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1、difficult, not hati ng; bl ue prints, not rhetoric; wor ds a nd sim ple, but full of love, trut h, passion, e ntrepre neurial passion. Take this opportunit y, my inspirational quotes Li Da zha os cla ssi c iron spe cialise in uplifting blend with t he articl e gave everyone , with a vie w on how to

2、do wel l under the new situati on of township and v illage lea ders inspire and hel p, and also share wit h you. A good play t o create ir on shoulders strong arms, to a ssume t he burde n be passed; only specific qualitie s, will it be possibl e in spe cific areas t o create a w orld. In my view ,

3、village chiefs in t he new situation, we must first have five basi c quality. One ambition is to pionee r. Who is handsome. Pe ople only high -minded can stimulate the flow of moment um to be come brave and persi stent, become quiet and powerful. ownship a nd v illage party leaders, withi n their re

4、 spe ctive juri sdi ctions, political stabil ity and economic and social devel opment i ssues, deci sions a nd orientation depe nds t o a large extent beca use of your. Every body in village chiefs a nd the positions, both t he trust of the masse s, the Organizati ons tr ust, more a bility to you, f

5、ully affirmed the moral a nd ot her qualities. Therefore, we must always maintai n the histori cal missi on and soci al responsibility, a nd our ide al tree roote d in the hard w ork of the soil, wit h indomitabl e spirit , indomitable courage to open up a new sit uation of villages a nd towns. T o

6、have a feeling of closeness to the second. The people a nd country. Our busi ness foundation in the pe ople s blood i n the people power people. A dvanced decisions of t he party ca dres to t he feelings of the pe opl e is an eter nal theme. F an Zhong -yan, called first, and enjoy comfort a bout ot

7、hers, Z heng Banqia os also wrote a Ya Chai lay listeni ng to the r ustling of bamboo, the suspe ct is suffering. Cao County official s, little my, a total tur n off. Old of feuda l official even ha s so feeli ngs, al one we is to servi ng for pur poses of pe opl e servant doe s. we more should alwa

8、yhold with on pe opl e of dee p feeling s, heart Department masses of lea ding visite d tea, care ma sses of emotions thought s com plaine d, always i nsiste d put masses of interests put in first, consci ously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, a nd m ost dire ctly, a nd mo

9、st reality of interests problem grabbed, realdo l ove for pe opl e by De partment, and right for people by with, and Le e for pe ople by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-i ndifferent not insist your dream, without serenity not go far. Ascension to fame is morality, is the sublimati on

10、 of the soul. As Township and v illage, be sure t o maintain a normal state of mind, esta blish a corre ct view point on powe r, positi on and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water, depe ndi ng . 50 km, also re d and like hundreds of thousa nds of the KMT military com bat, but he we nt on to collect a variety of ne wspa pers an



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