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1、 唐 山 学 院毕 业 设 计设计题目:基于AVR单片机的开关电源的设计与实现 系 别: 信息工程系 班 级:姓 名: 2012年6月10 日基于AVR单片机的开关电源的设计与实现摘 要电源是电子设备中不可缺少的功能模块,是各种电器设备的能量的来源,其性能的优劣直接影响电子设备的技术性能与其可靠性。因此,能否设计出性能良好的电源是电子设备是否能够高效、可靠运行的一个基本保障。本设计是以Atmega8单片机作为主要控制器,制作输出电压可以调节的开关电源。该系统不仅可以预置输出电压而且还可以调节输出电压,并具有过流保护、短路保护以及数码管显示等功能。本论文主要讲述的是由单片机产生PWM波来控制功率

2、管的通断。通过单片机内部集成的AD转换器检测输出电压,并和预置电压进行比较得到误差信号,调用调节函数实现稳压。单片机可以通过键盘来改变输出电压的大小,从而修改PWM波的占空比来调节输出电压的大小。开关电源的输出电压以及输出电流可以通过数码管来显示,当线路发生短路或者过载时都会通过数码管的示数显示出来。本开关电源的主要性能有稳压效果好、效率高、输出电压可调、响应速率快。关键词:开关电源 单片机 电压可调 电压显示 The Design and Implementation of Switching Power Supply Based on MCUAbstractTo electronic eq

3、uipments, power is a indispensable function module. It is the energy source of all sort of electric equipment . And the performance of the power influences the technical characteristics and reliability of the electronic equipment. Therefore, it is the basic of the electronic equipments efficient and

4、 reliable operation that if we can design the good power or not.This design makes a power whose output voltage can be adjusted based on Atmega8 MCU as a main controller,. The system can not only preset the output voltage but also adjust the output voltage, and it has functions such as the flow prote

5、ction, short circuit protection and digital pipe display. This thesis is about that PWM waves generated by MCU can control the hige power tube. It can test the output voltage through MCU integrated AD converter, and get error signals by comparison of preset voltage, and stabilize voltage by calling

6、adjustment function. MCU can change the size of the output voltage through the keyboard modifying the PWM waves buty cycle. Switch powers output voltage and output current can be show through the digital tube, and it can be show by the digital when the line short-circuited or overload happened. The

7、switch power has a good effect to stabilize the voltage, high efficiency, and its output voltage can be adjusted, and its response speed is high.Key words: Switching power ;PWM ;Voltage adjustable ;Voltage display目 录1 引言12 开关电源方案设计32.1开关电源工作原理32.2开关电源方案选择与论证32.3总体结构设计43 系统核心器件选择63.1单片机简介63.1.1引脚说明63

8、.1.2 Atmega8I/O口概述83.2 Atmega8的AD功能93.2.1 ADC功能简介93.2.2 ADC相关寄存器103.3 Atemga8的PWM功能143.3.1 PWM波形发生器选择143.3.2时钟源选择164硬件电路设计174.1电源电路设计174.1.1整流滤波电路设计174.1.2开关变换电路设计174.2控制电路设计184.2.1时钟电路设计184.2.2单片机复位电路设计184.2.3单片机与数码管接口电路设计194.2.4单片机与键盘接口电路设计204.2.5反馈电路设计215系统软件设计235.1主程序设计235.2键盘防抖动子程序设计245.3数码管扫描子

9、程序设计245.4 ADC转换子程序设计255.5 调节函数子程序设计266系统调试286.1软件调试调试286.2系统整体调试286.3系统误差分析317 PCB电路板的绘制以及制作337.1电路板的制作337.1.1 PCB图绘制337.1.2 PCB电路板的制作流程337.2焊接电路板348 结论35谢辞36参考文献37附录38附录一 总体设计电路图38附录二 制作样机图39附录三 器件清单41附录四 源程序42外文资料52唐 山 学 院 毕 业 设 计Stepper motor is a kind of pure digital control motor and brushless

10、dc motor controlled by electric pulse signal type. Stepper motor is the core of the modern orientation drive, widely used in machinery, electric power, textile, electronics, instruments, printing and aerospace, ships, weapons, and other areas of the defense industry, etc. The characteristics of the

11、stepping motor control system based on single chip microcomputer include high stability, low cost, convenient control and wide application , etc.The IR remote control is used as rhe input to the contrler, which can send an input signal of command for the the design of the stepper motor control syste

12、m with the single chip processor as the core processor. The remote control can change the rotation states of stepper motor and the running status can be showed on LCD1602 display.The infrared remote control with carrier for 38 KHZ is used as the control end of the user, which can convert the users c

13、ommands into the infrared signal. The TL1838 can receive the infrared signal and convert it into electrical signal, which input to tSTC89C52.The MCU can obtain instructions of users by processing the incoming signal and control stepping motor of the 28BYJ48 type, the current status can be shown by L

14、CD1602. Users can control acceleration, deceleration, forward, inversion for the stepping motor. The features of the control system of stepper motor includes high precision, stable running, convenient control and simple maintenance and wide application, etc.1 引言电源技术是一种综合电力变换技术、现代电子技术、自动控制技术等的多学科应用功率




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