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1、2023年职场幸福感【增加你的职场幸福感的6个方法】 智课网IELTS备考资料 增加你的职场华蜜感的6个方法 摘要: 下面小马小编为大家介绍一下增加你的职场华蜜感的6个方法的相关内容,本章的内容丰富,题目经典,特别有利于雅思索试成果的提高,大家在阅读的过程中要细致总结阅历,擅长总结,只有这样在雅思索试当中,才能取得好成果。 下面 小马 小编为大家介绍一下增加你的职场华蜜感的6个方法的相关内容,本章的内容丰富,题目经典,特别有利于 雅思 考试成果的提高,大家在阅读的过程中要细致总结阅历,擅长总结,只有这样在 雅思索试 当中,才能取得好成果。 Ive written about workplace

2、 happiness in the past, but many of my suggestions require consistent effort. Here are five sure-fire, incredibly easy actions that will immediately improve your workplace experience: 之前我写过职场华蜜,但是我给出的大部分建议须要持之以恒。下面是5个有效又简洁的方法能够快速提高你的职场体验: 1. Take a quiet minute each morning. 1. 每天早上享受宁静的一分钟。 Within

3、your morning routine, carve out a minute-60 seconds-to be silent, by yourself. Dont think about work. Read a poem or say a prayer. Or just rest your pain. Youll be amazed at how much extra energy it will create for the rest of your day. 在你早晨的例行时间内,抽出一分钟60秒独自宁静的待着。不要想工作。读一首诗或是祷告,哪怕只是让大脑休息一下。你会惊异于接下来的

4、一天这一分钟给你带来的额外能量。 2. Smile more frequently. 2. 多笑。 Smiling accomplishes two things. First, it tells your pain to be more happy. (Try being depressed with a huge grin stuck on your face.) Second, when you smile it tends to make other people smile, too. Its contagious, in a good way. 微笑可以带来两个好处。一是告知你的大

5、脑欢乐一些。(你试试咧着嘴笑还能郁闷吗。)二是当你笑的时候,其他人也会跟着笑。这是传染的,当然是以一种主动的方式。 3. Give yourself more credit. 3. 给自己更多的确定。 Take a second to give yourself a mental and emotional pat on the back every time you complete a project, even if its only a small part of a larger effort. This creates a sense of accomplishment that

6、keeps you from feeling overwhelmed. 每完成一个项目后,抽时间给自己精神和情感上的安慰,哪怕你的功劳只是沧海一粟。这能让你有一种成就感,而不会自惭形秽。 4. Celepate when you learn something. 4. 每当学成什么就庆祝一下。 If youre alive, you cant help learning something new every day. The trick here is to recognize when youve learned something new and potentially importan

7、t. Thats a victory and worth a quiet, inner hooray! 假如你还活着,就避开不了学习新的东西。关键是你要相识到自己学到的东西是新的而且有潜在价值。那就是一种成功,值得在心理静默庆祝。 5. Enjoy human nature. 5. 享受人性。 Lets face it: People do really strange things. You have a choice when confronted with these foibles: 1) Be irritated; or 2) Be amused. Being irritated m

8、akes you miserable but being amused helps you find creative ways to work around the limitations of others. 让我们面对现实:人们的确会做一些惊奇的事。当你面对以下两种小缺陷时可以做一个选择:1)生气;2)惊异。生气会让你苦痛,但是惊异却能够帮助你以富有创建力的方式处理他人的缺点。 6. Say thanks to those who do thankless tasks. 6.对那些做不值得称道的事的人说感谢。 You probably already know that you shou

9、ld thank co-workers and customers on a regular basis. But what about the janitors, the facilities people, the call center staff? Theyve got really tough jobs and seldom hear that their contributions are valued. 基本上你应当知道同事和客户值得感谢。但是门卫呢,器械修理工呢,客服中心的员工呢?他们的工作很辛苦却很少得到他人对他们工作赐予确定。 以上就是小编为大家带来增加你的职场华蜜感的6个方法的全部内容,大家肯定要把学习到的学问进行积累总结,并且要随时复习,以免遗忘,只有这样,才有利于我们雅思成果的提高。 编辑举荐: 2023年雅思索试机经汇总下载 2023年雅思索试真题下载 2023年雅思写作机经汇总(下) 2023年雅思写作机经汇总(上) 相关字搜寻: 雅思阅读材料



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