2018春牛津深圳版英语九下Unit 6《Caring for》word教案6

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1、教案 6课题Unit 6 Caring for your health课 型Writing备 课 时 间1 Period教学目标1. To know the words recovery. 2. Master the skills of writing an email to a sick classmate.教学重点The skills of writing an email to a sick classmate.教学难点Use the proper ways to express concern, advice and wishes.教材分析教学关键Learn to use the ex

2、pressions to express concern.教法与学法指导Self-study, Cooperation教学 环节主要教学步骤或内容学生主体活动教师活动设计意图时 间 分 配 第第 一一 环环 节节 导导 入入 话话 题题 Step: Lead inSpeak up1. Discuss “What will you do if one of your friends or classmates is sick?”Ss take an active part in the discussion. 1. Help students think about the question.

3、Make up some expressions: Im sorry to hear that/Im so upset to hear that Its good to I wish you all the best for a rapid recovery./ I hope youll get well soon./ 1. To help ss to get prepared for the writing.5I hope you will get over it soon. 第二第二 环节环节 写作 板块 的任 务Step: writing2. Brainstorm and answer

4、the questions: Who is this email from? Who is this email to? What happened to Andy? What will Jim do to help Andy? What does Jim advise Andy to do? What is Jims wish for Andy? Write down the answers. 3. Discuss the essential sentences.4. Finish the writing according to the discussion.2. Help ss get

5、a clear view of the sample email.3. Help ss think of the essential sentences of the passage. 4. Guide ss to organize a well- written email.2. To help ss finish the task.4. To consolidate what ss have thought about writing an email.610第三第三 环节环节 课堂课堂 练习练习Step: practiceStudents work in groups and write

6、 a passage according to the teachers instructions. Then their partner checks their work, after the presentation.5第四第四 环节环节 课时课时 小结小结Step IV: developmentImprove ss work and rewrite them.Help ss to develop their work in words, sentence and structure.Let ss improve the writing. 4第五第五 环节环节 课后课后 作业作业Workbook P105 Integration课 堂 教 学 流 程Review Writing development. 效 果 评 价 与 反 思


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