新视野大学英语读写教程3 unit 1

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1、Contents,Lead - in,Pre-reading,Text Study,Summary,Writing,Lead - in,Lead - in,Our todays topic is “Love Without Limitations”. Now lets approach it in order to get a better sense of the background to the birth of the text. Our topic-centered lead-in begins with the question as follows:,Mode I,Mode II

2、,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,Tips,Interactive Mode I,Q. 1 Whats your definition of love without limitations?,It is a dynamic and powerful energy that ;It is based on an attitude of complete acceptance, which means ;It is usually available in times of ;,Tips,Mode I,Mode II,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,Tips,Q. 2 Wha

3、t kind of person is apt to cherish such love?,Tips,Interactive Mode II,Mode I,Mode II,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,It is often remarked that love is born in times of suffering and misery but dead in periods of ease and comfort. In this light, ,Those who are born with a wealth of love and care from their fam

4、ilies, ?Those who suffer a lot of misfortune from childhood, ?,Interactive Mode III,Now lets listen to a passage and then go on with our lead-in.,Key Words: not sweat the life focuses on to get somewhere in life hardly have time to breathe, let alone make it ones first priority compete for a decent

5、jobwas born with some brain damage making learning a challenge,Tips,Tips,Mode I,Mode II,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,As far as we learn from the short passage, lack of oxygen during birth left the speakers brother with some brain damage. That permanent disability deprived him of the chance to go to a regula

6、r school. His life must have been a mixture of misfortune from life and practical love from people around. My next question is as follows:,Tips,Q. 3 What did the speakers brother give first priority to?,1) His misfortune caused by his brain damage? 2) His desire for care from his family members and

7、society around? 3) His love for those who have given him timely help as well as for people in need? 4) ?,Tips,Interactive Mode III,Mode I,Mode II,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,Tips,Q. 4 What would her brother do in face of great tragedies?,Tips,Interactive Mode IV,Mode I,Mode II,Mode III,Mode IV,随 笔,As can b

8、e seen from the foregoing, those living in adversity know better the worth of love from others, and in return, they also have a clear idea about what to do when people around are in trouble. My next question is as follows:,In the wake of 911, her brother would: 1) Know well from his own experience w

9、hat others were in great need of, because ? 2) Make it his first priority to ? 3) Believe that boundless love would ? 4) ,The Birth of the Text,随 笔,Pre-reading,Background Information,Watch and Discuss,New Words,Background Information,视频讨论,生词学习,随 笔,Background Information,视频讨论,生词学习,随 笔,Background Info

10、rmation,视频讨论,生词学习,随 笔,Watch & Discuss,Directions: Watch the video and then discuss the topics as follows:,Video watching,2. How to integrate such unlimited love into our daily life?,1. Why is calamity liable to give birth to love without limitations?,Key,Key,背景知识,生词学习,随 笔,视频文件放在这个白色的框内,不要超出去。也不要遮挡框的

11、白边。,September 11th Attacks,背景知识,生词学习,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,New Words,背景知识,视频讨论,随 笔,Text Study,Topic-centered Analysis of Text,If you were the author of the text, how would you organize it?,The autho

12、r tackled the topic by organizing it into three patterns of “problem-response-evaluation”,i.e. the text begins with the problem concerned; then people involved respond to it with diverse actions; and the text ends up with evaluations of peoples responses, as shown in the block diagram below:,课文阅读,随

13、笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Topic-centered Analysis of Text,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,Main Idea?,Writing Technique (W.T.) ?,结构分析,Para 1 My brother, Jimmy, did not get enough oxygen during a difficult delivery, leaving him with brain damage, and two years later I was born. Since then, my life revolved around my brothers. Accomp

14、anying my growing up was always “go out and play and take your brother with you”. I couldnt go anywhere without him, so I urged the neighborhood kids to come to my house for some out-of-control kid-centered fun.,Love Without Limitations,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,句型,Para 2 My moth

15、er taught Jimmy practical things like how to brush his teeth or put on a belt. My father, a saint, simply held the house together with his patience and understanding. I was in charge outside where I administered justice by tracking down the parents of the kids who picked on my brother, and telling o

16、n them.,课文阅读,随 笔,课文缩写,结构分析,Text Analyzing and Reading,Para 3 My father and Jimmy were inseparable. They ate breakfast together and on weekdays drove off to the navy shipping center every morning where they both worked Jimmy unloaded color-coded boxes. At night after dinner, they would talk and play games late into the evening. They even whistled the same tunes.,



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