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1、1中国历代文化要籍篇目(汉英对照)(本书目包括主要历史哲学书籍及诗文戏剧作品与书画碑帖的篇名) A哀江南赋 A Lament for the South B白虎通义 Comprehensive Discussions in the White Tiger Halt 白氏长庆集 Anthology of Bai Juyi 白兔记 The White Rabbit 拜月记 Praying to the Moon 拜月亭 The Moon Worship Pavilion报刘一丈书 A Letter to Honorable Liu 抱朴子 The Master,who Embraces Simpl

2、icity 北徼汇编 Collected Articles on the Northern Frontier Question 北齐书 History of the Northern Qi Dynasty 北史 History of the Northern Dynasties 本草纲目 Outline of Herb Medicine 本草经集注 Annotations to “Emperor Shen Nongs Materia Medica” 辟韩 A Refutation of Han Yu 汴京一日 A Day in the Capital of Bianjing辩中边 Discri

3、mination between the Middle and the Extremes 泊秦淮 Lying at Anchor on the Qinhuai River 步出厦门行 A Stroll out of Summer Gate 补阙肘后百一方 Supplement to “Prescriptions for Emergencies” 步辇图 Imperial Carriage捕蛇者说 The Story Of the Snake-catcher 博物志 Records of Myriad Things 捕蟹图 Crab-catching不真空论 On Emptiness of th

4、e Unreal C藏书 Book of Holding 曹全碑 Cao Quan Tablet 策杖图 Walking with a Stick茶经 Book of Tea 昌黎先生集 Collected Works of Han Yu 长恨传 Everlasting Remorse 长恨歌 Eternal Grief 长生殿 Palace of Eternal Youth 长相思 Everlasting Love 陈书 History of the Chen Dynasty 2陈州放粮 Distributing Grain at Chenchow 成唯识论 The Completion o

5、f the Doctrine of Mere Ideation 崇有论 Treatise on Exalting Being /On the Importance of Being 崇祯历书 Chong Zhen Calendar 楚辞 Elegies of Chu 传灯录 Record of the Transmission of the Lamp 传习录 Record of Great LearningInstructions 船山遗书 Preserved Writings of Wang Fuzi 垂老别 The 0ld Man Returns to War 春秋 Spring and

6、Autumn Annals 春秋繁露 Spring and Autumn Studies 春夜宴桃李园序 Feasting in the Peach-plum Garden in Spring Night 雌木兰 A Girt Named Mulan D答耿中丞 In Reply to Minister Keng 答顾东桥书 A Letter in Reply to Ku Tong-chiaos Criticism 答横渠张子厚先生书 A Reply to Master Chang Heng-chus Letter答司马谏议书 Reply to Sima Guang 打渔杀家 The Fish

7、ermans Revenge 大藏经 The Tripitaka in Chinese 大乘止观法门 Mahayana Method of Cessation and Contemplation 大戴礼记 Book of Rites of the Elder Tai 大明历 Daming Calendar 大清律 Code of Great Qing 大人赋 Prose-poem on the Great Man 大人先生传 Story of the Great Man 大唐三藏圣教序 Introduction to the Sacred Teachings of Monk Tripitaka

8、 of the Great Tang Dynasty 大唐三藏圣教序记 Notes on “An Introduction to the Sacred Teachings of Monk Tripitaka of the Great Tang Dynasty” 大唐西域记 Records of Western Travels 大唐西域求法高僧传 Biographies of the Venerable Monks of the Great Tang Dynasty Who Studied Buddhist Classics in the Western Regions 大同书 The Book

9、 of the Great Unity 大学 Great Learning 大学衍义 Interpretation of Great Learning 大学中庸章句 Commentary on the,Great Learning and the Doctrine of the Mean 单刀会 Lord Guan Goes to the Feast 丹枫呦鹿图 Crying Deer amid Maples捣练图 Silk Pounding 道藏 Taoist Canon 地黄汤帖 About Adhesive Rehmannia Bill敌戒 Precept on the Attitude

10、 towards Enemy3弟子规 Pupils Rules and Disciplines 典论论文 Historical Allusions and Essays (吊)古战场文 An Elegy on the Ancient Battle-field东城老父传 The 0ld Man of the East City东方见闻录 Travels 东方朔画赞 Eulogizing a Portrait Painting of Dongfang Shuo/Praise of Dongfang Shuo 读史方舆纪要 Essentials of Historical Geography 读通鉴

11、论 Thought and Question,Comments on “History as a Mirror” 短歌行 A Short Song多宝塔碑 The Pagoda of Many Treasures多识录 Comprehensive Studies E阿房宫赋 Ode to the Efang Palace尔雅翼 Book of Plants and Animals 二程全书 Complete Works of the Two Chengs 二谛章 Essay on the Double Truth 二十年目睹之怪现状 Strange Events Seen in the Pas

12、t Twenty Years 二十一史弹词 Ballad of Twenty-one Dynasties F法言 Model Sayings 翻译论集 An Anthology of Papers on Translation焚书 Book Burning 奉橘帖 Letter Offering Oranges 佛国记 A Record of the Buddhist Countries 富春山居图 Living in the Fuchun Mountains福乐智慧 Wisdom of Royal Glory (Kutadgu Bilig):A Turko-Islamic Mirror fo

13、r Princes 服田图 FarmingG感遇诗 Random Thoughts 高僧传 Biographies of Eminent Buddhist Monks 告誓文 A Pledge of Faith公孙龙子 Gongsun Longzi 公羊传 Gong-Yang Commentary 古今图书集成 A Collection of Books of Ancient and Modern Times古诗四帖 Four Poems of Old古微堂内外集 Collected Works of the Guweitang Study 古文观止 Anthology of Classic

14、Prose 古文尚书 Book of History in Ancient Script 官场现形记 The Exposure of the Official World Bureaucrats 管子 Guan Zi 广弘明集 Extensive Teachings4广艺舟双楫 Extension of Two Volumes on Composition and Calligraphy虢国夫人游春图 Lady Guo Gos Outing in Spring归去来兮辞 Come Away Home/Lets Go Back 国榷 National Deliberations 国语 Sayin

15、gs of the States 过秦论 On the Cause of Ruin of the Qin 觳梁传 Gu-Liang CommentaryH海国图志 Illustrated Records of the Maritime Nations 邯郸记 Dream of Handan,The 韩非子 Han Fei Zi 寒谷雪霁图 Valley, Snow and Clear Sky汉宫秋 Autumn in the Han Palace 寒林图 Cold Forest韩诗外传 Anecdotes on the Book of Songs 汉书 History of the Han D

16、ynasty 韩熙载夜宴图 The Night Banquet in the House of Han Xizai河防一览 An Outline of River Control红楼梦 A Dream of Red Mansionsthe Red Chamber红线传 Red Thread 洪范 Grand Norm 后赤壁赋 The Second Trip to the Red Cliff后汉记 Records of the Later Han Dynasty 后汉书 History of the Later Han Dynasty 蝴蝶梦 The Butterfly Dreams华事夷言 Chinas Affairs in the Words of Foreigners 华严法界玄镜 The Mysterious Mirror of the Avatamsaka Dharmadhatu华严经 Avatamsaka-Sut



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