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1、1LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013- Drinking Water Safety - 饮用水安全 Early warning by reliable and accurate monitoring of sumparameters online 早期预警依赖于准确的在线检测China Urban Water Association Annual Conference 2013 2013 中国城镇供水排水协会峰会 长沙 Changsha, 31st October 2nd November 2013

2、Speaker: Dr.-Ing. Werner Arts President, LAR Process Analysers AG2LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Content 目录(1) Importance of drinking water safety 饮用水安全的重要性(2) Sources of drinking water pollutions 饮用水污染的来源(3) Parameters for online monitoring 在线检测参数(4) Water Fingerpr

3、ints 水的特征Idea and limitations 理念和局限性(5) Toxicity in source water 源水的毒性Online monitoring methods in comparison 在线检测方法的比较(6) Drinking Water Treatment 饮用水治理Disinfection By-Products and relation to TOC 消毒产品和相关TOC(7) Early warning systems at a glance 一目了然的早期预警系统3LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsh

4、a 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013 Most vital resource 最重要的资源 Becoming more and more important 变得越来越重要 12th 5-year-plan 十二五规划 Quality of water 水质 Online monitoring 在线监测Importance of Drinking Water Safety 饮用水安全的重要性4LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Sources for drinking water 饮用水来源

5、 Surface Water 地表水 Rivers and lakes, ground water 河流,湖泊和地下水 Danger of pollution 污染的危害 Discharge of industrial waste water 工业废水排放 Treatment of waste water not optimal 不合理的废水处理 Importance 重要性Small amount of toxic substances leads to big consequences 少量的有毒物质导致非常大的后果Pollution can massively endanger huma

6、ns and the environment 污染可以给人类和环境带来巨大的危害Importance of Drinking Water Safety 饮用水安全的重要性 5LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013 Natural organic matter (NOM) is found in all surface water 在地表水里的天然有机物( NOM ) due to decay of plants and animal matter 由动植物的分解构成 Contamination thro

7、ugh all other organic compounds possible 通过其他有可能的有机化合物污染 accidents and pollution of rivers and lakes 由事故引起的河流及湖泊的污染 Drinking water treatment with Chlorine may cause creation of dangerous Disinfection By-Products (DBP)用氯处理饮用水可能会导致危险的消毒副产品( DBP )Sources of drinking water pollution 饮用水污染的来源6LAR AG 2013

8、 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013 Contaminated surface water (rivers and lakes)受污染的地表水(河流和湖泊) Often no control of inlet 通常无法控制取水口 Ground water can be contaminated too 地下水也 可以污染Problem 问题 Contamination of drinking water 饮用水的污染ToxicitySources of drinking water pollution 饮用水污染的来源 7

9、LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Parameters for online monitoring 在线监测参数 pH, conductivity, turbidity, free and total chlorine, redox pH 值,电导率,浊度,游离余氯和总余氯,氧化还原 TOC, Total Organic Carbon TOC ,总有机碳 TNb, Total bound Nitrogen Tnb , 总结合氮 Ammonia 氨 TP, Total Phosphorous TP,

10、总磷 Water fingerprints 水的特征 Toxicity 毒性8LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Good idea BUT: 好的想法,但是: Only indication of water quality 只有水质指标Parameter combinations 组合参数 pH, conductivity,turbidity, free andtotal chlorine, redoxTOC, TN pH 值,电导率,浊度,游离余氯和总氯,氧化还原,TOC , TN Define

11、d measuring range per parameter确定每个参数的测量范围 Network diagram 网络图 Range of fluctuation 波动范围 Relative standard deviation (rsd)相对标准偏差( rsd )pHTurbidityConductivityRedoxChlorineWater Fingerprints 水的特征9LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Idea 方案 : Conclusions on significant cha

12、nges of parameters总结参数明显的变化Change above or beyond standard deviation更改或超出标准差 Detection possible 发现可能性 Hard to detect toxic substances that do not effect the parameters 难以检测不影响参数的有毒物质pHTurbidityConductivityRedoxChlorineWater Fingerprints 水的特征10LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 N

13、ov. 2013Limitation 局限性 :Small changes 微小的改变 No detection 未检出 Within relative standard deviation (rsd)在相对标准偏差内( rsd )Depending on parameter rsd may differ from 2% to 5%根据参数,相对标准偏差可能从 2% 到 5% 不同Changing measurements affect the ranges of other parameters改变测量影响其他参数范围 Toxic/ harmful substances may not af

14、fect the parameters有毒或有毒物质可能不会影响参数 No toxicity measurement 无毒性监测Example: Cyanide (CN-) - Small concentrations already very toxic BUT not detectable by water fingerprints举例:氰化物 (CN-)- 剧毒但浓度很小 ,并没有在水的特征中被检出Mean VolumeStandard DeviationWater Fingerprints 水的特征11LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsh

15、a 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 2013Why measuring toxicity? 为什么要测量毒性? Small amount of toxic substances leads to big consequences微量的有毒物质会导致重大的后果 Pollution can massively endanger humans and the environment污染会很大程度上危害人类和环境Toxicity in source water 源水的毒性12LAR AG 2013 CUWA Annual Conference Changsha 31 Oct. - 2 Nov. 20

16、13What is toxicity? 什么是毒性? Specific effect on organisms caused by toxic substances由有毒物质引起的生物体上的特殊效应 Toxic effect depends on 毒性的效应取决于Concentration 浓度Organisms 有机体 Toxicity is an effect parameter 毒性是一个有影响的 参数 Often calculated as EC50 通常用 EC50 来计算表示 50% of the organisms are inhibited50% 的生物体被抑制Toxicity in source w



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