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1、 Under the Theory of Multiple Intelligences College Sports Professional Tennis Teaching InnovationA Dissertation Submitted tothe Graduate School of Henan Universityin Partial Fulfillment of the Requirementsfor the Degree ofMaster of Education in ScienceByCheng RuiruiSupervisor: Prof. Yi ChunyanMay,

2、20132摘要网球运动是一个新兴的体育运动项目,以其独特的魅力和良好的体教功能促使全国各地各个高校逐渐开展起来。随着我国教育改革的不断深入,素质教育思想已经逐步渗透到了教育的各个层面,促进学生全面发展的观念已经得到了广泛的认同。作为全国各个高校体育课中逐渐开设的新兴网球课程,也必须紧跟改革步伐,不断创新网球教学。多元智能理论是发展心理学家、教育学家霍华德加德纳(Howard Gardner)提出的,在全世界都产生了广泛而深远的影响,为高校体育专业网球教学的创新提供了理论基础和创新方向,本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等以河南省高校体育专业网球教学现状为切入口,以多元智能



5、球教学方法、多元化网球教学方法、程序化网球教学方法、主体性网球教学方法、娱乐性网球教学方法、体验式网球教学方法;在教学评价中应该融入多元智能评价,真对学生要注重形成性评价、追求评价标准的多元化、I讲究评价方法的多样化,真对教师要树立新的教学评价观、注重整体性教学评价、建立科学的教师评价制度。关键词:多元智能理论,网球教学,创新研究IIABSTRACTTennis is an emerging sportVarious colleges and universities across the country promote its uniquecharm and good body teachi

6、ng gradually unfolded. The tennis teaching started late, there are still scarce,such as textbooks, teaching hours arrangements unreasonable, outdated teaching methods and means, asingle assessment and evaluation tools inadequate. With the deepening of Chinas education reform, qualityeducation ideolo

7、gy has gradually penetrated into all levels of education, and to promote students all-rounddevelopment of the concept has been widely recognized. The emerging tennis lessons gradually opened asthe countrys colleges and universities physical education also must keep up with the pace of reform,innovat

8、ion tennis teaching. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences developmental psychologists, educatorsHoward Gardner (Howard Gardner), extensive and far-reaching influence in the world, provides atheoretical foundation and innovative for college sports professional tennis teaching innovation direction,the

9、 study of the theory of multiple intelligences, to explore of college tennis teaching law, provide somereference to the theory and practice of active and innovative tennis instruction, tennis teaching workers.This paper makes use of literature, questionnaire, mathematical statistics, logical analysi

10、s method to ofHenan College Sports professional tennis teaching situation as the entry point to the theory of multipleintelligences theory to guide in the Theory of Multiple Intelligences Perspective from teaching philosophyfive teaching objectives, teaching content, teaching methods, teaching evalu

11、ation link through active andinnovative professional tennis teaching of college sports.Through the survey it is found that the Henan College Sports Professional tennis teaching goals over asingle, concerned about the lack of a comprehensive capacity development; teachers focus too much onteaching st

12、udents the ability while ignoring the ability of the students themselves; tennis theory teachingfunction too single, the lack of cultivating students interest in learning and experience to develop theteaching content, technical course more to focus on technical presentations and training, the curren

13、t theChina Tennis textbook also can not meet the needs of teachers and students; over a single teaching methods,lack of innovative ideas, you can not play the student body role; antiquated ideas of teaching evaluation, asingle method, most teachers aware of the need for the evaluation of the student

14、s own ability toIIIcomprehensively improve, but lack of innovation in the specific evaluation process, the lack ofdiversification of the evaluation criteria and evaluation methods.Under the theory of multiple intelligences college sports professional tennis teaching innovationshould be at least five

15、 parts, including teaching philosophy, teaching objectives, teaching content, teachingmethods, teaching evaluation. Teaching should pay attention to the changes in the concept of teachingdemocratization, individualized instruction, teaching diversification; in order to promote the overalldevelopment

16、 of students, teaching objectives should cultivate students basic knowledge and basic skills,promote student health, the pursuit of practicality, sustainability, and meet the individual needs of thetarget on the basis of the extended training objectives; Multiple Intelligences in the tennis teaching process,the preparation section, the basic part and the end part of the contents of the tone increased and increased,in order to promote the overall development of students; combine multiple



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