one night C. a few hours (C)3. Mary will get to the hotel _. A. at 4.30 pm B. at 5 pm C. before 6 pm (

79、B)4. They ll stay at the hotel on _ nigh t. A. Saturday B. Friday C. Sunday (B)5. Dave and Paul can meet Mary at the hotel if they _. A. arrive before 7.30 B. arrive before 7 C. get up early in the morning 英译汉1.The party went well and they all had a good time. 晚会进行得非常顺利,他们都玩得很开心。2.The weather was re

80、ally nice and sunny, so we were outside. 天气真的很好,阳光明媚,所以我们都是在户外活动的。3.What happened to you? You look a mess.你怎么了?看起来一团糟。4.They didn t turn up until 11:30 this morning. 他们直到上午十一点半才到。5.The scene in the restaurant with interviewees at different tables is really memorable. 在餐馆里不同的餐桌前进行面试的场景确实令人难忘。6.Althou

81、gh the plot is weak, the action is really fantastic. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 11 页,共 15 页12 / 15 虽然剧情较弱,但影片的动作设计非常精彩。7.Her father came across a really old instrument at his aunt s house, and he brought it back home with him. 她父亲在她姨(姑)妈家偶然发现了一把很旧的乐器,就把它带回了自己家。8.She began to play

82、 the violin only three months ago and she is getting on very well with it. 她三个月前刚开始拉小提琴,现在她拉琴进步很大。9.He said that she had real talent and pointed out that she needed a better violin. 他说她很有天赋,并指出她需要一把更好的琴。10.I do gymnastics occasionally during the week. 平时我偶尔做做体操。11.I go jogging every morning before w

83、ork and I play football every Wednesday with a group of my friends.每天早晨上班之前我都慢跑,每个星期三我都和一群朋友踢足球。12.Soccer is more dangerous than bungee jumping and mountaineering. 足球比蹦极跳和登山更危险。13.I started playing table tennis when I was ten. 我 10 岁开始打乒乓球。14. She s having a pair of blue jeans on.她穿着一条蓝色的牛仔裤。15. She

84、 s wearing a long, black, silk dress and black sandals.她穿了条黑色的长丝裙和一双黑色的凉鞋。16. He s wearing a yellow shirt and tie and a very loose, dark jacket. 他上身是黄色的衬衫和领带,穿着很宽松的深色夹克。17. He s got red trousers on. They re cotton. They re really big and baggy.他穿了条红裤子,是棉布的。裤子又宽又大。18. I gave them a copy of your repor

85、t and I told them that we needed to have the website redesigned.我把你的报告给了他们一份,告诉他们我们需要重新设计网站。19. Close to the centre of Paris and built in 2002, this modern hotel offers both luxury and convenience.本饭店建于2002 年,紧邻巴黎市中心。这家现代化的饭店豪华和便利兼备。20. Although it is a little far from the centre of Paris, it is wor

86、th the journey. 虽然远离巴黎市中心,但却不枉此行。21. Although it is in the center of Paris, it is a reasonably-priced and friendly place to stay. 虽然位于巴黎市中心,但是价格合理,居住环境良好。22. Each room is provided with a mini bar, satellite TV and email access. 每个房间都有一个微型吧台,能收看卫星电视和收发电子邮件。23. I must have left it in the caf.我一定是把它丢在咖

87、啡馆里了。24. I should have put it in my bag. 我本应该把它放在包里的。25. In spite of the rain, she liked the trip. 尽管下雨了,她还是喜欢那次旅行。26. He takes after his father. They are both very musical. 他很像他父亲,他们俩都喜欢音乐。27. She looks like her mum. They have the same eyes. 她长得像她母亲,她们俩的眼睛一模一样。28. We used to argue a lot when I was

88、growing up, because she s quick-tempered. 我长这么大跟我妈没少争吵,她脾气急躁。29. She s shy whereas I m much more sociable.她害羞而我却很爱跟人交往。30. My aunts and uncles lived in the same village and so did my cousins. 我的姑姑和叔叔们都住在这个村子里,还有我的表兄弟姐妹们。31. A camping holiday in tents in the desert, and eating dinner by a fire would

89、be very romantic. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 12 页,共 15 页13 / 15 在沙漠上支起帐篷露营,享受篝火晚餐,这种野营度假会很浪漫的。32. It was a traditional wedding, and it took place in a church rather than in a register office. 这是个传统婚礼,不是在结婚登记处而是在教堂里举行的。33. If all the smokers sit together, nobody will complain. 如果所

90、有抽烟的人都坐到一起,就不会有人抱怨了。34. Newcastle is a three-hour train journey from London.从伦敦坐火车去纽卡斯尔要三个小时。35. Why don t you go away for the weekend? A short break would be good for you. 周末为什么不出去玩玩呢?放一个短假对你是有好处的。36. They give her quite good benefits, such as free lunches and paid holidays, but she does not get on

91、 with her boss. 他们给她的待遇相当好,比如有免费午餐和带薪假日,但是她和老板的关系处得不好。37. She looked at advertisements in the paper and picked out three jobs that looked interesting. 她浏览了报纸上的广告,选出了三个有意思的工作。38. The successful applicant must own a car, be able to keep accounts, and work outdoors. 要被成功录用需有私车,会记帐,能在户外工作。39. The burgla

92、rs got into Tim s flat at about 2:30 in the afternoon.窃贼在大约在下午2:30 分闯进了提姆的公寓。40. Instead of opening the door, the thieves smashed the lock. 小偷不是打开房门,而是把门锁给砸坏了。41. Tim told the police officer that the window was smashed.提姆告诉警官窗户被砸了。42. If I won the lottery, I would buy a new flat.如果我中了彩票,我就买一套新房子。43.

93、 If I had the mon ey, I d travel round the world. 我要是有钱的话,就会周游世界。44. He asked whether the builder was coming tonight. 他问今晚建筑商会不会来。45. The reporter asked if the customers liked the new atmosphere. 记者问顾客是否喜欢这里的新气氛。46. I have to move out of my flat on Friday. My landlord wants the key back. 我得在星期五从房子里搬

94、出来,我的房东要收回钥匙。47. The caterers who do meals for us at work are good. 给我们单位提供膳食的那些餐饮人员很好。48. That s the firm whose builders renovated the restaurant.就是那个公司的装修人员翻修了这家饭店。49. The accounts, which are in a bit of a mess, have to be ready for next month. 帐目有些乱,必须要在下个月清理好。50. Managing the office means keepin

95、g the diary and filling in everybody s appointments.办公室的日常管理工作意味着记日志和给大家记录约谈的时间。51.I didn t have breakfast this morning.今天早上我没有吃早饭。52.The flat was in a bit of mess. 房子里有点乱。53.We needed to have the website redesigned. 我们需要重新设计网站。54.I ve asked John to check the computer.我已经让约翰去检查计算机了。55.It would be gr

96、eat to see you again. 能再见到你那该多好啊。56. He studies in a university west of Beijing.他在北京西部的一所大学学习57. He came across an old painting at his friend s house. 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 13 页,共 15 页14 / 15 他在他的朋友家里偶然发现了一幅旧画。58. I had the windows cleaned yesterday.我昨天请人擦了窗户。59. He used to

97、play basketball every Sunday. 他过去每个星期天常常会打篮球。60. She would buy a large house if she won the lottery. 如果了她彩票中奖了,她会去买一套大房子。61.The flat was in a bit of mess. 公寓里面很乱。62. Both of the boys are good at singing. 这两个男孩都很擅长唱歌。63. They enjoyed themselves at the party.他们在晚会上玩的很愉快。64. She doesn t like swimming a

98、nd neither does her sister.她不喜欢游泳,她的妹妹(姐姐)也不喜欢。65.I ve been learning English for three years. 我学英语已经了三年了。66. I didn t get up until 11.30 this morning. 我今天上午十一点半才起床。67. Football is the most popular sport in the world. 足球是世界上最流行的体育运动。68. I need to be at the airport by 6.00 o clock.我得在六点前到达机场。69. I ve

99、never been to Greece, and I d love to go there.我从没去过希腊,我很想去那儿。70. We ve got enough money to hire extra staff.我们有足够的钱额外雇用员工。71. They lived in a village north of London.他们住在伦敦北边的一个村子里。72. I ve played table tennis a lot, but I ve never tried tennis.我乒乓球打得很多,网球却从未打过。73. I must have left the camera in th

100、e shop. 我一定是将相机丢在了商店里。74. Polly(波莉) is worried about her lack of experience. 波莉担心自己缺乏经验。75. If I won the lottery, I d buy a flat.如果我中了彩票,我就买一套公寓。76. The hotel is surrounded by fields and woods. 饭店四周田野树林环绕。77. The bride was dressed in a long white dress.新娘穿着白色的长裙。78. The window was smashed and the lo

101、ck on the front door is broken. 窗户给砸了,前门的锁也被弄坏了。79. My dad used to be a farmer and so did my grandfather. 我爸爸从前是农夫,我爷爷也是。80. It would be great to see you to catch up on all our news. 到时见了面咱们把这些日子发生的事好好聊一聊,会多开心啊。81. He came across an old violin at his aunt s house.他在他姑(姨)妈家偶然发现了一把旧提琴。82. I must get s

102、ome slides made.我必须(让人)做一些幻灯片。83. I ve got the same sense of humour as my mum.我和我妈妈一样,有幽默感。84. While she was waiting, her phone rang. 她正在等待的时候,电话铃响了。85. The new suitcase which Xiaoyan (晓燕) got yesterday is full already. 晓燕昨天新买的箱子已经装满了。精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 14 页,共 15 页15 / 15 精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - 名师归纳总结 - - - - - - -第 15 页,共 15 页



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