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1、 Unit 21 Directions: Work in pairs, guess the words described by your partner. Procedures1)Student A looks at the screen and explains, while student 2) B listens without looking and must guess what Student A is explaining.2) Dont mention the word or phrase itself while you are explaining.3) Encourag

2、e your friend if the answer is correct.4) Ask him/her to try again if it is wrong.Online-work Review2Words to guess1)stove Guessing Game3lstove an enclosed heated space4Words to guess2) haircut 5Words to guess1.3) policeman Guessing Game6Words to guess4) leanlean against the wall lean against a tree

3、 7Words to guess5) count Guessing Game8Words to guess6) bald Guessing Game9Count to one Hundred Before You Speak In class, the teacher, with his back leaning against the stove, said to the students,“ Before you speak, you should think and count to at least 50, and for important matters to 100.No soo

4、ner had the teacher stopped talking than the students began to count. At last all the students shouted together, 1.98,99,100.teacher,Your clothes are on fire.10lNice TryMy wife and I were stopped by a state policeman. He started to write up a speeding ticket. My wife, whos a hair stylist, said, “If

5、you let us off with a warning, Ill give you a free haircut for a year. ”The policeman removed his hat-and he was completely bald. 11Speaking tasksActivity 1 Look at the following pictures. They may remind you of the spring festival.12Task 1l1. Form groups of four or five.l2. Brainstorm vocabulary on

6、 the Spring Festival in groups.l3. Each group sends a team member to write down as many words as possible.13Word Bank & Useful ExpressionslEve of Lunar New Year 除夕lLunar January; the first month by lunar calendar正月lChinese knot 中国结lto bid farewell to the old year 辞旧岁ldumpling/jiaozi 饺子lstaying-up 守岁

7、lNew Years visit 拜年lto propose a toast 敬酒lred packet 红包lPaper-cut 剪纸lRice Cake 年糕lto offer sacrifices to ones ancestors 祭祖宗lspecial purchase for the Spring Festival 买年货lfamily reunion dinner 团圆饭lCCTV Spring Festival Gala 中央电视台春节联欢晚会lGift money 压岁钱lfirecrackers and fireworks 爆竹烟花lSpring Festival coup

8、lets 春联lto set off firecrackers and fireworks 放鞭炮和焰火lfeasting at home 在家设宴14Free talklCustoms on Spring Festival in your hometownlHow did you spend your winter holiday?15American slanglCome on16loh, come on! 委婉表示不信任lcome on 1) 表催促 2) 比赛时说两遍表“加油” 17Oral Englishl1.None of that matters. Your opinion re

9、ally matters to me. You matter to me. It doesnt matter.18l2. Counterfeit 假的 (假币 counterfeit money)l Genuine 真的(真皮 genuine leather) l true (爱情) l real(友情)19Oral Classl口语课堂:你踩了我的脚你踩了我的脚l很多人都有过被别人踩到脚趾的经历。不知道您被踩了之后的第一反应是怎样的呢?心中不悦是一定的。再赶上当时穿了一双新鞋子,那这怒气不上升是不太可能的。至于发作与否,那要看修养了。英语当中就有这样一个习惯用语,step on someon

10、es toes,它既可以用它的字面意思,也就是“踩了某人的脚趾”,比如这个例子:lA:Sorry to step on your toes again. I am having two left feet. Im a terrible dancer. l B:Thats OK. Youre the green hand in the dancing pool. 20l但我们今天主要介绍的,是step on someones toes用作“触怒某人”时的用法。这个用法相较于字面意思的用法要更常用一些。我们来看几个例子。l A:He is in a bad temper this morning;

11、 take care not to step on his toes. 他今天上午心情不好,当心一点,不要触怒他。l B:Thank you for telling me that. l 再比如,受到了莫名其妙的不友善对待之后,你可能想要搞清楚究竟。这个时候你可以说:l I dont mean to step on your toes. But could you possibly tell me what makes you feel that way. 我无意冒犯你,你能不能告诉我我什么地方得罪你了?lBeing a newcomer in this office, he has been trying not to step on anyones toes. 作为办公室新来的成员,他尽量不伤害任何人的感情。21



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