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1、高高二英语 (上上)Unit 8Reading Reading Unit 8 DR ABCTask 1 Word bank紧急情况紧急情况n十分惊慌十分惊慌 vi救护车;救护车;流动医院流动医院 n响应;作答响应;作答 v推荐推荐 vt.神志清醒的;神志清醒的;意识到的意识到的 adj.循环;环流循环;环流 v.使苏醒使苏醒 vt.witness目击目击 vt. nemergencypanicambulancerespondrecommendconsciouscirculaterevivewitnessto see something happen, especially a crime or

2、 accident.Police are looking for any person who may have witnessed the accident.One witness claimed to have seen the gun.panic (panicked/panicking)to suddenly become so frightened that you cannot think clearly or behave sensibly.The crowd panicked at the sound of the gunfire.Dont panic!She got into

3、a panic when she thought she had lost the tickets.respondto react to something that has been said or doneJackie responded to my suggestion with a laugh.Her cancer failed to respond to the treatment.The law was passed in response to public pressure.His question failed to get a response from any of th

4、e students.recommendto advise sb to do sth. especially because you have special knowledge of a situation or subject.Doctors that all children should be immunized against measles.His father strongly ed sending the boy to school in England.I would him for the position of Assistant Manager.The committe

5、e made a number of recommendations for improving safety standards.conscious=aware I was very conscious of the fact that I had to make a good impression. The driver was still conscious when the ambulance reached the scene.David lost consciousness at 8 Oclock and died a few hours later.She could faint

6、ly hear voices as she began to regain consciousness.circulateto move around within a system, or to make sth to do this.Blood circulates in the body.Exercise improves the circulation.reviveto become or make sb conscious, healthy or strong again.The plant will revive if you water it.Her trip to her ho

7、metown revived memories of her childhood.The government is taking measures to stimulate an economic revival.Pre-reading 1. Why is first aid important in our daily life? 2. Whats the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency? 3. What do the hospitals recommend? 4. What do the le

8、tters “DR ABC” stand for? 1. What is very important in an emergency? Which of the following is true? A. Blood B. A witness C. Timely first aid D. Good wishes 2. Where can we receive the training of first aid? A. In a factory B. In a hospital and a school C. In a shop D. At home. Para.1 The importanc

9、e of first aid Para.2 The importance of staying calm The main idea of each part Para.3 The principle of giving first aid DR ABC Para.4 The meaning of DR ABC Para.5 The learning of first aid Para.6 What we should do after giving first aid 1. We must make sure the persons airway is open and it is easy

10、 to breathe. 2. If the person cant breathe, we can start his or her breathing sooner or later. TFTrue or False 3. If someone cant breathe for 5 minutes, he or she will die. 4. If a person is bleeding we mustnt do anything to stop bleeding. TFExplanation 1. If I had known more about giving first aid,

11、 I could have helped them. 如果我知道更多关于急救方面的知如果我知道更多关于急救方面的知识识, 我就有可能救了他们我就有可能救了他们. 1) Should you run into John (= If you run into John), tell him he owes me a letter. 万一你碰到约翰,告诉他他欠万一你碰到约翰,告诉他他欠我一封信。我一封信。 2) Were you to move (= If you were to move) your chair a bit to the left, we could all sit down.如果

12、你把椅子向左如果你把椅子向左移一点,我们大家都可以坐下来。移一点,我们大家都可以坐下来。 3) Had I known (=If I had known) you were coming, I would have stayed home. 我要是知道你来,我就呆在家里不我要是知道你来,我就呆在家里不出去了。出去了。2. Many hospitals recommend that we use the letters DR ABC to remember what to do when we have to think fast. (subjunctive mood) 许多医院都推荐我们使用字

13、母许多医院都推荐我们使用字母DR ABC来使我们在紧急时记住做什么来使我们在紧急时记住做什么. 3. aid n. 救助,救援救助,救援 例例: They came to my aid. 他们来援救我。他们来援救我。 first aid 急救(不可数)急救(不可数) with the aid of = with the help of 在在.帮助下帮助下 with ones aid = with ones help aid v. aid sb. to do/in doing sth. 帮助某人做事帮助某人做事 4. mouth-to-mouth “口对口的口对口的”, a face-to- f

14、ace meeting 面对面的会晤面对面的会晤 a heart-to- heart talk 促膝交谈促膝交谈 a shoulder-to- shoulder cooperation 通力协作,团结协作通力协作,团结协作 back-to- back houses 背靠背的房屋背靠背的房屋 5. within prep. 后跟时间,表示在一段后跟时间,表示在一段时间之内(的任何一点)。时间之内(的任何一点)。 We shall arrive at the house within ten minutes. 我们将在我们将在10分钟之内到达该房屋。分钟之内到达该房屋。 in: prep (从现在

15、开始从现在开始)一段时间之后。一段时间之后。 Theyll arrive in ten minutes. 10分钟后他们就到。分钟后他们就到。 adj. 表示地理范围、能力等,表示地理范围、能力等, 在在.之内。之内。 This is not within my power. 这不在我权力之内。这不在我权力之内。 He lives within his income. 他在他收入范围之内维持生活。他在他收入范围之内维持生活。 6. Should a person be breathing but not conscious, it is usually best if he or she no

16、t be moved. 伤者要是有呼吸但无知觉,那么最伤者要是有呼吸但无知觉,那么最好不要移动他(她)。好不要移动他(她)。 条件状语从句中的动词部分有条件状语从句中的动词部分有should, were, had时时, 常将常将if省略省略, 而而 采用倒装结构。采用倒装结构。Post-readingPost-reading 1.Finish the exercises on Page 60. In Picture 1 the man is gently tipping the persons head back to make sure that his airway is open and

17、 it is easy to breathe. In picture 2 the person is using the mouth-to-mouth method. If the person is not breathing at once, using the mouth-to-mouth method. In picture 3 the person is stopping the victims bleeding. If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and pr

18、ess on the wound to stop the bleeding. Work in pairs, use the letters DR ABC First, you should make sure that the accident scene is no longer dangerous. Second, you should try to get a response from the injured persons. Third, you should make sure that the persons airway is clear. Fourth, you should check if the person is breathing. Last, you should make sure that the persons blood is circulating. Homework 1. Complete the exercises on Page 132 in the workbook. 2. Recite the key sentences in the text. 3. Preparations: Language study and practice on Page 61.



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