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1、加薪申请表英文自我评价 来公司已经有一段时间了,在加薪申请表里英文的自我评价可以怎么写?下面是小编为大家带来的范文,相信对你会有帮助的。加薪申请表英文自我评价篇一 ime flies, came towork, ha en mor thay. Se our companhs yr, step by sep thou te footpints, o see h year39;s change and eopment, rely ery happ. Self -evalation of myee#39;alayincease self-evution s th work of te errse,

2、this year, the comany hasal of thework of a whole upgad, th Ministryof Tinig wor on tright trak, thepartmet othewrk ofh Drtment oftmaic, sientifi,makeing pormance inreases,Productionofthe ork thecontined andardzion, re in th direction ofhe eign develent, all his is agrtfyigachevment. As a nviul, sin

3、ce th numbnt comay, feel th coany;s mosice cocenh a an traing,b several leadfheweight, care and hlp, bne n in, will be i the fture wok o e ersistent frs o fog ahea, ontinto develop their own, forentpriset mkegea cotiutins. t presnt, nterprises n very rapiddeveopmen sage, te rmanyra needto iproe.

4、The mstmportant ting is thining, conciousness, tis pin o th various ass of te bjecive reuirmetsof ntrpse and thinng, he staf shoudbepositive, espeially te progres ofomrdes, bu ls aytime, anywhee to coleaues o roote th implemetaton f varisprogrss hinig, expectm o hsa prgrss, to pat a home, a sense fo

5、wershi, r our business dveomet otntial n fact, th mot imortanthng istat everyoe ld abado the id hath cocpt of backwarness ad methodf workt vanced,sientific an moden theory nd mthods to guiethe wrad use, so ha enterpries an comete ihe modern foothldnd deelop, and this Is theyar Iwork fr th iportan wo

6、k. Deatment ofaffairs is oe ofmyn wor, is commtdo heestlhment nd mprvmnto eneprises,has complee thesystm n syste, theystem is being estabishd, andnfturwreed tcotinue to imprve animprove. rthe standardizationof entrpri,poedues ad ientific,hsre longtm signaceand vlue ewok. Oprationof lng-term leaershi

7、p tel rectthe thinkin of anagen, design t work frm, ollowup t imlemnttion of the provisons, icrs the inensity of implmentation. o apl for pouction lienrquiremen ofthe ocmen to oranie th peparatin o complee, cple h entire il yte Thestaff inhriti litl xriee, te drating of thcpany obe prdce alot of wor

8、k, but also designed e mpe billords,et. aloe, eliminaing th comany se othee poblems n henx tage, the eteri maneent stm to stregthen ad srengthen the tran, t epmentofOperatons i the fcs of wor,which closely related to the deeopment of enterpries.In tisyar, althoghnot syhat iniduals in the wo of entrp

9、rst playa ldn rol, but e boluteiitiativ to maeplans a dedcatio t th develent of nterprses spard no efort.Very plesed in he opeaion f nerisesanlay teirroe ine progres and depetof eerriss do eir on power,whci o n mpotnt mnftation o y peolvalues Pa s the es measreof the vaue f he wrk of the standar, ou

10、r saf s alovey understaning of the pursit ofpfit maximiztion, the cmpanll nedto reducethe ct. Howeer,e purpof bunes itse n oreto oba busiessbeneits, he urpose of wag nd lfre i velomt of hm esures, adtitel ehanc the operatng fficny f nterprs.For enterprie outside, the pay sitatio afects h eralcopettv

11、enesof enerpris (c asvsiility, reputatin, xcelle emplyee, etc), hus affeting he urvivl nd devlpmen of nerises; o h nerrise, te leelof salaryretly Determine e perfmance f staf wrk, oo or a moo. To soe xtent, god payituaion totestff bing trng ientve to rv hework o ntussm; conerselyncreased sabtemood,

12、nd ultmately afectthe evepmntpottal of th nterpi. I elieve thatfor a ertai abiy nd eutin of the sta, th bss n tiny, soh anift the worries, eace of mindfor busineserces.n theurrentmakecoditions and kowth situation, iens, pers, accoring to th ypeof nutr, jobs and jo cnten, ork xperiee,the enea salry in .Becase ouruinal aspects o the curretsysem is inthperfct stage, teobjectie that te pay nd benfits syste is of mprarynoruapay is udrstandale, so teecial slary nrease appiction, in dr g theladerh of my ork er



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