译林牛津版七年级英语上预备教程Unit 2A happy family 教学设计

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1、预备教程 Unit2 A happy family教学设计【教材分析】A happy family 是预备教程第二单元的内容,主要围绕“我的家庭”这一话题展开教学,主要涉及和询问有关人物Who are you? Who is he? Who is she?职业:What is he /she? What are you? 介绍别人: This is 、 He /She is、。以及一些相关的职业名称等。其中关于职业的询问是本单元的重点,在教学时,教师要按照学生的认知规律,创设情景,为学生创设轻松活泼的学习氛围,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的英语思维表达能力。【学情分析】在谈论人物这一环节中

2、,学生已经学会交流姓名。通过本单元的学习,学生将在原有的基础上了解各种职业名称,学会关于职业的询问,交流的内容更为丰富,也将会通过学习进一步感受学习的乐趣,学会合作,学会表达。【目标分析】根据以上分析将本课时的教学三维目标、教学重点难点定位如下:1、 知识目标(1) 能听懂、会说、会默写单词:policeman doctor nurse driver teacher (2) 能听懂、会说、会默写主要句型:What is he /she ? He /she is a doctor. Who is that man? He is my uncle . (3) 获得运用所学语言句型交际能力。2、 能

3、力目标培养学生初步询问职业的交际能力,能与他人合作交往的能力。3、 情感目标激发学生的英语学习兴趣,唤起学生对未来职业的向往热情。4、 教学重点和难点5、 单词:policeman doctor nurse driver teacher 的拼写。6、 句型:What is he /she ? He /she is a doctor. Who is that man? He is my uncle 的掌握。教学准备:课件,图片教学设计流程:Step one: Revision 1、Revise the sentences. Use the Multi-media to present the f

4、ollowing content:Who is she ? She is MillieWho is he ? He is Bob.What is it ? It is a photo.Ask two students of a group to perform the dialogues. Encourage them to speak English loudly and dont be shy.Step two: presentationRevise the use of the words: What and Whowhat: 对物提问 who: 对人提问1、Ask the studen

5、ts to preview the sentences on page14 and to translate the sentences。2、Ask some excellent students to translate the sentences:“ Whats he / she ?” and guide them to summarize another use of “what” then use the Multi-media to present:what : 对物提问What is it ? It is a photo of my family.what: 对职业、工作的提问Wh

6、at is he / she ? He / she is a teacher.4.What are you? What is he she? ImHes Shes、 导入:在上述交流中由学生高过度到询问教室里来听课的教师的情况。 Who is the man in the classroom?(Mr Gao ). Is he a student too?(No) What is he ?(He is a teacher) 呈现生词:teacher 和句型 What is he ?(设计意图:导入开门见山,从教室的教师谈起,导入职业,联系生活,充分挖掘利用班级一切可以服务于教学活动和学习活动的自

7、然人与物的资源, 清新朴实,化繁为简,简洁明了。 5.、worker导入;多媒体出示工人的图片。Is he a teacher too? No ,he is a worker.Read worker Talk about worker: What is he ? Is your father a worker? Do you want to be a worker?Why? Which famous worker do you know?渗透徐虎等工人模范。(设计意图:任何学科都有它的育人价值,在本环节的教学中,教师针对学生普遍不愿意当工人、认为工人低人一等的情况,让学生探讨当代工人模范徐虎等

8、。从而充分挖掘教材的育人价值,把知识性和思想性有机的结合起来,让学生明白学生只要认真工作,在任何岗位都能取得成功,体现英语课知识与育人的结合。6、同法教学单词:policeman nurse driver Step Three Practice1. Ask the students to read the dialogues and the words fluently.2. 4 students of a group. Use the words about someones job and the sentences to ask classmates parents jobs.Step

9、Four Performance1. Ask some groups to come to the blackboard to perform the dialogues.2. Encourage some weak students to perform fewer dialogues and give them warm applause.(设计意图:初一年级的学生注意力不容易持久。并且有一种争强好胜的向上心理,教师充分考虑学生的心理年龄特点挖掘教材,学生乐于表现,积极为本组争光,教学效果较好,也避免了教学时的沉闷和枯燥,在轻松愉悦中掌握了职业的询问和回答。Step Five Do som

10、e exercisesUse the Multi-media to present the following exercises:根据中文提示,在课文中找到下列单词。1 My father is_(教师 2 My uncle is a_(医生) 3 My sister is a_(护士)4 Smiths father is a_(警察)Step Six Sum up1. The use of “what” and “who”2. How to ask someones job.3. To grasp the words about ones job. Step Seven Homework1. Make dialogues using what & who. 2. Read a passage “Different jobs”(设计意图:阅读是收集处理信息、发展思维、或得丰富经验,从而积极主动地吸收、思考、了解的过程。本篇阅读紧扣本单元的主题,对一些职业的介绍以及他们的工作特征,是对教材的课外拓展和延伸,不仅让学生了解了书本以外的职业,更对西方人的职业观有了一些认识,开阔了学生的视野,提高学生感受、理解、欣赏的能力。也激发了学生对各种职业的热情,对今后职业的憧憬。)



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