一轮复习:必修四 unit2

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1、Unit 2 Working the land 耕作土地目录基础盘点自测自评核心单词单词 1_ vt. 战战斗;较较量;斗争vt. 奋奋斗4_ adv.因此;所以;因而5_ n(bacterium的复数形式)细细菌6_n评论评论 ;议论议论 vi. 作出评论评论7_ n十年;十年期8 _ vt.伸展9 _ vt.流传传struggleoutputbattlethereforebacteriacommentdecade expandcirculate目录10._ n自由;自主11. _ vt.装备备equipment n设备设备 (不可数)12. _ vt.出口import vt.入口;进进口1

2、3. _ n国籍nation n国家;民族national adj.国家的;国有的14. _ n工作;职业职业 ;占领领occupy vt.占领领15. _ vt.使迷惑;使为难为难 confusing adj.令人迷惑的confused adj.感到迷惑的confusion n迷惑16. _ vt.遗遗憾;惋惜 n遗遗憾;懊悔regretful adj.后悔的freedomequipexportnationalityoccupationconfuseregret目录17 _ adj.化学的;关于化学的chemistry n化学chemist n化学家;药剂师药剂师18 _ vt.减少;缩缩减

3、reduction n缩缩小;减少19 _ n总结总结 ;摘要;概要summarize vt.总结总结20 _ n发现发现 ;发觉发觉 discover(vt.)发现发现 ;发觉发觉 ;观观察,观测观测chemicalreducesummarydiscovery目录高频频短语语1_ 幸亏;由于;因为为2 _使摆摆脱或除去3 _ 对对感到满满意4 _ 宁愿;宁可5 _逐渐渐增强;建立;开发发6 _导导致;造成(后果)7 _集中(注意力、精力等)于8 _盛产产9 _使免受(影响、伤伤害等);使不含(有害物)10 _选择选择 (而不是)thanks to rid.of be satisfied wi

4、th would ratherbuild up lead to focus on be rich in keep.free from/of prefer.to. 目录典型句式1what is called.所(称)谓谓的,what引导宾语导宾语 从句Yuan Longping grows _super hybrid rice.袁隆平种植的是被称为为“超级杂级杂 交水稻”的稻种。2if so“如果这样这样 的话话”,if引导导省略句_,what did you do to grow them?如果这样这样 的话话,你是怎样样种植它们们的?what is called If so目录3动动名词词的

5、否定形式作主语语_leads to poor health and,therefore,sickness.没有足够够的食物引起身体不健康,所以引发发疾病。4动词动词 不定式作主语语_is very important for some African countries.对对一些非洲国家来说摆说摆 脱贫贫困是重要的。5过过去分词词作状语语_new scientific farming methods,they have been able to use less farmland than in the past.有了新的科学耕种方法,他们们能够够运用比过过去少的耕地。Not having e

6、nough foodTo get rid of hunger Equipped with 目录6have/has been doing现现在完成进进行时时Recently,however,scientists _that longterm use of these fertilizers can cause damage to the land and,even more dangerous,to peoples health.然而,最近科学家发现长发现长 期使用这这些肥料会造成土地受损损,甚至更危险险的是,会对对人们们的健康造成危害。have been finding 目录考点串讲讲练互动单

7、词单词 精研1. struggle vi. 拼搏;努力;挣挣扎(朗文P2048)Shes struggling to support a family on a very low income. 她靠着非常微薄的收入艰难艰难 地供养一家人。目录归纳归纳 拓展 1.Struggle to do sth挣挣扎着做某事,努力做某事Struggle for为为而斗争,为为而努力Struggle with/against与.做斗争2.Struggle to ones feet挣挣扎着站起来3.With a struggle 费劲费劲 的4.Its a struggle for sb to do sth对

8、对某人来说说做某事很难难目录They asked for civil rights,_ which they had struggled for hundreds of years.他们们要求民权权,并为为此奋奋斗了几百年。He has been _ in his business.He has been _in his business.为为使事业业成功,他一直努力奋奋斗着。(人教36)It is _for me to keep my room or desk tidy.保持我的房间间和书书桌整洁对洁对 我来说说是件费劲费劲 的事。forstruggling to succeedstrugg

9、ling for successa struggle目录2. equip vt.配备备Our classroom is equipped with a TV set and a tape recorder.我们们的教室里配有一台电视电视 机和一台录录音机。归纳归纳 拓展(1)equip.with. 用装备备be equipped with 装备备着equip.for sth./to do sth. 为为了而装备备be well/poorly equipped 设备设备 精良的/较较差的(2)equipment n. 装备备;设备设备 (不可数名词词)a piece of equipment 一

10、件设备设备目录-new scientific farming methods,they have been able to use less farmland than in the past. 因为为掌握了科学的农农耕新方法,现现在,他们们可以使用更少的农农 田进进行耕种。 We want our son to have a good education that will later life.我们们想让让儿子接受良好的教育以便 能为为其今后的生活打下基础础。 Please equip yourself a sharp pencil and a rubber the exam. 请请准备备

11、一支削尖的铅铅笔和一块块橡皮参加考试试。Equipped withequip him forwithfor目录3 . confuse vt. 使迷惑;使为难为难 ;使混乱;混淆(2012高考北京卷阅读阅读 理解B)Confused,I glanced toward my stonefaced teacher.我看了一眼板着脸脸的老师师,内心充满满了困惑。归纳归纳 拓展(1)confuse.with/and.混淆;把混同;辨别别不清be confused by被弄混、糊涂(2)be confused about对对 糊涂、不解confused adj.困惑的,烦恼烦恼 的(表示人的内心感受)co

12、nfusing adj.令人费费解的;使人困惑的(表示事物的状态态)目录I confused her with her sister because they were so alike.我把她和她妹妹弄混了,因为为她们长们长 得太像了。(朗文P418)If you anything,phone my office.如果你有任何疑问问,给给我办办公室打电话电话 。I was getting by such a problem.我被这这么困惑的问题问题 搞得不知所措。are confused aboutconfusedconfusing目录4. regret vt. 惋惜;后悔;遗遗憾 n. 遗

13、遗憾;抱歉;懊悔(教材P13)His father says that he has never regretted sending his son to study abroad.他的父亲说亲说 他从不后悔送他儿子到国外学习习。目录(牛津P1673)We that your application has not been successful.我们们很遗遗憾地通知您,您的申请请未通过过。I ; I should have planned everything ahead carefully.我很遗遗憾未能完成工作,我本来应该应该 事先认认真地把每件事情规规划得很好。We think, th

14、at we will not be able to visit you next year.让让我们们深感遗遗憾的是,我们们明年不能去拜访访你了。regret to inform youregret having left the work unfinishedmuch to our regret目录目录5. focus vt. 集中注意力;聚焦 n焦点,关注点,中心点(教材P14)They focus on keeping their soil rich and free of disease. 他们们主要是想保持土壤肥沃且免受病害。目录If you are going to follow someone, focus on their talent,not their bad character or unacceptable behaviors



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