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1、形态实验学:消化道与疾病 寄生虫学部分 消化道寄生线虫 消化道寄生吸虫,南京医科大学病原生物学系,Nematoda (线虫纲),Ascaris lumbricoides 似蚓蛔线虫 Trichuris trichiura 毛首鞭形线虫 Enterobius vermicularis 蠕形住肠线虫(蛲虫) Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus 十二指肠钩口线虫和美洲板口线虫(钩虫),Trematoda (吸虫纲),Fasciolopsis buski 布氏姜片形吸虫,似蚓蛔线虫 Ascaris lumbricoides,Ascaris lumb

2、ricoides Life-cycle,成虫 雌雄异体 雌虫:长20-35cm,有的可达49cm,生殖系统为双管型,阴门位于虫体腹中部之前 雄虫:15-31cm,尾部向腹面弯曲,生殖系统为单 管型,镰刀状交合刺一对,蛔虫(Ascaris),雄蛔虫交合刺,An adult Ascaris worm (female),受精蛔虫卵 Fertilized Ascaris lumbricoides egg (still at the unicellular stage),平均大小6045m 宽椭圆形 棕黄色 卵壳较厚,自外向内分三层:受精膜(卵黄膜)、壳质层和蛔甙层。壳外有一层蛋白质膜,凹凸不平,被胆汁

3、染成棕黄色 内含一大而圆的受精卵细胞,受精卵细胞与卵壳间有新月形空隙,未受精蛔虫卵 Unfertilized Ascaris lumbricoides egg,大小9040m 长椭圆形 棕黄色 壳质层与蛋白质膜均较薄,无蛔甙层 内含许多大小不等的折光性颗粒,两种蛔虫卵比较,Three fertilized eggs (one decorticated, on the right) of Ascaris lumbricoides,Ascaris lumbricoides egg containing a larva (infective if ingested),Ascaris lumbrico

4、ides larva hatching from an egg,毛首鞭形线虫 Trichuris trichiura,鞭虫(Trichuris trichiura) (Whipworm),Adult worms look like whips Light infestations are frequently asymptomatic Heavy infestations may have bloody diarrhea Long-standing blood loss may lead to iron-deficiency anemia Rectal prolapse is possible

5、 in severe cases.,Trichuris trichiura Life-cycle,成虫,前(3/5)细,后(2/5)粗,似马鞭 雌虫(长30-50mm)尾端钝圆 雄虫(长30-45mm)尾端卷曲,有交合刺一根,Trichuris trichiura adult worm,Trichuris trichiura adult worm in intestine,虫卵,50542223m, 较蛔虫卵小 纺锤形 黄褐色 卵壳较厚,两端各有一透明的盖塞(opercular plug) 内含一卵细胞,Scanning electron micrograph. 2000.,Trichuris

6、 trichiura eggs,Enterobius vermicularis,蠕形住肠线虫,Enterobius vermicularis Life-cycle,蠕形住肠线虫(蛲虫),成虫,细小,乳白色,线头状 大,8-13mm,尾直而尖细,生殖系双管型 小,仅2-5mm,尾卷曲,有交合刺一根,生殖 系单管型,Enterobius vermicularis adult worm,Anterior of adult worm,Cross-section of human appendix containing Enterobius vermicularis,虫 卵,5525m 一则较平,一则稍

7、凸,柿核状 无色透明 卵壳厚 卵内含一蝌蚪期幼虫,Enterobius vermicularis eggs,钩虫 (Hookworm),钩虫(Hookworm),Two species of hookworms commonly infect humans, Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus The most significant risk of hookworm infection is anemia,Hookworm Life-cycle,钩虫成虫,约1cm,肉红色,死后为灰白色。其前端较细,有一口囊,是附着于宿主肠壁的器官。,十二

8、指肠钩虫,美洲钩虫,十二指肠钩虫 有两对钩齿,美洲钩虫 有一对板齿,两种钩虫成虫口囊比较,Adult worm of Ancylostoma duodenale. Anterior end is depicted showing cutting teeth.,Adult worm of Necator americanus. Anterior end showing mouth parts with cutting plates.,copulatory bursa and spicules of male hookworms,交合伞:撑开时略圆; 背辐肋:远端分两支,每支又分3小 支; 交合刺

9、:2根,末端分开,Ancylostoma duodenale,Necator americanus,交合伞:撑开时略扁呈扇形; 背辐肋:在基部分2支,每支又分2小 支; 交合刺:一刺末端呈钩状,常包套于 另一刺的凹槽内,copulatory bursa of a male Ancylostoma duodenale showing the two separate spicules,copulatory bursa of a male Necator americanus showing the two spicules not well separated,二种钩虫成虫形态主要鉴别点,虫卵,

10、6040m 椭圆形 壳薄,无色透明 卵内多为2-4个卵细胞,卵壳与卵细胞间有明显空隙 二种钩虫卵不易区别,Eggs of Ancylostoma duodenale and Necator americanus cannot be distinguished morphologically,Hookworm rhabditiform larva,Hookworm filariform larva,布氏姜片吸虫 Fasciolopsis buski,Life cycle of Fasciolopsis buski,布氏姜片形吸虫(Fasciolopsis buski ),Adult and la

11、rvae of Fasciolopsis buski,Egg of Fasciolopsis buski,F. buski eggs are released in faeces unembryonated. The operculated eggs are oval with a thin shell, brown and measure 130-150 by 78-100 um.,Intermediate host of Fasciolopsis buski: Hippeutis schmackerie,Aquatic plants on which Fasciolopsis buski infests,water caltrop (water chestnut),Chinese water chestnut,Manchurian wild rice,Laboratory Report (绘图),蛔虫卵 钩虫卵 鞭虫卵 蛲虫卵 布氏姜片形吸虫卵,注明结构,


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