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1、湖南省永州市邮亭圩镇梅溪中学高三英语期末试卷含解析一、 选择题1. The free gift doesnt look good. _, madam, but if you want good quality, you have to pay for it. A. No problem B. No doubt C. No offence D. No way 参考答案:C2. Tony _ the invitation, otherwise he would have attended your birthday party. A. couldnt have received B. mustnt

2、 have received C. neednt have received D. shouldnt have received参考答案:A3. Dont respond to any e-mails _ personal information, no matter how official they look.A. requestedB. requestC. requestingD. to be requested参考答案:C【考点】现在分词【试题解析】分析句子,可知空格处应该充当emails的后置定语。又由于emails与request之间是主动关系,故用现在分词,根据句意,可知选C。句

3、意:别回复那些要你个人信息的电邮,无论它们看上去有多么的正式。4. But for your timely help, I wouldnt have finished the task on time .AYou are right BIt doesnt matter CAll right DIts nothing参考答案:D5. Yesterday,IreadWhite Night by Higashino Keigo. Such a good book! _.NoonecanmatchHigashino Keigo inartistictalent.A.YousaiditB.You don

4、t say C.You cant be seriousD. You set me up参考答案:A6. Thank you for sending us _ fresh vegetablesYou have done us _ great service A不填; the Bthe; a C不填; 不填 Dthe; 不填参考答案:B7. -Sleep well last night?-Far from it. Many mice around in my room all night long.Aare playing Bhad played Cwere playing Dwould play

5、参考答案:C8. Thank God! This school term is coming to an end!Yeah , after all that hard work , we all a holiday.A.preserve B.observe C.reserve D.deserve参考答案:D9. You can use a large plastic bottle, cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in. Athe top is Bwith its top Cwhose top Dthe top of which参考答案:B10. A spe

6、cial title was awarded to Zhang Lili, an ordinary Chinese teacher, _ her act of bravery to rescue two students at the risk of her own life.A. in favor of B. in place of C. in honor of D. in terms of 参考答案:C11. People say US President has made_mess of its economy and it is his responsibility to releas

7、e the US from the situation before he leaves_office.A. a; 不填B. the; aC. the; anD. 不填; the参考答案:A12. Ive always _ Bill for his courage and determination.A. looked up to B. lived up to C. faced up to D. added up to参考答案:A13. When Jennifer stepped in quietly, her mother, on the bed, was sleeping sound Al

8、aying Blying Claid Dlain参考答案:B略14. Last week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later.A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause参考答案:C15. Being able to afford _ drink would be _ comfort in those tough timesAthe; the Ba; a Ca; 不填 D不填;a 参

9、考答案:B16. Judging by the _ he keeps, Mark must be an extremely wealthy man.A. cooperation B. characteristic C. motivation D. company参考答案:D二、 书面表达17. 日前一些学校正在开展丰富多彩的社团活动,你校也不例外。假如你是一名高三学生,打算加入学校的某些社团,但妈妈有不同意见。请根据以下提示,写一篇l00字左右的英语短文。 1妈妈的态度:高三学业负担重, 2自己的态度:有利于缓解学习压力, 3最后说服了妈妈,获得了她的理解和支持。注意: 1短文的开头已给出,不

10、记入总词数, 2呵根据提示适当增添合乎情理的内容和过渡性语言。 To enrich senior high school students afterclass life,recently our school has formed a bunch of clubs for students with different interests and talents.参考答案:18. 假设你是红星中学的学生李华请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序,用英文写一篇周记,记述上周日你和父母一起骑车郊游的过程注意:词数不少于60提示词:郊区 the suburbs参考答案:Last Sunday,my paren

11、ts and I went to the surburbs of Beijing and had a great time togetherTo make it a green journey,we all agreed to cycle thereWith everything ready,we set outThe warm sunshine and the fresh air put us all in a good moodUpon arrival,we got down to our preparationDad and I worked together to put up the

12、 tent,while Mum set out her homemade foodEveryone was enjoying the pleasant and relaxed family atmosphere in the open airAfter the meal,we couldnt wait to fly kitesRunning and laughing,we watched our kites of different shapes dancing high in the sky,Mum couldnt help cheering for usWhat fun it was!Du

13、sk fell before we realized itSeated together before leaving,we quietly watched the golden sunset,wishing to have more weekends like today三、 阅读理解19. 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A.B.C. D)中,选出最佳选项。Now let us look at how we read. When we read a printed text, our eyes move across a page in short, jerky movement. We recognize words usually when our eyes are still when they fixate (注视). Each time they fixate, we see a group of words



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