同步人教英语选修九新突破讲义:Unit 5 Section Ⅳ Using Language Word版含答案

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1、Section Using Language.阅读P4849课文内容,从三个选项中选择最佳答案1According to the passage,which one is WRONG?AThe laws are used to prevent advertisers doing the wrong thing.BAn ad that has an adult theme can be shown during childrens television programmes.CMost places have laws to prevent advertisers making false st

2、atements.2What wellknown people should do when they are used in advertisements?ABe honest.BBe truthful.CBoth A and B.3Why do many countries have a government organization to examine complaints about ads?ABecause there are too many ads.BBecause there are some bad ads made.CBecause some consumers cant

3、 understand some ads.【答案】1.B2.C3.B.阅读P4849课文内容,根据课文内容,将左右两部分组成句子1The lawAcan make the company stop using the offending advertisement if a complaint about an ad is correct.2Advertising organizationsBis also responsible for checking the product before buying.3Complaints organization Ccan prevent adver

4、tisers doing the wrong thing.4The consumerDmake rules that are called a code of ethics for everyone in the organization to follow.【答案】1.C2.D3.A4.B in fashion 流行;时兴(教材P47)A wish to be in fashion.使流行的愿望。The punk look is back in fashion.朋客式装扮又时兴起来了。The youth like to follow the latest trends in fashion.

5、年轻人喜好追求最新的流行款式。out of fashion 不流行;过时bring into fashion 使流行come into fashion 流行起来,开始风行follow the fashion 赶时髦go out of fashion 过时These skirts are now out of fashion.这些裙子已经不时兴了。Sentiment and romance were coming into fashion.感情用事与浪漫情调正开始流行。The film brought the songs into fashion.这部电影使这几首歌流行一时。完成句子这种样式的大

6、衣是我童年时开始时兴的。That style of coat when I was a boy.那家商店里的衣服常常很时尚。The clothing in that shop is often 现在紧身裤很不流行。Narrow trousers are very much 【答案】came into fashionin fashionout of fashion (教材P48)Unfortunately,not all advertisers are good or honest people.不幸的是,并不是所有的登广告者都是好人或者诚实的人。【要点提炼】句中的not all.是部分否定,也

7、可以用all.not.表示“并非都”。Not all men can be masters.All men cannot be masters.并非人人都能当领导。Not all bamboo grows tall.并非所有的竹子都会长得很高。常见的表示部分否定的词还有:both,every,everyone,everything,everybody,everywhere等与否定词not,no连用时。若要表示全部否定,则应用相应的表示全部否定的否定词:allnone,bothneither,everyno,everyoneno one(nobody),everythingnothing,eve

8、rywherenowhere等。Both windows are not open.两扇窗子并不都开着。Not everyone likes this book.并非人人都喜欢这本书。翻译句子我并不都认识他们。 两本书我并不是都喜欢。 周日没有学生去农场。 【答案】I dont know all of them.I dont like both of the books.No student goes to the farm on Sunday. ban vt.禁止;取缔 n禁令(教材P48)In some countries advertising alcoholic drinks or t

9、obacco is banned altogether.在一些国家酒类和烟草的广告都是被禁止的。The desire to ban landmines is not new.禁止使用地雷的想法并非最近提出来的。There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.这家剧院内禁止吸烟。ban sth.取缔;查禁某物ban sb.from doing sth. 禁止某人干某事lift the ban on/against sth对开禁;取消 的禁令place/put.under a ban禁止a ban on sth. 关于的禁令Do you think the gov

10、ernment should lift the ban on guns?你认为政府应该解除枪支的禁令吗?Shes been banned from leaving Greece while the allegations are investigated.在对那些指控进行调查期间,禁止她离开希腊。完成句子他们威胁要查禁该书。They threatened to the book.他被禁止驾车一年。He has been for a year.警方取消了不准在这条街上停车的禁令。The police parking in the street.【答案】banbanned from driving

11、lifted the ban against (教材P49)When it comes to advertising,consumers need to be educated about techniques used by advertisers.当涉及广告时,消费者需要了解广告商所使用的伎俩【要点提炼】 句中的when it comes to.表示“谈到;涉及;处理,处置”。When it comes to politics I know nothing.说到政治,我是一窍不通。When it comes to cooking,Jenny knows whats what.谈到烹饪,珍妮

12、是行家。完成句子在语言能力方面我根本不是她的对手。I am no match for her language.一谈到交朋友,你再怎么小心也不为过。When it comes to ,you cannot be too careful.【答案】when it comes tomaking friends说明文写作写作指导高考中常见的说明文主要有事物介绍和图表介绍两种。事物介绍也就是人们通常所说的描写,主要是指艺术性描写。我们这里所说的描写也包括了一部分用于说明文里的技术性描写,如地区或景点的介绍等。事物说明文的写作应该注意:描写的角度和次序;要选择好重点;所选用的句式应当有适当的变化。图表介绍

13、类写作属于说明文写作范畴之一。图表作文内容大多涉及前后变化对比或产品介绍等。要求考生通过数据、文字内容分析,系统准确地表达出图表含义,并得出令人信服的结论。必须做到行文切题,紧扣中心思想,不漏要点,并且意思连贯,文理通顺,语言准确、得当。佳作构建写一篇文章,介绍奥罗牌石英晶体闹钟(Aoroa Quartz Alarm Clock)。内容包括以下几点:1计时准确,蜂音清晰柔和、悦耳动听;2外形设计别致,多样美观,令人喜爱;3经久耐用,价格低廉,深得用户好评,畅销全世界;4厂家具有最先进的设备和严格的管理制度,因而产品质量可靠,经得起时间的检验。注意:1.词数100左右;2适当增添细节使文章连贯。参考词汇:accurately精确地;buzz 蜂音器传出的信号本文是一篇说明文的写作;写作的关键是把握该闹钟的特点,进行合理的描述,注意适当地发挥,使得文章通顺连贯。说明文写作一般使用现在时态。.词汇1无疑地;一定 2准确地 3普通的 4设计 5消费者 【答案】mon4.design5.customer.句式1奥罗牌石英晶体闹钟是你最佳选择。Aoroa Quartz Alarm Clock is surely 2奥罗牌石英晶体闹钟计时准确。Aoroa Quartz Alarm Clock accu



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