高中人教英语选修七学案:unit 3 under the sea Period Two

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1、Period TwoLearning about Language & Using Language.重点单词1jogvi.慢跑;vt.轻推;轻撞2seasideadj.&n.海边(的);海滨(的)3netn网;网状物;网络4targetn目标;靶;受批评的对象5tiden潮(汐);潮水;潮流6reflectvt.映射;反射;思考;vi.思考reflectionn映射;反射;思考7pureadj.纯的;纯粹的;纯洁的purelyadv.纯粹地8awareadj.意识到的;知道的 awarenessn意识;认识;明白;知道9vividadj.生动的;鲜明的;鲜艳的vividlyadv.生动地;强


3、onn养老金;退休金pensionern领取养老金者.重点短语1be/becomeawareof对知道、明白;意识到2upsidedown上下翻转3(be)scaredtodeath吓死了.好句积累1The fish didnt seem to mind me swimming among them.鱼儿好像不介意我在它们中间游动。2I especially loved the little orange and white fish that hid in the waving long thin seaweed.我特别喜欢那些橘黄和白色相间的小鱼,它们藏在波动着的、细长的海藻里。3Ther

4、e were other creatures that I didnt want to get too close toan eel with its strong sharp teeth,with only its head showing from a hole,watching for a tasty fish (or my tasty toe!);.还有一些其他的动物,我不想太靠近它们一条带有利齿的海鳗,从洞穴里探出头来,望着可作美餐的鱼游过来(或者在等着我的美味脚趾伸过去!);4Then there were two grey reef sharks,each about one a

5、nd a half metres long,which suddenly appeared from behind some coral.然后有两条约1.5米长的灰色的珊瑚礁鲨突然从珊瑚礁后面游了出来。5The water was quite shallow but where the reef ended,there was a steep drop to the sandy ocean floor.海水很浅,但到了珊瑚礁的尽头,就有一个陡坡,一直下降到满是沙子的海底。课文阅读理解1In the diary,the author mainly wants to tell us .Awhat

6、he saw in the seaBhow the fish eat in the seaCthe vivid colours in the seaDall the plants in the sea are poisonous答案A2The writer first became aware of .Aall the animals that he sawBall the vivid colours surrounding himCall the pictures he tookDall the flowers in the park答案B3What was hanging upside d

7、own in the sea according to the text?AThe orange and white fish.BThe yellowspotted red seaslug.CThe yellow and green parrotfish.DThe orange and bluestriped angelfish.答案C4What astonished the writer was that the small fish .Acould eat sharksBdared to get inside the mouths of larger fish to clean their

8、 teethCfeared no animals in the seaDwere friendly to large fish答案B5From the whole text we know that the author felt that .Ahe was a tiny spot compared with the sea worldBthe ocean was a tiny spot compared with the whole worldCthere was no danger in the sea except sharksDall kinds of fish were waitin

9、g for something for food答案A1First,not only target fish are caught in the net,but many other sea animals are found hanging there.首先,不仅发现网里有目标鱼,还发现有许多其他的海洋动物挂在那儿。归纳拓展target n目标;靶;指标;受批评的对象;vt.将指向;使朝向;把作为目标the target of/for (有意攻击的)目标;攻击对象target sth.on/at把瞄准,把当作靶子;以为目标(对象);旨在set a target设定目标reach/meet t

10、argets达到指标;实现目标miss a target错过目标aim at a target瞄准目标语境助记(1)With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as an efficient way of reaching target customers.(2014福建)随着网购变得越来越流行,网络被看作是一种吸引目标顾客的有效方法。(2)His crazy ideas made him thetargetof their jokes.他的疯狂想法使他成为他们取笑的对象。(3)The programme ist

11、argetedat improving the health of women of all ages.这个项目旨在提高各个年龄段的妇女的健康。题组训练(1)用适当的介、副词填空She aimed at the target but missed it. The missiles were targeted on/at the city.His proposal became the target of criticism.(2)完成句子Well reach/meetthesalestargets in a month which we set at the beginning of the

12、year. (2014重庆)我们将在一个月内完成年初制订的销售目标。 They setatarget for production.他们为生产制定了一个指标。2Im sitting in the warm night air with a cold drink in my hand and reflecting on the daya day of pure magic!我坐在温暖的夜空下,手里拿着一杯冷饮,回忆着当天的事情那真是神奇的一天!归纳拓展(1)reflect vi.思考;vt.思考;映射;反射reflect on/upon思考,反省(2)reflection n思考;映射on re

13、flection仔细想来,经过慎重考虑without reflection不假思索语境助记(1)After reflecting for a time,he decided not to go.仔细考虑后,他决定不去了。(2)Human beings should reflecton their position in the universe.(2015浙江)人类应该反思他们在宇宙中的身份。(3)Onreflection,we decided to buy that house.经过慎重考虑,我们决定买那所房子。(4)I accepted the plan withoutreflection

14、.我不假思索地接受了那个计划。题组训练(1)写出下列句中reflect的词性及汉语意思I have reflected upon his suggestion.vi.反思;思考Our newspaper aims to reflect the views of the local community.vt.反映The trees on the shore line are reflected in the clear water.vt.映射(2)语法填空One day,Mary was reflecting on/upon the meaning of a science essay by t

15、he lake when she suddenly saw herself reflected(reflect) in the water.She was scared at her reflection(reflect)3The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colours surrounding mepurples,reds,oranges,yellows,blues and greens.我首先注意到的是我周围那些鲜艳的色彩紫色、红色、橘黄、明黄、蓝色和绿色。归纳拓展(1)aware adj.意识到的;知道的be/become aware of对知道、明白;意识到be/become aware that.知道;意识到(2)unaware adj.不察觉的;不知道


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