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1、2.on average 3.in the form of e up with 1.on earth在世界上;究竟5.keep ones promise遵守诺言6.in charge of 负责,掌管平均 以形式 想出;提出7.be fond of喜欢,喜爱Important phrases8.keep ones spirits up9.take a risk 10.according to11.In the open air12.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事13.in case of 14.in great detail 精神抖擞冒险依据,按照

2、如果;假使详细地在户外1.state The building was in a bad state.那栋建筑物情况很糟。 He was in a poor state of health.他的健康状况不佳。 be in/get into a state He was quite in a state. 他十分激动/紧张。C 状态,情况,形势兴奋,紧张in a state处于状况/情况state vt. State your name and address,please.请说出你的名字和地址。 The Prime Minister stated that he would visit Can

3、ada the next year.首相声明明年他将访问加拿大。陈述,表明,说出,声明2.trap be trapped in trap sb.into(doing) sth.用计捕捉某人或使某人上当 She was trapped in the burning house.她被困在燃烧着的房子里了。vt. 把困在, 使陷于; (储存,留存) 被困在I was trapped into admitting that I had lied. 我中了圈套,承认自己撒谎了。trap n.陷阱,困境,圈套 set/lay a trap 布好陷阱 be caught in a trap of. 陷入的困

4、境 I knew perfectly well it was a trap.我很清楚那是一个陷阱。 The police set a trap for the thieves.警察设下了圈套捉小偷。 He was caught in a trap of poverty.他陷入了贫困的窘境。_in loveless marriages,many women feel that life is colorless. ATo trap BTrapping CTrapped DTo be trapped 【答案】 C【解析】 句意为:很多妇女陷入没有 爱情的婚姻而感到生活没有色彩。此处 trap与逻辑

5、主语many women之间为动 宾关系,故用过去分词作原因状语。3.privilege Its a privilege to do sth.enjoy privileges n荣幸;特权;权利做某事是荣幸 have the privilege of doing sth.有幸做某事 享受特权 I hope to have the privilege of working with them again.但愿有幸与他们再度合作。 Education should be a universal right and nota privilege.教育应当是全民的权利而非某些人的特权。 It was

6、a privilege to hear her sing.听她唱歌是一桩很荣幸的事。privilegedthe privileged classes I am privileged to have a distinguished guest with me tonight.我今晚有幸与一位贵宾在一起。adj. 有特权的;荣幸的特权阶级Its a great_to know you,a worldfamous physics scientist. Aprecaution Bprivilege Cprivacy Dprescription 【答案】 B 【解析】 privilege “荣幸”符合句

7、意。 precaution 预防,警戒;privacy 隐居, 隐私,秘密;prescription 处方,药方 ,均与句意不符。4.set foot on/in. Nobody has ever set foot on the lonely island.从未有人踏上过那座孤岛。I told him never to set foot in/on my house again.我告诉他再也别踏进我家的门。踏上,进入,到达set about(doing sth.) set out to do sth. set off set aside/apart set up 开始;着手做某事着手做某事动身

8、/出发/开始做某事(后接不定式);使爆炸留出,存储,放在一边竖起来,建立;创(纪录)Each month she tried to set aside part of her salary.每个月她都设法留出工资的一部分。 They both have set off on a journey round the world.他们俩已踏上周游世界的旅程了。 Lets set up the tent first.我们先把帐篷搭起来。We will set about preparing supper.我们要开始准备晚饭了。Norwegian called Carstens Borchgrevin

9、k became the first man to_the Antarctic mainland. Aset forth Bset up Cset foot on Dset off【答案】 C 【解析】 set forth意为“启程”;set up 意为“建立”;set foot on意为“到达”; set off意为“动身;使爆炸”。句意 为“第一个到达南极洲大陆的人”。e into/in sight进入视野,出现,看到 Well fire as soon as the enemy come into sight.敌人一进入视野我们就开火。(1)at (the) sight of一看见(某人

10、/某物)就(3)catch sight of (4)lose sight ofin /within sight out of sight(2)看得见;在视野内 在看不见的地方;在视野之外发现,突然看到看不见,忽略,失去的音信2008年天津卷)At the railway station,the mother waved goodbye to her daughter until the train was_. Aout of sight Bout of reach Cout of order Dout of place【答案】 A 【解析】 out of sight看不见,在视野 之外;out

11、 of reach够不到,力所不能及 的;out of order混乱的;out of place不 适合的,不恰当的。6.in case of We wont go there in case of rain tomorrow.如果明天下雨,我们就不去那里了。In case of fire,break the glass and push the alarm button.发生火灾的时候,打破玻璃,按下警报器的 按钮。如果;假使;万一 (1)in case You had better take your umbrella in case it rains. 你最好带把雨伞,以防天下雨。 (

12、2)in no case (in no case置于句首时,句子用部分倒装) We will in no case use nuclear weapons first. 我们决不会首先使用核武器。假如,以免(防)决不In no case will we use nuclear weapons first.(3)in any case We cant be late in any case.在任何情况下我们都不能迟到。 (4)in this/that case 如果这样/那样的话,在这种/那种情况下 If you come late again,you will be fired.In that

13、 case,you will be helpless.如果你再迟到一次,就会被解雇的。那 样的话,没有人能帮你的忙。在任何情况下,总之1.My parents live in a small village.They always keep candles in the house_there is a power cut. Aif Bunless Cin case Din case of 【答案】 C 【解析】 本题考查in case引导的条件 状语从句。根据句意,后半句意为“以 防停电”。in case 以防,以免。2._fire,all exits must be kept clear.

14、 AIn place of BInstead of CIn case of DIn spite of 【答案】 C 【解析】 句意为:为防火灾,所有疏 散通道务必畅通。A.in place of B.instead of(取代,替代)。D.in spite of( 尽管)。只有C.in case of(以防)符合 题意。3.Im afraid Mr Wood cant see you until 4 oclock. Oh,_I wont wait. Ano doubt Bin any case Cin that case Din this way【答案】 C 【解析】 此题考查短语的用法。no

15、 doubt毫无疑问,in any case总之,in that case要是那样的话,in this way用这 种方法。答语为“要是那样的话我就不 等了”。2.on average 3.in the form of 4.set foot on/in e into sight e up with 1.on earth在世界上;究竟7.keep ones promise遵守诺言 8.in charge of 负责,掌管平均 以形式到达,进入 进入视野 想出;提出9.be fond of 10.keep ones spirits up 11.take a risk 12.according to 11.In the open air 13.discourage sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 14.in case of 15.in great detail 喜欢,喜爱精神抖擞冒险 依据,按照如果;假使 详细地在户外



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