牛津译林版七年级下册(新)英语学案:7BUnit1 Grammar 学案.doc

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1、装订线Unit1 Dream homesGrammar班级 姓名 【学习目标】1. 复习基数词的用法,掌握基数词使用的场合,如电话号码和金额数量;2. 正确运用序数词和基数词谈论时间、日期、得分、价格、金额和结果。【重难点】重点词汇: zero sixteen seventeen nineteen seventy ninety thousand million third fourth ninth eleventh twelfth twentieth feet square meters square miles over 重点词组: on the seventh floor learn ab

2、out different countries collect some information have an area of重点句型:Womens Day is on the eighth of March.He is always the first to come to school in our class. How do you write it?【学法指导】1.通过查字典和教学参考书了解词组和句型的用法,课堂上进行交流展示。2.小组合作解决上述重难点内容,合作解决在学习中遇到的新问题,用记号标记,教师点拨。【学习过程】A. 课前预习:a. 自主学习书本P11-12并完成有关练习。

3、b. 掌握“重点词汇”中的生词(4会)。 查阅相关参考书学习“重点词组”和“重点句型”并造句,写在笔记本上。c. 观察基数词变序数词的规律并补充完整下面的记忆口诀:“1,2,3”分别记 其他一律_“8”去_ “9”去_“ve”要用_替几十 几十要牢记“y”要用_几十几 几十几 变变词尾就可以同学们在预习中有什么疑问吗?请写下来。_B. 课堂探究:a. 基数词学习:自我总结易拼错的基数词;合作总结生活中基数词的读法。b. 序数词学习:学习记忆口诀并补充笔记。c. 学生讲解语言点,并给出课前准备的例句;老师进行点拨。C.课堂巩固一、用适当的介词填空:1. Stephen likes chattin

4、g _friends _the balcony.2. They often sit _ the floor and look out _ the beach.3. Madee lives _ a small town _ Thailand.4. Her house is _ a river.5. She often climbs a ladder to get _ her house.6. _ the evenings , Neil watches TV _ the sitting room.7. Anna lives _ a flat _ a busy street _ the centre

5、 _ Moscow _ her family.8. The driver sits _ the house.9. There is a garden _ the house.10. When she arrived _ the train station, it was quite late.二、用所给词的适当形式填空:1. He gets the (one) in the English test this time.2. Tom will come on the (twelve) of this month.3. There are days in a week. Saturday is

6、the day . (seven)4. This is my (three) time to come to NJ.5. Mr. Green has children. Tom is the youngest. He is the child. (nine)6. He is the (twenty-one) League Member in our class.7. 365 days _(be) a year.8. The students _(learn) about home in different countries now.三用英文写出下列数字:1. 512_2. 8,440_3.

7、23,693_4. 721,533_5. 2,948,715_6. 两百_7. 三千_8. 一万_9. 十万_10. 六百万_11. 七千万_D. 课后拓展一、单项选择 1. I have a new computer in my_.A. kitchen B. bathroom C. bedroom D. balcony2. Where are Kates clothes? They are in the_.A. cupboard B. wardrobe C. bed D. sofa 3. How many days are there in the second month in 2005?

8、 There are_.A. twenty-eight B. twenty-nine C. thirty D. thirty-one 4. We read 10206 like this:_A.one thousand, two hundred and six B. one thousand two hundreds and sixC. ten thousand, two hundred and six D. ten thousands, two hundreds and six5. - Kate, can you get _ chalk for Miss Zhang? -Certainly.

9、A. a B. the C. some D. any6. When the Spring Festival comes, children cant _ get red packets from their parents and grandparents. A. wait for B. wait to C. look for D. look out7. The students will visit _ Summer Palace _ Tuesday afternoon.A. / , on B. / , in C. the, on D. the , in8. It _ great to wa

10、tch Royal Madrid on TV tonight.A. listens B. hears C. sounds D. listens to9. Houses in Britain are quite different _ houses in China.A. to B. from C. with D. between10.Lin Tao and I live in the same building. But he lives two floors _ me.A. on B. over C. under D. above二、词汇部分 A.根据句意及所给提示,用适当的词完成句子 1.

11、 Washington DC is the c_ city of the USA.2. We have meals in the d_ room.3. That kind boy often s_ his toys with the other children.4. It is interesting to c_meals in the kitchen.5. Stephens house is on the _(nine) floor.6. Whats on the_(架子)? There are a lot of books on them.7. How much does the air conditione



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