五年级下册英语教案Module 9Unit 2 Mum boughtnew Tshirts for you外研版三起

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1、Module 9 Unit 2 Mum bought new T-shirts for you教案1教学目标 知识目标:学会听、说、读、写本课新单词:borrow, in ,another history question forget bring soon read的过去式read.能力目标:能运用句型:谈论将来:We are going to see you in three weeks.谈论过去:Mum bought new T-shirts for you.情感态度目标:学生能积极地参与,课堂学习活动,通过展示自己提高英语学习的自信心,成就感。体验学习的快乐,提高学习兴趣。培养学生听、

2、说、读、写的综合能力。2学情分析 在以前学习的基础上,学生已经了解英文信的书写格式,一般过去时态句子结构、动词变化形式以及一般将来时句子结构和动词的形式。多数学生能用主语+动词过去式简单描述过去发生的事,用主语+be going to+动词原形描述将要或打算做的事情。个别学生还不能运用这两种时态。学生对一般过去时,一般将来时两种时态的表达、动词的变化等还不能灵活运用。3重点难点 重点:1、学生能掌握本课的词汇和句型。2、能运用句型描述过去、现在和将来发生的事情。来源:学。科。网难点:能运用所学的句型对自己过去、现在和将来进行描述。4教学过程 活动1【活动】Warmingup 1. Greeti

3、ngs.2. Lets chant. (播放Flash动画)He borrowed some books. And he read them all.He bought some books. But he didnt read at all.活动2【讲授】Leadingin Look, this is a letter from Simon. Lets read the letter. What did Simon say in his letter?(看,这是一封来自Simon的信,我们来读一读,看Simon在信里说了些什么?)活动3【讲授】Learn the new words (1)a

4、nother另一个 another bed另一张床Dad is going to put another bed in my room.(2)borrow借来 borrow a bike借来一辆自行车We borrowed a bike for you.(3)history历史 Chinese history中国历史Dad read a book about Chinese history.(4)ask询问 question问题 ask you some questions询问你一些问题He is going to ask you some questions.(5) forget忘记 bri

5、ng带来,拿来 (反义词)take带走,拿走Dont forget to bring some CDs of Chinese.(6) soon不久,很快See you soon! 希望很快见到你!活动4【讲授】Listen and answer. (1)When are they going to meet?They are going to see Daming in three weeks.(2)What is Dad going to put in Simons room?Dad is going to put another bed in Simons room.(3)What did

6、 Mum buy for Daming?Mum bought new T-shirts for Daming.(4) What books did Dad read?Dad read a book about Chinese history.(5)Why Dad read a book about Chinese history?Dad is going to ask Daming some questions.(6)What did they borrow for Daming?来源:学科网We borrowed a bike for Daming.活动5【讲授】语法知识 一般过去时态:描述

7、过去做了的事情。含有yesterday, last句型:主语(谁)+动词(过去式)短语+其他一般将来时态:描述即将要做的事情/打算要做的事情。含有tomorrow, next句型:主语(谁)+be(am/is/are)going to+动词(原形)短语+其他找一找含有动词过去式的句型和含有be going to的句型。一般过去时态句型:1. Mum bought new T-shirts for you.2. Dad read a book about Chinese history.来源:学_科_网3. We borrowed a bike for you.一般将来时态句型:来源:学科网1.

8、 We are going to see you in three weeks.2. Dads going to put another bed in my room.3. He is going to ask you some questions.活动6【练习】Practise. 1.英汉互译借来一些书 borrow some books来源:Z&xx&k.ComIn three weeks_ 三周之后_在我的房间里放另一张床 put another bed in my room Chinese history 中国历史_问你一些问题 ask you some questionsSee yo

9、u soon _希望很快见到你_不要忘记带一些中国歌曲的光盘Dont forget to bring some CDs of Chinese songs .2.根据汉语提示完成句子。(1)昨天妈妈为你买了新T恤衫。Mum_bought_ new T-shirts_for_you yesterday.(2)昨天爸爸读了一本关于中国历史的书。Dad _read_ a book _about_ Chinese history.(3)爸爸准备在我的房间里再放一张床。Dad is going to put_another bed in my room.(4)不要忘记带一些中国歌曲的光盘。Dont _forget to bring some CDs _of_Chinese songs.活动7【作业】Homework 1. Read the letter for your parents.(给你的父母读这封信)2. Copy the new words five times.(抄写新单词五遍)3. Write a letter to your friend in English.(给你的朋友写封英文信)


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