
2022年福建省南平市第八中学高一英语上学期期末试题含解析 一、 选择题 1. I guess Tom won’t keep on asking me the time from now on as he has had his watch _____. A. repaired B. repairing C. to repair D. being repaired 参考答案: A 2. To be able to catch up with the other students, he needs ___ hard work; he needs your encouragement, too.   A. other than  B. rather than     C. less than     D. more than 参考答案: D 略 3. ----Do you know the most ancient city in China---Xi’an well ?    ----No, this is the first time I ______ here .    A. came     B. have come     C. am coming     D. come 参考答案: B 4. Though to see ________ Joe, the professor gave Joe a warm welcome. A. surprised B. was surprised    C. surprising   D. being surprised 参考答案: A 5. Julie was good at German, French and Russian, all of ________ she spoke fluently. A. who                                  B. whom                              C. which                               D. that 参考答案: C 6. Your story is perfect. I have never heard ______ than yours. A. the better one    B. the best one   C. a better one       D. a best one 参考答案: C 7. The belief ________ people find it more convenient to shop online ________ in the research. A. that; was proved B. that; were proved C. which; proved         D. whether; proved 参考答案: A 8. The natural protection zones protect animals __________ . A.from killed                B. being killed       C.from killing               D. from being killed 参考答案: D 9. Because the shop____,all the T-shirts are sold at half price.     A. has closed down  B.closed down    C.is closing down    D.had closed down 参考答案: C 10. The rain poured down, so he ________ the idea of jogging outside. A. thought up B. adopted C. came up with D. abandoned 参考答案: D 【详解】考查动词(短语)辨析。句意:雨倾盆而下,所以他放弃到外面慢跑的想法。A. thought up想起;B. adopted采纳,收养;C. came up with想出;D. abandoned放弃。根据生活常识可知,下雨应该都会放弃去外面跑步。故选D。 11. At that time they could not produce ______ computers, let alone high-grade ones.     A.normal         B.ordinary       C.popular        D.public 参考答案: B 17. With the old worker ____ , we finished the work on time.      A. help us                        B. helped us                 C. helping us           D. to help us 参考答案: C 略 13.  This book ____ 12 units, ____ the unit of Good Friends. A. contains, including                                B. includes, containing C. contains, includes                                  D. including, contains 参考答案: A 14. A brief history of time, written by Stephen Hawking,________  in 1988 and has been translated into more than 40 languages ever since. A. published B. is published C. was published D. has been published 参考答案: C 【详解】考查时态和语态。句意:史蒂芬·霍金的著作《时间简史》于1988年出版,至今已被翻译成40多种语言。该空和has been translated并列作谓语,主语A brief history of time和publish之间是被动关系,该句应用被动语态。且根据时间状语in 1988可知,该空应用一般过去时态。故选C。 15. --__________I return the dictionary within three days? --No, you __________.You _________keep it for five days. A. May; needn't; will                       B. Can; mustn't; would C. Must; don't have to; can             D. Shall; can't; should 参考答案: C 16. With good service, the restaurant can bring you a more _______ dining experience. A. enjoyable     B. disabled     C. terrible     D. able 参考答案: A 17. He has got lung cancer__________smoking twenty cigarettes a day. A. so                  B. as a result of        C. as a result       D. so that 参考答案: B 考查副词及短语辨析。句意为:由于每天吸20根烟,他得了肺癌。so表示“所以”;as a result of表示“由于”;as a result表示“结果”;so that表示“以便、为了”,故B项正确。 二、 单词拼写 18. Do you like     (冒险)in your life? 参考答案: adventure 你喜欢生活中的冒险吗? 考查名词.根据所给的汉语提示"冒险"和空前的动词like可知,此处应用名词形式作动词的宾语,"冒险"的英语是adventure且为不可数名词,故填adventure. 19. 阅读下列句子, 根据提示用所需词汇的正确形式填空使句意通顺。 61. Americans are ready to __________ (招待) foreigners at their homes, share their holidays and their home life. 62. There were so many tourists on the Great Wall that I got s___________ from my friends by the crowd. 63. The teacher often reminds us that we should take our schoolwork s______________, or we will never make any _____________(进步) in our studies. 64. Yesterday I had my wallet __________ (偷) while shopping so I had to walk home. 65. Harry Potter is so popular in the world that it has been t________ into many languages. 66. The ___________ (increase) number of cars makes the traffic in our city heavier and heavier. 67. I have made all e_______ to get used to my new school life. I’m glad I have made it. 68. After a long day of hard work, I usually do some sports to make myself r_________. 69. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! It is my p__________ to be invited to make a speech here. 70. T_________ to the hunter’s help, we managed to walk out of the forest. 71. It is generally __________ (accept) that she is the best student in the class. 72. I heard that she had a__________ great success, and won a prize. 73. It is high time to do something to prevent our environment from being ______________(污染). 74. It so ______

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