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1、【2022年】陕西省铜川市统招专升本英语真题(含答案)学校:_ 班级:_ 姓名:_ 考号:_一、单选题(10题)1.()for the timely investment from the public, our company would not be so prosperousA.Were it not B.Had it not been C.If it was not D.Be it not2.If to speak, he has no problem expressing himself()A.asked B.asking C.ask D.to be asked3.Peoples s

2、tatus in society is usually by how much property they own()A.measured B.examined C.tested D.questioned4.Itwasntthedinner.Itwas_peopletalkedaboutatthedinnerthatdisgustedhim()A.what B.that C.whatever D.those5.When I applied for my passport to be renewed, I had to send them a _ photograph()A.recent B.f

3、ashionable C.fresh D.modern6.money, she is quite rich. However, this does not mean that she is happy()A.Concerning B.As to C.In terms of D.In the light of7.My eyes are getting tired. I _ for two hours. I think Ill take a rest()A.have read B.have been reading C.read D.would have read8.We lost our way

4、 in that small village, otherwise we_more places of interest yesterday()A.visited B.had visited C.would visit D.would have visited9.To their joy, the committee _ these ideas()A.took over B.took on C.took up D.took to10.Im terribly sorry. I seem to havemy book at home()A.scattered B.forgotten C.left

5、D.hidden二、完型填空(10题)11.64.()A.was paintedB.has been paintedC.gets paintedD.had been paint12.57.()A.treat B.cure C.keep D.remain13.()A.even B.hardly C.certainly D.probably14.33.()A.children B.women C.man D.few15.31.()A.the moment B.the first time C.while D.before16.Directions: For each blank in the fo

6、llowing passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage.As we know, what makes a good friend is presence. A good friend is there for you when you21him.22its helping you through the23of losing a loved one or being by your

7、 side when youre sick, good friends are present in good and bad times.You dont have to be in trouble when you need a good friend. Sometimes being present for a good friend only means listening when he needs to24 , helping out with homework, or even helping in search for a missing cell phone.One of t

8、he25to being present for a good friend is in action. People can26all kinds of things, but as the old saying27 , actions speak louder than words. Someone may say hell be there when you need him, but when difficulties come up, a good friend will really be there to help.As a28friend, you should be loya

9、l. We all experience times when were not the most popular person. Perhaps weve done something29 . Good friends are loyal and accept you for who you are during the good and bad30.Good friends are also honest. Some people would like to stay with people31will tell them what they want to hear. Good frie

10、nds will tell you what you need to hear32you dont want to hear it.Along with good friends who are present, loyal, and33 , most people want friends who are trustworthy. If you cant34a person, its hard to think him as a good friend. Mutual trust between friends is a building of a solid35that could las

11、t a lifetime21.()A.invite B.forget C.miss D.need17.43.()A.find B.lose C.declare D.transform18.23.()A.sadness B.caution C.joy D.ease19.One evening my father brought my brother and me to pick up our mother. We arrived at the Eagles Hall and were51 in the car when my father smelt something. He52 behind

12、 our car and could see smoke53 from a house, a block behind us. He quickly drove around to the house. The smoke was thick, and we saw fire54 he opened the door and went inside. He came out with a woman and rushed55 in for her children. He didnt stop56 all children were out. When the57 arrived, we we

13、nt back to get Mom.My father didnt58 mention it to Mom. We had to tell her what we had59. My father said that nothing much 60 and not to worry. The next day the story in the61 said that the people from the house were trying to62 my father to thank him. My father just said that they had more importan

14、t things to be 63 with. Thats my dad and I still remember the many great things he did for others. Any one of these64 makes my dad a hero, but he never stops. Ive learned from him that being a hero means doing65 you can whenever possible51.()A.driving B.hiding C.dreaming D.waiting20.Have you56 asked

15、 yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go57 languages, mathematics, history, science and58 subjects. That is quite true; but why do they learn these things? And are these things59 that they learn at school?We60 our children to school to61 them for the time62 they will have to work63 themselves. Nearly everything they study at school has some64 use in their life, but is that the only reason65 they go to school?There is66 in education than just learning facts. We go to school67 all to learn how to learn,68 when we have



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