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1、1.你的学校你的学校 2. 一个电脑室一个电脑室 3. 一块足球场一块足球场2.4. 多少多少 5. 两座大楼两座大楼 6. 三间办公室三间办公室3.7. 一些厕所一些厕所 8. 五个图书馆五个图书馆 9. 一个美术室一个美术室4.10. 一个操场一个操场 11. 只有一个只有一个 12. 两百个学生两百个学生5.13. 一个美丽的花园一个美丽的花园 14. 在一楼在一楼 6.15. 在二楼在二楼 16. 一些阅览室一些阅览室 7.17. 一个篮球场一个篮球场 18. 一个餐厅一个餐厅Translate the following phrases:牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit6.教室

2、里有什么?教室里有什么? Whats in the classroom? 有一张讲台和有一张讲台和50张桌椅。张桌椅。Theres a teachers desk and fifty desks and chairs.7.树上有多少只鸟?树上有多少只鸟?How many birds are there in the tree? 只有一只。只有一只。Theres only one.8.你的学校有图书馆吗?你的学校有图书馆吗?Are there any libraries in your school? 没有,但有一个阅览室。没有,但有一个阅览室。 No, there arent any. But

3、 theres a reading room.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitUnit 6In the park牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWelcome to the unit 本课学习目标Prepositions In, on, under, behind, between, beside, in front of, on the left, on the right 牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhat can you see in the pict

4、ure?I can see Andy and two hills.Where is Andy?Hes between the hills.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhat can you see in the picture?I can see Lily and a shop.Where is Lily?Shes beside the shop.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhat can you see in the picture?I can see Spotty, a tree a chair and grass.Where is Spotty?Its under

5、 the chair.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhat can you see in the picture?I can see Millie and a gate.Where is Millie?Shes in front of the gate.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitunder表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitbetween表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit上面on 表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitin表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元un

6、itbeside表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitbehind表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitin front of表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元uniton the left of表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元uniton the right of表示地点的介词表示地点的介词牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitin front ofbehindbesideinonbetweenon the left (of)on the right ofunder表示地点的介词表示地点

7、的介词In thein the middle ofin the front of牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhere is Spotty?He is _ .between the boxesHe is _.in the boxHe is _.on the box牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhere is Spotty?He is _ .He is _ .He is _ .on the right of the boxon the left of the boxbeside the box牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhere is Spotty?He is _

8、 .He is _ .under the boxbehind the box牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitin the classroomon the playgroundbetween the buildingsbeside the treeunder the treein front of the building牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitSummaryPrepositionsin, on, behind, between, beside, under, in front of, on the left, on the rightSentencesWheres ? It

9、s Wherere ? Theyre 牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit练练一一练练用适当的介词填空用适当的介词填空:1.There is a dog _ the tree.2.There are some books _ the bag.3.There arent any apples _ the tree.4.I am _ my father and my mother.5.There is a dog _ the river.6.Dont swim _ the river.7.Lily is behind Lucy. Lucy is _ Lily.8.Look, its a phot

10、o _ my family.9.Theres a lake _ the left _ the playground.10.There are many boats _ the lake.11.11.Theres a blackboard _ the classroom.underinonbetweenbesideinofonofonin front ofin the front of牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitHomeworkTalk about the position of the objects in the classroom.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitPerio

11、d 2牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitin front ofbehindbesideinonbetweenon the left (of)on the right ofunder表示地点的介词表示地点的介词in the middle ofin the front of牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitTranslate the phrases :1.在大楼之间在大楼之间2.在你和他之间在你和他之间3.在商店旁边在商店旁边4.在我椅子下面在我椅子下面5.在我们教室前面在我们教室前面between the buildings between you and himbeside the s

12、hopunder my chair in (the)front of our classroom6.在花丛中在花丛中in the middle of the flowers牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit1.男孩在操场上面男孩在操场上面.2.学生们在学校里面学生们在学校里面.3.讲台桌在黑板前面讲台桌在黑板前面.4.椅子在门旁边椅子在门旁边.5.格林先生在两张桌子之间格林先生在两张桌子之间.6.铅笔在盒子下面铅笔在盒子下面. The boy is on the playground.The students are in the school.The teachers desk is i

13、n front of the blackboard.The chair is beside the door.Mr Green is between the two desks.The pencil is under the box.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitListening&Speaking 本课学习目标Words Bird, flower, lake, boat, lovely ,pick, climb,swim,feedSentenceWheres/Wherere Dont climb the trees.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unita birda flowera

14、 boata lakea tree牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit.see-sawswingslideMrs. WhiteAnnJohnSally NickABC Park牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitPair work Ask and answer about your own school things.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhat cant we do in the park?1.You cant climb the trees. Dont climb the trees.2.You cant swim in the lake. Dont swim in

15、the lake.3.You cant pick flowers. Dont pick flowers.4.You cant feed the birds. Dont feed the birds.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitclimbswimpickfeed牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont swim in the lake.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont pick the flowers.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont feed the birds.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont climb the tree.牛津版初中

16、英语七年级上预备单元unitSummary1.询问地点用: wheres? Wherere?2.介词短语表示地点3.祈使句的否定形式:Dont4.动词词组:pick flowers swim in the lake climb trees feed birds牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit1.You cant swim in the lake.(同义句) _ _ in the lake.2.There are many trees in the park. (提问)_ _ in the park?3.There is a lovely bird in the tree.(同上)_ _

17、lovely _ _there in the tree?4.The bird is in the tree.(同上)_ the bird?5.The children are on the playground.(提问)_ the children?.DontswimWhatisHow manybirdsareWheresWherere牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit6.The children on the playground are my classmates.(提问)_ _ are _ classmates?7.Pick some flowers for me,please. _

18、 _ _ flowers for me,please.8.Dont climb the trees in the park._ the trees in the park.9.不要喂鸟。_ _ the _.10.鸟在哪儿?在树上_11.The teacher is in the middle of the _.(student)12.Look! The boy is between the _.(tree)WhichchildrenyourDontpickanyClimbDontWheres the bird? Its in the tree.feedbirdsstudentstrees牛津版

19、初中英语七年级上预备单元unitPeriod 3牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitRevision:Free talk about ABC Park1.beautiful flowers2.the lovely bird- tree3.the students-playground4.John-tree5.the boat-lake6.Nick and Sally- boat牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitReading 本课学习目标Understanding the textGrasping some language points牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitListen

20、 to the passage and say True or False to the following statemates.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitListen and say True or false:1.ABC park is not very big, but its beautiful.2. On the right of the gate, there are two toilets.3. There are some flowers under the big tree.4. There are some birds in the tree.5. There

21、 are some boats on the playground.FTTTF牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitRead the passage aloud and answer some questions.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitAnswer the questions:1.Where are the flowers?2. Whats in the tree?3.Where is the playground?4. Where are the children?5. Are there any boats on the lake?Theyre (The flowers a

22、re)under a big tree.There are some birds in the tree.Its(The playground is) in the middle of the park.They(The children) are on the playground.Yes, there are (some boats on the lake).牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitFinish the picture according to the passage.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitA B C ParkGate牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitCa

23、n you say something about ABC Park?ABC Parksmallbeautifula big treea lakea playgroundtwo toiletssome flowerssome birdssome childrensome boats牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitRead the passage again and fill in the blanks .牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitGoing around ABC Park This is ABC Park. Its not very big _its beautiful. _

24、 the gate. The gate is _. _ the left of it, there _ two toilets. On the _ _a big tree. You can see some flowers under _ tree. Look! Whats _ the tree? Oh, _ some birds. _ lovely! _ the middle _the park, _ a playground. Some children are _ it. They are very _. A lake is in_ of the playground. There ar

25、e some boats _it. butHeresopenOnarerightistheintheyreHowInoftheresonhappyfronton牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit 你们家附近有美丽的公园吗?你们家附近有美丽的公园吗?请你用英语简单描述一下他们请你用英语简单描述一下他们的布局吧。要注意使用正确的的布局吧。要注意使用正确的介词。介词。牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitHave a try!1.这儿有一些书给你。这儿有一些书给你。Here are some books for you.2.这儿有一朵花。这儿有一朵花。Heres a flower.3.树上有许多

26、苹果树上有许多苹果。There are many apples on the tree.4.不要开门。门是开着的。不要开门。门是开着的。Dont open the door. The door is open.5.湖中央有一条小船湖中央有一条小船。In the middle of the lake is a boat.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit6.操场上有一些孩子操场上有一些孩子。On the playground are some children.7.看那些树。多高啊!看那些树。多高啊!Look at the trees. How tall (they are)!8.鸟儿多可爱

27、啊!鸟儿多可爱啊!How lovely the bird is !9.两栋楼之间有什么?有一些漂亮的花两栋楼之间有什么?有一些漂亮的花。Whats between the buildings?There /They are some beautiful flowers. 10.大门的左边有什么?有个厕所。大门的左边有什么?有个厕所。Whats on the left of the gate?Theres/Its a toilet.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit1.你们学校有游泳池吗?没有。你们学校有游泳池吗?没有。 2.图片上有多少朵花?有十一朵。图片上有多少朵花?有十一朵。 3.这是

28、一个游泳池。你可以在里面游这是一个游泳池。你可以在里面游泳。泳。 4.不要在湖里游泳。不要在湖里游泳。 5.不要摘校园里的花朵。不要摘校园里的花朵。 6.不要喂这条狗了。不要喂这条狗了。 7.莉莉在大楼后面吗?在。莉莉在大楼后面吗?在。 8. Spotty在你我之间。在你我之间。 9.讲台下面有什么?有一个足球。讲台下面有什么?有一个足球。牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit10.看那些花。真漂亮!看那些花。真漂亮!11.这儿有一些苹果给你。这儿有一些苹果给你。12.别开门。门是开着的。别开门。门是开着的。13.河中央有一条小船。(三种)河中央有一条小船。(三种)牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单

29、元unitPeriod 4牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWe know this is a park. Are there any flowers in it? Are there any trees in it? Are there any people in it?牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitIn the park, we can see many people,trees and flowers.And were happy there.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhats this?Its a lake.Theres a lake in the park

30、too.In China there are many lakes.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitYou can swim in a swimming pool. Is there a swimming pool in your school?牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitIs this a big lake? Yes,it is. Dont swim in the lake.Its dangerous to swim in the lake.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unita cat in the tree climb the tree牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元un

31、itDont climb the tree.Its dangerous too.In the park you cant do that.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitThere are many flowers in the park too. Dont pick the flowers there.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhats it? Its a monkey. The monkey is lovely too.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont feed the monkey in the zoo.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitWhatre they? Theyre birds. Theyre flying in the sky.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unitDont feed the birds in the park.牛津版初中英语七年级上预备单元unit



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