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1、文档来源为 :从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持VS Visa (Bank American card) (DC Diners Club人民币港币美元英镑瑞士法郎法国法郎日元瑞典克朗加拿大元澳大利亚元欧元(美国)运通信用卡(美国)东美卡(美国)大来信用卡(英国)巴克利卡(美国)国际万国卡(英国)欧洲卡(美国)万事达卡(英国)阿赛斯卡(日本)百万信用卡(日本)信贩卡(香港)发达卡(香港)海外信用卡(香港)行通卡尽早贵宾RMBH.K. DollarU.S DollarU.K PoundSwiss FrancsFrench FrancsJapanese Yen Sweden Kron

2、a Canada Dollar Australia DollarEurope DollarAE American ExpressBC BarclaysCB Carte BlancheEC Euro cardMC Master ChargeAC AccessMC Million CardJCBFC Federal CardOTBCC Current CardAs Soon As PossibleVery Important PersonAOC Appellation d Origine Controlee法定产区酒1. Good morning, sir. How many persons in

3、 your party, please?早安,先生,请问一共几位?(当宾客进入餐厅时)2. This way, please.请往这边走。3. Please sit down.请坐。4. Wait a moment./Just a minute.寺寺。5. Please look at the menu.请先看看菜单。6. Would you like to sit here?您喜欢坐这里吗?7. Excuse me, would you mind sharing the table with that gentleman (lady)? 对不起,您跟那位先生(小姐)合用一张台好吗?8. Ex

4、cuse me, it there a vacant seat?/Are there any vacant seat?对不起,这里有空位吗?9. Excuse me, may I take this chair?对不起,我可以用这张椅子吗?(给宾客点菜时)10. Excuse me, may I take your order now? 对不起,现在可以点菜吗?11. What wine would you like? We have. 您喜欢喝点什么酒?我们有12. Would you like to try todays special? 请尝尝今天的特菜好吗?13. Would you

5、like some dessert?您想吃点甜品吗?14. What else would you like?请问还需要什么吗?15. Sorry, it takes some time for this dish, could you wait a little bit longer?真对不起,这个菜需要一定时间,您能多等一会吗?16. Im very sorry, that dish is not available now.真对不起,这个品种刚卖完。17. All right, Ill contact the cook and make sure that you will be sat

6、isfied. 我跟厨师联系一下,会使您满意的。18. Sorry, this wine is only by glass, how about a bigger one?对不起,这种酒只卖零杯,您看杯大一点好吗?19. Can I arrange a snack for you if timeis pressing for you?如果您赶时间的话,我给您安排一些快餐饭菜好吗?20. Would you mind serving now?现在上菜好吗?21. Im sorry to make you wait for such a long time.真抱歉,耽误了您这么长的时间。22. E

7、xcuse me, Iv made a mistake aboutyour dish.请原谅,我把您的菜搞错了。23. Im very sorry, Ill do it again for you at once.实在对不起,我马上为您重做。24. Excuse me, is it yours?对不起,这是您的(菜)吗?25. Im awfully sorry, please wait a few more minutes.真抱歉,请再多等几分钟。(为宾客餐间服务时)26. Sorry, I will make sure and let you know.对不起,我问清楚后马上告诉您。27.

8、Would you like more rice?给您再添点饭好吗?28. Would you like anything else?您喜欢再要点别的吗?29. Would you like to have some fruit?您喜欢吃点水果吗?30. Is it enough?您的菜够吗?31. Did you enjoy yourself?您吃的满意吗?(撤去用后餐具时)32. May I take this plate away?我可以撤掉这个盘子吗?33. May I clean the table?我可以清理桌子吗?(给客人结账时)34. Please sign it.请您签字。3

9、5. Could you show me your room key? 请您出示房间钥匙。36. Please sign your name and room number on the bill.请您写上您的名字和房间号码。37. Sorry, you cant sign the bill here, cash only, please.对不起,我们这里不可以签单,请付现款吧。38. Here is your change.这是找给您的钱。39. Thank you, we dont accept tips.谢谢,我们这里不收小费。40. I hope you enjoyed your di

10、nner.希望您吃得满意(指正餐)。41. Excuse me, sir. We forgot to make out the bill for you yesterday, would you please pay it now?对不起, 先生, 昨天我们忘了跟您结账,现在付钱可以吗?42. Thank you, welcome here again.谢谢,欢迎您再来。职位名称Board Chairman董事长Boss老板General Managers Office 总经理室General Manager总经理Vice General Manager副总经理General Managers

11、 Assistant( 总经理助理Executive Office总经理办公室Director of Executive Office经理办公室主任Executive Secretary办公室秘书Mail Clerk收发员Sales Department销售部Sales Manager销售部经理Sales Marketing市场营销员Public Relations Department公关部Public Relations Manager 公关部经理 Public Relations Officer公关员Public Relations Assistant公共系接待员Receptionist

12、接待员Cashier收银员Food and Beverage Department餐饮部F&B Manager餐饮部经理Restaurant Supervisor 餐饮管理员 Restaurant Captain餐厅领班Waiter 男服务员 Waitress女服务员Restaurant Reservations餐厅预订员Hostess餐厅应接员Restaurant Captain餐厅开单员Restaurant Kitchen Coordinator 餐厅划菜员#文档来源为 : 从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑 .Kitchen Waiter走菜员Engineering Departmen

13、t 工程维修部Executive Chef厨师长Chief Engineer工程维修部经理Head Chef厨房主管Mechanic 机修工Cook炉灶厨师Air-conditioning Operator 空调工Butcher切配厨师Lift Operator电梯服务员cold Kitchen Cook冷盘配菜员ChefBartender西餐厨师 酒吧调酒师TablewaresBarmanBaker酒吧服务员面包房操作工基本餐具名称Pastry Cook点心工Steward餐具管事Cutlery刀、叉Dishwasher洗碟工table knife餐刀Grill Chef厨房烧烤工carvi

14、ng knife切肉用餐刀Food Hygienist食品检验员fish knife切鱼刀Chief Accountant财务主管butter knife黄油刀Accounting Clerk总账报表员fruit knife水果刀Payable/Receivable Clerk往来结算员cake knife切蛋糕刀Property Control财产核算员fork叉子Cost Control成本核算员fish fork鱼叉Pay Control工资核算员dessert fork点心叉Cashier出纳员soup ladle汤勺Purchasing Department采购部soup spoon汤匙Purchasing Manager采购部经理dessert spoon点心匙Food storeroom Supervisor 食品采保主管coffee spoon咖啡勺Food Buyer食品采购员tea spoon茶勺Food Receiver食品验收员plate, dish盘子Fresh Food Storage海鲜保管员dish碟子Dry Food Storage食品干货保管员saucer茶碟



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