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1、1America has elected the greatest political speaker for a generation. You may think that there s nothing for you t o l e a r n f r o m B a r a c k O b a m a s speechmaking skills that speaking to 200,000 people at Grant Park, Chicago is too far removed from the presentation you might give to your st

2、aff, to your management team or to potential clients. Here are six lessons you can learn from Obama s acceptance speech at Grant Park.美国为这个时代选出了一位最厉害的政治演说家。你可能觉得巴拉克奥巴马的演讲对你来说,没什么可以学的。 奥巴马是在芝加哥的格兰特公园,向 20 万人发表演说, 而你要面对的人群是职员、 管理团队和潜在客户,你也许觉得这两者根本就不搭调嘛!下面是 6个根据奥巴马在格兰特公园发表的提名演讲总结出的演讲技巧, 可供您学学。The Secre

3、t of Obamas Charm in Speech奥巴马演讲的魅力秘诀21. Know your audience It would have been easy for Obama to fall into the trap of talking to the 200,000 people before him in Grant Park. He didnt. He spoke to Americans in their living rooms, he spoke to those who voted for McCain, he spoke to people watching hi

4、m across the world leaders and the poorest of the poor. He knew who his audience was. “And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces, to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of the world, our stories are singular, but our destiny is sh

5、ared, and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand.”2. Envelop your point in a story The long history of the campaign for civil rights in America made Obamas election possible. Obama enveloped this point with the story of Anne Dixon Cooper, a 106 year old woman who was born the daughter of slave

6、s, and has lived through the milestons of the civil rights movement. “She was born just a generation past slavery; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldnt vote for two reasons because she was a woman and because of the color of her skin.” That s

7、 far more emotionally engaging than giving us a history lesson.1、 了解观众在格兰特公园面对着 20 万观众演讲,奥巴马很容易踩到地雷。 可是他没有。 他对着在家里起居室里的美国人讲话;他对着投票给麦凯恩的人讲话;他对着全世界关注他的人讲话,从各国政要到穷国中最穷的人。 他知道他的观众是谁。“对于那些身居海外,正在看着这里的美国人,还有在国会、白宫和在世界的某个角落围坐在收音机前的人们我们可能有不同的经历, 但是我们有相同的目标, 美国的崭新黎明正浮现在我们的面前。2、 在故事中, 涵盖观点美国长期以来争取民权运动的漫长历史,使奥

8、巴马的参选成为可能。 奥巴马用安妮迪克森库珀的故事表达了这个观点。 库珀是一位 106 岁高龄的女性, 她的父母是奴隶;她经历了民权运动的几个重要里程碑。“她生于黑暗的奴隶时代,那个时候路上没有汽车,天上也没有飞机。 当时的她不能投票,只有两个原因她的性别和她的肤色。 ”这样感染力强多了, 效果比干巴巴的历史课棒多了。The Secret of Obamas Charm in Speech 奥巴马演讲的魅力秘诀33. Paint pictures on the canvas of your audience s mind Obama used specific and concrete wor

9、ds to conjure powerful images in our minds. Here are some examples: “Our campaign was not hatched in the halls of Washington. It began in the backyards of Des Moines and the living rooms of Concord and the front porches of Charleston.” “Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave American

10、s waking up in the deserts of Iraq and the mountains of Afghanistan to risk their lives for us.” “And, above all, I will ask you to join in the work of remaking this nation, the only way it s been done in America for 221 years block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.”4. Get

11、personal Barack Obama told the whole world that hes getting his two young daughters a puppy to take with them to the White House. And the world loved it. In his first press conference he remarked that this is the most popular issue on his website.3、 在观众的脑海中描绘图案奥巴马用特定、 具体的词汇给我们留下了深刻的印象。 举几个例子:“我们的竞选不

12、是孵化自华盛顿的会议大厅,而是始于得梅因 (美国衣阿华 Iowa 州的首府) 的后院、康科德市普通人家的客厅、 以及查尔斯顿的某个前廊。 ”“即便我们今晚在此庆祝,我们也清楚地知道那些勇敢的美国人明早会在伊拉克的沙漠或是阿富汗的山地中醒来他们在为我们冒生命危险。 ”“总而言之,我请你们加入到家园的重建中来,用二百二十一年以来我们唯一的方法,美国的方法一 砖一瓦, 水滴石穿。 ”4、 有人情味巴拉克奥巴马告诉全世界,他已经给两个女儿弄来一只小狗,他们将一起搬到白宫里。 全世界人都喜欢这样的话题。 在首次新闻发布会上, 他说, 这是他网站上最热门的话题。The Secret of Obamas C

13、harm in Speech 奥巴马演讲的魅力秘诀45. Wait for weight Obama is not in a hurry when he speaks. He waits for the audience to process and react to what he has just said. And that gives his words weight. You can do the same.6. Light and shade Obamas acceptance speech had different moods joyful humorous serious i

14、ntimate determined. The contrasts keep us engaged build light and shade into your presentations.5、 娓娓道来, 举重若轻奥巴马的语速并不快。 他等着观众听懂,并且根据他所说的与他互动。 这让他的演讲更加有分量。 你也可以像他一样。6、 明暗色彩奥巴马的竞选演说有不同的感情色彩:欢快幽默严肃亲密坚定。 这些变化牢牢吸引着人所以, 当你在台上演讲时, 请表现出自己的明暗与色彩。The Secret of Obamas Charm in Speech 奥巴马演讲的魅力秘诀5Some people shu

15、dder at the thought of giving a speech to a group of people. However, public speaking is a common task, and like it or not, you are going to have to do it someday. From giving a toast at a wedding, to giving a presentation to coworkers, public speaking is eminent in a productive life. The only quest

16、ion is, are you ready for it? If you are part of the majority, you probably are not ready, so here are a few tips to help you out:有的人因为要在人前演讲而两腿发抖。 无论如何,演讲只是很普通的一件事情, 不管喜不喜欢, 你总有一天要做这样一件事情。 从婚礼上的祝酒词到向工友介绍东西,演讲在你的生产生活中占有显著地位。 唯一的问题是, 演讲, 你准备好了吗?你也许会和大多数人一样 , 并没有准备好 , 那么下面这些贴士也许对你有用处。How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking战胜演讲焦虑症61) Be prepared. Remember, he who fails


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