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1、河北省邢台市旭光中学2020-2021学年高三英语联考试题含解析一、 选择题1. The Greens must have been to 2010 Shanghai Expo, _they?A. hadn t B. didn t C. can t D. weren t参考答案:D考查反意疑问句。must have been to在此处表示“对过去情况的推测”(注意 :must后是be动词的完成式)。2. Soon after the 5,000-meter race, the result was _ that Peter from Class Three won the fist plac

2、e. A. investigated B. announced C. discovered D. clarified参考答案:B3. 30As a matter of fact, _is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and what to do afterwards that counts.A. this B. that C. there D. it参考答案:D4. As everyone knows, the South China Sea is _ part of China, _ important part of C

3、hina, any other country outside Asia doesnt have _ say in this issue.A. a, an, / B. /, an, a C. a, the, the D. a, an, /参考答案:B33. Attention, please. All of you students _ remain in their seats until all the papers have been collected.A. can B. will C. may D. shall参考答案:D略6. . The newly built cafe, the

4、 walls of _ painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, especially after hard work.A. whose B. it C. what D. which参考答案:B略7. In order to search for the escaped prisoner, the police decided to question_ comes along the road. A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever参考答案:C略35. - You wont believ

5、e it, Sam. I was chosen as an exchange student to China. - Congratulations! _. A. Thats really something B. You did a good job C. Thats all right D. Just your luck参考答案:A略9. Why are you crying? Today is your birthday!_. I am so excited with so many friends surrounding me. A. Just cant help itB. Dont

6、mention itC. None of your businessD. Thats all right参考答案:A10. The spread of the Ebola virus in Nigeria is believed _ by August, 2014.Ato be controlled Bto have been controlledCto control Dto have controlled参考答案:B考点:非谓语动词试题解析:本题考查非谓语动词。首先病毒的传播和控制应该是被动,C、D 选项是主动, 可排除;to have done 表示已经完成,而to do 表示将来,本题

7、应该是 be believed to havedone 表示完成,因为是2014年8 月。11. The club, _ _ 25 years ago, is holding a party for past and present members.A. founded B. founding C. being founded D. to be founded参考答案:A略12. The movie is set in _ is called the New World and shows audience the history of America,Athat Bwhere Cwhat D

8、which参考答案:C13. _ of the situation his company was in,he planned to look for another job()ATo informBInformedCInformDInforming参考答案:B被告知他所在公司的处境后,他打算找另外一份工作题干句子中间有逗号分隔,没有连词,说明不是复合句,要用非谓语动词;inform sb of sth告诉某人某事,inform与he之间是被动关系,要用过去分词,作原因状语,相当于because引导的状语从句故选B过去分词是非谓语动词的一种,用法很灵活,分为简单式done(表示与谓语同时或几乎

9、同时发生的动作);完成式having been done(表示先于谓语的动作)学习时,要把握其用法特征:表示被动和完成同时还要注意区分现在分词和不定式14. Measures had to be taken in face of the housing problem that _ in the city.A. rose B. raised C. arose D. produced参考答案:C15. Madam, the two ties are the new arrival of this season.Well , I like _ of them. Do you have anothe

10、r one?A. both B. either C. neither D. one参考答案:C二、 新的题型16. Once there was a wise landowner who had two sons. After a few years, the landowner fell ill badly. So he considered 41._ ( select) one of them to rule the family according to their abilities. He called both of them and 42. _ (give) each one a

11、 room. He said,“You must fill your mom completely with anything you wish. It can be anything! But there should not be any space 43. _ ( leave) behind and you should not seek advice 44. _ others! The next day, the landowner visited the elder sons room. The room was completely filled with hay (干草). Th

12、e landowner sighed on the 45. _ (foolish) of the elder son. Then he went to the room given to the younger son. But it was kept closed. The landowner knocked at the door. The younger son asked 46. _ father to get in and closed the door again. 47. _was darkness everywhere and the landowner shouted at

13、his son 48. _ ( angry). But the younger son lighted a candle 49. _ said, “I have filled this room with light! Now the landowner felt very happy and hugged his son proudly. He understood that the younger would be the applicable person 50. _ (rule) the family.参考答案:41,selecting 42.gave43.left44.from45.foolishness46.his 47.There/ It48.angrily49.and50.to rule试题分析:通过本文考查学生正确运用英语单词的能力。41.selecting 句意:因此他考虑选择其中一个来管理家族。consider表示考


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