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1、by:StudyplayerLesson 71awful(形容词)让人讨厌的,坏的!Hes awful!他讨厌透了!The weather was awful.天气太糟糕了。His handwriting is awful;I cant read it.他的书写太糟糕了,我读不了。telephone(动词和名词)打电话;电话He telephoned me four times yesterday,and three times the day before yesterday.他昨天给我打了4次电话,前天打了3次。Someone telephoned you just now.刚才有人给你打

2、电话了。Has Lily telephoned yet?莉莉打电话来了吗?time(名词)次(数)I must have called you ten times.我肯定你打了有十次电话了。answer(动词)接(电话)But I didnt answer the phone!我没有接电话。No one answered the door.没有人来开门。He answered the phone in a great hurry.他急急忙忙地去接电话。last(形容词)最后的,前一次的Did he telephone again last night?他昨天晚又打电话了吗?Did you wa

3、tch the game on TV last night?你昨天晚上看比赛了吗?I havent seen Tom since last year.我从去年就没有见过汤姆。phone(名词)电话There are many phones for you today.今天有很多电话找你。She is speaking on the phone now.她现在正在打电话。again(副词)又一次地Can you say that again?你能再说一次吗?I never saw him again.我再也没有见过他了。say(动词)说What did your boss say to him?

4、你老板是怎么对他说的?He left without saying goodbye.他没有说再见就离开了。What he says is true.他的话是真的。Lesson 73week(名词)周Last week Mrs.Mills went to London.上星期米尔斯夫人去了伦敦。I wash my hair twice a week.我周洗两次头。See you next week!下周见!London(名词)伦敦I hav eseen him once in London.我在伦敦见过他一次。He is now studying in a school on London.他目

5、前在伦敦的一所学校读书。suddenly(副词)突然地Suddenly,she saw a man near a bus stops.突然,她在公共汽车站附近看到一个人。Suddenly,there was a big noise.忽然一声巨响。He turned back suddenly and looked at me.他忽然转过身来看着我。bus stop公共汽车站Is the bus stop far away from here?车站离这里远吗?You can take No.28 bus at the nearest bus stop.你可以在最近的车站搭乘28路车。smile(

6、动词)微笑The man smiled pleasantly.这人友好地笑了笑。She always smiles in a friendly manner.她总是很友好地微笑着。What makes you smile?你干嘛笑呢?pleasantly(副词)愉快地It is pleasantly warm in May.五月的天气温暖宜人。The little girl is talking pleasantly with her mother.小女孩正跟她妈妈愉快地交谈着。understand(动词)懂,明白He did not understand English!他不懂英语。The

7、students cant understand what the teacher says.学生听不明白老师说的。He doesnt understand Chinese,try English.他听不懂中文,用英语试试。speak(动词)讲,说He spoke German.他讲德国语Do you speak French?你说法语吗?Id like to speak with you for a minute.我想跟你说一会儿话。hand(名词)手Then he put his hand into his pocket,and took out a prasebook.然后他把手伸进衣袋

8、,掏出了一本常用语手册。Your hands are dirty,go and wash them.你的手很脏,去洗洗吧。He came into the house,with a box in his hands.他手里拿着盒子,走进屋里。Pocket(名词)衣袋He always likes to put some change in his pockets.他总是喜欢在衣袋里放点零钱。The tickets are in my coat pocket.票在我的外衣口袋里。phrasebook(名词)短语手册,常用语手册He is carrying a French phrasebook

9、everywhere.他到处都带着一本法语常用手册。Can you find this word in the phrasebook?你在常用语手册里找到这个字吗?phrase(名词)短语He opend the book and found a phrase.他翻开书找到一条短语。If you want to learn English well,you must try to remember more words and phrases.如果你把英语学好,就必须去尽量去记多一些单词和短语。slowly(副词)缓慢地He read the phrase slowly.他缓缓地读着短语。He

10、 is tired and is slowly walking back home.他很累,正慢慢地走回家。The bus moved on very slowly.公共汽车缓慢前行。Lesson 74hurriedly(副词)匆忙地He shaved hurriedly this morning and cut himself badly.今天早上他匆忙地刮胡了时把自己刮伤了。It was late and she walked home hurriedly.天黑了,她匆忙地给他的小儿子穿衣服。cut(动词)割,切I am going to have my hair cut this aft

11、ernoon.我今天下午要去理发。She cut the cake into many pieces.她把蛋糕切成很多块。thirstily(副词)口渴地I gave him a glass of water and he drank it thirstily.他饥渴万分地把给他的那杯水喝完了。He drank the whole bottle of coco-cola thirstily.他很口渴地把整瓶可乐都喝了。He read throught the newspaper thirstily.他如饥似渴地读着报纸。go(动词)走The bus went slowly yesterday

12、afternoon and we arrived home late.昨天下午公共汽车开得很慢所以我们回家迟了。We went to the cinema last night.昨晚我们去看了电影。I will go there by taxi.我会打的士到那里的。greet(动词)问候,打招呼I met her in the street the day before yesterday and she greeted me warmly.前天我在街上碰见她时她很热情地和我打招呼。She went up to greet the tuests.他上前去跟客人打招呼。I dont know h

13、er well,though we greet each time we meet.我们见面都打招呼,但是我跟她不熟。Lesson 75ago(副词)以前We had some shoes like those a month ago,but we dont have any now.一个月前我们有这样的鞋,但是现在没有了。The story took place many years ago.故事发生在很多年前。buy(动词)买But my sister bought this pair last month.但是,我姐姐上个月买了一双这样的。I need to buy a new radi

14、o.我需要去卖一部新的收音机。What have you bought?看看你买了什么东西?pair(名词)双,对There are several pairs of dancers in the hall.大厅里有几对舞蹈演员。Do you know where I put that pair of glasses?你知道我的眼镜搁在哪儿了吗?fashion(名词)(服装的)流行式样They were in fashion last year and the year before last.这些在去年和前年时兴。Her dress is the latest fashion this year.她的裙子是今年的最新款式。What hat is in fashion now?现在流行哪种帽子?uncomfortable(形容词)不舒服They are ery uncomfortable,But woman always wear uncomfort



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