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1、关于登山的生英语作文_高考真题英语作文4篇关于”登山的生“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Mountaineering。以下是关于登山的生的高考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。高分英语作文1:Mountaineering In order to encourage the students to do outdoor sports, our school organized a mountaineering activity on April 4. Hundreds of people took part in the mountaineering. The weather was fin

2、e this morning. We gathered at the foot of Daqing Mountain and walked happily to the top of the mountain. Along the way, we talked and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful scenery. When some people fell behind, some people would come to help in a few hours. We all bathed in the sun and arrived at the

3、 top of the mountain. We jumped up and cheered. This activity benefited us a lot, not only us Close to nature, let us relax from the heavy schoolwork, but also promote the friendship between us, what a wonderful time. 中文翻译: 为了鼓励学生们进行户外运动,我们学校于四月四日组织了一次登山活动。几百人参加了登山活动。今天上午天气不错,我们聚在大庆山脚下,兴高采烈地向山顶走去,一路

4、上我们谈笑风生,欣赏着清新的空气和美丽的风景当有些人落后了,有些人几个小时后就会来帮忙,我们都沐浴在阳光下到达了山顶,我们跳起来欢呼,这项活动使我们受益匪浅,不仅让我们亲近大自然,让我们从繁重的课业中得到放松,还促进了我们之间的友谊,多么美好的时光。 万能作文模板2:登山攀岩 In order to encourage the students to do outdoor sports, our school organized a mountaineering activity on April 4. Hundreds of people took part in the mountaine

5、ering. The weather was fine this morning. We gathered at the foot of SONGFENG mountain and walked happily to the top of the mountain. We talked and enjoyed the fresh air and beautiful scenery all the way. Some people were behind. Some people would come to help in a few hours. We all bathed in the su

6、n and arrived at the top of the mountain. We cheered. After that, we had a happy picnic there. This activity has benefited us a lot. It not only makes us get close to nature and relax our body and mind from the heavy schoolwork, but also establishes a close friendship with each other. What an unforg

7、ettable time. 中文翻译: 为了鼓励学生们进行户外运动,我们学校于四月四日组织了一次登山活动。几百人参加了登山活动。今天上午天气不错,我们聚在松峰山脚下,兴高采烈地向山顶走去,一路谈笑风生,享受着新鲜的空气和美丽的风景,有些人落后了,有些人几个小时后就会来帮忙,我们都沐浴在阳光下到达了山顶,我们欢呼雀跃,在那之后,我们在那里进行了一次愉快的野餐。 这项活动使我们受益匪浅,不仅使我们从繁重的课业中亲近自然、放松身心,而且我们彼此建立了亲密的友谊,这是一段多么难忘的时光。 满分英语范文3:登山的生 Nowadays, travel has become an essential par

8、t of many peoples lives, because more and more people are beginning to realize the impact of travel on them. My travel focus is rock climbing, which makes me a better person. I began to like traveling very early. I fell in love with geography in school because I took me anywhere for my parents. Part

9、 of the reason is that My climbing experience after college is very similar. I carry a heavy bag full of all necessary equipment and materials. Climbing the steep ridge is a challenging activity. Whether I really like climbing the top, the climbing process itself enriches the connotation of the acti

10、vity. The contact and friendship obtained from strangers and partners also help others in the process 。 The excitement and learning gained from the activity was not just ended at the scene, but stayed with me after I returned to my daily life. Climbing has taught me a lot of lessons, the most import

11、ant of which is the people who stick to climbing. 中文翻译: :)如今,旅行已成为许多人生活中必不可少的一部分,因为越来越多的人开始意识到旅行给他们带来的影响我的旅行重点是攀岩,这项活动使我成为一个更好的人我很早就开始喜欢旅行了,因为我的父母带我去任何地方,我在学校就爱上了地理部分原因是,这与我大学毕业后的登山经历非常吻合,我背着一个装满所有必要设备和物资的沉重袋子,爬上陡峭的山脊是一项挑战性的活动,我是否真的很喜欢登顶,攀岩的过程本身就丰富了活动的内涵从陌生人和伙伴那里获得的联系和友谊我也学会了如何在这个过程中帮助他人。从活动中获得的兴奋和学习不仅仅是在现场结束,而是在我回到日常生活后留在我身边。攀岩教会了我许多经验教训,其中最重要的是坚持攀登的人。- 4 -



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