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1、 Unit 4 Earthquakes Reading NEW WORDS ?裂缝、开裂裂缝、开裂 蒸汽蒸汽 废墟废墟 爆裂、爆发爆裂、爆发 污垢污垢 损害、伤害损害、伤害 震惊震惊 灾难灾难 Crack recovery steam ruin burst dirt injure shock disaster NEW WORDS ?陷入困境陷入困境 营救、救援营救、救援 掩蔽处掩蔽处 损失、损害损失、损害 埋葬、掩埋埋葬、掩埋 破坏、毁坏破坏、毁坏 运河、水道运河、水道 trap rescue damage shelter bury destroy canal Fast reading Wha

2、t does the passage mainly talk about? Skimming ?Time: July 28, 1976 Tangshan, Hebei ?Place: ?Disaster: A big earthquake Main idea:An earthquake happened in Tangshan on July 28, 1976 Tangshan, Hebei July 28th, 1976 Just match it ! Part1 (Para.1) A. Helps came to Tangshan. All hope was not lost B. Str

3、ange things were happening before the earthquake Part2 (Para.2&3) Part3 (Para.4) C. The disaster happened and caused a lot of loss Para 1 Signs before the earthquake The water in the well well walls A smelly gas The pigs and the chickens mice and fish In the sky The water pipe rose and fell. had dee

4、p cracks in them. came out of the cracks . Strange were too nervous to eat. things people saw bright lights. mice came out of fields; fish jumped out of bowls and ponds. No one noticed them. cracked and burst . Para. 2-3 Data(数据数据) 1/3 of the nation felt the earthquake . ? 8 kilometres ? A huge crac

5、k that was 30 long and meters wide cut across houses. 15 ?In terrible seconds a large city lay in ruins. 2/3 ? of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. Para. 2-3 Data(数据数据) ?The number of people who were killed or injured reached more than 400,000 . 75% ?All of the citys hospitals,

6、_ of 90% its factories and buildings and of its homes were gone. Tang shans new look Language points 1.too.to 太太.而不能(而不能(矛盾矛盾) eg. The pair of shoes is too large to wear. 注:注:1). 简直,非常简直,非常”(不矛盾不矛盾) eg. Im only too delighted to accept your invitation. 2). 无论怎样也不过分无论怎样也不过分”(too前有否定前有否定词词,如,如,never、no

7、t等。)等。) eg. Its never too late to study. 2. rise vi. rose, risen 上升上升; 升起升起; 上涨上涨; 升高升高; 增加增加 raise vt. raised, raised 举起举起, 抬起,喂养抬起,喂养 rose He _ from his chair when the door bell rang. raising Her job is _ chickens. Her temperature is still _. rising He _ in rank recently. has risen 3.burst (1)vi.爆

8、裂;爆发爆裂;爆发 In the city,the water pipes in some buildings cracked and burst. 在市内,有些建筑物里的水管在市内,有些建筑物里的水管爆裂爆裂开来开来 (2)n.突然破裂;爆发突然破裂;爆发 We heard a burst of a bomb in the early morning. 大清早我们听到了炸弹的大清早我们听到了炸弹的爆炸声爆炸声 拓展延伸拓展延伸 (1)(2) ? ?burst into tears? ? ? 突然哭起来突然哭起来 burst out crying? ? ? ? ?burst into laug

9、hter? ? ? 突然笑起来突然笑起来 burst out laughing? ? ? ? ? ?into ? ? ? ?(3)burst? ? someplace突然闯入突然闯入/冲出冲出 ? ?out of ? ? ?1.完成句子完成句子 There was_ _ _ _(突然爆发出一阵笑突然爆发出一阵笑声声) in the next room. 答案:答案: a burst of laughter When she heard the funny story,she _ _ _ _ _(情不自禁笑起来情不自禁笑起来) 答案:答案: couldn t help bursting into

10、 laughter/out laughing 4.But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night. (para 1, the last sentence) think little/much of 对对 不重视不重视/重视重视 think highly/well of 对对评价高评价高/好好 think badly/poorly of 认为认为不好,评价差不好,评价差 即学即练:即学即练: think much of s The

11、 mayor _ your suggestion and he asks you to plan the project in details. 5. It seemed as if the world was at an end! (para2, line1) be at an end 结束结束 come to an end 结束结束 put/bring sth to an end 结束某事结束某事 翻译:翻译: (1)战争结束了。)战争结束了。 The war was at an end. The war came to an end. (2)他们结束了战争。)他们结束了战争。 They

12、put the war to an end. 词语辨析:词语辨析: at an end 结束结束 at the end of 的尽头的尽头/末尾末尾 在在by the end of 到到末为止,一般与完成末为止,一般与完成 时连用时连用 in the end 最后,终于;不与最后,终于;不与of连用连用 6. It seemed as if the world was at an end!世界似乎到了末日!世界似乎到了末日! 本句中本句中as if 引导表语从句,表语从句中使引导表语从句,表语从句中使用了虚拟语气。用了虚拟语气。 He looks as if he were an artist

13、. 他他看起来象个艺术家。看起来象个艺术家。 He kept working as if nothing had happened. 他继续工作,仿佛什么都没有发生似的。他继续工作,仿佛什么都没有发生似的。 He talks as if he knew everything. 听他说话的口气,好像他什么都知道似的听他说话的口气,好像他什么都知道似的 注意:如果注意:如果as if (though) 引导的从句引导的从句与事实相反,从句要用虚拟语气。与事实相反,从句要用虚拟语气。与现与现在事实相反,从句用一般过去时态;与在事实相反,从句用一般过去时态;与过去事实相反,从句用过去完成时态。过去事实

14、相反,从句用过去完成时态。但如果从句说的是但如果从句说的是客观事实客观事实,可不用虚,可不用虚拟语气。拟语气。 It looks as if it is going to rain. 看起来好像要下雨。看起来好像要下雨。 补充:补充:as if to do sth.似乎要做某事似乎要做某事 7. ruin (1)n.废墟;遗迹废墟;遗迹(复数复数);毁灭;毁灭 Eg. A large number of buildings fell into ruin after the earthquake. 地震后许多建筑都毁了。地震后许多建筑都毁了。 (2)vt.毁坏;使破产毁坏;使破产 Heavy s

15、moking ruins your health ,so you should give up smoking. 吸烟过量损吸烟过量损坏健康,因此你应该戒烟。坏健康,因此你应该戒烟。 The crops were ruined by the flood. 农作物遭洪水毁坏。农作物遭洪水毁坏。 拓展延伸拓展延伸 ? ?be/lie in ruins成为废墟;毁灭成为废墟;毁灭(1)? ? ? ?fall into ruin成为废墟;毁了成为废墟;毁了 ? ?ruin one s hope使某人的希望破灭使某人的希望破灭 (2)? ? ?ruin oneself自我毁灭自我毁灭 ? damage

16、v&n.指指部分部分“损坏损坏”、“损害损害”、“破坏破坏”或指使用价值有所降低。或指使用价值有所降低。 用作用作n.时常与时常与to sth. 连用。连用。 The accident did a lot of damage to his car. ? destroy 只能只能v. 指指彻底破坏彻底破坏, 以致不可能修复以致不可能修复, 常作常作“破坏破坏”、“毁灭毁灭”解解 , 也可以指希望、计划等打破。也可以指希望、计划等打破。 The earthquake destroyed almost the whole town. ? ruin则表示破坏严重则表示破坏严重, 以致不能修复以致不能修

17、复, 但它不像但它不像destroy那样毁灭某物那样毁灭某物,而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问而是强调致使该物的使用价值发生了问题。用题。用v.时时,它作它作 “使毁灭使毁灭”、 “使崩溃使崩溃”、 “弄糟弄糟”解解;用用n.时时, 它表示它表示 “毁灭毁灭”、 “瓦解瓦解”、 “废墟废墟”等抽象概念。等抽象概念。 ? The fire ruined the castle. ? The house has fallen into ruin. ? The company is facing ruin. 1.The houses across the street are_,but they w

18、ere in good condition a few years ago. Ain ruins Bin rows Cin repairs Din numbers 解析:解析: 句意为:街对面的房子现在成废墟了,但几句意为:街对面的房子现在成废墟了,但几年前那些房子还很好。年前那些房子还很好。 in ruins 成为废墟;成为废墟;in rows 排排成行;成行;in repairs 在维修中;在维修中;in numbers 大量地。大量地。 答案:答案: A 2After the terrible earthquake ,the large city_. Alaid in ruin Blay

19、 in ruins Clied in ruins Dlying in a ruin 解析:解析: 句意为:可怕的地震过后,这座大城市成为句意为:可怕的地震过后,这座大城市成为一片废墟。一片废墟。lie in ruins 成为一片废墟成为一片废墟。分析句子结构。分析句子结构可知句中缺少谓语部分,故排除可知句中缺少谓语部分,故排除 D项。项。lie的过去式应的过去式应为为lay,故选,故选B项。项。 答案:答案: B 8. Two-thirds of the people died or were injured during the earthquake. 分数表达法:分子前,分母后;分子基数,

20、分数表达法:分子前,分母后;分子基数,分母序数。分子分母序数。分子大于大于1,分母用复数。,分母用复数。 1/4 3/5 one fourth three fifths 3 2/3 2 two thirds 5 two and three fifths n. 注意:分数注意:分数+n. 作主语时,谓语取决于作主语时,谓语取决于 some/plenty/most/all/half/part/a lot/the rest以及分数或百分数以及分数或百分数+of+n. 作主语时,谓语作主语时,谓语动词取决于动词取决于 n. ? More than 61% of the surface of the i

21、s earth _covered by water. ? Seventy percent of the workers in this are factory _young. 9.injure vt.损害;伤害损害;伤害 Two-thirds of them died or were injured during the earthquake. 在地震中有三分之二的人死亡或受伤。在地震中有三分之二的人死亡或受伤。 More than twenty people were injured in the accident. 20多人在事故中受伤。多人在事故中受伤。 ? 拓展延伸拓展延伸 injur

22、y nU损害,伤害损害,伤害 injured adj. 受伤的受伤的 injurious adj. 有害的有害的 His left leg was _ in an accident. Ahurt Bharmed Cinjured D wounded 解析:解析:hurt一般指一般指精神精神或肉体伤害;或肉体伤害;harm伤伤害有生命的东西,常指伤及人的害有生命的东西,常指伤及人的 健康、权利,健康、权利,事业事业等;等;injure指在指在事故事故中受伤;中受伤;wound 指指刀伤、枪伤、刺伤刀伤、枪伤、刺伤 等皮肉之伤,尤指战场上等皮肉之伤,尤指战场上所受之伤。所受之伤。 答案:答案: C

23、 ?have hurt Their criticisms _him deeply. harm Smoking will _his health. injured He was slightly _in the car accident. wounded He got _in the fighting. hurt What you said _my feeling. 10.shock (1)vt.& vi.(使使)震惊;震动震惊;震动 People were shocked at the earthquake. be shocked at/by 对对感到震惊感到震惊 It shocked you

24、 to hear the bad news. It shocked sb. to see/hear看到看到/听到听到使人使人震惊震惊 Everyone was shocked that he had been caught. be shocked that 对对很震惊很震惊 (2)n.休克;打击;震惊休克;打击;震惊 His death was a shock to the family. 他的死让全家人感到震惊。他的死让全家人感到震惊。 ? be a shock to sb. 对某人来说是一个对某人来说是一个打击打击 Shock和和surprise Shock表示表示突然性突然性,常指,常指

25、不好不好的事,惊讶程度的事,惊讶程度大于大于 surprise Surprise表示表示意外意外的事情,但事情的的事情,但事情的 好坏不一定好坏不一定。 1.完成句子完成句子 见到邻居如此对待他们的孩子,我感到吃惊。见到邻居如此对待他们的孩子,我感到吃惊。 I was_ _ _how my neighbours treated their children. 答案:答案: shocked to see B All of the people present felt _at the _news. Ashocking ;shocked Bshocked ;shocking Cshocked ;s

26、hocked Dshocking ;shocking ?rescue n.&vt. 1) n. c,u 救援,营救,救援行动救援,营救,救援行动 Eg. We had given up hope of rescue. His father came to his rescue by lending him some money. ? come/go to sb.s rescue= rescue sb.援救援救/帮帮助某人助某人 11. Some of the rescue workers and doctors were trapped under the ruins. ? 2) vt.救援救

27、援,拯救拯救,解救解救 ? rescue sb. /sth. fromsp. 把某人把某人/某物从某物从解解救出来。救出来。 ? He rescue a boy from drowning. ? They are trying to rescue the company from ruin. ? 拓展拓展:a rescue team ? rescue worker 12. trap 1) vt. (trapped, trapped)困住困住, 使陷于困境使陷于困境 Eg. Dozens of people were trapped in the building when the fire t

28、ook place. ? They trapped her into telling where the gift was hidden. be trapped in困在困在中中,陷在陷在中中 trap sb into doing sth 诱骗诱骗/陷害某人做某事陷害某人做某事 ?2) trap n. “圈套圈套; 陷阱;计谋陷阱;计谋” 常见短语:常见短语: ?set a trap 设置陷阱设置陷阱 ? fall/walk into a trap 落入圈套落入圈套 ?Eg. Some people see marriage as a trap. 1.The enemy fell into a

29、_(圈套圈套) and we defeated them. 答案:答案: trap 2. The policeman _ him by forcing him to follow Jim into the house. A.kept B. locked C. prisoned D. trapped 答案:答案: trapped 13. All hope was not lost. 并不是所有的希望都破灭了并不是所有的希望都破灭了 表示部分否定的句型。表示部分否定的句型。 all.not. not all. “并非所有的并非所有的都都”。Eg. All the students did not

30、go to the movie. Not all the students went to the movie. All the bamboo doesnt grow tall. Not all the bamboo grows tall. 拓展延伸拓展延伸 (1)英语中的英语中的all,both ,each ,every ,everybody ,everything 等与否定词等与否定词not连用,无论连用,无论not位置如何,均构成部分否位置如何,均构成部分否定,表示定,表示“并非都并非都”的意思。的意思。 Eg. Every boy is not interested in sports

31、. Not every boy is interested in sports. Both of the two math problems are not very difficult. Not both of the two math problems are very difficult. (2)英语中的英语中的no,none ,never ,nobody ,nothing ,neither ,no one ,nowhere 等等表否定意义的词表否定意义的词(组组)与肯定式谓语一起与肯定式谓语一起使用构成使用构成“全部否定全部否定” ?Eg. Nobody agrees with you

32、. ?None of these things are mine. ?Nothing is ready. 1. I agree with most of what you said,but I don t agree with_. Aeverything B anything Csomething Dnothing 解析:解析: 句意为:我同意你说的大部句意为:我同意你说的大部分,但是我不同意全部。分,但是我不同意全部。not.everything 并非都。并非都。 答案:答案: A 14. The army organized teams to dig out ? those who wer

33、e trapped and to bury the ? dead. 1)dig dug, dug 挖掘挖掘; 发现发现 dig up 找出,查明找出,查明 dig out dig into dig at 钻研,挖苦钻研,挖苦 找出,查明找出,查明 dig for=look for 寻找寻找 2)bury vt.埋藏;掩埋;隐藏埋藏;掩埋;隐藏 eg. Many workers were buried when there was an accident at the mine. 矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在矿上发生意外事故时,许多矿工都被埋在地下。地下。 He buried the s

34、ecret deep within himself. 他把这个密秘深藏在自己心里。他把这个密秘深藏在自己心里。 Buried in his study,he didn t know that all the others had left. ? 他埋头学习,不知道其他人都早已离开了他埋头学习,不知道其他人都早已离开了 拓展延伸拓展延伸 be buried in thought陷入沉思陷入沉思 be buried in (doing) sth. bury oneself in (doing) sth. 埋头于埋头于,专心于,专心于 1.他埋头于工作,不知道何时下起了雨。他埋头于工作,不知道何时下起了雨。 _ _ _ _,he didn t know when it began to rain. 答案:答案: Buried in his work 2. She is an excellent student in our class,and she always_herself in her studies. Ahides Bburies Ccovers Dleaves 解析:解析: 考查固定搭配。考查固定搭配。bury oneself in.意为意为“专心于专心于”。



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