译林版初一英语上册- Unit 8 Fashion Grammer(牛津)

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1、She is writing to her friend.write to 写信给写信给They are waiting for the bus.wait for 等候等候He is looking for something.look for 寻找寻找 He is lying in the grass. lie 躺;平放;位于躺;平放;位于 (lie的的ing 形式为形式为lying)Taiwan lies in the southeast of China.TaiwanI am eating.You/ We/ They are eating.He/ She/ It is eating. 一

2、、现在进行时肯定句和否定句的构成:一、现在进行时肯定句和否定句的构成:肯定句肯定句: : 主语主语 + + am/ is /are + v-ing .肯定句肯定句: : 主语主语 + + am/ is / are not + v-ing .I am not eating.You/ We/ They are not eating.He/ She/ It is not eating. 二、动词二、动词ing形式的构成:形式的构成:大多数动词大多数动词 + ingthink thinking以不发音以不发音e 结尾的动词结尾的动词 - e + ingtake taking以以ie 结尾结尾的动词的动

3、词 -ie + y + inglie lying某些以某些以“一一个元音字母个元音字母+ 一个辅音一个辅音字母字母”结尾结尾的动词的动词双写辅音字双写辅音字母母+ ingrun running swim swimmingget getting写出下列动词的现在分词形式。写出下列动词的现在分词形式。read play dance write sit gethave eat look carry begin putreadingplayingdancingwritingsittinggettinghavingeatinglookingcarryingbeginningputtingtake swi

4、m leave shine make sleep cut change lie study pay visit wait swimmingshiningsleepingchangingstudyingpayingvisitingwaitingtakingleavingmakingcuttinglying1. Look! Simon _ (play) football with his friends in the playground.2. Its 4 oclock in the afternoon. Daniel _ (study) in the classroom.Complete the

5、 sentences with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.is playingis studying3. Millie _ (write) a letter to her friend about the fashion show.is writing4. Sandy is a member of the basketball team. Now she _ (practise ) with other team members.5. Where is Amy? Oh, she _ (talk) to her cousin Shirl

6、ey. They _ (wait) for the school bus. 6. I have dancing lessons. I _ (look) for my dancing shoes.is practisingis talkingare waitingam lookingI am eating. Am I eating? Yes, I am. / No, I am not. (或或 No, Im not.) 三、现在进行时一般疑问句的构成及回答:三、现在进行时一般疑问句的构成及回答:You/ We/ They are eating. Are you/ we/ they eating?

7、 Yes, we/you/ they are. No, we/ you/ they are not (或用缩写或用缩写arent)He/ She/ It is eating. Is he/ she/ it eating?Yes, he/she/it is. No, he/she/it is not. (或用缩写或用缩写isnt)规律:将规律:将be 动词移到主语前面。动词移到主语前面。注意:肯定回答时主语注意:肯定回答时主语be动词不能缩写,否定回答时动词不能缩写,否定回答时be动词和动词和not可以用完全形式也可以用缩写。可以用完全形式也可以用缩写。Sandy: Hello, Amy. _

8、you _ your homework now? Amy: No, Im not. My cousin Shirley _ (visit) me.Sandy: Oh, really? What _ she _ (do) now?Complete the conversation using the present continuous tense of the verbs in brackets.Aredoingis visitingisdoingAmy: Well, she _ (play) a new computer game. Sandy: _ you _ (play) with he

9、r now?Amy: No, Im not. I _ (lie) on the bed and _ (watch) TV.Sandy: What _ your parents _ (do)?Amy: They _ (cook) in the kitchen.Areplayingam lyingwatchingare doingare cookingis playing一、现在进行时可以表示说话时正在进行一、现在进行时可以表示说话时正在进行或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内或发生的动作,也可表示当前一段时间内的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。的活动或现阶段正在进行的动作。Look! He is r

10、eading in bed. (说话时正说话时正在进行)在进行)Mr Green is writing a new book. (现阶段现阶段正在做)正在做)二、现在进行时的判断方法:二、现在进行时的判断方法:如果句子中带有鲜明的时间状语,如:如果句子中带有鲜明的时间状语,如:now, 或带有或带有look, listen 等暗示动作正在发等暗示动作正在发生,或有表示现在的上下文语境时,我们生,或有表示现在的上下文语境时,我们常用现在进行时。常用现在进行时。Listen! She is singing in the next room.Where is your mother? She is

11、cooking dinner. 三、注意:三、注意:(1) 现在进行时的谓语动词由现在进行时的谓语动词由“be 的某种的某种形式形式+ 动词动词ing 形式形式” 这两部分构成。这两部分构成。这时这时be是个助动词,没有实际意思,是个助动词,没有实际意思,只起构成时态的作用。同学们在使用只起构成时态的作用。同学们在使用现在进行时时千万不要忘了用现在进行时时千万不要忘了用be动词。动词。We having breakfast. (错)错)We are having breakfast. (正正)(3) 双写末尾一个辅音字母再加双写末尾一个辅音字母再加ing形式的形式的动词的条件参考书本动词的条件

12、参考书本P121。这个规律。这个规律不易掌握不易掌握, 所以同学们可以在学习英语所以同学们可以在学习英语的过程中学到一个双写词就记住它的过程中学到一个双写词就记住它, 慢慢慢体会规律。以下是已经学过的一部慢体会规律。以下是已经学过的一部分双写词:分双写词:shop, run, get, swim, begin, stop, cut, hit, forget等。等。(2) 有些动词一般不用进行时,如:有些动词一般不用进行时,如:know, understand(理解理解), love, like, want, hope, hear, see等。等。. 请写出下列动词的请写出下列动词的-ing形式

13、。形式。1. talk _ 2. dance _ 3. clean _ 4. begin _ 5. tie _ 6. invite _ 7. shop _ 8. put _ talkingdancingcleaningbeginningtyinginviting shoppingputting . 请根据句意,用括号内所给动词请根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。的适当形式填空。1. Look! The students _ (be) _ (swim) in the river now.2. Grandpa Li _ (be) _ (run) in the park. are swimmingis running 3. I _ (be) _ (cook) in the kitchen at the moment.4. David says Daniel _ (be) _ (lie) on the bed at present. 5. Amy and Mary _ (be) _ (practise) the piano now. am cookingis lyingare practising Finish the exercises on the workbook.



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