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1、2012年9月公共英语二级考试真题及答案(文字完整版)A I doB I knowC I Wishin herD I agree22. She was so tired that she fell asleep chair.A sitt ingB to sitC being satD to have sat23. I would like to say a bigtha nk-youtoeveryonehas helped to make our meet ing a greatsuccess!A whichB thatC whoD whom24. Ifar too hard today an

2、d rvegot such aheadache now.A had workedB have bee n worki ng#C shall workD work25. It is difficult to designprogramthat will meetvarious n eeds of all our users.A the;theB a; theC /;theD /;/26. -Would you mi nd carry ing this book forme for twosec on ds, please?-Oh,B its all rightC let me seeD with

3、 pleasure27. I think hed like to stay at homethanout.A goesB goingC goneD go28. Can you hold the bag for methiseve ningratherI open thedoor?A because#B sinceC whileD for29. The company is losing money and havetoclose dow n.A shouldB wouldC mustD need30. He is certa inly anlawyer butpeople say thathe

4、 lacks a huma n touch.B experie needC ordinaryD unknown31, Allen guided ushe narrow streets to thestati on and saidgood-bye to us there.A throughB betwee nC intoD off32. Before going out, Lindaaquick look at herselfin the mirror on the wall.A will be tak ing#B was taki ngC had takenD took33. The ide

5、a of ope ning a new ci nema herewas not wise,as there are two here already,usually half-empty.A neitherB noneC eitherD both34. It was extremely cold., it bega n to snow.B After allC In any caseD As a result35. I cant stand around chatting-lvegotthings to dothis morni ng.A a millio nB milli onC a mil

6、lio n ofD millio ns第二节完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选 项中选出能填入相应空白处的选项,并在答题卡1上将该项涂黑。We are here, my morn said. This was the first time I hadcome with my mother to a homeless shelter(救助站). Weuni oaded the food from the car and went 36 tothe di ning area.My job was to offer 37 to every one.As I filled t

7、he large bowl with apples, oranges and bananas, I 38 myself for the task. How would I 39 them? Mom,I whispered. 40 do 1 say to them? Cant somebody else do this?She 41 her head. Just treat them like people,Caroli ne. Just treat them like youd treat 42 else. I got up, held my bowl 43 , and left the ki

8、tchen. Many people crowdedaround me waiting to 44 their fruit. They were very polite, 45 me with smiles and kind words.Tha nkyou, maam, or God bless ( 保佑)youimmediatelytook away all of my 46 . It was almost a shock to 47 so many tha nkful words.As I walked outside, one man caught my eye. He remin de

9、d me of San taClaus, 48 his sweet eyes and rosy cheeks. Sir,would you like some fruit?I asked. He looked at me and smiled. He lookeddow n at his 49 . He was holdi ng coffee and an empty plate. Helooked back at the fruit, 50 if he had room in his hands to carry it. 51 , he took a banana into the hand

10、 that held thecoffee, but then spilled(溅出)some of the coffeewith his n ervous 52 . He tha nked mea nd slowly 53 away.As we drove away from the shelter that after noon,Iremembered my morn say in g,Ithi nk we 54 over a hun dredpeople today. All Icould do was thi nk of the faces I had see n, and I 55 h

11、ow much they looked like mine.A cheerfullyB directlyC speciallyD freelyA mealsB soupC fruitD clothesA prepared#B heldCc on sideredD in troducedA smile atB talk toC look atD walk toA WhyB WhereC WhenD WhatA turnedB raisedC touchedDshookA everybodyB somebodyC a nybodyD nobodyA sile ntlyB tightlyC happ

12、ilyD lightlyA loadB offerC receiveD eatAtha nkingB filli ngC show ingD catchi ngA wordsBshocksC fearsD tired nessA sayB hearC repeatD rememberA apart fromB except forC because ofD in stead ofA feetB plateC handsD bananasA determ iningB see ingC guess ingD won deri ng51 .A FirmlyB CarefullyC GraduallyD ProbablyA touchesB eyesC moveme ntsD decisi onsA walkedBlookedC ranD droveA movedB fed



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