2023届高三英语总复习 (人教版2019)冠词、代词、介词考点运用(教师版)

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1、2023届高三英语总复习 (人教版2019)冠词、代词、介词考点运用冠词冠词是语法填空题的常考点,经常考查不定冠词a,an和定冠词the的基本用法和固定搭配。解答冠词类题目时,首先需要明确设空处是表示特指还是泛指,如果是前者用the,后者则需要再判断用a还是an。短文改错中的冠词类题目,除了判断是表示特指还是泛指外,还需要注意单数可数名词前必须有冠词。同时对常见的固定搭配中的冠词也要熟练掌握。(一)考点练悟(用冠词填空)When I walked down 1._ Third Avenue, as 2._ rule, I used to look into the windows of 3._

2、 old shop that sold old and beautiful things. Since I often took my walk after the closing time, I cupped my hands against 4._ windows to get 5._ small look at the treasures inside.Some things looked as if they had not been noticed for 6._ long time, but I knew their beauty was still there beneath t

3、heir own surface. I even thought they were 7._ most beautiful that I had ever seen. That was how I felt about old people, too. I knew their value, and it hurt me when others missed it. I was raised by my grandmother and given 8._ deep sense of the value of experience. Taught to behave well, my siste

4、r and I respected other people, regardless of their age or color. My grandmother was loved by all 9._ people around her. She was known to be 10._ wise and kind woman, who was able to do things well even in her last years.Old people should be treated as fine gold. They may be gradually tarnished (失去光

5、泽) by age, but they can be polished with respect. You might be surprised by their bright and shining qualities.【答案】1.the2.a3.an4.the5.a6.a7.the8.a9.the10.a(二)快捷技法思考趋向如何确定填冠词如果空格后有名词(短语)而且二者搭配在一起表示泛指或特指含义,或者有序数词、最高级、表示特指意义的比较级等形式,那么空格处一般是填冠词。解题规则如何确定填什么冠词1不定冠词a/an的常考点(1)表示泛指,相当于“a certain”。(如题3,6,10)

6、(2)表示类指,指某类中的“任何一个”。(3)表示量指,但数的概念没有one强烈。(4)表示“每”,相当于per,用于价格、速度、频率等表达中。(5)考查固定搭配中的不定冠词。(如题2,6)(6)和具有某些特征、状态或情感的抽象名词连用表示具体的概念。(如题5,8)2定冠词the的常考点(1)特指某人或某物。(如题4,9)(2)用于最高级或序数词前或由only, very, same等修饰的名词前。(如题1,7)(3)和形容词、过去分词连用,表示一类人或事物。(4)用在“逢十”的年代前,表示“在某世纪几十年代”。(5)定冠词常用在一些固定搭配中。一、不定冠词a/anMy friend Lind

7、a is an honest girl studying in a university.We are of an age,we both like milk and we drink a cup of milk a day.So we think a cow is very useful.不定冠词的用法表示泛指“某个”。当说话人第一次提及某人、某物时通常用不定冠词;在读音以辅音音素开头的单词前用a,在读音以元音音素开头的单词前用an。表示“同一”。表示“一”这个数量,但数的概念没有one强烈。表示“每一”,相当于per。表示“一类”事物。二、定冠词 theMr Smith is a teac

8、her from the United States.He was the first foreign teacher I had met.In the 1990s,he and his wife were traveling along the Yangtze Riverwhen a ship wrecked.The Smiths came up to help the injured and saved a boy by catching him by the arm.The boys parents said they were the kindest people in the wor

9、ld.They would remember the couple forever.定冠词的用法用于普通名词构成的专有名词之前。用于序数词之前。用在世纪前或用在逢十的年代前,后者表示“在某世纪几十年代”。用于江河湖海山岛前。用在表示姓氏的复数名词之前,表示“一家人”或“夫妻俩”。用在形容词或分词前,表示某一类人或物。摸/打/抓(等表动作的词)sb.介词the身体部位。用于形容词或副词的最高级前。用在世界上独一无二的事物前。表示上文已经提到过的人或事物。三、零冠词When learning that teachers are badly needed in remote districts,Li

10、ly volunteered to teach in a remote place.Local people have made her headmaster of the school since her arrival and she teaches Chinese,maths,and English herself from spring to winterand from Monday to Sunday.On weekends,she teaches them to play volleyball and chess.When she finds many children atte

11、nding school without having lunch,she raises money for the childrens meals.零冠词常用的几种情况表泛指的复数名词或不可数名词前。表示头衔和职务的名词作表语、同位语或补足语时。表示语言、学科的名词前不用冠词。季节、月份、日期、星期、节假日前不用冠词。球类运动、棋类游戏的名词前不用冠词。一日三餐前一般不加冠词。随堂练习题组一冠词的基本用法.单句填空1.Also known as the Snow Dragon, the icebreaker carrying a research team set sail from Sha

12、nghai on Nov. 2 last year, beginning countrys 35th Antarctic expedition.2.Its not all that hard to build an advanced and large vocabulary. Like many things in life,its ongoing process. 3.Chaplin liked idea of working in the film industry because it would mean a new life. 4.Three became political lea

13、ders;three became doctors;the most famous graduate became university teacher and was responsible for the introduction of modern teaching methods in his country.【答案】1.the2.an3.the4.a题组二冠词的习惯用法.单句填空1.The sound of the car died away in distance. 2.Eating chocolate once in while makes it easier for you t

14、o resist eating it all the time. 3.Beavers build themselves curious huts to live in, and quite frequently great number of these huts are placed close together. 4.All ofsudden, a student rushed in and pushed her aside.【答案】1.the2.a3.a4.a代词近几年,高考对代词的考查主要集中在代词的基本用法上,因此这类试题一般较为简单。语法填空侧重对it用法的考查;而短文改错对代词的

15、考查主要集中在不定代词、反身代词、形容词性物主代词和代词的格等的用法上。考生在解题时要根据语境、句意判断人称和数,应仔细阅读上下文,根据代词具体指代的对象和在句中充当的成分,确定代词的格。未来高考对代词的考查将继续侧重代词的基本用法,并会加强语境的真实性和复杂性。(一)考点练悟(用代词填空)“Without the ball, Im half complete of 1._ (I),” Luis Figo, one of the worlds greatest football players once said.The Portuguese played his first international match in 1991 at the age of 18 and has kept scoring ever since.He reached a new mark on February 18 by playing 2._ (he) hundredth match fo



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