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1、新高考英语读后续写常用高分句型句型一 Sb was/were about to do when +从句【例句】She was about to do her homework whenher mother asked her to practice playing the piano. 她正要做作业时,母亲让她练习弹钢琴。【例句】He was about to give up when an idea came to him. 当他想到一个想法时,他正要放弃。句型二 It occurred to/hit/struck/ sb that +从句【例句】At that instant, it oc

2、curred to me that he actually got down on his hands and knees to work, making a living for his family. 那一刻,我突然想到,他居然跪在地上工作,为家人谋生。【例句】It occurred to me that sometimes, a little encouragement will help make a confident person. 我突然想到,有时候,一点点鼓励会帮助成为一个自信的人。句型三 An idea/A thought crossed ones mind/flashed

3、into ones mind (that+同位语从句).【例句】As he heard the sound of hammering from a side street, an idea crossed his mind that he could collected nail bags and sell them back to the factory for five cents a piece. 当他听到一条小街上传来锤击声时,他脑海中闪过一个念头,他可以收集指甲袋,然后以每只五美分的价格卖回工厂。【例句】Suddenly, a thought flashed into his min

4、d that he could prepared the gift by himself. 突然,他脑海中闪过一个念头,他可以自己准备礼物。句型四 ones words echoed in ones ears【例句】At those times, the teachers words always echoed in his ears. “You can make it!” 那时,老师的话总是在他耳边回荡。“你能做到的!”【例句】Tom was close to tears. Suddenly, grandmas words echoed in his ears. “Never give up

5、!” 汤姆几乎要流泪了。突然,奶奶的话在他耳边回荡。“永不放弃!”句型五 Laughter/applause echoed/lingered through +地点【例句】Thunderous applause echoed through the classroom.【例句】Laughter lingered through the house.句型六 out of +地点/out/into +地点/in/away/off +walked (rushed /stormed.) +主语 【例句】Out of the house rushed a dog, followed by a puppy

6、. 从屋子里冲出一只狗,后面跟着一只小狗。【例句】Out dashed Mary, crying all the way. 玛丽冲了出来,一路哭泣。句型七 地点状语(in the box.) lay / was / were +主语【例句】I stopped teaching and open it up. In the box were a shirt and a note from Freddys mother. 停止了教学,打开了它。盒子里有一件衬衫和一张弗雷迪母亲的纸条。【例句】Inside the bottle was a piece of paper. 瓶子里有一张纸。句型八 Sb

7、 did sth, only to find 【例句】After hours in the cold and wet, he reached inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some ID so he could contact the driver, only to find it contained 400 in notes, with another 50 in spare change beside it. 在寒冷潮湿的环境中呆了几个小时后,他把手伸进去,掏出钱包,希望能找到一些身份证,这样他就可以联系司机,却发现里面有4

8、00英镑的钞票,旁边还有50英镑的零钱。【例句】I turned back to the tractor, only to find it move suddenly away from me. 我转身走向拖拉机,却发现它突然从我身边移开了。句型九 With +n+doing, sb did sth【例句】I remember the day was cold and grey, with a light rain falling slowly but constantly. 我记得那天很冷,灰蒙蒙的,下着小雨,缓慢而持续。【例句】Susan sat on the grass, with he

9、r head drooping. 苏珊坐在草地上,低着头。句型十 With +n+done, sb did sth【例句】The dog edged toward me, with its head lowered and teeth bared. 那只狗向我走来,低着头,露出牙齿。【例句】He sat there with his eyes closed. 他闭着眼睛坐在那里。句型十一 Not until +that moment/then/从句did sb do sth【例句】Not until the teacher came in did the students stop talki

10、ng. 直到老师进来,学生们才停止说话。【例句】Not until I grew up did I understand how much my parents loved me. 直到我长大了,我才明白我的父母有多爱我。句型十二 It was +强调部分(主宾状)+that 【例句】It was the longing to be home thatquickened steps. 正是对回家的渴望加快了脚步。【例句】It was when the leaves turned golden that these birds began to fly south. 当树叶变成金色时,这些鸟才开

11、始向南飞翔。句型十三 Had it not been for / Without / But for +n, sb would not have done sth 【例句】But for your guidance, we would not have settled the problem. 如果没有您的指导,我们无法解决问题。【例句】Had it not been for the experience, we would not have made a new friend. 如果不是这次经历,我们就不会结交新朋友。句型十四 Doing sth, sb felt as if sb did sth / sb had done sth【例句】Looking at the man, she felt as if she had known him for years. 看着这个男人,她觉得自己好像认识他很多年了。【例句】Talking about pyramids, he felt as if he had seen them himself. 说起金字塔,他觉得自己好像亲眼见过金字塔。2



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