2015高考英语 2.3 cultural corner task课后强化作业 外研版必修5

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1、 Cultural corner.单词拼写1The measures will enable us to _(加倍)our output of bicycles this year.2The activity is for _(年轻人)between the ages of 10 and 16.3Daisy was a smart,goodlooking,17yearold girl with a lively _(性格)4_(健康)is a word that describes how well your body is able to handle physical activities

2、.5She spends at least half of her _(休闲)in reading novels.6He is very much different from his drama roles and has an _(外向的)personality.7Within a few days,she has become seriously ill,_(遭受)from great pain.8We travelled together,but each _(个人)bought his own ticket.9The local people still use _(传统的)farm

3、ing methods which have been used for hundreds of years.10He made the _(要求)that she should leave the place at once.答案:1.double2.youngsters3.personality4.Fitness5.leisure6.outgoing7.suffering8.individual9.traditional10.demand.完成句子1优秀的毕业生总是供不应求的。Excellent graduates are always _.2很显然这些事件与两天前的谋杀案有关。Its o

4、bvious that these events _ the murder two days ago.3约翰认为在舞会上他很可能会遇到他十年未见的同学。John thought he _ his classmates _.4如果你患病,你可以请一天的假去看医生。If you _ an illness,you can _ to see a doctor.5老师要求我们要把娱乐和学习结合在一起。The teacher _ that we _ recreation _ our study.答案:1.in demand2.are related to3.was likely to meet;(whom

5、) he had not seen for ten years4.suffer from;have a day off5.requires/demands;(should)combine;with.单项填空1All the students made a demand that they _ instructions in learning.Ashould give Bbe givenCcould give Dcould be given答案:B考查动词用法。demand表示“要求,需要”,无论是作名词还是动词用,后面加that从句时,要用虚拟语气“should动词原形”,其中should可以

6、省略。句意:所有的学生一致要求在学习中得到指导。2Recently they were _ their fathers sudden death.Asuffered from Bsuffering fromCsuffered by Dsuffering in答案:B考查动词的相关用法。常用固定短语suffer from表示“遭受,忍受(之苦)”,注意suffer是不及物动词,没有被动语态,故根据句意和结构可知答案选B项。句意:最近他们一直沉浸在父亲突然离世的痛苦之中。3_ a recent survey,four million people die each year from diseas

7、es linked to smoking.AThanks to BOwing toCDue to DAccording to答案:DA、B、C三个选项意思都是“由于”,空格处的意思应该是“根据”。故选择D项。句意:根据最近的一项调查,每年有四百万人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。4The author raises some opinions here on several issues _ the topic.Arelate to Brelating toCrelated to Drelates to答案:C分析句子成分,可知空格处作定语,修饰issues,排除A、D项;relating to作后置定

8、语,相当于about。根据短语be related to应选择C项。句意:围绕这个话题,该作者就有关的几个问题发表了一些看法。5“Neal,listen”,she said,looking straight at him.“I ask you not to get _ in this kind of matter.Its none of your business.”Acaught BinvolvedCattached Dconnected答案:B句意:“尼尔,听着,”她直盯着他说,“我要求你不要卷入这种事,跟你没关系。”get involved in sth.“卷入某事”;get caugh

9、t in“被卡住”;be attached to sth.“喜欢,依恋某物”;be connected with“与有关系”。6I hear that Mary is _ to stay with us for a few days.Thats great.Amaybe BlikelyCpossible Dprobable答案:B考查词汇辨析。根据句意和结构可知应选likely,构成固定结构sth./sb.be likely to do sth.表示“很有可能”。句意:我听说玛丽有可能和我们在一起待几天。太好了。7The number of foreign students attending

10、 Chinese universities _rising steadily since 1990.Ais BareChas been Dhave been答案:C句意:自1990年以来,在中国上大学的外国留学生的数量一直稳步增加。“the number ofn.”作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式;由since 1990可知用完成时态,故选C项。8For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more sophisticated one, it requires that the child _ psychologically ready fo

11、r the new idea.Ais BbeCwere Dwould be答案:B句意:对于一个放弃了不太成熟的想法而寻求比较复杂的想法的孩子来说,他在心理上应为新的想法做好准备。require表示“要求”,其宾语从句要用虚拟语气,谓语用“should动词原形”,should可以省掉。9My MP4 player isnt in my bag. Where _ I have put it?Acan BmustCshould Dwould答案:A此题考查can表示猜测时的用法。句意:我的MP4没有在我的书包里,我会把它放在哪里呢?表示可能性时,只有can可用于疑问句中。10Where is my

12、 dictionary? I remember I put it here yesterday.You _ it in the wrong place.Amust put Bshould have putCmight put Dmight have put答案:D此题考查may/might表示猜测时的用法。句意是“我的字典在哪儿呢?我记得昨天把它放在这儿了。”“你可能放错了地方。”这是对过去情况的猜测,所以要用might have done。.完形填空You have waited 45 minutes for the valuable 10 minutes break between cla

13、sses. But when the bell for the next class rings, you cant _1_ how quickly time has passed.If you are familiar with this _2_, youll know how time files when you are having fun and _3_,when you are bored. Now scientists have _4_ a reason why this is the case.Scans have shown that patterns of activity

14、 in the brain _5_ according to how we focus on a task. When we are _6_, we concentrate more on how time is passing. And this makes our brains _7_ the clock is ticking more slowly.In an experiment _8_ by a French laboratory, 12 volunteers watched an image _9_ researchers monitored their brain activity.The volunteers were told to _10_ concentrate on how long an image appeared for, then _11_ the color of the image, and thirdly, study both duration and color. The result showed that _12_ was more active when the volunteers pai



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