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1、2020-2021 年 中考英语书面表达基础测试题(word)1一、中考英语书面表达(含答案详细解析)1 近 ,学校在学 小 内开展了初中 段自 和 活 ,假 你是Moonlight 小组 的 , 根据下面表格中的信息和提示, 你的 Tommy 行 合素 的 价,写一 份素 告NameTommyCharacteristics 明、大方(各 一例)Hobbies喜 看 , 看 有很多好 ( 列 2 个好 )Honour他在家帮助做家 。在学校和同学相 融洽。上学途中遵守交通 ( 一例)。今年,学校授予了他 秀学生 (Award for Best Student )Problems面 考 ,遭受

2、力痛苦,他没有充足的睡眠Your(根据 情况提 2 点建 ) suggestions要求: 1、表达清楚、 法正确、上下文 ;2、要点必 包括所有相关信息,并作适当 ; 3、 数: 100 左右; 4、不得使用真 姓名、校名和地名等Tommy is a member of my team called Moonlight.【答案】 Tommy is a member of my team called Moonlight. He is clever and he is good at all his lessons. He is so generous that he shares every

3、thing with his friends.He likes reading because he thinks he can get much knowledge and learn more about the world by reading. And reading has agood effect on children s growth. At home, he can help his parents do some housework. At school,he gets on well with his classmates. On the way to school, h

4、e obeys the traffic rules. He crosses the road when the light is green. Our school presented him with Award for Best Student this year.However, Tommy is stressed when the exam comes. And he doesn t have enough sleep.I think he should go over what he has learned before exams. It s better for him to m

5、anage histime wisely so that he can have enough time to rest.【解析】 篇作文要求我 按照表格里的内容介 一下的 价 告。在表格中有非常 的关于Tommy 的情况, Tommy 写一篇 合素 Tommy 各方面的内容,我 需要用正确的英 把 些内容有条理的表达出来。表格中涉及的内容 多,写作 要注意表达的条理性。 篇作文 主要使用第三人称来写。在最后要 Tommy 提一些建 , 一部分 用第一人称。同 注意表达的准确性,尤其是表格中的第五 和第六 内容。【亮点 明】 是一篇比 秀的范文。 篇作文内容完整,包含了表格中的所有内容,没有

6、漏要点。表达准确,注意了被 形式的使用,如He was rewarded by our school thisyear.。写作 注意了条理性,使文章具有 次感,条理清楚。短文注意到了 短句的 合,并恰当的使用了一些 ,使文章表达的 。如He is always ready to help others. 、He not only likes reading detective novels but also likes watching programs about sports news. 、 He is good at running. He won the first place in

7、our school sports meeting this year. 等。2 面表达初中即将 ,同学 都感到 力很大。就此 ,老 要求你在英 上做一个以“LessPressure Makes Life Better 的 ”告, 你的做法,与同学分享 。 根据以下要求写一份 言稿,内容包括:1. 普遍存在的 力:同学关系;考 2. 我 去的 力:父母的期望;学 3. 我成功 解 力的 法及效果; 要求: 1. 文中不得出 真 的姓名和校名;2. 数 80 左右,短文的开 已 出,不 入 数。Less Pressure Makes Better LifeHello, everyone!Pres

8、sure is a serious problem in today s world. Most students in our class are under too muchpressure. _【答案】 Hello, my classmates!Pressure is a serious problem in todays world. Most students in our class are under too much pressure. Some students cant get on well with their classmates, while others may

9、worry abouttheir exams too much.I was always under pressure, too. My parents wanted me to be the top student in my class. They always sent me to all kinds of after-classes on weekends.I had a talk with my parents and told them I had done my best. Finally, they understood me. Inthis way, I feel less

10、stressed out so that I can concentrate more on my studies. Less pressure makes better life. Thank you. 【解析】【 解】 篇作文要求我 在同学 普遍感到 力大 种 象,以Less Pressure Makes LifeBetter , 自己的看法,和同学 分享一下自己的 。 可知,文章中 主要包括以下几个内容:首先介绍同学们普遍感到压力这种现象;然后讲述自己过去曾面对的压力;最后介绍自己如何成功缓解压力。题目中只给出了大概的提纲,其中具体的内容应由学生们自己发挥想象力来补充,并用正确的英语表达


12、文中使用了正确的时态和人称,文章主要使用了一般现在时和一般过去时,谓语动词形式准确。句式结构以简单句为主,叙述清晰、简洁。也使用了并列句和复合句的结构,如宾语从句、状语从句等。短文中使用了丰富的句式,如Some students cant get on well withtheir classmates, while others may worry about their exams too much. 、 My parents wanted me to be the top student in my class 、 In this way, I feel less stressed ou

13、t so that I can concentrate more on my studies 等等。3近年来雾霾天气在中国许多城市频频发生。雾霾天气引起大家极大的关注。请你用英语写一篇有关雾霾的短文向校刊“英语角 ”投稿 ,内容包括:1. 雾霾的危害2. 雾霾产生的原因(2 个)3. 应对雾霾的措施(3 个)提示:雾霾smog poisonous 有毒的注意: 1. 词数 110 左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 开头语已为你写好(不计入总词数)。In recent years, many cities in China have been hit by smog frequent



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