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1、Belt and Road InitiativeMy PerspectiveGood morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today, I am very glad to be stand here and make a short speech that be used to express my personal views. The title of my speech is “ Belt and Road InitiativeMy Perspective“, and I will try my best to make the speech! As long

2、as the One Belt And One Road is mentioned, the traditional concept of the silk road will be in everyones mind. As early as in 1870, after the Germans geographer Mr Leahy based on the investigation to the China henan, shanxi and other places, he published a report that luoyang is a starting place of

3、the business in ancient China, through the many countries,.Due to the silk as the main trade goods in this oad, so it be named as the silk road. Two thousand years ago, zhangsai,the diplomatic messenger of the western han dynasty ,took on the mission of peace and reached central Asia twice, thus for

4、ming a silk road through which to connect Europe and Asia. Later, the silk road was known around the world and divided into the land silk road and the maritime silk road. In modern society, the silk road has become the line word that China connects with other countries in the world. In September and

5、 October 2013, our President xi proposed the strategic vision for building the “new silk road economic belt“ and the “21st century maritime silk road“, or One Belt And One Road. One Belt And One Road is not the reappear or reconstruction of the silk road in history, but a great achievement that has

6、never been done before. In philosophy, there is a saying that social existence determines social consciousness. Indeed, the Chinas current national conditions leads to the emergence of this great idea. On the contrary, the emergence of this great idea has greatly promoted the development of our nati

7、onal politics, economy and culture. One Belt And One Road strategic concept has spread in the worlds political and economic aspects.It put a new era meaning for the ancient silk road, and bring new development opportunities to more countries along the city. In the previous silk road, China Shared a

8、lot of resources to other countries and brought more civilization and friendship to other countries, and was praised and loved by the people of all countries. Today, we present One Belt And One Road, which means that with the development of Chinas economy, our country has more ability to help other

9、countries. This idea has played a big role in the development of our country and the rest of the world. First, it will help our country to open up to the outside world and form a new situation. Second, it will boost Chinas outbound investment and benefit countries along the routes. Finally, it will

10、help promote economic growth in underdeveloped regions, change the layout of global economic politics, and make new contributions to the balanced development of countries around the world. Lets cheer for this great idea! Thats all for my speech. Thank you for your attention.我对一带一路的看法 先生们、女士们,大家上午好!

11、今天,我非常高兴恩能够够站在这里做一个简短的演讲并表达我的个人观点。我演讲 的题目是“我对一带一路的看法” ,我会尽我最大的力去做好这场演讲! 只要提到一带一路,我们每个人的脑海里一定会有丝绸之路这个传统的概念跳出来。 早在 1870 年,德国地理学家李希霍芬通过对中国河南、陕西等地的考察,在他发表的一篇 报告中指出在古老的中国有一条以洛阳为起点的商业之路,贯穿了许多国家,由于这条路 以丝绸为主要贸易品,所以将其命名为丝绸之路。两千年以前,西汉的外交使者张赛肩负 和平的使命,两次达到中亚,由此形成了一条横贯东西,融通欧亚的丝绸之路。后来,丝 绸之路被全世界的人们所知晓,并将其划分为陆上丝绸之路

12、与海上丝绸之路。 在现代社会,丝绸之路已经成为中国与世界上其他各国联系的线路词语。在 2013 年 9 月和 10 月,我们的国家主席习近平分别提出建设“新丝绸之路经济带”和“21 世纪海上 丝绸之路”的战略构想,简称:一带一路。一带一路并不是历史上丝绸之路的再现或者重 建,而是之前从来都没有过的一项伟大成就。在哲学中有句谚语:社会存在决定社会意识, 在中国现阶段国情的驱动下,引发了这个伟大构想的出现。在相反的一方面,这一伟大构 想的出现都极大地促进了我们国家政治、经济、文化等各方面的发展。一带一路的战略构 想已经在世界上的政治经济方面都扩散开来,为古老的丝绸之路赋予了崭新的时代意义, 更为沿

13、线各国的城市带来新的发展机遇。 在以前的丝绸之路,中国通过贸易往来的方式把中国的大量资源输送给其他国家,带 给了其他国家更多的文明与友好,受到了各国人民的赞扬与喜爱。今天,我们提出了一带 一路,这就意味着随着中国经济的不断发展,我们国家有更多的能力去帮助其他国家。这 一构想为我们国家及世界各国的发展都起到了很大的作用。首先,它有利于我们国家完全 对外开放,形成新的局面,与其他各国互利共赢;其次,它将推动中国加大对外投资,使 沿线国家受益;最后,它有助于促进相关不发达地区的经济增长,改变全球经济政治的布 局,为世界各国均衡发展做出新贡献。让我们一起为这一伟大构想喝彩吧! 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家的参与。



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