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1、吉林华桥外国语学院本科毕业论文(2010级)姓 名:李珊珊学 号:2102100229院 系:英语学院 专 业:英语(教育方向)指导教师:张兰二一四年六月A Study on English Cultural Teaching and Its Solutions in Middle SchoolA Case Study of the NO.98 Middle 初中英语文化教学存在的问题与对策研究以第九十八中学为例姓 名:李珊珊院 系:英语学院 专 业:英语(教育方向)指导教师:张兰 吉林华桥外国语学院 Jilin Huaqiao Foreign Languages InstituteiAbst

2、ractWith the development of globalization and network, English playing a very important role as an international language. Junior is an essential period of learning English and developing capacity. Junior English includes English language teaching and English cultural teaching. The position of cultu

3、ral teaching has become increasingly important in the current junior school. Cultural teaching is the precondition of quality education especially in training students humanistic qualities. It is the inherent demand for the relationship between language and culture. It is the need of English curricu

4、lum standard and cultivating communication talents. However, in Chinas English education, students and teachers only pay attention to learn language skills, while ignoring the cultural teaching. This paper studies the junior English cultural teaching with a combination of various analytical methods.

5、 The current situation of cultural teaching has been analyzed on existing problems. The corresponding solutions have been explored to improve the teaching efficiency and promote the rapid development of English teaching level. Key Words: Junior English; Cultural teaching; Problems; causes; counterme

6、asuresii摘 要伴随着经济全球化和信息网络化的进程,英语作为一门国际通用语言,发挥着越来越重要的作用。我国历来重视英语教学,初中阶段更是学生学习英语、发展能力的重要时期。初中英语不仅要进行英语语音、词汇和语法等语言知识的教学,而且还要进行英语文化的教学。当前的初中英语教育中,文化教学的地位已经越来越重要。初中英语文化教学是进行素质教育尤其是培养学生人文素养的前提。初中英语文化教学是语言与文化相互关系的内在需要,是英语课程标准的要求,也是培养跨文化交际人才的需要。但目前我国的英语教育中,学生和老师都只重视语言技能的学习,而忽略文化教学。本文以初中英语文化教学为研究对象,综合采用各种分析方法

7、,对初中英语文化教学的现状进行分析,找出其中存在的问题,深刻分析其产生的原因,进一步分类整理之后,提出相应的切实可行的解决对策,最终达到提高教学效率,促进英语教学水平的快速发展的目的。 关键词:初中英语;文化教学;存在问题;产生原因;对策;iiiContentsIntroduction1I. A Brief Introduction to Junior English Cultural Teaching21.1 The Content and Method of Junior English Cultural Teaching21.2 The Importance and Feasibilit

8、y of Junior English Cultural Teaching2II. The Existing Problems of Junior English Cultural Teaching62.1 Lacking of Cultural Teaching Content and Single Source62.2 Not Enough Attention on Cultural Teaching72.3 Monotone and Inefficient Cultural Teaching Method82.4 Divorcing from Life and Practice9III.

9、 The Causes of the Problems93.1 Lacking of English Cultural Background Knowledge103.2 Lacking of Attention and Active Learning on Cultural Teaching113.3 Lacking of English Cultural Teaching Conception and Theoretical Method13IV. Solutions to Improve Junior English Cultural Teaching154.1 Enhancing St

10、udents Cultural Awareness and Autonomous Inquiry Ability164.2 Changing Teachers Ideas and Enhancing Cultural Knowledge and Teaching Theory164.3 Combining Basic Knowledge with Culture and Comparison between English and Chinese18Conclusion19Bibliography21ivA Study on English Cultural Teaching and Its

11、Solutions in Middle SchoolIntroductionEnglish teaching has been widely appreciated and made a great development and remarkable achievements in our current junior school education. Language and culture are inextricably linked. Culture teaching needs to be incorporated into language teaching. But now

12、in Chinas English education, students and teachers only pay attention to learn language skills while ignoring the cultural teaching. Making our students can only do examinations, but cant use in practical situations. Therefore, improving their cultural awareness and ability to identify differences o

13、f Chinese and Western cultures is a powerful supplement to assist students with English language learning.With the ongoing of curriculum reform, problem and corresponding solutions have been proposed. This research hopes to help students realize the importance of cultural learning. Through the learn

14、ing of English cultural knowledge to produce English learning motivation, enhance interest in learning English, and to improve the efficiency of learning English for junior students, then lay a solid foundation for further English learning. In addition, hopes that the study of English culture teachi

15、ng can let junior English teachers to improve teaching emphasis on culture in teaching practice and to recognize that they must have rich cultural knowledge of English speaking countries in order to implement the culture teaching, which can also improve the junior English teachers individual qualities of English cultural. Finally, I hope this article to improve the level of junior English teaching and academic level, to provide some help for the junior English teaching reform and developmen



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