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1、2016年考研英语一真题原文及答案解析完整版Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A,B,C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) In Cambodia, the choice of a spouse is a complex one for the young male. It may involve not only his parents and hi

2、s friends, _1 _ those of the young woman, but also a matchmaker. A young man can _2_a likely spouse on his own and then ask his parents to _3 _ the marriage negotiations, or the young mans parents may make the choice of a spouse, giving the child little to say in the selection._4_ , a girl may veto

3、the spouse her parents have chosen. _5 _ a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other to make sure its child is marrying _6_ a good family. The traditional wedding is a long and colorful affair. Formerly it lasted three days, _7_ by the 1980s it more commonly lasted a day and a hal

4、f. Buddhist priests offer a short sermon and _8_ prayers of blessing. Parts of the ceremony involve ritual hair cutting, _9_cotton threads soaked in holy water around the brides and grooms wrists, and _10_ a candle around a circle of happily married and respected couples to bless the _11_ . Newlysed

5、s traditionally move in with the wifes parents and may _12_ with them up to a year, _13_they can build a new house nearby. Divorce is legal and easy to _14_ ,but not common. Divoreced persons are _15_with some disapproval. Each spouse retains _16_ property he or she _17_ into the marriage, and joint

6、ly-acquired property is _18_ equally. Divorced persons may remarry, but a gender prejudice _19_ up: The divorced male doesnt have a waiting period before he can remarry _20_ the woman must wait ten months. 1. A by way of B on behalf of C as well as D with regard to 标准答案 C as well as 考点分析 逻辑关系 选项分析 因

7、为考查逻辑关系,所以需要我们先对填空前后的原文信息做定位分析:空格处身处大环境not onlybut also之中,这是一个明显的并列关系,表示“不仅而且”,该空后面的those指代前文出现的“parents and friends”,显然“the young man”与“the young woman”为并列关系,表示“与他本人以及伴侣的父母朋友相关”,所以答案只能是C项as well as 也,又。A项by way of 通过,D项with regard to 关于,B项on behalf of 代表。 2. A adapt to B provide for C compete with

8、D decide on 标准答案 D decide on 考点分析 上下文语义 选项分析 根据该句的主语a young man与宾语a likely spouse的关系,答案只能是D项decide on“决定”,表示自己决定自己的配偶。B项provide for为提供准备,provide为及物动词,直接跟宾语,不需要加介词;C项compete with“与竞争”,A项adapt to“适用”。 3. A close B remew C arrange D postpone 标准答案 C arrange 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 该句意思为:他可以自己选择自己中意的伴侣并让父母_

9、婚姻谈判。四个选项中,A项close 关闭;B项renew 更新,恢复;D项postpone 推迟;这三项语义不正确,只有C项arrange“安排”符合语境。 4. A Above all B In theory C In time D For example 标准答案 B In theory 考点分析 上下文语义 选项分析 逻辑判断题主要是看前后两句的含义,前面说“他可以自己选择自己中意的伴侣并让父母安排婚姻谈判,或者完全由父母选择对象,不给孩子选择的机会。”空格后面说“女方可以否决她父母所选择的对象。”这两句之间显然是相反的关系,且有一个may,更证明B项In theory“理论上说”的正

10、确性,而其他选项A项Above all最重要的是,C项In time 准时,D项For example举例,均不符合题意。 5. A Although B Lest C After D Unless 标准答案 C After 考点分析 上下文语义 选项分析 根据下文“_a spouse has been selected, each family investigates the other”可知,只有对象选择好后,父母才会去调查对方,显然表达的是时间先后顺序,所以只有after才对。其他选项A项Although 尽管, B项Lest 以免,唯恐,DUnless 除非,否则都不符合题意。 6.

11、 A into B within C from D through 标准答案 A into 考点分析 上下文语义及介词辨析 选项分析 这里主要是看marry与相关介词的固定搭配及句意理解。这里marry into就是指“通过婚姻得到成为的一员”,而其他选项均没有这层含义。 7. A since B or C but D so 标准答案 C but 考点分析 逻辑关系 选项分析 根据上文“以前婚礼会持续三天”,出处句子意为“到了20世纪80年代,婚礼只持续一天半”,显然与前文发生转变,为对比关系,因此选择C项but 但是。 8. A copy B test C recite D create 标

12、准答案 C recite 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 空格处需要填一个动词,和后面的prayers of blessing所搭配,C项recite 有“吟诵、朗诵”的意思,与所给短语搭配最为合理,译为“吟诵祝福的祈祷文”。 9. A folding B piling C wrapping D tying 标准答案 D tying 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 本题需要根据上下文语义分析,空格处需要搭配后文“棉线”,纵观四个选项A项 折叠,B项 堆积,C项 包裹,D项 系上,根据后文的“around the brides and grooms wrists 在新郎和新娘

13、的腰间”,只有D项“将在圣水中浸过的棉线系在新郎和新娘的腰间”符合句意。 10. A passing B lighting C hiding D serving 标准答案 A passing 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 原文空格需要填写一个动词与后文“around a circle”来搭配,译为“将蜡烛传一圈”,故A项“传递”为正确选项。B项 点亮,C项 隐藏,D项 服务。 11. A meeting B collection C association D union 标准答案 D union 考点分析 名词辨析 选项分析 本句语义为“将蜡烛绕着幸福完婚和受人尊敬的夫妻传递一圈

14、来祝福 ”,D项 结合,引申为“婚姻”之意;根据语境,D项正确。 12. A grow B part C deal D live 标准答案 D live 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 本题比较简单。根据语义“根据传统,新婚夫妇要搬到妻子父母家,与父母_一年”,D项“生活”为最佳答案。C项 交易,B项 分开,A项 成长。 13. A whereas B until C if D for 标准答案 B until 考点分析 时间逻辑关系 选项分析 本句意为“_他们在附近建造一栋新房子”,A项 然而,B项 直到,D项因为,C项 如果,结合前文“新婚夫妇根据传统要和女方家人生活一年”,前后存在一定的时间关系,B项“直到”最符合原文语境,搭配最为合理。 14. A avoid B follow C challenge D obtain 标准答案 D obtain 考点分析 上下文语义及动词辨析 选项分析 Divorce is legal and relatively easy to _14_, but not common. 该句句意为“离婚是合法的,且相对容易_。”A项avoid避免,B项follow跟随,C项challenge挑战,质疑,D项obtain获得,实现。根据关键词“legal”可知这里表达的是正面的意思,再根据句意选



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