牛津译林版九年级上册英语(新)教案:Unit3 Teenage problems Reading 1.doc

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1、备课日期2015 年教学课题Unit 3 Teenage problems课时安排2 10月8日Reading 18教学目标1. To guess general meanings from keywords and context.2. To skim text for overall meanings and scan for details.重点1. To identify specific information about Teenage problems.2. To use words to describe the Teenage problems.难点教学过程设计集 体 备 课

2、二 次 备 课 Step 1 ReviewLook at some pictures and say something about them.e.g. She doesnt get enough sleep .She feels tired in class.He doesnt have close friends . Sometimes, he feels lonely.He / SheStep 2 Finish some exercise.1. Im too busy these days. I dont get enough_(睡眠).2. Daniel has no friends

3、here, so he feels _(寂寞)3 ._(跑步)is good for your health.4. They are all t_ (between the ages of 13 and 19) children.5. Eddie has _(烦恼)sometimes.6. Its very n_ at home. The TV is always on.7. Lisa didnt get enough sleep last night. She felt t_ in class.Keys: sleep lonely Running teenage problems noisy

4、 tiredStep 3 Free talkDo you have any problems?Do you have enough time for your hobbies?Step 4 Warming upWatch a video and answer a question in the video? What problems do these students have ?too much homeworkstay up lateget up earlyhave no spare time for their bobbiestheir parents are strict with

5、them Step 5 WordsMr Friend wants to help Millie and Simon. He has made a list of keywords in their letters. March the words on the left with the meanings on the right. Write the correct letters in the blanks.1. choice _ a. reason2. stay up _ b. be not sure if something is true3. imagine _ c. making

6、sure that rules are obeyed 4. doubt _ d. very useful or important5. cause _ e. the right to decide which thing you want6. strict _ f. start to have a skill, ability, etc.7. develop _ g. go to bed later than usual8. valuable _ h. form a picture in your mind of someone or somethingKeys: e g h b a c f

7、d Step 6 ReadingTask 1 What should I doToday, well have two Grade 9 students, Millie and Simon, to talk with us about their study and life.1. Listen to Millies letter and answer the question. What problem does Millie have?Key: She has a lot of homework every day and often stays up late. She hardly h

8、as any spare time for her hobbies.What do you think of her problem? Can you offer her some advice?2. Read the Millies letter and answer the question. What does she doubt?What does she dream of?Keys: She doubts whether it is worth spending so much time on homework.She dreams of a long holiday.3. List

9、en to Simons letter and answer the question. When does Simon play football?How do his parents think about it?Does Simon agree with his parents?Keys: After school. They do not allow him to play outside after 6 p.m.No, he doesnt.4. Read the Simons letter and complete the table.Simons problemCause How

10、long the plays forSimons idea Keys: his love of footballhoursIt is important to develop hobbies.Task 2 Listen to the radio again and finish the following exercise.My friend wants to keep a record of each student. Look at the cards and help him complete them. Put a tick ()if Millie or Simon has that

11、problem and a cross() if he or she does not have that problem.MillieProblems Friendship _Lots of homework _Low marks _Not enough time for hobbies _Staying up late _Strict parents _Weight _Keys: SimonProblems Friendship _Lots of homework _Low marks _Not enough time for hobbies _Staying up late _Stric

12、t parents _Weight _Keys: Task 3 Please come to the front and as Millie and Simon. Use the key words to help you.MillieSimondeal with, have a lot of homework, have no choice, stay up late, hard to stay awake,hardly, imagine, doubt, it is worth spending, a long holiday, offer me some suggestionscrazy

13、about football, cause, worry about, get into trouble, do not allow, play outside, so strict with, feel angry,relax, more interesting,stay out, a balance between, look forward toIf you were Mr Sigmund Friend, what advice would you give Millie and Simon?I would advise Millie /Simon to because.Step 7 L

14、et students give suggestions to Millie and Simon.To Millie:1. Plan her day carefully.2. Make a list of all the homework she has to do.3. Choose one hobby to do each day.4. Focus on her favorite hobby.To Simon:1. Go home earlier.2. Dont give up his hobby but dont forget about his family, either.3. Play football for an hour or two.Step 8 Homework1. Read aloud the conversation in p


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