牛津译林版七年级英语上册学案:Unit4 My day Period2.doc

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1、7A Unit 4 My DayPeriod 2 Reading (1)学习目标1.能够熟练朗读并默写本课重点单词。 2.能够了解并基本描述Millie的在校生活。学习重难点1.掌握重点短语及句型。2.能够基本描述Millie的在校生活。自主学习一、根据音标或汉语写出单词。1. f:st 2. tt 3. i:t 4. (r)5. 练习;训练 6. 希望,祝愿 二、通过预习课文翻译下列短语并在课文中用红色笔划出。来源:学优高考网1.在上午/下午/晚上_2. 互相聊天_3.对我很好_ 4. 我所有的朋友_5.做早操_ 6. 从星期一到星期五_7.去阅读俱乐部_8. 放学后_9.打羽毛球_ 10.

2、游泳俱乐部的一个成员_11.玩得开心_ 12.我最喜欢的科目_三、模仿录音,朗读课文,注意语音语调并完成第45页B1内容。学习过程一、导入课堂:呈现第43页表格,学生描述Millie的一天。二、听课文录音回答问题:What is Millies school called?三、朗读课文,熟读课文。教师选择小组中C层学生展示朗读。四、小组合作。(一)口头翻译课文内容,由小组中的D进行汇报展示。(二)通读课文,两人一组讨论并完成第45页B2部分。(二)再读课文,两人一组讨论并回答下列问题。para1. Does she like her school?para2. 1. When do their

3、 lesson begin? 2. What lessons does Millie like best?para3. 1. What do they often do after class? 2.Howre all her friends? Para4. 根据首字母填空。Millie goes to the school l_every day. She goes to the Reading C_ every T_ and T_. She also likes playing v_. Millie is a m_ of the school volleyball team. She p_

4、after school on Wednesday afternoon, 五、完成P46 Part B3 部分,朗读对话。(先组内展示,后班内展示)来源:学优高考网六、同学们:你学了课文后,看你对课文内容了解多少?请根据课文内填空:Dear TommyHi, My name is Millie. Im in Sunshine Middle School. I l my school. Our school s at eight in the morning .Our lessons b at 8:15. My f lesson is English. After class, we often

5、 c w each other or p in the playground .Sometimes my friends and I go to the l in the afternoon. I also like p volleyball after school. We always have a good at our school.Best wishes,Millie 课堂达标检测(一)根据所给汉语或首字母提示完成句子。1.Please give my best (祝愿)to your parents.2.Dianel (从不)reads newspapers after dinne

6、r, so she doesnt know much about the world.3.I need to p my English before my trip.4.I go home from school at twenty p five.5.Millie isnt a m of the school swimming team.(二)用所给词的适当形式填空:1. All my friends are nice to (I).2. Tom enjoys (play) basketball.3. Millie often _ (go) to the playground and_ (pl

7、ay) with her classmates.4. Amy and Millie are good at _ (swim). They are good_ (swim). 5. We often do after-school _ (activity) in the playground.6. Is it time _ _ (have) lessons?7. I dont like doing Maths _ (exercise).8. My cousin always _ (watch) TV in the evening.9. Daniel and I_ (not be) in the

8、Reading Club.10. Millies parents usually _ (walk) their dog after supper.(三)根据汉语完成句子。1.我经常和汤姆在午餐时间玩游戏。来源:学优高考网gkstkTom and I often at lunchtime.来源:gkstk.Com2你喜欢在网上和你的朋友聊天吗?Do you enjoy on the Internet?3.人与人应当相互帮助。People should .4.我希望你在戴维的生日聚会上玩得开心。I hope you will at Davids birthday party.5.你是校排球队的吗?

9、Are you volleyball team?(四)缺词填空: Hello! Im Li Fang a_ Qinghua Secondary School. L _me tell you s_ about my school. We h_ lessons every morning. We have PE lessons o_ a week. I dont have much time to play a_ school.I have l_ of homework to do every day. Luo Sang is my good friend. His E_ name is Simon. We are b_ members of the Reading Club. We like c _at lunchtime.学后反思:阅读课中词汇教学形式单一。词汇教学通常都是以教师讲学生听和做笔记的模式。结果就是老师讲得很辛苦,学生抄得辛苦,课后花很多时间去记忆却达不到理想的效果。另外,词汇学习延伸太多,给学生带来巨大灾难,基础差的学生基本放弃。来源:学优高考网



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