2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 7《Shopping》(Study skills)word学练案

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《2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 7《Shopping》(Study skills)word学练案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2017秋牛津译林版英语七上Unit 7《Shopping》(Study skills)word学练案(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 英语学科学讲预案7A Unit 7 Period 6 Study skills (Consonants )I .Learning ahead of time ( 自主先学自主先学)1.判断每组单词划线部分读音是否相同。相同用 S 表示,不同用 D 表示。 ( )1.nice near ( )2. girl orange ( )3.fan fair ( )4. dog bird ( )5.car nice ( )6. tall door 2.试读下面的单词: /sp/ speak spit sport /st/ stay steal still /sk/ sky ski school /sm/

2、 small smile smoke /pl/ play please place /pr/ pray press print II .Cooperative learning (合作助学)(合作助学) 1. 1).擦黑板_ 2).在操场上训练 _ 3).桌子上的水果_ 4). 春天的花_5). 在空中飞的风筝_6).一组小矮人_ 2 听磁带,朗读 A、B 部分的词组、句子。 3 讨论 Part A 部分, 把单词按照各自的读音归类,并写在空白处上。 4 讨论 Part B 部分,听磁带朗读单词,并写出字母的音标。 III .Extensive learning (拓展导学)(拓展导学)A辅音

3、组合及连读 在英语的发音中,有一些辅音可以和另一些辅音连在一起发音。由于这种现象在汉语 中并不存在,因此我们非常容易受到母语的干扰而发错音,所以我们应该重视这一发音现 象。B. 请阅读课本 89 页表格中的单词,填写下列表格中的辅音字母及字母组合的发音,举例。部分辅音组合在单词开头发组合音部分辅音组合在单词开头发组合音部分辅音组合在单词末尾发组合音部分辅音组合在单词末尾发组合音(1) bl, cl, fl, gl,pl, sl-/ / , 如:black,class(1) bl, pl, cl, dl, tl-/ /如: table, people(2) br, cr, fr, gr, pr-

4、/ /如:bread,cry(2) sin, ten, ven, den-/ /如:cousin, listen(3) sk, sm, sn, sp, st-/ /如:sky, small(4) scr, spr, str-/ /如:screen,spring(5)qu, sw, tw-/ /如:quiet, sweet IV .Enhancing learning through testing (检测促学)(检测促学)1 单词辨音 选择读音不同的选项。A B C D( )1. blackbreadblueblouse( )2.cleanclapclasscry( )3. fridgeflo

5、orflowerfly( )4. placeplanepluspresent2 你能朗读下列内容并分别写出划线字母的读音吗? Can you clean the blackboard quickly? _ Twenty friends are in the same class. _ My pretty cousin is in the garden. _ There is a piece of bread and a glass of water on the table._ A flower on the floor. _3 根据音标拼读下面的单词,写出相应的辅音字母。/sm/ all i

6、le oke /sn/ ow eeze ake /sl/ eep ow im /tr/ y ain uck /bl/ ue ow ack /st/ ay ory and4. 完形填空 I work in a small 1 . It is near a middle school. Every day many students come to 2 things. In the morning, I get up at six, and then I 3 my breakfast. I go to work by bike. I get to the shop at about six fif

7、ty. The shop 4 at seven. We sell things 5 food and drinks. We have school 6 , too. There 7 often many people in our shop from morning to evening. I have lunch 8 the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is 9 . All of 10 go home for supper. ( ) 1. A. factory B. school C. shop D. club ( ) 2.A. sell B

8、. buy C. eat D. borrow ( ) 3.A.eats B. wash C. cooks D. have ( ) 4.A.is open B. opens C. close D. closes ( ) 5.A.like B. likes C. of D. about ( ) 6.A.clothes B. bus C. things D. work ( ) 7.A.is B. be C. am D. are ( ) 8.A.in B. on C. for D. of ( ) 9.A.close B. closed C. open D. opens ( ) 10.A.we B. them C. they D. usV . Reflection on learning(反思悟学)(反思悟学)


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